Absolutely nothing to do with this post, except to tell you the tree is still up. We like it that way.
Some days, like today, I wake up and have no idea what the hell I’m going to write about. It happened a couple of days ago, as well. And I think to myself, for a split second, maybe it’s time to let it go and move on.
Just for a split second.
Trying to come up with new and original content every day is sometimes overwhelming. At other times, it’s a breeze. But it’s the days when nothing seems interesting or exciting or momentous in any way, where the internet itself gets to me, whether through hacked emails or hacking attempts on this blog or the sheer enormity of the internet juggernaut that seems to be careening out of control, or when I get tired of my own voice – those are the hard days.
I don’t pull content or photos from elsewhere on the web, though I suppose that might make things easier. But I’m an original content blogger. It’s just the way I’m wired. I’m all for adapting and change but that’s one change I cannot bring myself to make. I can’t do it any other way – this blog is my voice, my thoughts, my ‘brand’ if you will, no one else’s. It’s why I consistently turn down offers that come from writers or companies wanting to do guest posts. And, believe me, there are a lot of them in my inbox on any given day. No judgment here, just a sense of what is right for me.
Blogging has changed and change can be good. I recently read a great post from a well-known blogger, Tsh Oxenreider of The Art of Simple. Here’s the link if you’re interested. In the post she explores the way blogging has changed in the eight years she’s been at it and proceeds to clarify her blogging intentions.
It resonated with me because these are the things many of us wrestle with. I’ll admit it: I liked her conclusions.
What’s changed?
Comments are down – Yes, they are, though I am pleased to have a loyal group of readers who comment on a daily basis. But I only have to go back about a year ago to see that I used to get many more comments. The reasons cited? Lots more blogs out there, lots more social media that competes for a reader’s attention. I love the conversation that goes on here and I answer almost every comment. But I’ve been a less than constant commenter on other’s blogs. I need to work on that. Let me add that I appreciate that you read the blog whether you comment or not. Truly. Don’t feel you have to.
Threaded comments (which allow the back-and-forth conversations we have) are one of the best things to happen to this blog, in my humble opinion.
Attention spans are shorter – Oy. Don’t get me going on this one. It’s true. Many readers seem to want to read things in shorter doses. Or they prefer Instagram or Facebook. Or Twitter. I use all those platforms, but very sparingly indeed, because I’m all about the power of the written word here on this blog. Not captions under Instagram photos, though I certainly enjoy seeing them. Not whatever the word limit is on a tweet. And Facebook is nice, but if I have a choice to write here on the blog or post an update on MHC’s Facebook page, guess what’s going to win out?
If you have a short attention span, you’re probably not going to keep reading this blog. I don’t care that the conventional wisdom seems to be ‘write shorter posts.’ That ain’t me.
As for Pinterest, I constantly read how much traffic it drives to blogs and I know it’s true. It’s a fact. I use Pinterest, but not very often. And I find I use it because I feel I ‘should.’ That’s not a good reason to spend time there that I could be spending elsewhere in my life. So no more ‘shoulds’ for me. I’ll only be there when I want to be there. If I have less traffic, so be it.
Ad income is down – Yes, it is. Ads, especially banner ads like those on this blog, are not as good a source of income as they used to be. Advertisements on blogs are evolving. It’s troubling for those of us who count on ad income to help pay some bills, so many bloggers are doing more and more sponsored content and I totally understand that. I don’t do very much of it here, just the occasional post. These are all things I have to wrestle with as I move forward. I will explore other options as long as the integrity of this blog remains my first priority. I’m heading toward my seventh anniversary of blogging (on February 17th) and I’ve put in a lot of time and effort to bring the blog to where it is at this point in time. It must be my authentic (a word that is overused these days, sorry!) voice. There’s no other option.
Tsh says, “As for me, I’m all over old-fashioned blogging.” Me, too. That, for me, means original content, longer posts, posts where my voice is the one you’re hearing, not that of a sponsor (unless it’s something I really believe in and even then, you’ll hear my voice.) I post every day. That may change, it may not. If there’s a day where I simply can’t come up with anything, I’ll take it as an indication that I just might need a day off.
I used to post about blogging more often. I used to post tips about photo editing and all sorts of things related to blogging. I even had plans to start a blogging-help-kind-of-blog. But two things made me stop doing that. Number one: There’s already a lot of content out there about blogging, lots and lots of blogging advice. I also realized that I’ve grown averse to giving advice because there are as many ways to blog as there are bloggers. My way is most likely not your way, nor should it be.
But here’s the other thing: A lot of my readers don’t blog. They like reading blogs but don’t really care about they whys and hows of blogging.
So, my friends, posts like this one will be few and far between.
I’m in a reflective stage as I head toward my blogging anniversary on February 17th. Seven years. Who’d have thunk it? It has been a joy and a challenge. It has been very hard and effortless. But above all, it has been a tremendously rewarding creative outlet for my thoughts and ideas. It has been the writing discipline that I needed. It has taught me the joy of the camera. It has brought you into my life.
So thanks for your patience as I sort through and clarify my feelings about this blog and blogging in general.
I’m still here.
Happy Thursday.
I have a few blogs I visit daily – to me it’s like saying “hello” so someone as I pass them at the market. Maybe we chat a little to find out what’s happening and then we’re on our way. I rarely comment and perhaps that’s a bit rude but I always enjoy the “visit”. Both of your blogs are so sweet to visit!
Not rude at all! I’m just glad you like to visit, Liza. Thanks so very much!
I enjoy reading your blog and only realised recently that you make money from it. It is obvious that what is write is ‘you’ and that is why I keep reading. I started blogging in May last year so still not at it a year. I don’t earn any money from it and don’t think I ever will. I like the freedon to write what I want, when I want.
Oh good! That means that the ads aren’t too much of a presence on the blog.
And I like that same freedom, Gillian!
I don’t allow guest posts either – I want my voice in my blog and feel the same when I read others – I always skip by the guest posts. I have only been blogging for 2 1/2 years, but already feel the change – kind of sad.
Yes, it is. But there are a lot of us who still blog the old-fashioned way and for that I am grateful.
C’est l’après- midi que j’attends votre post ici en France.C’est un rendez-vous réconfortant que je retrouve chaque jour depuis longtemps.
Cela doit être difficile de trouver toujours des sujets aussi personnels.
Il est, Claude, mais ça vaut le coup. xo
Like Liza above, I visit a few blogs each morning before I start my day! Yours is my favorite as I enjoy your writing style. Always clear, concise and heartfelt. The ups, downs, and circles. Plus the endearing stories of Scout and Don! PS. your Christmas sounded just perfect for the three of you and without the dreaded Hallmark HoopLa!
No Hallmark hoopla here, Dottie!
Hi Claudia! I have been following your blog for almost a year now and I look forward to every opportunity to read it (usually every day :) For me it is very much like the pleasure of knowing I have a fabulous book to sit down with…….isn’t that a wonderful feeling?! Love your voice……thank you for sharing it!
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, Janet! It means a great deal to me.
I am a fairly new reader to your blog. I found you through my favorite: Susan Branch. I also am a blogger but just a newbie of a little over a year and slogging through it all on my own. I am neither a writer nor a photographer but am learning so my blog is painfully real. I do not do a “daily” post but I do visit yours everyday and marvel that you are able to add content everyday but that is great. W can be so hard on ourselves, can’t we? Just remember, we are in that cold, dreary time of year and before we know it Spring will be here and all will be right with the world once again. I hope you have a wonderful, creative year at Mockingbird Hill.
Thank you so much, Lynn Marie. The hard days of winter can be daunting, but I’ll keep plugging away!
I hear ya! When I started blogging a few years ago you were my inspiration Claudia, to post every day, which I did for a couple of years. Now between the Dog Rescue and running the farm I have had hardly any time to work on my blog.
It is freezing here in Ontario right now so I finally get a chance to sit down and do some blog hopping, commenting and posting. I must say that this has been an enjoyable morning visiting everyone, I forgot how nice it was to have a little peek into everyone daily lives.
