The circus is in town. It was here last year at this time. I happened to be going back to the apartment on a break and saw the elephants walking down the street.
I took a picture (for this post) and then I had to get away from there. Quickly. The abuse of circus elephants has been well documented. You need only google that subject and a wealth of information will pop up. It makes me sick at heart. I never was a big fan of the circus, even as a child, but I certainly am not one now. Seeing these magnificent creatures being paraded down the street, away from their natural habitat, knowing what has been done to some of them, doesn’t bring me any joy.
If you’re a longtime reader of this blog, you have a good idea about my feelings on the subject of animal rights. I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat, fowl or seafood. I first became a vegetarian as a way to support my brother as he chose a macrobiotic diet to fight the cancer that was invading his blood and bones. In the mid-eighties, I stopped eating red meat. I occasionally had chicken, turkey and seafood. But eventually, I developed a strong moral sense that, for me, eating any animal was wrong. I believe strongly in trusting my heart and my conscience. Those two always-truthful guides have told me that this is the right path. For me. There are many loved ones and friends in my life who don’t agree with me, who follow another path. That’s okay. I respect their right to their own journey. I work hard at quietly living my life as a vegetarian. If asked, I will explain the reasons for my beliefs. And I never apologize for them.
Here’s my truth: I don’t believe I am superior to any animal, any insect, any being. We are equal. In fact, in view of the horrors man has perpetrated, I would go so far as to say animals are a step or two above us. Animals have feelings, emotions and feel pain. It’s been proven. Though some people choose to take the Biblical words about man having dominion over animals to mean that we can shoot and eat them, I take those words to mean we are entrusted with their nurturing and care. We are here to help them, not abuse or kill them. Nor can I imagine raising an animal, nurturing it, even naming it and then killing it for food, especially in this 21st century when we have so many other sources for food.
I’m not always perfect. I make mistakes. I have more to learn. But I do my best. I’m phasing out my leather shoes. I no longer buy leather purses. I’m trying to live mindfully. It’s a continual challenge, but it’s a cause I believe in with all my heart and mind.
If I’m reading a decorating magazine or looking at a blog and I see an animal head mounted on the wall that’s considered a design element, I have to close my eyes and move on. Same thing with cowhide rugs or animal skins of any kind. It seems barbaric to me – like we have reverted back to some other, almost prehistoric time.
I realize that many will disagree with me. However, I have to live my life the way my conscience and soul guide me. And yes, I believe that animals have souls. How can I believe that God created all of this abundant, vibrant, beautiful life in its many forms, yet only gave man a soul? What makes me superior? Nothing.
I’ve heard all the arguments before: if we didn’t hunt deer, they would starve to death, we are humanely thinning the overpopulation of animals, some people have to hunt to eat, animals don’t have souls, we are going back to the land and raising our own sources of meat, cow hides make pretty rugs, the stuffed animal was already dead, I got the deer head at a flea market.
It doesn’t take much imagination to write a short story where humans are the prey. Where we are trying to live peacefully, are bothering no one, yet live in fear of being hunted. In fact, many have been written already. Some would argue that it happens every day in real life. It happened to a former student of mine who was peacefully walking down a street and killed in a drive-by shooting. The murderers were driving around, looking for prey. They were hunting. I will never get over it. When this tragedy happens to a fellow human, we are outraged, rightfully so. For me, the outrage is just as powerful and deeply felt when it happens to an animal.
Who speaks for them? We have to.
This is one of those times, my friends, that I feel compelled to write. Where, over the course of the last 24 hours, I haven’t been able to think of much else. When that happens, I have to write a post. My intention is not to preach – I really dislike preachy posts. My intention is simply to share my heart with you. You read a lot about my life here; I share so much with you. Not sharing this very, very important part of who I am with you seems less than truthful and I believe in being honest. I may lose readers over this post. I hope that isn’t the case. I hope you can respect my very heartfelt feelings on this subject. But, in the end, if I do, so be it.
