Old and new. This church in downtown Hartford is very, very old. I’ve wandered through the graveyard on the grounds many times. There you’ll find grave stones from the 1600s, each telling a story. But though the church is old, it’s in the midst of a city and its message is in tune with our times, with the issues of the day.
Not to go all preachy on you, but I have to remember this. Because, in the midst of yesterday’s sham of a press conference, the middle of the night vote to begin the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the confirmation sessions, the threat to the press and free speech, the bullying, the man who would be dictator-in-chief – I have to believe that good will prevail.
At the moment, though, I have to be honest with you. I am disheartened and sickened.
But I have to work today. I have to type up notes and email them to the cast because I won’t have time to pass them out. We had a run-through last night, and we’ll be working through the play this afternoon with the first preview this evening. A very busy day.
I love my work. And, today, I am very, very grateful for the distraction.
Meanwhile, my husband is going to a protest this weekend, he’s going to organizational meetings, he’s working hard. We won’t stop fighting.
I didn’t use a different font because, let’s face it, this isn’t about petty politics. This is about the core of who we are as human beings on this earth. That crosses all political lines.
Happy Thursday.
I saw that ridiculous mess of a new conference. He is an idiot with an ego.
One week to go. :(
I can only imagine what President Obama is feeling right now, Monica.
Amen Claudia!!! You have a profound way of saying what you want/need to say with just the right words.
Thank you, Becky!
He’s completely irrational and unbalanced and he’s our president for at least 4 years. So scary!
I can’t take it in. I’m praying he’s impeached or led away in handcuffs – that’s the picture I keep visualizing every day.
We are both praying for the same! I believe with all of my heart that before his four years are finished that is exactly what will happen. With the history that this man has – all those years of being a horrible person and businessman it is certainly going to happen. And I do not care which one – impeach or handcuffs. As long as it will mean that he is removed from the position.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said it best in his tweet yesterday: “Do not be afraid of Trump, he’s a bully and a bluff, bullies end when they’re called out. America, stand out before it’s too late!”
Nothing sums it up any better in my opinion.
I’ve come to love the tweets from Vicente Fox. Bless him!
Amen, Claudia….I couldn’t believe that press conference yesterday……if this is what we have to look forward to for 4 years, it’s going to be a long 4 years…Thanks to Don and you for being a voice for us…..❤️
You’re welcome. We’re doing our best to stay focused, Francine, in the face of all this bad news.
We have to continue to make our voices heard. I am going with my daughter and granddaughters to march in Austin on the 21st. It seemed as if we had made so much progress in my lifetime and now we have to deal with this odious man. We will do this to help celebrate my oldest grandaughter’s twenty third birthday. I dread reading the news each day to find the latest assault on our way of life. I have to keep fighting even at age 71.
How wonderful Brenda! Joining your daughter and granddaughters for the march is so beautiful! We must march on, fighting.
Good for you, Brenda!! Keep fighting. I love that you’re going with your daughter and granddaughters – powerful women all!
Claudia, I hope that you find the distraction that you are in need of if only for today. Thank you Don for getting involved. Thank you Claudia for your voice and all that you do.
As I sat and watched part of that news conference I felt like I was watching a really bad movie. I couldn’t watch, I had to turn the television off. I cannot believe this is our reality. I choose to believe that good will prevail. And I will do all that I can to make certain of that.
Hoping you have a blessed day.
Keep on fighting, Belinda. Our “long national nightmare” is just beginning, it seems.
Once again your words hit the right notes especially for those of us too angry and flabbergasted to articulate our disgust. I keep hoping there is meaning to all this madness since I strongly feel it is important for him to be on display as the despicable, twisted ignoramus he is. We need him and his madness to be on stage, front and center for all to see and for public record. The more his behavior and idiocy is shown, it is a world wide showcase for all to see. I hope every single word and ugly facial expression is shown round the world and ensure he has nowhere to hide. He is building his public legacy of convoluted hatred, ugly cruelty, and meanness that goes to his very core. His lack of intelligence that has been replaced by underhanded lies and cunning will forever mark him for what he is. He must not be in the shadows, but rather center stage for the whole world to see the sickening spectacle he is.
I know it isn’t easy to remain in control and have the patience to let him implode, but inner strength to witness that which is ignorant, cruel and evil will give us our opposing voice . Revel in your distraction because in the midst of this insanity, it truly is living evidence of all that is positive. Will be thinking of Don and grateful he will be representing the beliefs of the”will not be silent” majority …We must dig our feet in and even though it is an agonizing ordeal, stand firm in defiance of Trump ugliness………Dianne
You raise an interesting side to this horror show. The more he does that is heinous, the more he is exposed for the evil narcissist that he is. And we must defy him at every turn. Thanks, Dianne.