Blogging is something I started doing to promote my Etsy shops but as I started meeting fellow bloggers it became something I did for myself that took me away from the sometimes grind of everyday life, I grew to love it. Now I am committing myself to get back to it and you know even if it is a little post with one picture and a few lines it is still a nice thing to see that people like you Claudia care enough to dedicate themselve to doing that almost every day.
When your posts don’t come through I must say I worry about you and I watch for the next post to make sure everything is okay.
I hope that is rare, Sue. I have a feeling it’s due to the feed rather than me not posting. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t post. Oh yes, I can. It was when my mom died and I let everyone know I was taking some time off. xo
I agree with so much of what you said, Claudia. I don’t allow guest bloggers either although I do use info and photos that I find elsewhere. Ad income is definitely down and that is hard on those of us who need the income. I blog daily, as well and yes, there are days when I feel that there is just not anything in my head. That is when I try to take a day away. Like you, I need to read and leave more comments. I feel very guilty when I am unable to, but have found that my true friends and devoted readers are very forgiving. xo Laura
I feel very guilty about that, Laura, like you. I’m trying to find pockets of time each week where I can visit other bloggers and actually leave a comment. I think your idea of taking a day away is a good one and it’s one I’m going to consider more and more as I move forward. xo
I am a regular visitor to many blogs but I am only just starting to comment; there seems to be hoops to jump through so I am relieved I don’t have to be “anonymous”. I read your blog because I enjoy reading your writing; it has integrity.
As a reader who doesn’t blog, I enjoy visiting people who are writing about their experiences of life on another continent. I am retired and live in Scotland with my son. To be allowed glimpses into another person’s life , beliefs and thoughts through their writing is like meeting them. Thank you for blogging daily so far; it has been a pleasure to visit your blog when I have my afternoon cup of tea.
I agree – I love to get those glimpses into other lives, as well.
I’m a wee bit jealous that you live in Scotland, a country I have visited and love!
Congrats on the upcoming anniversary…..time does go by fast.
I think we have to make our peace with the changes that Blogging is going through, and find our own paths. What works for us, what makes us happy, and that will reflect in our writing, our blogs.
You are doing a great job, you have a loyal following, wonderful readers who love you.
Posting everyday, once a week, or whatever we choose, is a personal decision…and there are “experts” out there to support any choice we make.
Blogging is changing, everything does…and the market, [so to speak] is saturated with many new “experts” New Bloggers telling us what they have learned in their first few months.
I’ve noticed more interaction on other social media platforms, less commenting on blogs. It might be that so many people have less time to spend reading blogs, or like you say, attention spans are shortening. I’ve also read that no one is going to make a living off of ads anymore…and being Canadian, well…I don’t that’s for sure. I’m exploring other options, LOL.
Claudia, your voice is so strong, so distinctive….it’s one I have always enjoyed.
Wise words, Jen. I love your words on your blog as well and, of course, your beautiful photos. I’m glad you’re out there!
Claudia, I enjoy your blog above any other. I always feel as though behind your blog is a real person with a real life, marching to her own tune. The authenticity is important to me.
You are a very good writer. When reading your blog, I never cringe at poor spelling, incorrect grammar or usage. Your blog is like reading a favorite columnist in a daily newspaper.
Thank you so much, Carolyn Marie. I try to write well. God knows, I edit and edit and edit! And after the post is published, I often edit some more! xo
Good morning, Claudia! I am hoping that someone comes up with something more inventive for paying for a blog than ads. Yours is very classily done, but sometimes when I click through to a blog, I have to click at a couple of ads so they’ll go away and so I can actually read the content! They kind of defeat the purpose. And why do people have pop-ups about subscribing when I haven’t actually had a chance to read what they have to say? (This actually happens most often on links from Pinterest – which I mostly use for recipe-hunting and other resourceful type things. Your dollhouse and tiny house posts would be perfect for Pinterest, btw.)
Dollhouse is on Pinterest, Leanne. I think those are the photos that are pinned the most!
Thanks for your thoughts!
Just a note to let you know how much I enjoy your blog, your points of view on different subjects and the little peeks into your life and family. Like reading a good book and I will come back everyday for a new chapter!! Happy Blog Anniversary!
Thank you so very much, Sue!
Claudia, I’ve been reading your blog for several years and it is one of the first things I check on in the morning. I love that you write every day, but can imagine it gets hard to come up with new material each morning. I very much enjoy your writing, which is always thoughtful, and your beautiful pictures. I don’t, however, comment often. Just want you to know that I very much appreciate how you share your life with us. So fun to get a glimpse into the life you live with Don and Scout. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your words of support, Sherry!
Claudia, I’ve always considered reading your blog as a chat with an old friend even though we have never met. I’ve noted before the many things we have in common, but seeing that your blogging anniversary is coming up made me check mine. Would you believe we started blogging the same day nearly seven years ago? Feb. 17, 2008. What a coincedence.
Your life is very different from mine, but we share many likes and dislikes and apparently timing.
Oh my goodness! We’re twins, Hedy! The stars must have been aligned on that day. xoxo
Hello, I am a regular reader who does not blog. I enjoy reading your posts (get them by email), but do not always comment due to time constraints, but I never miss a post. I love reading about your cottage, dollhouse, you & Don and of course sweet Scout. Your blog is real and it feels like a dear friend I talk to everyday. I know what is involved with blogging and how time consuming it is to post and share photos, so I really appreciate you sharing with us.
And I so appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, Liz!
It was my cousin who forced me to start a blog 5-1/2 years ago. She ‘s no longer blogging and yet I’m still here. I cherish the friendships I’m made through my blog and appreciate those that are faithful in visiting and commenting. There was a span of about a year where I was sporadic in my posting because of some personal issues, but am back on track and am so happy to be able to catch up with everyone again. I don’t even care about getting more followers, Just happy to connect with those I’ve already formed friendships with. I definitely believe in being yourself and posting authentic content. Instagram is great in its own way but I would never make a complete switch over to there as I know many have done. Don’t worry about the long posts; when writing is as good as yours, I don’t mind reading. :) Best wishes, Tammy
Thanks so much, Tammy! Like you, I could never switch entirely to Instagram! I need more substance. I’m sure glad to have met you through blogging!
Ditto what Carol Morley just said above. As a non-blogger, I am only vaguely aware of how the enterprise “keeps score”. I know it is good to have lots of followers and lots of comments, and that ads are becoming almost necessary, but I’m on the outside of all of that. I check in every day with you because I want to know what you are up to. I only comment when I feel I have something to say, and can always spot the comments from others who are basically checking the “I read this” box. Not that there is anything wrong with doing that! You are very gifted at making a connection with your readers. Thank you being willing to do that every day.
Thank you for your kind words, Kaye. I’m very glad to have connected with all of you.
Claudia, your blog is a true joy! I enjoy your writing and posts so much. Thank you for all of your years of posting. Bless you, Don, & Scout~
Thank you, Susan, for being there and reading those posts!
Good Morning (or Afternoon), Claudia.
I read you every day. Sometimes more than once.
I stopped reading a blogger who changed her venue to be mostly about sponsor products. I enjoyed her blog until every time I read it, I heard about someone else’s product. So I appreciate your editing!
I don’t comment every day because I wonder if you’d get tired of hearing MY voice! So I usually comment only when I can’t stand the itch any more! Sometimes I think I’d rather just email you and talk about newsy and interesting things…but then again, don’t want you to think I’m a stalker–LOL!!
I don’t blog myself, as I lead a pretty uneventful life :) except for loving Miss Bella and my home and family :).
If you don’t feel like writing on a certain day, I believe everyone would understand. They’d probably worry about you (smiling), but they’d understand. As I contemplate this, I DO believe if you continued writing every day, folks would find what ever you had to say interesting whether you thought they would or not.
Thanks for being you and true to yourself.
What Patricia says, goes for me too! I worry that you might think I am a stalker if I go on to long!
