Well, I was wrong about the Blythe from Ukraine being delivered yesterday. Turns out it was the tracking number for a piece of clothing that I ordered from another seller in Ukraine. The doll that went to Denver is still not here, but my local post office is on it. This has happened to me at least once before – an item getting shipped to a different city because of a mistake the USPS made. I think it has to be returned to the location where the mistake was made – in this case, Queens. It takes a few days to sort it out.
But think of this: The doll from Ukraine was customized in Kiev – in a war zone – and traveled through that war zone to the border with Poland, where it was transferred and shipped to the USA. It takes a long time, but the shipping process itself moved smoothly. Then, after all of that, some USPS worker tosses the package in the wrong bin and it ends up in Denver. I mean, come on!
But, one girl did arrive! She has had two previous owners and I had the chance to adopt her. She was customized by Rocket Dolls (Karla) who lives in Mexico. I adopted her from Dolly Escapades on IG. She couldn’t have been nicer.
Here she is. Her former mom named her Holly and I like that name. One of the hallmarks of Rocket Dolls’ style is the beautiful strong eyebrows. I’ve always loved those brows. I especially love dark brows with blond hair. (Most of my girls have very light eyebrows, the exception being Zoe.)
Check out that intense stare.
She is even more beautiful in person – I am so taken by her face.
She was dressed exactly like this when I opened the box.
She’s so pretty! There are lots of light freckles on her face.
The owner included some clothing with Holly – so generous of her – so we have some more outfits for the girls.
I think she’ll spend the day with me. I’m crazy about her.
The heat index yesterday was 102° and it will get worse over the weekend. There’s so much humidity that I have officially entered the brain fog zone.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
Holly is beautiful! Her name gave me goose bumps. My sister Holly is also very beautiful and is battling cancer for the fourth time.
Stay cool and have fun with your new friend. I think the other girls will be a little jealous. :)
will be praying for your sister and you.
take care,
Yes praying for your sister
I’m so sorry to hear this about your sister, Betsy! Will be praying for her.
Stay safe.
welcome to your sweet holly. she’s in good company and will fit right in. :)
your description of the other doll’s trip home could almost be laughable if it wasn’t for the war zone part. that the seller’s business, focus, creativity and kindness can continue when her country has been/is invaded and at war for their lives … well, that is impressive and grabs at my heart. praying for their safety and peace.
very hot here again. trying to take it easy. meaning not much gets done if the air conditioner isn’t on (i do use it … just trying to limit that for several reasons) and that will be okay.
hope you are all keeping cool and safe. happy friday!
The seller and her family have never left Kiev. They’ve stayed there, despite the war.
We delay turning on the a/c as long as possible!
Stay safe, Kathy.
She has heart shaped lips. What a story her little face has to tell. I am glad she has found her forever home.
Holly was the name of one of my beloved dogs. Just saying the name makes me tear up.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
Oh, Kaye. Don’t mean to make you tear up. But I do the same when I hear “Scout.”
I understand.
Stay safe.
What a cutie! How many does that make in your collection now? It is fascinating how they are all different. I was thinking a cute picture might be putting them all on the stairs. This heat wave is crazy. We are getting some rain today, which we need. Well, I am going to try and wake up. The cloudy, rainy weather makes me want to sleep in. Take care!
10 in the Blythe part of the collection.
It’s insanely hot here. My brain is in a fog.
Stay safe.
Holly is beautiful! I love those eyebrows. My oldest granddaughter (17) has that blond hair and dark brows combination.
Take care
She must be a stunner, Marilyn!
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — love your ‘new’ girl — so cute — really something how expressive the faces of these girls are — hope you can enjoy having her with you. thanks for the lovely pixs of your flowers/your home — seems very calm and serene to me — nearly everything here is struggling b/c of heat, very little rain BUT somehow we have l o t s of humidity!! hope your weekend is peaceful . stay safe-healthy
Lots of humidity here and every storm predicted somehow passes us by. We REALLY need the rain.
Stay safe, Linda.
Holly most certainly has a strong, independent look! If dolls could talk!
The heat where you are does make one slow down! I had relatives in Michigan and I remember that sticky feel. I’m waiting for Fall!
Take care!
I grew up in Michigan so I’ve known this humidity all of my life!
Stay safe, Barrie.
Your doll collection is wonderful, Claudia. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Those cute faces are day brighteners!
Oh my gosh, yes! They make me smile every day!
Thanks, Susan.
Stay safe.
Holly has such a sweet face. Your Blythe dolls are so much fun and I’m glad they bring you JOY!
They do!
Stay safe, Linda.
That face – at the right price I’d have snapped her up too!
Those brows are awesome 🤩
She was a great deal and how did I get so lucky??
Stay safe, Deborah.
Jealous of those beautiful eyebrows!! She’s beautiful!! Hope you get some rain soon!!
Me too! I wish I had them. (My sister has the great eyebrows.)
Stay safe, Jen.
Just like I’d tend to call Scout “Snow Princess”, I want to call Holly the “Scandinavian…?” Scandinavian Something, if not Princess too. She just looks so Nordic in her coloring; that white-blonde hair. Although she could also be French! Holly is so pretty with the buff/neutral/pastel colorway and clothes. Glad you’re having some fun with her. Tell me something about Blythes with the somewhat-exaggerated lips/pucker which I guess seems to be one of the standards for the dolls much like the big eyes? Still trying to learn about them!
I said I wouldn’t talk about Covid anymore but I just heard, despite my County’s numbers of cases/hospitalizations rising, not looking good, they’re not going to consider indoor mask mandates again because they feel it is something that cannot be enforced. That no one will comply, so what’s the point. Gotta read more about this, as it surprised me today.
Ah, sorry you’re continuing to be so hot; we actually here in SoCalif today (where I am at least), for the first time in SO long, stayed under 90 degrees; not by much, but we’ll take it!
No, every Blythe doll has different lips as that’s one of the features routinely customized. Some of my Blythes have rosy lips, some have rather small lips – they’re all different.
Stay safe, Vicki.
Welcome sweet little Holly! I love her…..
She’s adorable, Judy. Thanks!
Stay safe.
What a fun surprise! She’s a little dear!
She really is, Jeanie. I adore her face!
Stay safe – I wish I was sitting on a dock on a lake right about now.