You are welcome to share your thoughts, as always, but please be respectful. I say that because, though I know almost all of my readers are indeed respectful, I have been attacked before because of my beliefs – attacked in a very mean-spirited way. I assume you know that you can’t change my mind on this one. And I’m not trying to change yours. I’m simply sharing my own personal thoughts and beliefs on a subject matter that is very important to me.
Writing with love for all,
Thank you………..
You are welcome, Kathleen.
I certainly respect your right to be a kind and gentle human being. I hear of so many human beings being predators in this world and I pray that more of them had some kindness and peace in their souls that they could access. Everyday I try to be kinder, more grateful, less angry, and pray more. I wish I could read more stories like your posting today.
Thank you, Tana, for your gracious words.
I have never been a fan of the circus and hate what they do to all the animals. I respect your views and I really appreciate your sharing them here. You have given me plenty to think about!
Thank you, Linda.
Well, Claudia — I would have to say that you just voiced everything that is in my head and in my heart. I feel exactly the same way and I am on the same path. I’ve been vegetarian for 5 years and 3 weeks ago gave up all dairy products. It’s funny, when I gave up meat, everyone said “what do you eat then?” And now that I’ve given up dairy, they can’t imagine there’s much left for me to make a meal of. Ha! Something clicked in my head 5 years ago that told me eating animals is wrong. I felt like I was a cannibal. Most people don’t think about where their food comes from or how it got to their plate. The world is not as it used to be. Farming is no longer just for family. Animals are being abused on a daily basis just so man can have a feeding frenzy. It’s very disturbing to me. Travelling circuses are cruel. Elephants are such smart, caring creatures. How sad that they are forced to perform for entertainment purposes. Sending hugs your way, Tammy
You’ve put it very well – all so we can have a ‘feeding frenzy.’ It’s just wrong. I’m heading toward veganism…I’ve done it before and I need to think of doing it again.
Thank you so much for putting yourself out there with this post. You have touched me so much and I have tears streaming down my face as I write this. I too HATE the circus, the zoo, the rodeos and any other fiasco that takes animals out of their natural habitat. I too am a vegetarian. I became vegetarian for my own health reasons about four years ago. I started like you – no red meat or pork and eating the occasional seafood. Now I am entirely vegeterian with my diet. I am working hard towards vegan in every aspect of my life.
It is a slow process but I have to say it has changed my life in ways that I never could have imagined. It is a moral issue for me and I can never understand how everyone doesn’t feel the same. The love that is provided to us as humans from any animal is just astounding to me. You are right, we have been given the opportunity to care and nurture them. But sadly too may people act just the oposite.
I am not perfect in my life and could never be. I don’t talk to anyone about my choices as a vegetarian unless they ask. It’s something that is very personal to me. It is not a choice that I take lightly nor is it a choice that is easy because of where i reside. I live in South Texas in the world of guns, steaks, cowboys and rodeos. Believe me when I say I am an alien here!
I am vegetarian because of a deep love and concern for these beautiful creatures that God has provided for us here on this earth. I will forever do all that I can for them. Thank you so much for your heart Claudia and for sharing this. I hope you have a most blessed day!
I know how hard it must be to be a vegetarian in South Texas, Belinda. Don told me when he was in Prague that he couldn’t believe all the animals that were eaten on a daily basis. It shocked him. It’s not an easy city in which to live the life of a vegetarian. His co-star was Vegan. He could hardly find anything to eat.
Blessings to you, Belinda.
Thanks for being real, and brave enough to share from your heart. I applaud you for this post . . . and dare to hope that you will only have supportive, positive comments!! Coming out of a legalistic past, it is unbelievably refreshing to read your thoughts, to be reminded that there is a place in this world where people don’t push their beliefs onto others, but respect that beliefs may differ. I’m not a vegetarian but I too believe that our role as human beings is to nurture and lovingly care for animals. Following your soul . . . it’s how we’re meant to live. Thanks for adding some depth to the blogging world.
Thank you for your kind words, Becky.
I totally respect your thoughts and compassion for all things living . You are a wonderfully deep and thoughtful gal.