Don’t spend a second worrying about that, Tana!
Never would consider you a stalker, Patricia!
(And truth be told, I think I lead a pretty uneventful life, as well!)
I am a reader, not a blogger. It’s because I know I could not think of something to say everyday, or even once a week. I marvel that you can come up with such interesting topics everyday. The topics don’t have to be “big” or the words of great insight or power. I feel like I just wandered over from next door and am having coffee with you each morning. What you are planning for the house, or your next assignment, or what your day is going to be. I feel bad that I don’t do much talking because I feel like you would like to hear about my day and things I am planning for the house. But for that, I would need to blog and I’m too set in my ways to do that. Oh! I did get a new grandson two days ago. He is beautiful and smart. 7lbs. 14oz. and 19″.
First of all, Congratulations! Yay for new grandsons!
I love it when readers say they feel like they are sitting and chatting with me over coffee. That’s the best!
As a non-blogger, I think many of us feel like we shouldn’t sit at the table where the cool kids sit. I have commented on your blog for quite some time now and don’t feel that way here. There are few that seem to really welcome our little group. I guess it is, in a way, that we can’t “offer” anything in the way of spreading your blog through our stopping by, because we are on the outside looking in. On several blogs, if I post a comment, I notice the blogger will respond to every person who comments ~ if they have a blog. If we don’t have a blog, seldom will they even make notice our comment. I guess I get that. But the idea of it all being “what can you do for ME” makes me sad. However, I do want you to know that I suggest your blog to all of my non-blogging friends, and it is funny how (quite) often we talk about “did you see what Claudia posted the other day?”
I totally understand if you decide to not post every day, but DO let us know if that will happen as I think we would all be worried if there wasn’t the morning post!! Also, could it just be the time of year when all is YUK and there really isn’t much to talk about except the horrific weather? But, come spring when the first green pops from the earth happen and suddenly every day has something to chat about… I am truly hoping that is it!!
Regardless, you know we will be here!!
Really??? They only respond to other bloggers? Well, that’s downright rude! Sorry, can’t help myself on that one … I had no idea and I think it’s shameful!
Yes, it’s unbelievably cold here (wind chills down to 15 below) and it’s January and the holidays are over and I’m sure that has a bit of an influence on the ability to find some interesting content for the blog! Spring…where are you?
Daily routine: first the newspapers — real ones — and then a look at what you’re up to. Why? In part because I find you a kindred spirit and suspect that we’d enjoy each other’s company, in part because of the glimpses into another way of life, a little like reading daily snippets of a serialized novel.
Belated birthday greetings to Scout; our cat, Victor, will be sixteen on May Day.
Kindred spirits are the best and I am honored you think of me as one, Margaret. Happy Birthday (early) to Victor! What a wonderful name he has!
Dear Claudia, I can’t imagine doing what you do on your blog on a daily basis. I can’t imagine there are many people who love writing more than I do and all I do is keep a journal except for writing a poem every once in a while if someone asks for one for a special occasion. I so admire your dedication to MBHC. Every day I look forward to seeing what you have posted, more often than not its a thought provoking subject that gets me to thinking about how it can be applied to my life. I don’t post a comment everyday but I think there’s only been about 3 days in the past year I haven’t logged on just to check your blog out. Only when something unusual happens do I miss and then I catch up as quickly as possible. Thank You for sharing with us, it means a lot!
Oh Janie, thank you for your kind words. I do love the discipline of writing every day and I often find it cathartic. I so appreciate all of you. Words fail me!
Claudia, I am a regular reader but guilty of not commenting often. I’m a quiet type and just enjoy reading what you are up to. It’s nice to read about ordinary activities with your understanding that they are what make are lives special if we pay attention and appreciate them. I always feel relaxed and contented after reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your life with us – you’re a lovely “back-fence neighbor”!
Goodness, what a lovely thing to say, Ellen. Thank you.
There is indeed beauty and meaning in the everyday activities of our lives. Thanks for appreciating that.
Another non-blogger here. I used to ‘subscribe’ to lots of decorating and food and lifestyle blogs and yours. Now, I’m down to yours and a couple of food and health blogs. I’ve grown bored with the constant need to redecorate and share, share, share every little furniture movement or the latest vignette on the coffee table just to create a post. I love your honesty and willingness to not crank out junk posts just to have a post. For me, if you don’t feel like posting, take a break! lol it’s okay. I’ve come to feel like you’re an old friend who shows up in my email inbox everyday and though I love to ‘see’ you there, if you are having an off day or need to cuddle up in your jammies and just drink cocoa, read, and snuggle with Scout and Don, please do ~ and enjoy it. Life’s short.
hugs and smooches to your beautiful Scout.
Stay warm up there!
Yes, a little vignette-ing is fine. But not too much!
I certainly will be in my jammies with some cocoa later today, Tracy! Guilty as charged!
Ahhh, Claudia, I so enjoy reading your blog. Your writing often echoes my thoughts on
subjects and I like your wit as well. Never stop please, would rather read one of
your blogs weekly than someone else’s daily going-ons!
Thank you, Lea. I plan to keep plugging away until the day (hopefully never) when I lose my passion for blogging. So far, that hasn’t happened!
Hi Claudia, your blog was the first I read, and that’s been almost a year ago. Now I read many blogs but yours is still my favorite and the first one I look for every morning. I live in Southern California and if it hasnt appeared by the time it usually does I start to worry that your sick, or your power is out, ha ha. I dont blog myself and almost never comment on any blog, or read the comments left by others. I so enjoy reading about the lives you, Don and Scout lead, and find you a “real”, sincere and honest person. I felt so bad for all you went through last winter, and I LOVE your doll house and litte cottage and I’m also a fan of your other blog. Please keep up the “good job”,your blog is perfect as far as I’m concerned.
Oh, Carol, thank you so much! If you find me ‘real’ then I am a happy camper! I’m so glad you enjoy the blog.
Claudia, reading your blog is a visit with a friend each day. I love your voice and how you share what’s on your mind, in your heart and your everyday life. I am an old fashioned blogger also and will stay that way. I have never blogged daily but due to my crazy life have dropped to once or twice a week. I hope this year to have more to say on my blog. I do feel sorry for those who need the income from blogging, I have never relied on that at all. I tried once to increase my blog ads and make money from my blog. It was so NOT me that I stopped. Whew! The blogs I love the most are those like yours, where the writer becomes a friend. Stay warm, it’s cold out there.
I need the ads, if only to support the cost and upkeep of the blog. If I ever become independently wealthy, then I will reconsider! I truly feel for those who are trying to make a living from their blogs. It’s very, very hard to do and involves a lot of decisions I am not prepared to make.
You are such a good friend, Linda. I’m so glad we met through this wonderful medium.
I have been remiss in not commenting on your last few posts, but work has a habit of getting in the way of life sometimes. Happy belated birthday to Miss Scout – I vote her best fuzzy ears ever. I love the addition of the ottoman to the dollhouse bedroom. Funny, I was thinking that maybe a blanket box would look nice at the foot of the bed, then voila! Just perfect.
I do hope that you continue with your blog, even if you don’t post every day. Your blog is a lovely place to visit especially on these dark, cold winter days. It was minus 41.8 degrees Celsius on the walk to work this morning, so hot coffee and a visit to the land of MHC are pretty much essentials!
So, so cold here today, Barbara! We’re hunkering down until the onslaught moves on. Thanks so much for your kind thoughts, my friend.
