The other day, I was outside looking at the flower beds. Most everything has died at this point. The zinnias are still blooming, the hydrangeas are hanging in there, a there are a few roses that bloom profusely in the spring and then bloom again in the fall. That’s it.
The coneflowers faded away over a month ago, after gracing us with flowers for several months. But this little surprise just floored me! I’ve never seen one come into bloom this late in the season.
What a gift! Just what I needed as I contend with a bit of the blues as the seasons change and shift into dark mornings and darkish afternoons. I always feel a bit melancholy. Welcome, little beauty!
I’m going to be selling some of my McCoy pottery – not all of it – on Etsy in the near future. I love it but I have an overabundance for the size of this house. (I have an overabundance of a lot of things, let’s face it.) I’ve been making of list of possible pieces to sell and then I have to do some research as to dates, patterns, etc. Then photos, which will be time consuming. I remember this from the years when I was crocheting scarves and selling them on Etsy. Anyway, I’ll give you a heads up when that happens.
The other day, two residual checks arrived in the mail. I assumed both of them were Don’s, but on closer inspection, one of them was for me! Don, of course, was very excited for me. This time, my check was a little larger than the first one. Don’s was for less than mine. I was the actor/breadwinner for the day! Huzzah! We laughed and laughed. I have to say, it’s still a thrill to get a check from NBC Universal via SAG/Aftra.
My puzzle arrived and I put all the edge pieces together yesterday. It’s “The World of Virginia Woolf” and I love it. I’ll work on it a bit later today.
And I’m smack in the middle of The Running Grave. Fabulous! And scary in the best way.
Today, much to my surprise, it’s raining. So we won’t go for a drive, but we’ll hang out here in the cottage and Don is going to play his guitar while I read and work on the puzzle.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
congratulations on all those good things! the coneflower is a bright beauty, the book sounds great and jigsaw puzzles are (to me) simultaneously compelling and relaxing, but especially enjoy don’s music and those checks!
i’d take that rain from you if i could. :)
thanks for the notice about selling some pottery. i am finally full up on vases, but know someone who might be interested in the mccoys. i know you’re just starting to plan it, but best wishes on the sale.
cooler here with lots of colorful leaves dropping to the ground. no rain expected until maybe next wednesday so there is plenty of time to sweep the deck; haha.
for now, though, best i go feed earl and the birds.
happy, safe friday!
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
I am so proud of you for being a professional actor. Very nice to get a check even if it isn’t as big as you would like.
I think it is a good idea to sell some of your stuff. At least you know it will go to someone who values it. am trying to be a more of a minimalist. I don’t want whoever has to deal with my final possessions to have a big job. I have little of value anymore so off to the thrift store for most of it.
I look forward to checking out your Esty post. I need to sell or give away my Midge doll who in in perfect condition. I don’t know how to do Esty sales.
Exactly. And it would be Mere that had to deal with it and I don’t want to make it more difficult for her.
You should check out Barbie/Midge sales on eBay and see what your perfect Midge might go for, Kay.
Stay safe.
Hope you’re having a pleasant day, Claudia, reading, puttering, listening to Don playing guitar. The cone flower is such a gift now…a reminder of what you’ll have in a few months!
The weather has done a 150 degree turn? Certainly not the heat we had for a couple of days but a temp in the high 60’s isn’t going to make me run for jeans and a sweater.
Selling online is more difficult than it seems, as you know. Hope your pieces go to good homes.
It’s a bit tedious, but I’ve been pretty successful in the past.
Thanks, Wendy.
Stay safe.
That October cone flower is a small miracle! An unexpected check is fun, too. I’m trying to finish up The Last Devil to Die, because I’m next up for The Running Grave. Glad to hear it is as good as the rest. Enjoy the day.
I’m picking The Last Devil to Die up from the library today.
I think The Running Grave is her best yet.
Stay safe, Shanna.
I love “found” money. It’s always a day brightener. What a lovely day you’re having. The sound of rain on the roof; a really good book to read; a wonderful puzzle to putter away at; and your beloved, there with you, playing his guitar. Sounds marvelous! The only thing that could make it better would be cookies in the oven. I know. I’m bad. But cookies are irresistible!
I’m not a big cookie person. I used to be, but since I cut out sugar, they don’t appeal to me as much. Now, if only that was the case with pie!
Stay safe, Elizabeth.
Yay for the SAG check! I sure hope that strike settles soon. Lucky you with the cornflower. We treasure those late blooms, don’t we? And the Virginia Woolf sounds like a fun puzzle. I’ll look forward to that.
I’ve never done Etsy or online sales. I was thinking about it recently because I am thinking of getting rid of my old theatre programs, some of which are original casts from the 70s, mostly but some earlier (original My Fair Lady, so what’s that? ’56? Around there.) I should think about other (larger) things but the thought of packaging and mailing makes me crazy!
You’d love this puzzle, Jeanie.
I think the theater programs would definitely have a buyer. I’m dreading selling online, but we could use the money and, more importantly, you can’t take it with you!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Music, reading, puzzle-ing; sounds dreamy and cozy. Enjoy!
Thanks so much, Vicki.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — glad for your garden “surprise”, I got one the other day–a newly bloomed black eyed Susan !! only 1 but was very nice to find. we got some overnite rain which was great. Sure hope y’all stay safe/healthy.
How wonderful! A lovely surprise.
Stay safe, Linda.
Brave little coneflower to come brighten your day. And two cheques in the mail! That’s fun! And a new jijsaw puzzle. A nice rsiny afternoon to stay home and enjoy. It’s raining here, too. Hugs, Elaine
Very small checks, but any money coming in is a good thing!
Stay safe, Elaine.
Love little surprises from the garden….as well as unexpected checks. Always a good thing.
Jim and I have been on a decluttering , making room, sorting, call it what you want, kick lately, I’ve been taking some things to a consignment store lately, and have had some success in pairing down the collection. Most things get donated. There are a few things, like my dad’s stamp collection, and my mom’s Hummels, that have lost their value. Just too many on the market from previous generations. At least that’s the way it’s been explained to me. So I have yet to make a decision. I wish you good luck with your McCoy.
Hope you enjoy the raindrops, your puzzle, and Don’s music…sounds idyllic! ;)
Thanks so much, Donnamae. Yes, Hummels became so popular that they lost resale value. We used to have those Dept. 56 Christmas houses and accessories. We were absolutely sure we’d be able to resell them, but after we got them out of storage, we realized that they had little to no value anymore. Oh, well.
Stay safe.
I have been slowly downsizing my collections but my pottery is so hard to let go of. Still as I get older I have to let things go so I can care for what I keep. Love the coneflower surprise.
Well, I’ll only be letting go of selected pieces, Linda. I have to keep some of it because it makes me happy!
Stay safe.
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day. We need rain! Enjoy!
Thanks, Deb.
Stay safe.