Thank you, Sharron.
I am not a vegetarian, but respect your right to be one. I agree with all of the abuse animals take nowadays. You know, back when the Indians lived off of the land, I feel they had a right to hunt. But, today, there is no excuse., I, like you, hate to walk into a room and see an animal head on the wall. It just grosses me out.
Have a great day.
And the current craze for animal heads makes me sick, Judy. Why is that considered even remotely attractive?
A very well written post. I’m not a vegetarian but more from laziness than anything else. Hubby likes his meat and I’m too lazy to make two dinners! However, you’ve made me think yet again about not just the abuse that happens but about how the animals that we eventually eat are raised. I don’t want to support most of those practices.
I also do not enjoy the circus and haven’t been to one since I was 5 or 6 years old. I cried when I saw the animals and I still remember it.
Thank you Claudia for causing me to think!
You are welcome, Betsy. Blessings to you.
I loved this post…it was so heartfelt and real. I have never been to a circus, nor will I ever support one – same with rodeos. And I feel the same way you do about animal heads on walls – gross. I eat mostly vegetarian for several reasons – the moral reasons you listed, health reasons, plus I simply don’t even like the taste of meat most of the time. I do eat a little chicken or pork once in awhile. Maybe someday my path will lead me to become a total vegetarian.
It just might, Melanie. Mine was rather slow and it wasn’t until about 7 years ago that I finally stopped eating seafood.
The health reasons for not eating meat are so GOOD. In our world today I find it absolutely terrifying what our FDA allows in the foods we purchase. I really believe if more people would open their minds and really research what is going into the meat they are eating a great number of them would become vegetarian too.
At rehearsal the other day someone was talking about the situations where you think you’re eating one kind of meat but are really getting another, in our country and overseas. I just sat there and thought, “Not my worry. thank goodness I’m a vegetarian.”
I so agree with your thoughts on the circus. I’ve never like them mostly because of the treatment of the animals and I also don’t like clowns. Thankfully there have never been hunters in my family. I try and respect the right of those that chose to hunt, but honestly it’s very hard for me to understand any of it. Heads on the wall is truly horrible to me and the decorating phase of even fake heads or horns on the wall really turns me off. If I met the greatest guy in the world and it turned out he was a hunter, I’d have to let him pass me buy. Smoking and hunting are two deal breakers for me!! I also share your view on guns, so again, I can’t understand any of it.
Yes, even the fake heads and horns are a turn-off for me, as well, Gina. Hunting? If I see someone in camouflage clothing during hunting season, I can’t even look at him. It makes me ill.
Hi Claudia,
Thank you for this post, you are so gracious and eloquent. I am right there with you. I will be a vegetarian for 17 years in June and working towards vegan.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and thought provoking posts!
Sally xo
I’m working towards vegan, too, Sally.
Claudia I agree, Though I am not a vegetarian either. But you made me think more about it. I HATE HUNTING!!! I was married to one who just wanted to Kill,anything with less resources of protection than he has! As for that old “We kill them humanely”, I’ve always thought that if everyone had left all the animals and fish and birds alone from the start,the world would still be in perfect balance? Also my understanding from the Bible is also, We are stewards of all living things, including the earth it’s self. I hope you feel better! -Judy A-
How can you kill a living being humanely? The only exception is euthanasia done out of love for a very ill and dying pet. Such a good point about leaving all our wildlife alone – the world would indeed be in perfect balance. Thank you.
P.S. He uses antlers in all of his decorating! not funny, just very very sad1
Yes it is, Judy.
Of all Creation, God made mankind, and mankind only, ‘in His own image.’ Yet He gave mankind the responsibility to name and to care for the other creatures. That is what is known as ‘animal husbandry.’ In fact, in years past, animal husbandry was a subject studied in school. In contrast with that, what we see so often today, as I see where I live, are cows that never see the light of day, never roam a lovely green pastured hillside, never drink at a cold stream, are only used – and used up. (And as you know, cows aren’t the only animals that suffer at the hand of man’s greed, selfishness, and ignorance.) That is not how God intended us to treat these beautiful companions who walk the earth with us. God graciously gave us all things to enjoy – and appreciate – and care for. God created all things for His glory, not for our own selfish ends.