And yes, I kept looking at that bed thinking something was needed. Then I saw the ottoman. xo
Okay, so now THIS brings me out of self-imposed hiatus of comments for a week. Are you kidding? I LOVE YOUR BLOG. The blogs I’ve strayed from are the ones who have too many ads to where I can’t even read without something popping over the words to try to sell me something. Who do too many product endorsements. Who just clutter their blogs with crap I try to shoo away like flies at my pie. Or complain about their husbands. You, on the other hand, have an intelligent and active mind; you lead an interesting life; you share your hobbies and jaunts of the area in which you live. I read one blog for awhile that had the most interesting photos she’d pull from one of the photo-sharing sites…like very mystical and staged-type photos to evoke emotion or mirror her thoughts, but it all just became a lot of over-philosophizing. Some blogs for me, are too high brow…women who can’t post anything on their blog except to show their constant high-end purchases for their homes, or their multiple trips to Europe. Oh, I could go on and on. The thing is, if a person begins to read too many blogs, it can take over your day, sitting on your butt too much, so of course it’s a lot of whittling so that the reading pleasure can be sensibly managed. I have narrowed down my blogs to the ones who speak to me at this time in my life…real, practical; something to which I can relate. I definitely hope you do NOT quit your blog! A few blog owners I read have actually cut down on instagram and facebook, returning to the format of their blogs as their primary platform, and I’m glad for that. I think I’ve mentioned the artist/illustrator before…Susan Branch…and she posts photos of her family, her home, her art, her memories; she’s in her 60s and I like seeing a photo of her walk in the woods because she lives on Martha’s Vineyard and I don’t know if I’ll ever get there. I think a lot of mature women in cyberspace are missing solid friendships…feeling lonely…facing the same things about aging even if it means our thinning hair…so blogging is another way to connect, and I feel it’s effective whereas one time in my past I thought it was artificial. Women will find their ways to seek out their women kindred spirits, not unlike sitting around the quilt frame in 1918, gathering as a group, sharing food and conversation that the menfolk were less interested in. I don’t mean to be so gender-specific, as I have visited and read blogs where men are very much a part of the conversation. Anyway, Claudia, you have a fine blog and you are a fine writer. Sorry for my disjointed comment here but I’m scattered as I’m late for an appointment…but I just had to send you my opinion. Thanks. If you need a change, perhaps don’t feel pressured to post every day. You could break it up a little for yourself.
Thanks so much, Vicki. I am a big friend of Susan Branch and her blog and her outlook on life. Love what you had to say about the quilting frame and the gathering of women. Perfect description. xo
I just wanted to add: I am not on facebook. I don’t look at instagrams. I do not twitter/tweet. I still have a flip phone. These are conscious choices in an aim for a simpler life, although I am trying to broaden my outlook, especially since your post about living between two worlds. I enjoy reading some blogs; yes, I do.
In the late 90s, when my husband had a beeper, phone mail on the old cell, mail on the computer, mail in the post office box, mail in the street box, messages on the home answering machine…well, we thought we’d go nuts. His workplace would NEVER leave him alone. I think this is the start of me starting the idea of unplugging; it was just too much of a leash, and I hate it the minute somebody tries to noose me, my down time…or, in this case, my beloved. What happened to the day when your employer actually, and wisely, advocated a good couple of weeks for you off the job, so that you can come back to your work after vacation feeling refreshed, renewed, rested? Didn’t bug you on weeknights or weekends so that you instead had time to recharge yourself with your family and ditch the electronics for awhile?
I had a very busy ‘boss’ from around that time period of The Leash (AKA my poor husband’s maniac employer) and this ‘boss’ of mine was lamenting the fact that he could previously take a vacation cruise and be left alone by his employer…out at sea on the other side of the world…since it was somewhere he could go and be difficult to reach. This, of course, all changed and now the employer EXPECTS you to check messages on your laptop or other device, even if you’re sitting on top of a mountain in Nepal. (You take your work problems home with you, on vacation with you – – when you’d rather just leave them, appropriately, at the ‘office’..) I had a departmental manager call me one time from her hospital bed where she had just given birth, mere hours earlier that morning, having me call a client to set up a meeting. Business as usual. I mean, could you enjoy your new baby, at least for the day? Put your computer away for a little while. Don’t miss these moments! Don’t be texting and miss your baby’s smile!
I’ve just experienced some awful, tragic news. Yesterday, I learned a high school classmate had passed away; today I learned he was killed instantly in a head-on car accident. Reminding me how life can change in a nanosecond. He was an interesting, introspective man, ‘way too young to die, not even retirement-age yet. Somebody crossed over the highway divider and struck his vehicle…and, that quickly, he’s gone. We’re all reeling. If I find out the driver of the other car, who’s still alive, was on a phone or texting, I’m going to have something big to say about it, somewhere where it counts. No original thoughts here from me, but naturally these terrible things, where we face our own mortality once again (at first, it was our collective parents dying off and, now, more and more, it’s US…our generation, oldest and dearest friends from childhood, who are starting to drop, thru illness or a catastrophic event such as this of our friend who I’d been introduced to at age 12)…these life-altering events make us stop in our tracks and prioritize. True, I read a few blogs, I over-comment due to enthusiasm and wanting to share the topic, but I am not going to waste the majority of my day on other social media en masse, as time is just too valuable and, at this age…I could never be more firmly reminded than with the news of my school-girl crush having suffered the end of his life on Tuesday…life is definitely finite.
My husband only went on Facebook due the demands of his job…he works with students, and this is what the youth know…but he’ll sometimes say, a bit melancholy, “a whole lot of people are having a whole lot more fun than I am” as everybody competes to have the best posting, the most glib comment, the best photo, talk about their awesome and enviable lives…and get a whole lot of attention. I’ll remind him of the time, when we have other stuff to do at home, and he’ll say he recognizes addiction, “it’s just another drug,” like you almost can’t pull your fingers off the keyboard. I’ve recognized how I’ll start with an article on the home page, something in the news, which leads to more layers, more pages…in which case, you almost need to time yourself to cut it off, or you’ll find you’ve been sitting, for precious long hours, forgetting to move around (bad for the legs!) and what really did you learn that’s gonna dramatically change your life? A lot of it is trivia. But even with the good info, it’s endless information overload.
Here I go again. Too much writing. I’ll retreat to my hibernation for a little while once more…but here, at Mockingbird Hill, I’ll still read! Blog on, Claudia! (And, yeah, Susan Branch, of course owning her own blog doesn’t hurt when she’s trying to make a living and getting her new art known; I get that…in terms of advertising…but, if you notice, she doesn’t push it. I feel she’s genuine. I used to read a blog from a woman who lives in Normandy, France; antique dealer. Also rents out a summer cottage on her French country estate. She eventually put in an online store and, of course, her blog has consistently featured her ‘finds.’ Perfect way to showcase what you’ve got for sale. But she tempered it beautifully with twice as many other wonderful posts on French artisans; crafts; local architecture, regional culture. It was a good education on French antiques and an area of France I never got to see when I was there so many moons ago as a ‘kid’ fresh out of school.)
I came to reading blogs very late, but it was my understanding they were/are meant, first, to be online journals. When we journal, it’s a whole range of things on our mind and in our life. Dear Diary…”talk” on paper. It’s an evolution. Now we talk on the computer. (Hopefully we’ll still write a paper letter occasionally, with an ink pen.) What counts is that there’s still a substantive dialog, some good ‘back & forth,’ like a really-good-meaty conversation, although I can’t hear the audible voice and its intonations, nor can I see the expressions on your face or your body language. But next best thing isn’t necessarily a BAD thing.
I welcome your blog daily, and always feel you are sincere and honest. Your subjects vary, your photographs are beautiful & I admire your ability to share your deepest feelings. Often I wish I could enjoy more of your writing….hopefully someday a book written by you…a novel. I would be first in line to purchase it! Is it possible for you to publish a large selection of your favorite posts as well….A faithful reader
I’ve thought about that….but I don’t know how I’d winnow it down or if there would be enough readers to make it worthwhile. Thanks so much, Marcy Ray.
I too am a reader not a blogger. I am fairly new to your blog but thoroughly enjoy both of yours. I am an avid reader as well and enjoy some of the same authors and genres.
I love the honesty and integrity of your voice. You live a “real” life. Some days nothing exciting is happening but there are still the simple joys of everyday life.
I love your writing style. Some days I do not comment as I have nothing new to add to other comments, but I always enjoy reading.
Oh, thank you, Linda. If you like the blog and enjoy reading it, that makes me happy indeed.
