Monday’s full moon. It actually looked much bigger than this. It was cloudy and mysterious and wonderful. I only happened to see it because I went outside to start my car. I’m so glad I made that spur-of-the-moment choice!
There’s not a whole lot to talk about. We’re staying inside and avoiding the cold. We finished watching the two seasons of Shrinking. It’s so darned excellent – truly one of the best things we’ve seen in ages. Now, since we’ve already paid for a month of Apple+, we’re watching Ted Lasso. So far, so good!
Breaking News: Don finally cleaned off the top of his desk! With such a small shared space, things have to stay organized and clean. I’ve had to do the same thing: be in a ruthless mood and dive in. I usually end up with a big bag full of trash. It’s always going to look slightly cluttered because we have separate work spaces and Don stores a lot of instruments up there, but we do our best to make it work.
If you missed Monday’s post, I have a link there for Don’s new album. You can listen to it for free. I listened to it yesterday and I was blown away by the clarity of his voice and his acoustic guitar. It’s Don Unplugged. I’m so proud of him.
Another little video:
I like adding some music to these mini videos. I may do more for other collections. And the dollhouses, I think.
Would you be interested in a little tour of the office/studio with some narration? If so, let me know. I’d have to wait for a sunny day when Don is out of the house for a while.
The tree is still up and Don has made it clear that he still needs the sparkle, so we might keep it up until the end of the week. I’m fine with that.
Why not, right?
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
Yes, tours, please! Those are fun! I’ve been staying in, too, because of the cold. I miss my walks, but I’ll start up when the mornings warm up a bit. Keep the sparkle as long as you can!
Yes, I really dropped the ball on walks, but the weather has not been good!
Stay safe, Barrie.
Good morning Claudia. Wow, what a great picture of the moon. We are very bad at going outside and looking around without the encouragement of a dog. The world is so lonely at night in winter when the sky is so clear. I will do better.
What a fun video! Great music to get the day going. So many lovely costumes, especially the two on their own.
Tell Don thank you for sharing his music. My husband is a music lover and guitarist. I’m passing this on to him as well. Stay warm!
Those two are the Ellowyne Wilde dolls.
Thanks so much, Verna.
Stay safe.
Thank you for sharing……loved Dons latest. I will listen to them all but found myself linking a few to the glimpses you have given us about your life . Pie for breakfast.
A winning combination….you two.
“That’s all I know is about me.” He’s a sweetheart.
Thanks, Maria.
Stay safe.
Yes please to the tour. We have twinkly lights in the small trees along Grand River in downtown Farmington. Most of the time I will go the slightly longer way to the library or the grocery store just so I can see the lights at night. It’s amazing how much happiness I feel just from seeing them. The ice skating rink right downtown is all lighted also.
I just finished before Christmas was the last season of Northern Expsoure. Though I need to rewatch as I was speed knitting a pair of socks to donate to a Christmas fund raiser party for rescue cats at my cat Rory Pond’s feline-only vet in Dearborn Heights. So I wasn’t quite paying as much attention as I should have. So need to rewatch. Watching Outlander Season 7 and am enjoying that. Might I recomment the Australian TV show “A Place to Call Home”. Wonderful family saga starting after World War II. One of the TV shows I wish my Dad were still alive to see as he would have loved it. He hated the daytime soaps but was the biggest fan of an family saga, night time soaps starting back with Peyton Place!
Thanks for the recommendation, Lucinda, though to be honest, I’m not a big fan of family sagas. Same for family saga books. I keep trying, but they don’t hold my attention. But I will definitely check it out.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
I love Don’s new album! Beautiful music…very relaxing. Thank you for the link. 😊
You are very welcome.
Thanks so much, Luanne.
Stay safe.
I was wondering about your other girls. It was a treat to see them all . They are all so pretty.
My dear old dog Bird died. He was was ready to go. A couple of days before he passed I had a dream that he could run again and I was so happy and so was he.. Sorry to lay this on you.