Well said, my friend.
Claudia, I think you said it all except for the “Testing” of product on animals. THIS is a cruel practice that corporations don’t want consumers to know about. The philosophy is, if it doesn’t mame or kill the animals, then it’s okay for humans. Just think of the cleaning products, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals that we use on a daily basis.
The Kansas City Star has a disclaimer listed in the Animals For Sale section that suggests charging a fee for an animal so that the puppies, kittens or bunnies will not likely be sold for testing purposes.
Thank you for your post, people need to stay informed.
You’re absolutely right, Vanessa. I omitted that very important point. NO to animal testing, which is inhumane and horrendous. You’ve reminded me again of how vigilant I have to be in buying products.
Thank you.
Great post Claudia! I respect your viewpoint, and applaud your willingness to put yourself out there…not many bloggers do that. You’ve brought up a few points that I had not really thought of…thank you for expanding my perspective! ;)
You are welcome, Donna.
Great, great post, Claudia! Our two children and their spouses are all vegan. I confess that I do whine about it sometimes. Christmas dinner at our house is either home made vegetable soup and a salad, or roasted veggies over rice. Everyone else talks about their hams and prime ribs they are making at the holidays, and I am cutting up veggies. But when the 4 of them talk about their passion for why they do it, AND, as an added benefit they are enjoying the health benefits of a plant-based diet, I am very proud of all of them. I have learned a lot, too. Never knew there were vegan shoes and clothes!! The circus and the rodeos, along with animal carcusses (is that a word?) used in decorating a home truly creep me out. I admire you for posting this. And I truly hope everyone will be kind, even if they disagree. Living one’s life according to their beliefs is never a bad thing. Thanks!
It isn’t always easy to be a vegetarian, or especially, a vegan. Applause to your children and their spouses for living their beliefs.
My family eats meat and we probably always will; however, we do have other beliefs that run counter to the norm and have experienced disdain because of them. So I appreciate your post and the loving and intelligent way you presented your ideas. It’s not easy to be different but as you mentioned we must learn to follow our own conscience and do what is right for us. It always amazes me, although I should be used to it by now, how upset others can get when we present something to them with which they do not agree.
I know. At some level it must be threatening to them – but why, I don’t know. Thanks, Ann.
Thanks for sharing so close to your heart, and for taking the risk to write this post, Claudia! Beautifully written and heartfully expressed, this post is lovely
Thank you so much, Paula.
Hi Claudia, Thanks for writing about this. It’s good to be reminded. I also have to look away. Barbaric is a good word. I’m in total agreement with what you’ve written. I don’t do everything you do to try to live a cruelty-free life, although I have done so in the past. I, too, follow my heart and try to do my best. That’s all any of us can do, and it helps. Great post! xo Jennifer
If we try to do our best, that’s all that can be asked, Jennifer. Thank you.
We must all know and live our beliefs. Kudos, Claudia.
Thank you, dear Beverly.
Claudia, I completely agree with every single word of your post. I have been a Vegetarian for many, many years and I do not plan to change that… ever. If the omnivores out there only knew the suffering and horror of the meat industry, they would come to the side of beans and tofu and never look back. I find it so sad that we are the ones considered to be odd in the grand scheme of things, and the idea that mankind somehow has the right (and even duty) to interfere with nature to keep everything running smoothly is just absurd. Nature will always find balance if we leave it alone. Our interference has degraded the planet to such a degree that now the very industries and companies who have destroyed that balance are scrambling to find solutions to the problems they created in the first place. You are so right–I totally agree that we are all equal beings, and the life of an animal has no less value than the life of a human. We are all bound together in the web of life of this planet, and that is a connection that I deeply respect–and I wish there were more humans out there like you who would live their lives according to that principle as well. Please know that there are many of us out there who respect your words and the sentiments behind them, and who completely agree. From childhood I have had a deep disdain for the circus, the rodeo, animal shows, and zoos. It is not our place to use animals for our own entertainment or gain-who do we think we are?