I read your blog every morning. I enjoy getting to know you and Don. I wish sometimes that I could invite you over for a nice chat. I know how you feel about not having anything to say. When my family calls me and they want to know what’s new, “nothing going on here”. My mother used to say “no news is good news”. Thank you!
Rose H.
I guess you’re right, Rose! No news is good news! Thank you so much for your kind words.
Claudia, you might not realize how valuable your blog is to some people. I read your blog every day. Because of illness I am housebound, and my. Best friend died in October. I have a loving husband, and I have caregivers who come in. Every morning, but I am lonely, of course. To me, your family is like part of my family, and I enjoy hearing about your thoughts and activities. Like you, I am a reader, and get lots of good book ideas from you. I really enjoy your book blog as well. I think this communication among human beings is just essential to our wellbeing.
You’ve brought tears to my eyes, Melanie. Thank you. I’m glad this blog makes a difference in your life and you are so right about communication with each other being essential. Bless you.
Claudia, I love your blog and so enjoy reading it daily. But please take a day off every now and then if you feel the need for a break. Your readers certainly would understand…..
Thank you, Lily! It’s nice to know I have the support of my dear readers. xo
I am one of your more recent blog readers. I have only been online for about a year and many of the bloggers I found to be insightful, interesting and enjoyable have in the meantime quit blogging. Reading blogs for me is like hearing from family and friends. Something I have very little of as time has passed. It is true that I am more of a spectator than a commentor but I am trying to be more open and involved. Please don’t be disheartened by a lack of response because we are out there enjoying every word.
Oh, I’m not at all disheartened, Sheryl. As I said, if you want to comment fine. If you don’t want to or don’t have time, that’s also fine! I have been a poor commenter myself lately, so I hardly have any room to criticize! I’m just happy everyone is enjoying the blog.
That’s all the matters!
I am a daily reader, though not a daily responder. I so look forward to your blog each morning, no matter what the topic. Please know that your efforts are truly appreciated.
Thank you, Barbara! I hope you keep on reading.
I’m almost sure this is my very first comment on here ..
I’ve been reading you ( and a couple others) yours is the one I read daily..
I’m a stay at home caregiver to my husband of 38 yrs.. who had a stroke in 2011… (He is doing GREAT)
All that to be said: your blog brings me joy each day.. I love EVERYTHING about it…
( he was 18 and I was 16 when we married..)
Oh… Been reading for a couple yrs …
I’m so glad your husband is doing better, LeeAnn and bless you for being his caregiver. Thank you so much for your kind words!
Waving…I am here…Yes indeed every single morning I wait for your blog to pop up to see what is happening in your little corner of the world. It always feels like a wonderful coffee time in our Nick N Nora jammies. I am guilty of not always commenting but believe me I do in my head. Your content is perfect it is about life in general and that is how I like it. I love the blog!!!!Cindy
I’ve been in those Nick N’ Nora jammies quite a bit lately – it’s been so cold! And don’t worry about whether you comment or not, Cindy. Thanks for your kind words!
Reading your blog is like having a chat with a friend. Sometimes I find myself nodding my head in agreement with what you have written. Thank you so much for your thoughtful & inspirational blog posts!
And thank you for your kind words, Debbie!
I enjoy your blog so much, Claudia! Your writing style is so comfortable. As a newbie to the dollhouse hobby, I especially enjoy those posts. I hope you will continue blogging for many years to come!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the dollhouse hobby, Sharon. It’s very rewarding. Thank you for your kind words.
Claudia, I read your blog everyday. I rarely comment so I just want you to know that I’m a faithful reader and I really appreciate you. Your blog is the only one I follow daily. There’s just something special about you!
Aw, thank you, Dyanna. I’m glad you enjoy the blog!
please dont stop, your blog i visit at least once a week and when i see you on my reading list i say oh good claudia has written a post. and i jump right over
I’m not planning on stopping for a while, Debbie. I really love writing the blog. I may, however, take a day or two off occasionally! Thanks for your kind words.
I will celebrate my 8th anniversary in the land of blog, the first week of March. I don’t post every day. I am now down to three times per week. I feel a certain loyalty to friends who do tables and recipes and such. So I continue doing that kind of post. I had a request for posts on style for ladies of a certain age. I am working on that. I did one post about my black dress, which is approaching “vintage”. The only dress I own.:-)
Many of my readers have been with me from the beginning and some before I even thought about blogging. My content remains original. I’d like to continue in that way.
With J’s Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes, Heart Disease etc., I find the blog good medicine for me…a little escape for the caregiver.
J’s medical journey spurs conversation with others facing these same issues. That’s a good thing.
And then there is my age, 71. I love the idea of doing this for at least a few more years. The blog, as I said, is good medicine.
I’ve seen lots of changes over these eight years. I hope to continue to adapt.
Pat, yours is one of my favorite blogs and one I started reading even before I started blogging. You create such wonderful posts and share your heart with us.
Your devotion to J is a wonderful thing to behold and I’m glad that writing the blog provides an escape as well as a conversation with your readers. Keep up the good work, my friend. xoxo
I use Feedly to read the blogs I receive. Most of the time, I’m just flipping through so I should whittle them down. However, there are a handful that I must read and never pass over…yours, of course, is among them. I like the idea of your lifestyle, i.e., a small cottage away from the Big City, but I know it wouldn’t realistically work for me. So, I read every one of your posts, but don’t comment on all of them…I know you respond to all your comments, so it’s my small way of freeing up some of your time?
That’s awfully nice of you, Wendy! I’ve had to whittle my blog reading down, as well, because otherwise I would be in front of the computer screen all day long! We have favorites and they can change from time to time. I’m so glad you like the blog.
I decided to cull my blog down to 6, just keep the ones that I love to read each day and look forward to them. Yours was one of them and cozy little house, I had so many blogs that I joined it would take me ages first thing in the morning to read them all. I am a great believer in quality over quantity. I too live in small house with 2 dogs, 2 teenage sons and a husband! I wouldn’t have any other way! Thank you Janine
You are most welcome, Janine. Thank you for your kind words.
And yay for small houses!
I am also a reader, not a blogger. Like several others I start my day with the newspaper, then your blog (when my computer works). I live in a somewhat rural area that is less than an hour from Silicon Valley, so imagine my dismay that there is very little (& poor quality) internet service) So I rarely reply because my computer will often time out trying to send the reply. Technology is not often my friend. That said, I love your blog! It is all your fault that I am now eyeing dollhouses when I am out and about. I used to check out a few décor blogs but they all seemed to have wandered down the “white” road, which bores this girl to death. I love color and all that sameness means I do not even go check them out anymore. I love your style of blog, which has varied, rich content. It is about your home, your loved ones, your travels, and even some of your trials. All of that makes me feel as if I know you and that you are someone I would want to spend time with. I look forward to our morning “visits”. I find your ability to post every day impressive. If you would miss a post I would figure that you had something to do, but I would worry a bit. This is one of the wonderful wonders about technology, it can make someone you do not even know think of you as a friend. We could all use as many friends as we can get. Keep warm, give Scout a few pets from me, and tell Don I think he has struck gold with you.
The very fact that you took the time to leave this comment with your spotty internet service means a great deal to me, Teresa! Thank you so much. We are so lucky to have found wonderful friends via this blogging world.
Though I don’t comment often, I thoroughly enjoy your blog and would not change a thing. It is the only one I read on a daily basis. I am particularly partial to Dame Scout! Thank you for all your effort.
And thank you for reading, Donna!
I forgot to add that I often mention your blog to my 80 yr old mother , “Claudia said…”, “Claudia did…”, etc. I even show her pictures from your blog quite often (she loves your house as do I). If one did not know better they would assume I was speaking of a close friend named Claudia!
