Wouldn’t you know it? After writing about the lack of groundhogs around here, I saw one by the shed in the early evening and he spent a long time eating the grass. He also spent some time resting on the ramp to the shed. Perhaps he’s staying in the den under the shed? One thing we’ve learned about them, they go back and forth from one den to another. It’s almost like a small town for groundhogs.
We had a lot of wind late in the afternoon, so much that I had to take down the hanging plants and stash them on the porch floor. More storms were coming through the Hudson Valley, but we had just a sprinkling of rain. We have more coming tomorrow morning and then we should be dry for several days. Fingers crossed!
Don had an event last night – an outdoor concert – that he emcees. He did this last year, too. It’s a summer concert series in a town north of us. It occurs once a month during the summer season and Don books the talent. (He doesn’t perform.) They were supposed to get rain, but miraculously, it didn’t happen. Tomorrow, he has a gig and on Monday he has to go into the city for a fitting as he has one more day of filming for this limited series he’s been working on. I think he has to have an additional fitting because he is putting on a Mummer’s costume in the scene.
I have to pack up an Etsy order this morning and get it out in the mail either today or Monday. And I have to get some gas for the lawnmower. That’s it. (Don is much busier than I am at the moment.)
Nina and I had some quality time on the porch yesterday. I braided her hair. But, as I look at those braids as she sits in the cubby across the room, I’m thinking her hair will soon be unbraided. Her hair is too beautiful and shouldn’t be tamed.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
now talk about winning the lottery! :)
glad you saw the groundhog, to know there’s at least one still making its home by yours. they may be a bit pesky at times, but sure are sweet.
glad that don has some work and hope to see him in that tv show sometime. i bet he’s a great emcee, but hopefully he gets more time to share his own musical talents.
and glad the weather is semi-cooperating for you.
went for a ride in the countryside yesterday (we go every day) and even though we don’t often go on roads new to us, it is all beautiful. especially where huge trees line smaller dirt/gravel roads, there is so much greenery that it’s almost overwhelming. in a good way, of course. it’s getting hotter out (highs from 85 to 92 are in our forecast for next week) so we’re seeing fewer cows and horses outside and if they are out, they’re often at little creeks or under the shade of trees. so many wildflowers in the ditches and sometimes filling fields with yellow. beautiful, restorative, needed.
morning tasks await me so best i go get them done.
hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend, spent exactly as you want. stay safe!
to clarify …
we love finding new roads to go on and seeing new things, but after four years of near-daily drives (two for me since retiring), it’s hard to find roads we haven’t been on unless we go further and further out. we’ve had some 100 mile rides, but most are shorter (50 – 75 miles) and slower for being on gravel and dirt roads. we have some favorites … curvy, hilly roads miles from any big town (as big as they get in this state). we’ll go on some later today, a fun time of each day.
hope you, don and everyone else have fun today, too.
Glad you had a nice drive, Kathy. After a sunny morning, it’s become rather cloudy and breezy. I just mowed the corral all by myself – big step forward given the hand injury. But I’m pooped now!
Stay safe.
I’m glad to hear that Don is busier as I sure that makes him happy. Hope you get nice weather and can enjoy reading on your porch a bit!
Too much pollen for me to sit out there at the moment. Soon, that will calm down and I’ll be able to do that.
Stay safe, Ellen.
It figures that after yesterday’s post you would look out and see a groundhog! Glad you did.
We’re to get more rain this morning…and it’s cool. But by next weekend, back in the 80’s….and more storm chances. My husband is mowing every 4 days or so…otherwise the grass get too long. And, I’ve hardly had to sprinkle. So…not much outdoor work at present. I do have some minor chores to do, like deadheading. Perhaps I can sneak outside in between showers. Hope your rain stops to give you some relief.
I’m sure Don enjoys any chance to interact with an audience, and fellow musicians, given his background. Glad to hear he still has these opportunities available to him.
Enjoy your weekend! ;)
It takes us about 3 or 4 days to mow the entire property. Then we get a couple of days break and we’re back at it. It will be this way until later in the summer when the grass doesn’t grow as quickly.
Yes, Don does enjoy that, although he always downplays that kind of thing. But I know he does!
Stay safe, Donnamae.
My initial thought about the hair in braids is that it would make her neck cooler in hot weather. I may have gone too far suspending disbelief in the dolls?
I thought the same thing!
Stay safe, Ceci.
Love that polka dot dress! We had strong winds here the last two days. It blew over some pretty heavy stuff on our patio. Good for Don taking charge of booking a summer concert series. I love going to music events when the weather is fine. Can’t say that yet around here since it has rained almost every day for the last month.
Take care,
I hope that pesky rain eases up, Kay.
Stay safe.
When I see Nina I see the lovely Andi MacDowell. She gets better with age, too. I have enjoyed seeing her in a Hallmark series “The Way Home.” I was hesitant to watch it but I really have enjoyed it. Not a rom com it involves time travel.
I am glad the ground hogs are still around.
I wish you blue skies, no wind and no a heat waves,
Ah, what a nice wish, Kaye! Thank you.
Stay safe.
It sounds like a mostly mellow weekend in store. I’m glad the weather has held. It has been odd here. I feel like I don’t even know what month we’re in! We had our Cork Poppers gathering on a Friday instead of a Saturday and so my mental calendar is scrambled on every level. Nina’s looking pretty, as usual! I’m glad Don is doing OK!
His bad sunburn is healing nicely, as well!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Oh, those groundhogs!
Looks like Nina has found her Summer look—Flag Day, Fourth of July, Bastille Day, She’s ready! Love her hair, too.
Her hair is fabulous! (I wish I had that hair.)
Stay safe, Shanna.