Thank you for this post, Claudia. This is definitely an issue that needs to be discussed.
Beautifully expressed and written, Leisa. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
Nice to see so many agreeing with you. I do too!
Thank you, Diane, that means a great deal to me.
I have never been to the circus for this very reason – nor have my kids. We are not vegetarian but I have to say I agree with you. I recently went to see John Edwards ( psychic medium) and in a room full of 500 people he zoomed on on me and brought my beloved German shepherd Heidi back to me one last time. He knew her exact age at her death (15) and knew so much about her and our family and our new pup we just adopted 8 days prior – can’t tell me animals have no souls!
I’d love to see John Edwards. I’m so happy that you were able to feel and experience Heidi again. You have only to look in an animal’s eyes to know it has a soul. Thank you, Robin.
I have never commented on a blog but today I had to. What you said today about animals being equal or even better than us almost made me cry. That’s exactly the way I feel and I thought I was the only one. I love it when you have a little soapbox moment every now and again, I always think it’s great.
You’re not the only one, Jennifer. I think there are many of us out there. xo
I love how we can express our beliefs and convictions in our blogs and find acceptance, not criticism. Mutual respect for individual opinion would go a long, long way to solving many of today’s problems. Thank you, Claudia for your well-thought out post.
I’ve never liked circuses, either.
Wouldn’t it just? It’s too bad we don’t see more of that respect on Capitol Hill.
I agree with you and I could have written this post (if I had the ability to write as well as you )
I have never been brave enough to write a whole post about the subject but I do mention my love for all living creatures.
I mentioned that “thou shalt not kill” applies to all living creatures on my blog’s “about me” page and was blasted with negative and rude comments. I closed comments on that page because of it. I don’t understand how some people think exploiting and killing animals is ok.
I also believe animals are better than us. We have a lot to learn from them. Did you know that a wolf pack will stop procreating if their food sources become limited? I could go on and on and on but this is your blog not mine.
Thank you for your spark of inspiration ….I am going to go compose a short post for my blog.
I find it appalling that writing what you did on your about page would spark such negative comments. I believe that all these negative and rude comments arise from fear. Fear of something foreign, fear that the reader might have to examine her beliefs, fear of…who know what? Why should your beliefs be so threatening to others? I’ve encountered the same response – it was in response to a post on gun control on another blog and in my comment on that post I mentioned that I didn’t believe in hunting or killing animals and that I was a vegetarian. Well, you would have thought I had uttered some sort of blasphemy. I will never understand why others want to kill or abuse animals.
Bless you for stating your truth on your blog. xo
It must be heartwarming to hear from so many others who agree with you.Claudia….I don’t know if I can add to all the wonderful things said here already but I must tell you that I have expressed often that all animals are equal..human or otherwise..and should be treated as such..and been put down for it..especially the part about human beings belonging to the animal family..Since my heart surgery last year I have cut down on beef and pork and eat vegetarian at least several times a week..I have thought a lot about going veggie all the way but it is so hard when I live with hard core meat eaters..Now you have me thinking again about this..You are such a sweet and gentle soul..I am so glad to see how many others think about these things also..Hugs..
The responses to this post have brought a tear or two to my eyes, Nancy. How can someone deny the fact that we belong to the animal family? And, frankly, feeling the way I do about animals, I think that’s a compliment! A step up, if you will, because animals don’t do to each other what man does to his fellow man.
I totally agree with that Claudia!!
Claudia, your readers love you and the gentle way you try to live. That comes across in every post in your blog. I respect you wholeheartedly for what you believe and live. We are not a hunting family. Even with 24 wooded acres my husband has never allowed hunting here and when our boys were young they had to wear orange hats and jackets whenever they were out playing as we live in the country. We do know and love friends and family who hunt and they eat what they cook. I was known as the weird woman who told them I could understand more if they actually stalked the deer as they used to in Scotland, not sat in the trees in a stand and waited for the deer to walk by them. However, we are not vegan at all, in fact I might throw up my hands and resign as cook if I heard another restriction come my way: my husband is lactose intolerant as is my granddaughter. Some eat gluten free. Whenever I used to fix any meat I also had to fix seafood. One can’t eat any seafood. Two of us are diabetic and need to watch simple carbs. One is on the Palio diet (if the caveman didn’t eat it, he doesn’t). One gets migraines from MSG–well, none of us should eat that.
