I was recently invited by BlogHer and Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer* to take part in a Google Hangout. At first I didn’t know what a Hangout was, but I quickly learned it uses your computer’s camera to capture you on video, along with everyone else in the Hangout. You can see each other and have a conversation. In this case, a wonderfully lively and rich conversation.
The theme of the discussion was Enabling the Change.
What change, you ask? Oh, that thing we call Menopause.
I’m proud to say I’ve been through menopause and have emerged triumphant on the other side. I well remember the challenges of perimenopause and menopause: the mood swings, the hot flashes, the night sweats, the dryness… everything. Back in the day – for example, when my mother went through menopause – it wasn’t discussed as openly. Menopause was “The Change.” Spoken in a whisper. Just as when I was a teenager, a period was my “Time of the Month.” Now, we call it what it is and there is much more of an opportunity to discuss it frankly and openly.
In that vein, Replens wanted to create a place where we could have a conversation about this transition and the challenges and evolutions women face in their lifetime. Five bloggers took part in the conversation: Parri from Her Royal Thighness, Judi from A Baby Boomer Woman’s Life After 50, Laura from Simple and Serene Living, Shannon from The Woman Formerly Known as Beautiful, and me.
We were blessed to have Dr. Mary Jane Minkin on hand to answer our questions. Some information on Dr. Minkin:
Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. is a partner in the practice Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Menopause Physicians, P.C. in Connecticut, and is also Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Yale University School of Medicine. She has written several books for women, focusing on reproductive health and menopause, including A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Health and A Woman’s Guide to Menopause and Perimenopause (Yale University Press, 2005). Dr. Minkin is also the women’s health advisor to Prevention Magazine.
Her qualifications speak for themselves. Let me also add that she was, and is, delightful. Funny, irreverent (in the best possible way,) frank, open, and honest, she was simply wonderful. I learned so much from her.
The bloggers involved were at different stages of the process, which led to a spirited, serious, yet laugh-filled discussion. How often do we bloggers get to meet and hear each other online? For me, it is a rarity, and I was completely enchanted by the whole process, from sound and video check the week before to the actual hangout.
The video is here for you to watch for yourselves. I think you’ll like it. I also think you’ll learn a lot.
I want to thank BlogHer and Replens for giving me the chance to take part in this terrific discussion. Ask my husband; I came downstairs after the Hangout and said, “I had the best time!” And I did.
Enjoy the conversation!
The opinions expressed in this video are those of the participants and are not those of Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
*Replens is the clinically tested, doctor recommended brand of long-lasting vaginal moisturizer. As with dry skin that you experience on your face and hands, regular moisturizing treatment with Replens Long-Lasting vaginal moisturizer may be necessary to prevent dryness from recurring. Replens Long-Lasting vaginal moisturizer is different from most other lotions or lubricants because it contains a patented bio-adhesive ingredient that allows it to attach to dry vaginal cells and deliver continuous moisture for up to three days. Click here to learn more.
You also have a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card! To enter for a chance to win, leave a comment below letting me know what changes have surprised you as you get older? What helps you enable the change?
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Be sure to visit the Replens brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ posts!
I sailed through menopause with very few problems-little did I know that years later in my mid 60’s I would have trouble with my temperature. I break out in a sweat and am very hot when others are comfortable-hate it!
Very informative and FUNNY video! It was great to hear your voice, Claudia. You made a wonderful moderator and I enjoyed meeting the other great bloggers, who were new to me. I’ll be sure to be visiting them! Thank you for the info.
I have had almost no symptoms, although I am not through the process quite yet (having not gone quite a year since my last period). The only surprise was suddenly gaining about 7 pounds when nothing had changed in my diet or lack of exercise. I also thought that I would be through this all by now. I just turned 57 and my 2-year-younger sister went through menopause a good number of years ago-perhaps because she had no children or pregnancies? So far, this has been quite easy, my mother recalls few problems herself. Maybe it runs in the family? I will watch your hang-out.
I loved the video! When are you doing another one??
Frame of mind is the number one thing that has helped me through menopause. I find that the older I get, the better I know myself, and I know how to nurture myself through this. There is so much information out there to avail oneself of, and it helps to have girlfriends to laugh with! The biggest surprise is that at this late stage in life, I have finally taken up exercise and I love it. Will wonders ever cease?
It has surprised me that I’ve started getting gray hairs since my grandmother had no gray until she was in her late 60s. Aging is inevitable. I take vitamins and try to stay healthy.
Loved the video Claudia you were just darling, as well as the others :) Of course I know what your voice sounds like but for many of your readers I bet it’s a first actually hearing you!