I am with you on this Claudia. Very scary times are ahead for us all. I try to be positive about our future but it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to so. I am at risk for losing many of the programs that he wants to amend. I know I am not the only one. So yes I am very worried about this administration. I too will miss the Obamas. God bless them. xo
For me as well, April. So many people are at risk. So many people will lost their healthcare. So many in need will lose the support they desperately need from Medicaid. And the irony is that many, many of those who voted for Trump will suffer as well. Did they think? NO.
“All shall be well, all shall be well, all manner of thing shall be well.” Words of comfort from Julian of Norwich.
Only a slight bit of comfort, Melanie. At least today. Thank you!
He seems to be a master in “gaslighting”.
He is indeed. He’s a master of all that is manipulative.
We are in deep shit.
Yes. No better way to put it, Carolyn Marie.
Sweet, simple and to the point Carolyn Marie…I totally agree!
Obviously, Julian of Norwich ^^ never met this idiot. Things will NOT be well. How many stupid acts from this gross individual have to take place before people “get it”? Those who voted for him LOVED his performance yesterday, and that is why he was elected. And that is all that waste of skin does… perform. He has his very own 24×7 Reality Show now ~~ even bigger than The Apprentice!!!!!!!!!!! I have never watched that show, and do not intend to watch even one moment of his “new one”. Unfortunately, we must live it now. ugh. Dolt and idiot are too kind of words to use regarding this mindless creature.
I am proud to say I’ve never watched it either. And I won’t watch a minute of Trump on the many forms of media there are out there. But I will be ‘watching’ everything he does. And I won’t stay quiet.
Glad you are busy with work, Claudia.
Me too. But only for another week. Then harsh reality will set it. Who am I kidding? It already has.
I am surrounded by people I KNOW voted for the Big Awful, yet they have been surprisingly quiet of late. I wonder if they are not quite so sure any more that they did the right thing? I hope they are at least a LITTLE apprehensive, and although they would never admit it….I hope he disappoints them mightily.
Perhaps they’re about to lose their health insurance? Or are worried about Social Security and Medicare? They should be. And they have no one to blame but themselves.
I pray that the blind may see and the deaf may hear what ‘He’ is really all about. I cannot and will not call him my President. He is arrogant beyond belief, insufferable and a sham! Praying our country wakes up and does something about him sooner rather than too late!
I do, too. Please let their eyes be opened to the monstrosity that is about to be inaugurated for the highest office in the land. He needs to be arrested or impeached. Stat.
My thanks to Don for his activism! I am physically unable to get out and protest and go to rallies, and it is killing me. I am trying to help out monetarily (Sierra Club, which is lobbying against Trump’s cabinet choices) and by sharing some of PBS’s excellent facebook posts on my feed. I think that every little bit that we can do will help !
Helping out with donations is a good thing, as well as signing online petitions and sharing those posts, Susan.
There simply aren’t enough distractions for me. After yesterday’s whatever…I admit to feeling a little hopeless. We are indeed in deep shit as someone has so eloquently said before me! But, we are all in it together…so perhaps there’s safety in numbers? I plan on wearing black on the 20th…my son’s suggestion…as I will be in mourning. ;)
Interestingly, I brought back a dress for opening night and – as luck would have it – it’s black. Opening night is January 20th.
…then you appear all set! ;)
I am!! In mourning and celebrating Opening Night at the same time!
I have never left a comment on a blog before, so forgive if there are conventions I of which I am unaware, but I have to say that your heart echoes my heart. When I allow myself to think of the fact that this man-baby will soon sit in the chair still warm from its occupancy by our highly-esteemed President, my blood boils and I become incoherent. Yesterday, I gave myself a good talking-to and decided to ‘give him a chance’, only to find that his ‘press conference’ was worse than expected, and that he was seemingly incapable of rising above his petulance for even an hour. I feel bereft. As a pastor, I am preparing Sunday’s sermon and the words are from Isaiah, reminding us to ‘look to the rock from which we have been hewn’. I am holding on by fingernails, and reading you each day is a step back to sanity. So, thank you.
You spoke beautifully, Leslie, and I thank you for sharing your voice here. As a pastor, it must be quite a challenge to share what is good and right and hopeful, in the face of what we’re seeing. Bless you. And you’re welcome.
I, too, was aghast at the “spews” conference yesterday. I had held onto a slim hope that maybe this was all posturing and once he won he would pull back. But he seems to feel more empowered. The 4th-grade bullying of the CNN reporter was beyond comprehension. I hear he has a paid human laugh and cheering track at these conferences to bully reporters and cheer him on when he speaks. There is no dignity left to the office. And the Senators and Congresspersons aren’t much better. That being said, I know of some damning information that is about to be released that may stop this national nightmare. Expect it tomorrow afternoon. I will be attending the NYC march. Seeing The Comedy of Errors on Friday night and leaving Hartford early Saturday to head down to NYC. Think it will be too crowded to see Don. Love to you and have a great first preview tonight.
