We are in the middle of a heat wave, with very high temperatures and oppressive humidity. Because a young deer is chomping on my plants, I got out there early to spray every green thing in sight. Then I pruned a lot of wild roses and pulled a lot of weeds, and watered everything. On a day with heat advisories, I did more than I usually do on a normal summer day. But then it was back inside to turn the a/c on. Don had to go into the city for a fitting.
The hydrangeas are getting plumper and there are a lot of blooms this year. Inevitably, there will soon be a big thunderstorm that will pummel the blooms. Like clockwork.
The bee balm is blooming. Bee balm and catmint (both in the mint family) are avoided by deer. Thank goodness, something is!
And a new dress arrived in the mail. Since it’s green, I thought that Maeve would be the perfect model.
I have to mail an Etsy order this morning. But first, I’ll water everything, which takes a long time. I think we have two more days of this until temperatures drop a little – and you can bet a thunderstorm will be involved!
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
It is so hot here too, Claudia. I’m hoping for rain soon but the forecast doesn’t mention it. I don’t have as much to water as you, tho.
Stay cool!
We might have rain and storms on Friday, but not until then.
Stay safe and cool, Ellen.
hopefully all the outdoor chores are done for the day and you can enjoy the a-c indoors. hope don’s trip to and from new york city goes well and is cool as can be.
someone i love dearly must have a colonoscopy on friday and all the prep stuff tomorrow. i know such procedures are common, but for having other health troubles, this will be unpleasant for him and i am scared, sad that he has to go through this. i would very, very much appreciate prayers for him for all of that and anything that might be found. other family members that i also dearly love are going through health problems, too (some diagnosed and being treated, others don’t yet have an answer) and i would also very, very much appreciate prayers for them as well. thank you very, very much. xo.
stay safe and cool.
Don went into the city yesterday, Kathy.
You’ve got our prayers, of course!
Stay safe.
I feel for you all out east with that heat dome. Glad you have that lovey porch where you can maybe catch a breeze. We had one 90 degree day Saturday but only low eighties since. Midday Monday I walked into the kitchen to see a doe casually munching her way across the flower beds. When she went for our new “Temple of Bloom” bush, I opened the mudroom door and she scrammed.
Thank goodness the kids came to visit this week, Nick with his Charlie dog one day and Chris with his kitty, Mollie, another. The upstairs reno, going on Week 12, has ground to a halt. Apparently the painter is “swamped” and not able to paint the new baseboards throughout this week. No plumber, no electrician, no vanity counter top. All the furniture in our bedroom and the other rooms sit, like they have for three weeks now, in the center so baseboards are accessible. Having the boys visit keeps me sane, especially with Dean in Thailand and Singapore the last two weeks. He’ll come home next Saturday to a main bedroom looking much as it did when he left. Sigh.
Your hydrangeas, as always, are gorgeous. While you need the rain, I hope it’s a gentle one for their sake.
Take care,
I don’t think I could handle a renovation – which is not an affordable option for us, anyway. In this small house, it would drive me nuts!
Glad you had visits from your kids – that makes everything better.
Stay safe, Kay!
Your hydrangeas are beautiful, good thing you took the picture before the storm. We’re having pleasant weather, but the last couple days have been quite windy, which was not good for the fires around here and a very large one in southern California. Maeve looks great in green, such a cute dress.
Thanks so much, Barrie.
Stay safe.
The heat bubble has moved on from our area…guess I now know where it’s going. Our heat was not too bad, couple days of low 90’s. Yesterday it was very humid…near 90. Watering was a real chore, especially because with all the rain we’ve gotten, our mosquitoe population has greatly increased. So, I was dressed to keep them from biting, rather than spray myself down.
You were quite ambitious in your gardens considering the heat…hope you rested up afterwards. Your hydrangea is beautiful…it’s greatly benefited from all the rain, as have mine. Enjoy your day! ;)
Thank you, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
Those hydrangeas! I love enjoying the progression of flowers throughout the summer months.
Keep cool!
Thank you, Roxie!
Stay safe.
What a cute polka dot dress – perfect for Maeve with her red hair. Brave girl to be doing all that yard work in this heat wave, Claudia. Hope Don’s fitting went well and he’s home soon and you can both relax and stay cool. It seems to be so hot everywhere. Hugs, Elaine
His fitting was on Tuesday, so he was already home when I wrote this.
Thanks, Elaine.
Stay safe.
I would like a green dress like that myself. It looks adorable on Maeve.
It is Hot here in Michigan. I had errands to run and stopped to get some groceries. There is a local music festival nearby, called Electric Forest, and it starts tomorrow so the ‘hippies’ are starting to arrive today. The store was very busy. They expect somewhere around 50,000 people for this festival. It’s in an area of small communities so that number of people really has an impact. It’s good for the local economy but that’s alot of people we’re not used to.
Your hydrangea is beautiful! Mine doesn’t seem to have as many flowers this year.
Stay cool
That must be hard for locals to deal with, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — absolutely love your porch !! my kind of space!! You know I am partial to that little red head — looks 100% perfect to me. we are having hot/HOT temps w/humidity but NO rain or relief in sight are we being punished for some reason (MyMa would say often) hope you all and us get a break soon. stay safe/healthy
No break until Monday, it seems!
I’ve over it!
Stay safe, Linda.
Heat wave too and I just finished watering. Still heat index in the 90s (89 right now). It will pass.
Hang in there. (If I had air con I’d use it!)
Our heat index reached 99 yesterday. It’s awful.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. Give yourself a break during your heat wave. I can’t imagine what NYC would be like.
It’s miserable in the heat – so much cement!
Stay safe, Kay.