It surprised me that I get random aches and pains just from doing common tasks.
tweet – https://twitter.com/groogruxking40/status/600374451515985920
The change is the thinning hair, and hair showing up where it is not supposed to. Extreme skin dryness, insomnia, and the ability to not handle stress as good as I used to. But , to help me with the change, I exercise and eat a healthy diet, and say no to others. I can not solve everyone’s problems anymore, so now I say No more often. I do yoga and keep my bedroom cool at night.
It surprised me that my skin got very dry
tweet https://twitter.com/ElenaIstomina/status/600391650972545024
I have been surprised by all of the aches and pains in my body. I just try to stay active and take vitamins.
I’m 55 now and have been through with menopause about 12 years. I am not sure why I went through it so early. I did have my last baby when I was 40 and my menopause started about 18 months later.I never experienced any of the symptoms that generally accompany menopause. I wish all women had it that good!
I loved the video! The Doctor was very helpful and the bloggers asked good questions, but they also had fun! Would have loved to hear what was talked about before and after the live recording!
Best of all was we were able to hear your voice, Claudia! You have a lovely voice. Now when you write about your students and helping them with accents and lines, I will be able to imagine you saying the lines.
I do hope you will host another panel soon.
Hugs to you, Don and The Dame.
I have noticed my skin has changed a lot since I have gotten only. Talking to my friends helps me enable the change and handle it with some humor.
It takes me longer to recover when I get aches and pains and the weight doesn’t come off like it used to. I try to exercise and eat well.
Don’t have to shave my legs or wash my hair as often as before…. got to appreciate those little perks of getting older! Enjoyed the video and finding more blogs aimed at women our age.
This biggest thing that has surprised me about aging is how much I am forgetting! My memory seems to fade by the day.
What a fun, and informative, video! I think, unfortunately, that I received “menopausal payback” for all the times I thought, “oh, good grief, it can’t be that bad”, every time my mom would bust out a magazine to fan herself! I’ve experienced hot flashes, sleeping issues, mood swings, anger (at pretty much everything at one time or other), weight gain, night sweats, anxiety – but I think the most bothersome for me is my, now, inability to handle things. I feel very emotionally fragile, and I hate that!
Great talk and while I’m way into Menopause at 65 I’m always glad to learn new things! Loved hearing your voice again!
I enjoyed this immensely! Of course the info is also very timely. And, now, Claudia, I know what your voice sounds like, your facial expressions, etc. Your blog photo has now come alive!
I LOVED this. Sometimes we (women in general) like to get this feedback from others on topics such as this. I am 55 years old and have sailed through menopause fairly easily as my mother did. I had the dryness early on in menopause and then that went away. My skin in general is dryer, especially my legs. I find if I use a sugar scrub or salt scrub before I shave my legs, it helps with the overall dryness and look of my skin. I also don’t sleep quite as well and also cannot handle stress anymore. I am so glad to know that I am not alone as far as the emotional part of not handling stress. Thanks for doing this!
the slow weakening of the immune system, and it’s consequences, is really shocking.
I guess it would be the wrinkles and getting grey hair.. NOT fun.o oh well I guess we all get older… blah. lol
Fun video! You did a great job with it, Claudia! For me, temperatures changes were really hard (but I have thyroid issues that compound it), Dry skin and hair, and memory issues have been fun, too.
How funny!! I finally get to hear what you sound like and your accent. Cute.
I have used Replens for a while and just love it. There are certainly other “issues” their products address also and I am never without the product in my home. I sent hubby to the store once and the product was on the list. He had to call me to make sure and finally got a woman employee to help him after I told him, “Replens, Replens, look for that and don’t come home without that brand.” He certainly did. Now, having gone through menopause and as a woman in my 70s I can definitely praise the company for putting out the things my mother never had heard of in her lifetime. Yes, there is sex after menopause! I preach, teach and nag my friends about what to expect and the “freedom” it brings. Embrace it; don’t be afraid of it.
My amazing metabolism isn’t so amazing anymore, but I am exercising (for the first time in my life!) to combat it.
The longer time and effort it takes to recover from traveling surprised me as I get older. Adjust exercise routine helps me to stay energetic.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Just a few weeks ago I noticed this super long piece of hair in the front of my head and it was a gray hair, it looked actually really white, i had to make sure i was seeing correctly and i was. I just cut it off and instead of looking through my hair for more i shrugged it off. I though if i worried more would come quicker. lol
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/lil_lady_dz/status/601687263638986752
I sort of breezed thru menopause…but I’m not breezing thru old age! Random aches…dry skin…and it seems like it takes me twice as long to do different things! Loved hearing you talk Claudia…such a treat! ;)
I dealt with a difficult menopause, and feel energetic, well and exercise, walk, eat healthy meals, and try to sleep, which is not an easy feat.