Hi Claudia – It’s pretty late in the day to be commenting, but will give it a go. I follow several blogs – no, I am not a blogger, however I do consider those that I follow, friends. I know we have never met and likely will not, but I enjoy reading posts from people, such as you, who share my opinion about so many things. I do not have many “other” friends, as I often seem to attract those who are quite needy and that is not my personal style, so the “friendships” seem to just disappear over time. Strangely enough, I am o.k. with that. I have some friends who I do not see regularly, that I find sincere, as we pick up where we left off with no issue, when we do see or talk again. Heh.
On a different note, I was wondering if you get the magazine Country Living? The February issue, although frightfully thin, has a couple of interesting articles regarding doll houses, as well as decorating ideas for small spaces and cottage charm. The magazine made me think of you. Not that I see it as advice, by any means, but more as interests of like minds.
As Dyanna says, there is just something special about you. I’m grateful you are going to continue to blog.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Ranee. I’m so glad you like the blog.
I’ve been hearing quite a bit about the new Country Living – haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, but I will!
Claudia, I enjoy reading your posts. I’ve been a little slack on visiting and commenting because I’ve been so busy with my new little one. I’ll be back soon. I like it that you are real. In a world where there is so much pretense, I’m glad to know that there are some people who dare to be themselves, sharing both the good and grand and the bad and blah. I enjoy sharing my heart and my family. Someone once told me some things that would help me have more followers. I took the good she shared and used it and discarded what didn’t work for me. I think one’s blog should be what is fun for her. I’m not about pleasing people. Well, I guess I was in my younger years. Now, I just want to be me. I hope you’ll continue to share your heart. I enjoy the look inside.
Being yourself is a good thing, Bonnie. We have to be true to what works for us. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Hi Claudia, I’ve been reading your blog for over a year now and it definitely is one of my favorites. I comment some, but not all the time. Like so many others, I enjoy your style, your wit, the sneak peeks into your lovely cottage…and the dollhouse…pictures of Dame Scout and hearing what you and Don are up to now and then. I don’t have a personal blog (though I belong to a blog that is a group of stitchers and I do post on that occasionally). I’ve thought about it and might create one in the future, but to me it would be a huge commitment and right now I just don’t have the time. And, of course, I also thoroughly enjoy your other blog devoted entirely to books!
I read a number of blogs devoted to stitching and knitting, but have noticed a big change in them over recent years…not so many folks posting and, quite honestly, not as many interesting posts on a number of them. It probably does have to do with the increase in FB, Instagram, etc. I do think you do a great job with your posts…you hold my attention, and I know it cannot be easy to post every single day!
PS I did read through your entire post:)
Thank you so much, Vera! Any kudos for reading through this long post! I think that Instagram and Facebook have taken over for some bloggers and either they’ve lost interest in blogging or, at the very least, the quality of their posts has changed. Ah well.
Please take these comments as a compliment…I agree with you about blogs and how they’ve changed and how they should be..It’s sometimes very hard to find things for content..I started blogging because I like to take pictures and then I have to find something to write about..Your blog is always interesting and I keep coming back…I find some things tedious about it..not your fault..Single spaced , small print and it takes a lot of time (by comparison) to read…I KNOW…I can hear you saying “enlarge the print you dumb….”.BUT, as I said, I keep coming back!! It’s always well written and I envy your way with words, your ability to express yourself..I’m very bad at that..And for some reason , when I use my tablet I have to sign in each time so I usually wait until I’m on my computer to read your blog..I didn’t mean yo offend you..Hope I didn’t..
You might want to check your browser, Missy. This is the largest font I’ve ever used – it’s quite large and not at all small, and the spacing between lines is not single spacing, but more like 1 1/2 spacing. There’s quite a bit of air between lines. The large font is part of the reason I chose this theme. xo
So many comments….we all appreciate you and love your blog!
Love you,
Love you, too!
Claudia, like so many others, I love reading your blog. It’s the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning. Hubby makes the coffee and I log on to see what you’ve been up to. Why? Because I always find your posts interesting and thought-provoking, whether you’re discussing something specific or just allowing us a peek into the world you share with Miss Scout, Don and your extended family. And although I do read other blogs, yours is the only one I’ve ever left a comment on. Not sure why, but there it is!!!! And I’m a reader too, not a blogger. Having spent more than 40 years as a journalist before ill health forced me into retirement, I’m relishing, what I thought I never would: no longer having to dance to the demands of a deadline. At this time of my life, that’s just heavenly!!!! So is having the time to read books and blogs without feeling guilty because you know there are so many other things that you should be doing.
So please don’t stop blogging, even though at times I’m sure you must feel like you may have emptied the well of inspiration, ‘well’ and truly. The important thing is that your readers never feel that. Your blog reminds me so much of the wonderful, personal columns that used to appear in newspapers in days gone by, often just about everyday events that gently made us re-evaluate our lives and remind us of all the things that are really important. That is truly a gift and worth its weight in gold!!!!!!!!!
Oh, such kind words, Ruta. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Claudia, I just wanted you to know how much I love your blog and how much I appreciate you. I am not a blogger, and I only have 2 blogs that I read every word every day — and MHC is one of those. Usually it is rather late in the day when I read it, but I look forward to your posts. I feel like I am visiting with you and enjoying all the things we have in common. Although I do not comment very often, please feel special because your blog is the only one I do respond to. Thanks for all the hard work you do so that we, your readers, can enjoy the everyday life with you, Don, and of course, Dame Scout.
When readers say they feel like they are visiting me or sitting down with some coffee to chat, my heart is full. That’s exactly the way I want this blog to be. Thank you, Dottie.
I am new to reading your blog and am glad you are still here. I really enjoy reading your blog and check every day. Thank you!
Thank you so much, Liz!
Claudia, it warms my heart to see the number of comments your post engendered , and the depth of feeling that many of us who are often silent followers feel for you. Keep on living your life and writing your thoughts as you wish; it strikes a chord with many of us. A friend from Mn.
Oh, thank you, Barbara. These comments have made me very emotional, they mean so much to me.
Your blog reaches my email a couple minutes after 10:00 am central every morning…like clockwork. And every morning, as I drink my second cup of coffee, I’m reading your post, sometimes to my hubby! It’s like we are having a coffee-klatch! There’s sometimes news of life at the cottage, news about Scout, or Don…always great pictures. Sometimes you speak your mind, and there’s always lively conversation to follow. It’s a pleasant time…sometimes delayed, unfortunately like today. I’m pleasantly surprised at the number of commenters today…but, sorry to hear that commenting in general is down, and so is the ad income. But, if you write a post tomorrow…I’ll be reading it! Until tomorrow! ;)
I thank you for being there, Donnamae. And I thank your husband for listening to my posts!
Wow Claudia, What a response you have today!! I don’t have my own blog but I read yours daily. I enjoy your writing and your book reviews. Take care, Doris
Thank you so much, Doris!
Oh my goodness, blogging has changed so much from the beginning! I’m glad that you have stayed true to yourself. I visit often here but rarely comment. I no longer blog myself.
Some of the changes in blogging are so disingenuous, in my opionion. Bloggers do as much as they can to drive traffic to their blogs. Giveaways are awarded to others who have similar blogs and who will photograph the prizes appropriately to showcase the giver’s blog. Rarely do you see the random number of the winner just flashed on the screen as in the “old days.” Some bloggers have way too much sponsored content or promotion of their own paint and other products.
But most of all, I feel an absolute visual overload from blogs, Pinterest, and Instagram. There doesn’t seem to be anything new under the sun anymore! Gone are the days when we waited impatiently for the one or two magazines that came each month and read them until they were dogeared. I must say that you have maintained your blog as a way for your own voice to be heard!
Visual overload is the perfect way to put it, Kiki. I think that’s why I stay away from Pinterest and have narrowed down my list of blogs to read. Too much of anything can lead to discontent!
Thank you for your kind words.
Wow! I almost feel guilty for leaving another comment here! You have hit on a subject that obviously interests so many of us, whether we blog or not. Actually, you do that often, Claudia. Seven years of blogging, posting every day, what an accomplishment!