I’m from the young married age of Julia and James Beard, and believe me they ate things I’d never dream of touching. But cooking is my love, cookbooks read like novels, cooking memoirs the joy of my reading. And I’m not going to give them all away and cook from my Moosewood cookbook, much as I love it and cook from it.
But I love animals and am bothered by the evils against animals, almost as much as I am about the evils against children. So I will think about all you’ve written. There are many things that Americans turn a blind eye to that if they had to personally be present when the practice was carried out, they would faint, vomit, change their minds and their ways.
With all the danger and destruction around us, anything we can do to live a kind life is a good thing. And you are a gentle woman. Just because you live differently than I do doesn’t make me even begin to want to not visit Mockingbird Hill. I hope you still feel the same way about me.
I do, Dewena. And thank you for sharing your thoughts.
The more I know about you, the more I love you. If only there were more like you…….
GREAT post!
Thank you, Jane.
Been a vegetarian since 1990, and my entire family does not eat meat. When I first looked at this post and saw the elephant photo I almost immediately deleted it, but then saw that you had written that you took the photo and left…which led me to finish reading the post. I’ve seen the undercover footage of how circus animals are treated. A true measure of kindness and humanity is how men treat women, children and animals. The fact that ASPCA is so busy is a testament to our brutality.
I’m glad you kept reading, my friend. Thank you.
Claudia ,I am sending you hugs from Australia.I am vegetarian for most of my life,more Vegan.
I go for 6-7 weeks a year being Vegan ,then twice a week other times.
My weak point are the best footwear that I can afford from Italy and they are made of leather.
I wear them for a long time since they last .
Shoes are a challenge, aren’t they? It’s something I struggle with. Thank you so much for commenting.
Well said..I, too, am a sincere animal lover..I always pick the animal over the human…They count on us..great post..I couldn’t have said it more eloquently.
Thank you, Missy.
Hi Claudia, I came across this post today with two YouTube videos called Make the Connection about being vegan.
In the second one, I literally gasped, and wanted to cry. I don’t know how anyone could watch or know these things and not be affected.
Blessings, Tammy
Thank you, Tammy.
A perfect post. I too feel the same way. My heart cannot stand to see or hear of any animal cruelty.
Thank you.
Thank you, Debbie.
Yes, yes, and yes. You wrote is so beautifully. With all your heart.
Thanks, my friend.
I found you via T’s Daily Treasures and just had to let you know that I’m so happy you wrote this post. I feel the same way, and have received plenty of criticism for what I believe. I have always loved animals, but didn’t become a vegetarian until a few years ago after I started keeping chickens. I didn’t realize that chickens had personalities and could be companion animals just like my cats or dogs. I fell in love with them and became uncomfortable with the idea of eating chicken. Then I thought, if I won’t eat chicken, why would I eat beef or pork? And it just went from there. I read a post the other day about a farmer saying they rescued a sick calf and raised her up in a loving environment. Then they said if she didn’t have a baby soon, they’d have to slaughter her because she wasn’t making them any money. It just broke my heart.
There are so many wonderful plant based foods out there that I feel there really is no need to eat animal products. My husband does eat meat, so sometimes it is a hard compromise, but we have worked it out. He knows that I don’t cook animal products at home, and he normally loves everything I cook! He doesn’t eat meat too often anymore and realizes that it is better for him to eat a mostly plant-based diet.
Thanks again for writing this post. I just had to let you know that it really resonated with me!
I agree, Tammy. With so many plant based foods out there, we can get all the sustenance and nutrition we need without harming any living beings. My husband eats the occasional piece of meat but he refuses to cook it in the house out of respect for my feelings. And he, too, is mostly vegetarian. Thanks so much for commenting.