What surprises me is how much more sleep I need now than I used to need and how much more tired I am at the end of the day. I try to get enough rest and take daily vitamins.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/PrettyHotPink6/status/602504157489008642
having just gotten my *stuff together with the new computer, I came back to watch the hangout…
Oh! MY! … I totally laughed out loud at this group of gals.
thanks for sharing it with us, you were great.
glad I watched it. ;)
The changes that have surprised I would say are wrinkles. Not so much surprising, they’re inevitable, but how they kind of just seem to appear overnight!
Tweeted promotion to share:: https://twitter.com/MomOF2Boysz/status/603990004998766592
What mostly surprised me was trouble with my weight since I’m usually pretty thin, and gray hair!
Tweet link: https://twitter.com/shala_darkstone/status/604090379097387008
madelinebrubaker {at} gmail [dot] com
I’m 37 but I’m constantly surprised by my appearance in the mirror. Those wrinkles and gray hairs come on quickly, but as long as I continue to be healthy I’m happy.
How much your metabolism goes away! So sad!
my big belly wont go away. I go to gym at least 3 times a week to stay in shape.
It surprised me when I get my first hot flashes in my late 30s! I thought it was time….as the hot flashes lasted on and off for a few months. Talking to the family doctor for advice really helped me getting through the unknown and worries.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
It’s harder as you get older to keep the weight off. I’m a lot more careful with foods now that when I was younger.
I was surprised that I don’t sleep as well as I used to.
My thought process has changed, things I never thought I would consider are incredibly important to me now. I feel far more wise than 10 years ago.
tweeted https://twitter.com/mummytotwoboys1/status/608317651304239105
Thinning and graying hair (at 40) has certainly surprised me as I get older.
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/sazzyfrazzy/status/610190699095461888
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I am surprised by my lack of energy! I try to have good adjustment or coping skills — making lemonade out of lemons.
Less and less energy
I get more anxious as I get older, so I need to learn to relax.
As I get older I find that I get more and more forgetful. I go upstairs and forget why I’m up there. I was always a bit absent minded when it came to remembering household stuff, but it’s getting worse, and I’m only 31!!!
I went through all of those symptoms when I went through menopause. What surprised me the most is the mood swings I have. One day I’m happy and positive and the next day I’m depressed, thankfully it doesn’t last.
I am surprised by how my sleep patterns have changed. I don’t sleep as long as I used to during the night.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
A lack of energy and thinning hair has surprised me as I have gotten older.
This reminds me of the trailer for the new Meryl Streep film ‘Rickie and the Flash’ (seems, not relevant, but hold on). She says wait til you find that first grey hair, and it’s not on your head!” with her patented Street laugh.
BTW, I had never heard of this product. Thanks for being brave enough to put the info out there!
I posted a tweet too: https://twitter.com/AnnaZed/status/621488967330848768
My hoarse, deep voice is surprising.
What surprises me is how sore I get from doing anything out of the ordinary. Any strenuous activity and I’m hurting for a week! I do try to stay in shape by walking – hoping the more active I am, the less problem the change will be.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/KerryBishop/status/622929630757044224
I found I’ve had to work hard to maintain strength in my muscles. If I don’t do weight training, I just can’t lift as much weight (such as heavy groceries) as a used to a few years ago.
I’m actually surprised by all of it, even though I knew it was coming!! Dryness, sweatiness, weight gain… ugh!! But, I keep my sense of humor and use it all as an excuse to eat ice cream lol :)
Tweeted :) – https://twitter.com/Enter_Now/status/623822346323783680
this too shall pass
I have a severe phobia of driving. My daughter started summer school 3 days ago and I overcame my fear and drove her. I am hoping that this is a new beginning for me!
I have to say that menopause was a piece of cake for me. I actually welcomed it. My menstrual periods were always very heavy and lasted for an entire week. My last one was what I called “The period from hell”. It lasted a month. I guess that was the last hurrah. Anyway, I used to always hear older people say how fast time goes as you get older, and I thought it was nonsense. The older I get, the truer it seems.
The change in my hair color and texture have surprised me.
I’m not as able to eat anything I want like I used to. I just change my diet up a little and I’m fine :)
Having to be careful how much and what I eat and how certain foods effect me which didn’t when I was younger.
Thanks so much.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/peg42/status/623894977408577536
Thanks again
How hot I get! I have always been so cold natured, so that was really strange for me!
For some reason I’ve been getting ear infections a lot as I’ve gotten older. I keep ear drops on hand to deal with this.
trying to take aging in stride, but some things are hard like the topic above. That part of aging sucks! I’m using a topical hormone to help. Otherwise, my post menopausal self is doing ok.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
It has surprised me that I have a few gray hairs.
What surprised me the most is how much less body hair I have.