I was kind of forced into using my own photos last year because for some reason I could no longer drag pictures from Pinterest or the internet onto my desktop to use. So I got into the habit of using all my own and only recently discovered that the problem had resolved itself.
As far as Pinterest, maybe I’m not using it the way it’s intended because I purge pins often. I got tired of getting emails of a jillion people pinning a fellow blogger’s front porch that I had pinned and so deleted the pin. And I regularly go through my boards and delete pins because I use them as a way of helping me narrow down my own style preferences. That way when I need inspiration I don’t have to wade through hundreds of pins on Autumn or Christmas.
I think some people believe that a gold watch will be handed out when they pin a thousand ideas for kitchens! What’s the deal there? Am I missing something?
Oh, I must tell you about this, Claudia. My d-i-l recently went to a retreat where bloggers of big blogs were the speakers one day. Most of them said that they never return visits to commenters or visit their blogs, and yet they have a large following. Of course the one I knew has all the bells and whistles on her blog and really does live a fascinating life, has great style, and writes genuinely inspiriting posts.
I guess this just shows that there are as many kinds of blogs as reasons for reading them and we end up visiting those that resonate with us. Just keep on being Claudia and the ones who enjoy visiting Mockingbird Hill Cottage will keep turning up! Whether we always comment or not.
There seems to be some sort of Pinterest/Pinning in quantity acclaim out there, Dewena. I don’t get it. How many hours would one have to be on Pinterest in order for that to happen??
I am going to use your example and do some purging on my boards – thanks!
And you are right, there are all sorts of blogs out there and that makes the mix all the more exciting! xo
Your blog has long been my very favorite! “The Magic of Ordinary Days”, in my opinion, is what I love most about your blog Claudia. Very often the things that are “ordinary” to you (i.e. coaching) are certainly not ordinary to me, and I love reading about your experiences. But even things that are ordinary are so individualized, hearing them from another perspective is interesting and fun to me.
Sharing your life has peaked my interests in so many things – dollhouses, egg cups, live theater productions, needle and yarn, books, movies, television that I wasn’t familiar with (especially “To Kill A Mockingbird”) … I could go on and on.
I know you needed to stop your link party for “A Favorite Thing”, but I’d personally love it if you started doing it as just a regular/reoccurring post (no linky). I loved hearing about individual things you have and love, what you love about, where it came from, etc.
You DO feel like an old friend, and I look forward to whatever is on your mind to share with us.
XO, Debbie
Thank you, Debbie. The Magic of Ordinary Days is such a perfect description!
Today’s (Friday) post is all about a favorite thing!
Hi Claudia,
I stumbled upon your blog about seven months ago and truly love reading what you have to say. I especially love that you have something to share everyday that is interesting. Being a dog lover myself – I love to read about Dame Scout. My husband and I lost our English Bulldog in Feb, 2014. He was thirteen and half and our pride and joy. I love to see and read about how much your girl means to you and Don. Best of health to you, Don and Dame Scout. Keep blogging!!
I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your dog, Lisa. I know how hard that is.
And thank you for your kind words.
Hi Claudia,
As you may or may not know, my blog is currently on hold while some major life events happen here. My blog visiting is down to a very, very small handful of destinations, and my commenting has ceased as I am usually peeking at my favorites on my phone as I dash here or there. However, I will never stop reading your blog as long as you continue to share your life and thoughts with us! I, like others have mentioned above, feel that I am dropping in for a quick visit with a friend, and I care about everything happening to you all! I don’t always agree with your outlook and sometimes I’m annoyed or surprised, but I enjoy hearing your opinions, opening my mind to new ideas, and often being enlightened by your approach to issues I have viewed differently! Other times I am nodding my head in agreement and saying a little thankful prayer that there are others who share my values and views, and that someone cares enough to write so beautifully. Just as with my real life friends, I find myself mentioning you or something you posted to other friends and family, or I come across something in my travels or readings and wonder to myself, “what would Claudia think of this?” I know that whatever I find when I open your blog will not be boring. I know I will not find the same old thing of diy projects poorly done or copied from a million other bloggers, nor will I find myself distracted by typos or spelling and grammatical errors in a sloppy, thrown together post. So, perhaps somewhat selfishly, I beg you to continue your daily posts, even if a post might be just a photo and a word! It will be something for us to contemplate as we await your next post, which might be taking us inside Hummingbird Cottage or to a local shop or to a theater or related apartment or inside a book you are reading, or maybe walking with Scout and Don!
Congratulations on such a long, successful endeavor and please, please keep going!
Thank you so much, Linda. Your words have touched my heart. I hope that the major life events you spoke of are good and positive ones! xo
I enjoy your blog on a daily basis. It is the first blog I read in the morning. I love when you talk about theatre, your garden, your doll house, etc. I don’t think anyone who reads this blog would be upset if you had a day, or perhaps several days, that you don’t post. It just means life happened. I am so glad that you are standing your ground about the way you blog. New is not always better.
Have a good night and I’ll be reading your blog again tomorrow. And don’t worry if you don’t post tomorrow because I read your posts over and over :)
Oh, Deb, what lovely words! Thank you so much!
Hi Claudia,
I lov e to read your and though I do not comment often enough I love all of your posts….they are sometimes easy reads about nothing at all and at other times deep and thoughtful… so please keep them coming!
I will, Usha. Thank you for your support!
Hi Claudia, I read your blog daily, and I enjoy and appreciate it very much! I don’t comment very often, but I’m out there. I would be so sad if you decided to stop. Maybe you might consider a vacation from blogging a few times a year. Everyone deserves a break.
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much, Jill!
I find it very interesting that most everyones readers are not bloggers, and that’s something to keep in mind when posting. Hang in there things will pick up soon.
Indeed. It’s easy to forget that a lot of readers aren’t bloggers, Dawn.
First of all, our Christmas tree is still up too. I hate to part with it. Secondly, the questions that you have about blogging are much the same as the ones I have been having for some time now.
I am approaching my 5th year. Hard to believe that is so. So much has happened in my personal life in those past five years and I am not the same person I was when I started. My current state of mind is that I hate, hate, hate the place I forced myself into. I really got caught up in joining parties to increase my blog traffic. I just can’t do it anymore. I really knew things were bad when David would come home and say “oh love, was this a blog post? Is it Change it Up Monday or ~
Talk About it Tuesday”? It was if he woke me up to the fact that my life was being controlled by party themes every week. I felt robotic. I hated it. This free spirit was allowing itself to be controlled by themes. I am not saying that I won’t ever join another party because sometimes it is fun, especially when there is a fun theme or task. Remember the time you had that pajama party? Now that was fun. I too have followers who are not bloggers. I feel a greater responsibility to them because in some tiny way I am entertaining them. I have become part of their daily or weekly routine and I feel a kinship and responsibility to them. Please don’t stop writing your blog. I am a follower. I enjoy keeping up with you and Don and Scout. You are part of my life and I consider you a friend.
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
I consider you a dear friend, too, Susan.
I totally understand your comments about parties. I started out taking part in one that was (and is) very popular and I really loved it at the time. But eventually, I pulled away because I felt constricted by it and the schedule it forced me to keep on the blog. Same thing with my A Favorite Thing Party. It was fun for a while but I had to finally put the brakes on it. Since I post every day, I like to post what matters to me on that day. If I have to take part in a linky party, I can’t do that.
I know they are still a fairly big thing, but I found that many participants didn’t visit the other links, which I found irritating. Often, they linked their posts to a long list of parties. It seemed very impersonal and calculating.
Anyway, I decided that taking part in a linky party or even hosting one wasn’t for me.
I love your blog, my friend. We’re all finding our way, aren’t we?
Hi Claudia!
I have been a faithful reader of your blog for the past 5 + years.; however, I have never commented on your blog or any other…….this is a first! I read quite a few blogs and yours is the first one I read every, single day! I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy reading about your life at Mockingbird Hill Cottage.
I love everything about your little cottage and your decorating style…….just so homey, warm and inviting. Your photography is wonderful too! Thank you for sharing it all!