Hi Claudia, in catching up today with your blog I saw this post and just wanted to make a quick comment about, well, the wonderful comments your post has spawned. I do eat meat, but understand and respect those who choose to eat more mindfully. Lack of understanding and intolerance of others is a large part of what wrong in society these days. Animals have always been a big part of my life and feel that they all give us so much more than we give them. Best wishes to you during your continued stay in Hartford. Ann
Thank you so much, Ann.
I think your posts are thought provoking and written with great respect. Although I am not vegan I can see myself going in that direction.
The treatment of circus animals is just awful. It seems that the mistreatment of animals is spreading. Thank goodness for the blogs that touch upon animal rescue and blogs that try to right the wrongs or shed a little light on them.
On a personal note. When I was in my late 20’s I was out with friends on St Patricks day. I met this great guy. Good looking. Great sense of humor. We had mutual friends in common. Things were looking good. Until he told me he worked for a medical company. Anyone who meets me knows within minutes that I am an animal lover. I realized he was trying to skirt an issue that he worked in a lab doing medical research on animals. What a turn off. What a let down .
It is a pleasure to read your blog as well as the comments from your readers.
That would have been a deal breaker for me, too, Jewelee. Thank you so much for commenting. It means a great deal to me.
Hi Claudia,
I found my way here via Tammy’s Daily Treasures blog. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful, loving post for animals. I have been pescetarian for seven years but now, I’m leaning towards a mostly vegan lifestyle. I am now very conscious of the things I buy in relation to whether it is an animal by-product or if the product has caused suffering to animals in some way…..if the answer is yes, I will buy a substitute. It’s heartening to see that veganism is growing across the world as more and more people are becoming aware of what really goes on in the industry.
I’m not a follower of religion but I agree with your comment re. dominion over the animals. I am told too that when God created the Earth, it is stated in Genesis in the Bible that God said he had cast seeds and grains across the Earth so that the man could eat.
Again, thanks for this great post. Btw, I have never liked circuses or any other form of entertainment where animals are used/exploited for human pleasure.
~ Serena :)
Thank you so much for commenting, Serena. It means a great deal to me.
Oh, a wonderful post as I have never been a fan of circus’s. I wish they could be banned! Beautifully written from your heart. Thank you!
No meat of any type eaten for 37 years – after being educated about the disgraceful animal practices of the meat industry and many livestock farmers! Has it made me physically a better, healthier person – I hope so. Has it made me a more caring person, definitely.
Two trips to Africa, and only to countries where killing of beautiful creatures is banned for food, sport etc. (although of course there will always be poaching sadly), changed my thoughts on the circus, zoos etc. I will never again go to any place where wild animals are caged or trained to do tricks, or perform for humans. As for the eles – the most wonderful animals on the planet – my elephant experiences have been the most memorable occasions in my life.
Great post dear Claudia – thank you.
Just to share a pleasant moment with you. We took our grandson to an animal safari place nearby when he came for a visit. Not the place I would choose to go myself, but it was about him this trip. And so we watched bird demonstrations, got him climbing in a play area, etc. Then, a parade of elephants appeared. I groaned internally. BUT WAIT!. The elephants were coming – tail to trunk – for a free swim in the lake! It was glorious! Adults and babies swam about, dived and had a fabulous time doing what they obviously loved. I was aware of no commands, no loud orders. Perhaps they used hand signals? I don’t know. But I do know the observers were absolutely enthralled – and silent!
Claudia, that was one of the most beautiful posts you’ve ever written! I believe animals have souls , too. How on earth could I envision a heaven without my beloved Chili? He has a soul as real and precious asy own.
Writing from your heart is the very reason I read your blog. I’m tired of commercial blogs; I call them McBlogs, they are in it for a totally different reason and it’s a great big turn off to me! Don’t ever change, you are a jewel of a person! Hugs from Texas (I’m getting caught up reading today, can you tell?)