Yes, I heard that all the applause and laughter came from his staff members. He has to load the audience – he thinks this is another ‘reality’ show. I hope you’re right about the information, Tina. I kept hearing about damning info being released before the election and was counting on it, but it never happened. I’ll see you on Opening Night.
I am scared beyond belief for all of us! This nightmare needs to end! He just cannot be the leader of our country!
I agree. I pray something comes out that will stop him from being inaugurated.
I am so upset! Everyday it becomes more clear just how mentally unbalanced he is and it seems no one cares. I am frightened that he will be the end of our republic!
I am too. At this moment, I can’t see how the Office of the President will ever be the same. He has tarnished it – and the Constitution.
I’m right with you on every single thing. I didn’t watch the press conference because seeing his face and how he talks makes me want to jump off a very high cliff. But I did see how he treated the CNN reporter and it quite frankly makes me actually sick to my stomach. And that the Evil Empire stayed up until 2 am to tear down so many things for the people at most risk in our society while they are comfortable in the knowledge that THEY are covered.. I really did not know how despicable those people were.. now I know.. and I’m not going to rest until we can get good people to replace those evil despicable people in charge of our government.
It was appalling! I didn’t watch the press conference either but I saw a clip of the way he spoke to the CNN reporter. This man is to be our President??
My heart is sick for those who will lose their health care simply because a vindictive, hateful Republican majority wants to get rid of anything that Obama put into law. They have no replacement in place, even after having eight damn years to come up with one. That tells me it’s purely spite. And they don’t seem to care about the collateral – millions and millions of lives.
The man is mentally ill in my opinion.
I’m scared we’re going to lose our healthcare. I’m just plain scared! I hate the feeling of fear that I have of our soon to be President… It’s not right.
I think he’s mentally ill as well. At the very least, he is suffering from narcissism. I’m not a professional, but I’d also throw in ‘sociopath.’
Every day that we move forward to doomsday on the 20th…I get more nauseous and my headaches get worse…Someone out there please come to your senses and save us…”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”…Edmund Burke…Thank goodness for the “good men” & women who do not fear standing up and speaking out against the evil that they see happening…Tell Don that I will be there walking beside him in my heart and in my mind…Be safe Don and be proud of what you are doing!
Thank you, Nancy. He’s a good and principled man, my husband. We’re really trying to live our beliefs and fight for what is right. It gets frustrating at times and, to be honest, sometimes feels hopeless. But on we go!
Dear Claudia, As you know, have always loved your blog, but I just can’t follow any more:( It is just too angry. I am a Christian and I voted for Trump. I can not see any of what you believe about Obama….the nation is so much more divided since he was president. Our healthcare went to $17,000 a year (haven’t used it in over 20 years) and I agree Black Lives Matter…but, so do police lives. How can anyone support a party that depicts our policeman as pigs? We live in a country that elects their president. I have always given all presidents my respect and did so for the Obamas. I love the way he spoke, but absolutely don’t see that he did much, but but spoke well. I am sorry that we disagree so strongly that it now makes my stomach nervous to read your blog. Thanks for all the years, I hope you get another dog and wishing you only the best, my friend.
Terri, you know I wish you the best.
I cannot understand how anyone who professes to be a Christian could somehow say, in voting for Trump, that it’s okay to lie repeatedly, to cheat thousands and thousands of people out of their savings, to make fun of a disabled man, to call people cruel names, to encourage his followers to attack those who disagree with him, and who has allied himself with white supremacists – to name but a few. I don’t understand it and never will. All I have to do is read the red text in my New Testament to know that all of that is the exact opposite of what Jesus lived and preached. You may say you don’t agree with those things either and I assume you don’t, but a vote for him said, in essence, that all of that is acceptable in a candidate for the highest office in our land. What kind of role model is that for our children?
Please understand, I respect your faith. I just can’t figure out how it can support the actions of that man.
I am also not sure why you’re saying a whole party calls the police pigs. That simply isn’t true. I don’t. Neither do my friends. Neither does anyone I know. And if the nation is divided, we can thank those who did everything they could to obstruct and vilify President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Who posted conspiracy theories and pushed them as truth, when they were patently false. Who lied, again and again. They have much to answer for.
I’m sorry about your health insurance but we are now about to see millions and millions of people lose the health care that they have because those in power are vindictive and want to block anything that President Obama put into law. Do they have a plan, after eight years in which they could have come up with one? No. I fear it will be much worse for everyone, people will be denied treatment and they will die and/or go into debt and those who voted for Trump will see that the quality of their lives has never been Trump’s priority. He couldn’t care less. Tax cuts for the rich and his fellow billionaires are his priority. And that is who will benefit if ACA is repealed. Not you, not me.
Those are my thoughts, Terri. I do wish you the best and hope for only happiness and peace for you. Thanks for reading. xo