Take Care,
I’m so sorry to hear about your dog’s passing, Kaye. I know how heartbreaking that kind of loss is. Love to you and your family.
Stay safe.
Thank you, Claudia. Your kind words mean a lot to me. I remember well when you lost your beautiful Scott.
Take Care,
Beautiful full moon picture. I enjoyed your fashion doll video. They are all lovely. We just enjoyed listening to Don’s album. He’s very good, isn’t he?Puts me in mind of JamesTaylor. We still have our tree up. Maybe we’ll take it down on the weekend. It’s still pretty fresh. No needles dropping. We keep it well watered. Yes, more tours, please. Hugs, Elaine
He is very good, indeed, Elaine. Thank you.
Stay safe.
Once again, I am keeping our tree up until the end of January! I love the light “love” it gives us on these frigid gray days.
Been telling my mini schnauzer to hurry up as he tracks the driveway for our new neighbor, a handsome, large male bobcat. The ring camera got an amazing photo of him so that was very cool! The bobcat is bigger than my dog so I am hoping we will not meet! I have bear spray in my coat pocket.
I love the reels with music and tours sound delightful!
Please tell Don we really enjoyed his music! I have to figure out how to download it. :)
Stay warm!
Oh boy. A bobcat!
I’ll pass along your message to Don.
Stay safe.
The photo is ethereal!
I’ve dropped the ball on daily walks but tried to get out as much as I can prior to renovations starting. I want to be on site when the work is being done so I can keep an eye on the cats. Since my day has gotten a dog-walking job, I’ve been going with her and the two canine sweeties she’s walking. Since we have dog allergies, it’s a perfect way to interact with doggies but not have them in our house.
Yes to the tours!
Have fun with the dogs!
Stay safe, Wendy.
That’s a beautiful moon shot! I am always surprised at how “distant” things almost disappear in photos. (Mountains and far horizons do this too). It is because our eyes do a “zoom in” thing with distant focus that we don’t realize we are doing… you unconsciously edit out all the close peripheral and just focus on that distant subject… and so it seems bigger to our brains than it really is!
I’m glad Don got his desk neatened… would a tour of the office feature the Beacon Hill, by any chance? I’d love to se what you are doing! :)
Stay warm!
I wonder!
Yes, but that tour wouldn’t really show you any progress on the Beacon Hill. Sigh. I get motivated and then I don’t.
Stay safe, Betsy.
Well, you know me — I say keep it up as long as possible! Then throw some lights in a glass bowl and keep them going too. It’s going to be a long, dark winter.
And yes, please, on the office tour!
Thanks, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
I enjoyed your doll video…I didn’t realize you had that many fashion dolls. I loved my Barbies long ago.
I haven’t listened to Don’s music yet but I will tomorrow when I do some cleaning. I have to listen to music or a podcast when I clean or I just don’t get anything done.
Take care
That’s a good way to accomplish cleaning, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
Yes more tours. I love to see the rooms in your house. Stay warm!
Thanks so much, Deb.
Stay safe.
I saw that moon too. It was so pretty and like you said, mysterious and moody. I miss our tree, I might leave it up longer next year. It is still fresh, hasn’t dropped any needles. It’s outside, we decorated it for the birds, but that’s all gone now. Have a great day.
Thank you, Leslie.
Stay safe.
I like your video. Us silly doll lovers. I don’t know how to find your links.
Took a day trip yesterday.
Today in 1906 my grandpa was born and last year my cousin died today. She even lived with our grandparents just after high school. Never went home and became like my big sis. She’s buried beside my mom in an small graveyard overlooking coulees (like rugged hills – small cliffs ?) overlooking our river.
It’s a beautiful day (U2). Gotta keep optimistic.
Thanks so much, Irene.
Stay safe.
I love home tours, the ones that look like people actually live there. I enjoy your dolls, doll houses, and puzzles. My sister is very into puzzles. She works on them every night after dinner.
They are very therapeutic!
Stay safe, Christine.