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this comment, Jana! I’m so glad you enjoy the blog.
I always have my favorite blogs that I look at every day and I do commend. I may not commend as much as others but I do read my blogs. Yesterday, I tried to open your blog and wasn’t able to. Sometimes that happens with yours as well as others. I usually don’t get most of my email right away either. Anyway. I love your blog and have learned a lot from you, sometimes expensive things like your Levenger’s bag. I fall in love very easy with purses. It came day before yesterday before I even thought of checking the tracking—It amazed me how it arrived so quickly and well packaged. I decided I would use it yesterday, but I wore black instead of brown; i dediced that brown goes with a black outfit and took it anyway :)
It’s a fun purse, I designated something in each of the six pockets outside and I kept getting confused where I put what!
I als want to mention that I’m glad you still blog and would really miss you if you decided to quit.
Carol Ann
Not being able to open the blog is usually due to a local server problem on the reader’s end. Sometimes, it’s due to something else, but usually it will open within a short period of time. Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do about that – it’s just the crazy internet.
So glad you got the bag!!! Isn’t it beautiful?
That happens often to me. I didn’t figure it was from your end, it happens to all blogs and sites at one time or the other. I always wai a day and try again.
Carol Ann
Well, it looks like I am really late to this party of comments. I just want to give my two cents worth, and that is, I would miss you very very much if you stopped writing your blog. I, like many others that follow you, always read every time you post. Sometimes it may not be the same day, if I am busy (like cleaning the house, hahahaha) well I do have to do that now and then, anyway, there are lots of blogs that I subscribe to, that I will just scan or delete , for lack of time, but rest assured, I have never deleted your posts, without reading it first. Love you, Don, and Scout. You just are my kind of people, kinda like family, if you know what I mean…
I consider all of you ‘like family’ as well. Thank you so much, Bonnie.
Hi there! I’m not sure how I found your blog but I know I keep coming back. (I’m a fairly new reader.) It’s interesting to hear what others think about the “state of blogging”. I don’t necessarily think “blogging is dead” as some have said. To me, it just depends on what the motivation is behind the blog. I’m still reading lots of blogs! And there are a bunch of blogs that I actually miss now that the blogger has closed up shop. Ah well… I read blogs where the writer comes across as authenic and tells a good story, which you most definitely do!
I though you might be interested in this perspective as well…
Thank you, Kara. I don’t think blogging is dead, either. It’s just evolving!
I will definitely check out the link.
I’m just now getting caught up on blogs I read, after caring for my 17 year old dog Rocky, who we lost a few days after Christmas. No excuses, just what’s been happening. I admit, I didn’t always comment on blogs, until I started my own very new blog. I realized you don’t feel anyone is reading without comments showing up. I have tried to be much better about leaving comments as a result. I never find the ads you have bothersome. I want bloggers to do all they can to make some income for the amount of work they put into their blog for readers to enjoy. I also realize that it is harder to come up with original content than to pull photos to make a post. I have been encouraged by other to do that, and so far haven’t felt it is something I want to do yet. Therefore, I have less posts up than if I did pull photos for posting.
As you say, no judgement on doing that, it’s just something I have resisted so far.
Gina, I am so sorry about Rocky. I know how much you love your pets and how devoted you are to them. Please accept my deep sympathy and big hug. It’s so, so hard.
And thank you so much for weighing in on this subject matter. xoxo
Bless your heart. I can absolutely understand what you are saying. I should respond more often – I don’t get on the computer as much as I used to though – but when I do, I just look at the 2 I read on a regular basis (MHC and Cozy Little Cottage). I will definitely respond more often, and I will give Toby and Dexter a scolding for not saying ‘hello’ to Scout more often also! (BTW, a delayed ‘Happy Woofday’ to you Scout from Toby and Dexter! They hope you had a wonderful day!)
Love every post you make Claudia – thank you for sharing your life with me, I LOVE the dollhouse! My favorite posts though are about your ScoutieGirl, and when your garden is growing and blooming! <3
Take care – stay warm – here in Lubbock, Texas, we have been having cold days and nights. West Texas is known for it's erratic weather!
Have a happy day!
Oh, I cannot WAIT until I can post photos of the garden in bloom, Laura. And don’t waste a minute of time feeling badly about commenting or not commenting. I really don’t care about that kind of thing – just comment when you feel like it.
It’s so cold here. So cold that I’m looking forward to Sunday when the temperature is going to hit 30! Thanks so much.
Hi Claudia!!
I enjoy reading here at MHC — couple of reasons.
We’re just chatting is the main thing. You share from the heart– genuine for sure. It’s comfortable here!
I like all the various topics we discuss– home life, yours and Don’s work, your family (SCOUT) … Do you know , it just occurred to me last week- that Scout probably got her name because of your love for book TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD? I don’t know that I’ve ever read that here, because I’ve not been reading here except for the last 4 yrs, Maybe? So I’m asking? Is this so , is she named for the little girl in the book? If so how endearing!
I also love your photography. I used to check your photo blog but admit I don’t go there except on occassion now … And I’ve not made a habit of visit. JUST LET ME FINISH THIS PAGE … No reason really,… I just move along.
But you know you don’t leave my mind or conversation— because there are certain bloggers you and a few others that have impacted my life– and I feel they are a part of me now. I have no idea why I was thinking of you and Scout the other day, except to say that. My life is impacted here. :)
Yes, she was named after Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. And the name suits her, doesn’t it?
Don’t worry about the photo blog, I haven’t posted there in months! Two blogs is more than enough to keep up with!
Well, Claudia, I don’t know what I could write that would sound original after all of those lovely comments. I am one of those non-bloggers, as well, and don’t know very much about the mechanics of it. I think you are brave and wonderful and giving to share your life with us. Your blog reminds me of the columns that my mother loved in the old Family Circle and Woman’s Day magazines. There was a woman who wrote about nature and seasons; there was another who wrote about her life with her Abyssinian cats. I am talking about the 1960’s and ’70’s here.
I mean it when I call you “brave;” I could not leave comments for some time due to shyness, or because I was sure that no one would be interested in what I have to say.
As far as your blogging future, please just do what feels right to you.
One of your readers commented, some time ago, that you could post a photograph of an old sneaker and it would be interesting and we would love it. That is so true. So give yourself a break now and then, please. Everyone needs a break.
I read every word that you write. In my fantasy life, we are neighbors and have tea and share gardening tips and cuttings and divisions on a regular basis, while our dogs play. I’ll bet I’m not the only one.
Oh, sweet Nancy. Thank you so much. Your comments make my eyes mist a bit, so loving and thoughtful. Thank you.
I miss those sorts of columns in women’s magazines. There was something so homey and comforting about them, so if my blog reminds you of them, I am very flattered, indeed. xo
Claudia, I have often times thought of not blogging anymore. It will be 8 years for me come July. For me, I don’t post very often. I used to post more and the comment count was more, but it is ok with me to post less – and with that, my comments have decreased. Blogging has taken a change, as you shared. There is so much out there on the internet now. I have my favorite blogs to visit, when I have the time to sit and do so. I find that I get more done with work and home when I am not at the computer as often. My work life keeps me very busy and I still need to take Christmas down at both stores. But that is will have to wait for now.
I love your blog and have so enjoyed getting to know you over the years. A few family members don’t understand it when I call my blog contacts “friends”. They don’t get it that friendships can exist without having actually “met” that person. I cherish these “blog” friendships. These friends have been there in good and bad times.
Do what feels best, what feels right, where your heart and soul take you. Follow your instincts. Just know you are loved by so many.
Blog contacts can most definitely be friends, Becky! I count you as one of them.
Thank you for your kind words. xoxo
hey Claudia – great post. I haven’t been reading or writing blog posts lately. I know exactly what you mean about being in a reflective frame of mind. I’ve decided to get back to it. So I need to catch up with my favourite blogs and your life is the first one I’m reading about. I’ve missed you. xo J
I’ve missed you, too! I’m glad you’re coming back. xoxo