Only need to shave my underarms every couple of months!
thank you
Tweet https://twitter.com/JalapenoMama/status/623993165284925440
I’m getting more gray hair than I thought I would have at this age. I also have acne. Who has acne at 38? It’s just crazy. Thank you!
I had greasy oily skin my whole teenage and adult life. At age 60 I now have dry skin and hair and for the 1st time have to use lotions and oils
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/rosannepm/status/624071102353022977
Definitely the totally out of kilter personal temperature regulation, followed by my eyes no longer doing what they used to.
The biggest thing is forgetting things, but I’m use to it and just laugh and deal with it.
i’m feeling aches & pains of getting older
i posted a tweet here:
Good change: legs don’t need to be shaved as often.
Bad change: although my hair is still brown, it’s way thinner than it was
I’m surprised about how awful my memory is already.
Night sweats are the part of ‘the change’ that surprised me the most. It is such an odd feeling to wake up completely covered in sweat, so much so that it is pooled in the hollows at your neck.
I’ve been surprised at how quickly my hair is graying… I’m constantly in need of hair color! I always feel a little better after discussing it with my friends!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/MrsMChappell/status/625474700467118080
The gray hair and thinning of the hair, wow I didn’t expect them to happen so soon!
I’m only 50 but went through menopause starting at 46. pretty much done now, but one thing that surprised me, and still have trouble with, is getting to sleep and staying asleep.
what surprises me are the random body aches and pains (like a recent sore back that had no seeming explanation)
All of the changes have surprised me as I get older, but you have to take it day by day. You cannot be too serious all of the time.
I publicly Tweeted this giveaway: https://twitter.com/versatileer/status/625894851821850624
Change in any form isn’t fun – you just have to look for the good stuff and adapt to the bad.
what changes have surprised you as you get older? I really haven’t had any surprises, yet.
I’m surprised how hormones affect my mood so much
What surprises me is the weight gain and anxiety! I just take it day by day!
One change I anticipated but have a hard time dealing with is my gray hairs. I thought I had at least until 40 to see them.
My first gray hairs definitely surprised me!
I’m surprised I haven’t had more gray hair and only found some in my late 30s.
The biggest surprise I found was the facial hair never in my life have I had all the facial hair til now!
I tweeted
It has surprised me how fine and fragile my hair is becoming it is appearing more and more thin every day.
Just changes in my skin.
everything hurts more, ankles knees hips
I get tired faster, but exercise and eatting right helps
The hot flashes and night sweats because I always assumed people were being over dramatic.
I agree with others, the facial hair and those big white hairs on my eyebrows are really upsetting me, but since I’m getting older I have that challenge. lol
i am 65 and menapause was a roller coaster ride- hot flashes-facial hair -mood swings -joint pain i am surprised i did not get fired at the time from my job –excellent video –
You know what has most surprised me about getting older? It isn’t ANY of the changes in my body but rather my REACTION to those changes. I NEVER thought of myself as vain until I started noticing signs of aging and freaked out! LOL
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/626755087222702081
I try to be healthy and take good care of myself, if I’m not as youthful as I once was I just accept that this is the process of life.
Adjusting and persevering.
nothing so far
Don’t sweat the small stuff. If you’ve got your health, you’re good.
I was surprised when I felt my bottom drop, I felt the shift in my body. Now I walk more, drink plenty of water and eat healthy.
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tweet https://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/626953409334255617
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I was surprised how easy it is to gain weight as I get older. I exercise more to help with this.
Can’t say I have been surprised about any of it. Well, I can say I remember watching sitcoms with women going through the change and sticking their head in the freezer. I have to laugh when I tried it. I didn’t think they would be that intense. However, knowing this could happen, I tried to roll with the punches and chalk it up to life. It’s all good.
I am suprised that I still feel so young and that good nutrition has helped my body so much
I’ve never been a super active person, but I’ve been surprised at how easily I tire. I’m sure part of it is the sedentary job and the off hours spent on the computer, but really! I shouldn’t feel so tired after sweeping the kitchen floor.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/627063395792121856
Insomnia is the worst menopause symptom!
The most surprising symptom has been the weight gain.
Changes in my moods has been the most surprising. I thought my moods would remain stable.
The hair growth on my face and the night sweats that wake me up.
The most surprising has been the unsatisfactory condition of my forehead.
my memory from childhood a leaving and i hate it
the biggest surprise is my attitude of how i DON’t want to age, I’m in denial. I don’t even like telling folks my age.. I get cranky over that – I just want to be 29 years old forever I guess
my #SweepstakesEntry tweet:
I have noticed a lot of things. I no longer have a sex drive. I have a lot of pain than I never had before. The most important change is I no longer have energy like I use to. This bothers me most.
The change that has surprised me the most is the dry, scaly looking skin.
skin tabs