It’s 57 degrees out there. What??? It was 61 yesterday. I know this is a brief respite as it will get warmer in the next couple of days, but I’m in the “I’m ready for fall” stage. I had to put on a sweater this morning! Funny how one minute I’m saying I’m not ready for fall, and the next minute I’m completely ready.
Oh, my goodness, the DNC is fabulous this year! We are glued to the television every night. On C-Span, I might add. No talking heads, no cutting away to some pundit’s take, no commercials. Just the feed. There is also a DNC feed on YouTube. Even PBS, which I thought I might try the first night, had pundits sitting around a special set. So we moved on. It’s been so lovely not being lectured on what I’m already seeing and can grasp on my own.
Last night’s Roll Call, with music by a DJ, was brilliant. Each state had different music. For example, Michigan’s music was by Eminem, who is from Detroit. Tennessee’s music was 9 to 5 by their own Dolly Parton. They took something that is usually rather boring and made it joyous.
And the Obamas…there are no words. Michelle Obama knocked it out of the park. I’m still thinking about that speech.
We’re a bit tired because, not long after 16 days of late nights with the Olympics, we’re doing it again. But only two more nights, so we can do it. It’s worth it. I feel inspired and hopeful and I’m watching smart people speak with passion and intelligence, which is heaven.
I mowed a lot on Monday and will mow some more today. The front lawn is getting too long and today with its cool temperatures is the perfect day to tackle it. But I’ll wait until around noon when the grass is less dewy.
My monstera plant is in the midst of its annual spurt of new leaves. Usually, there are 4 – 6 new leaves. What boggles my mind is the fact the the plant knows exactly when to start a new leaf. A new leaf will emerge from a stem – very slowly – and over the course of 4 or 5 days it will slowly unfurl. At the exact point when the leaf has fully opened, the beginnings of a new leaf starts to separate from another stem. How does the plant know how to do this? All the energy goes to one new leaf, then, when that’s accomplished, the energy is transferred to another new shoot. Amazing.
One more of Wren:
The little worrier.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
So glad you and the country are receiving a positive message. I didn’t watch because I’m still tuning out of all things political.
Your garden and yard are fabulous! Do you spray for weeds? I have a lawn company come but I wonder how safe it really is!
Never. We don’t use chemicals on our lawn or garden.
Thanks, Darlene.
Stay safe.
Hi Claudia. we hare having the same “cool snap” and it is delicious! I am not quite ready for Fall… but it always fires the first shot across the bow in mid August here… so here it comes ready or not! I am so glad your little “Wren” is back with you. I know how much these “little people” are beings in themselves….. my I/12 scale worlds are full of them and they do sort of run my life! More than sort of! Hah! The stories they bring out…. well…. you are in the theater world, and these little people are part of your cast. I would find it impossible to let them go…!
I am in full agreement about the Hope and Joy that is welling up….at last!
Stay well!
They are indeed part of my cast, Betsy! I can’t let them go, either. I completely understand.
Stay safe.
Wren does look a little worried, probably with good reason given the state of the world. But there is hope. Aren’t the Obamas well suited to each other? They complement one another. Both their speeches were so inspiring. I enjoyed Doug Emoff’s speech, too. Tim Walz is speaking tonight. I’m looking forward to that. We must enjoy these cooler days as they may be short lived. Hugs, Elaine
She’s a mini me. Just how I looked as a kid.
Stay safe, Elaine.
I wish Wren didn’t look so sad and anxious, but I do like her dress and socks.
I chose her because she looks that way. I love that.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — I, too, am impressed with the Dem convention, altho I don’t stay up late b/c “old people” issues haha, record, watch the next day — somehow, the Obamas made me think there is hope for the future — have been concerned re future for grands but MAYBE hope never dies — seemed so normal listening to them speak. Very best wishes for being sober, Don — it is a really great record — I don’t/can’t drink b/c lots of alcoholics in my family tree — you know all those Irish/Scots made it and drank it, there is that tendency for future generations. we have some great 70s for 2-3 days — has been wonderful but 90s are returning soon, ugh !! here, fall is the time when mom/foals are separated so we are expecting to hear distress crying for several days, but really amazing how soon moms seem to
forget/adjust. stay safe/healthy
That crying would upset me, Linda.
Stay safe.
The convention is just plain old good TV. I’ve never seen a convention I really wanted to stay up too late and watch. Such joy there. Such hope.
I’m rooting for more summer. Your yard is looking great!
Me either! This is a first!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I love Wren…and her bird friends. I’ve really enjoyed the DNC…lots of excitement! I loved the attention to detail with the music during the roll call, though I couldn’t always hear it. We’re getting cooler weather, which just feels so comfortable…time to get the sweaters ready.
Yes! I’m wearing a light sweater while I’m typing this.
Stay safe, Barrie.
These late nights are starting to catch up with me, too. But…those speeches last night were inspiring, beginning with the Second Gentleman. And then the Obama’s! They both stretched so deep, intertwining the past with the future, and always ending with hope. It was so good to hear their message again. I do have so much hope and joy….we just have to spread this message and sustain it!
Because these days have been cooler and just glorious, we’ve also been doing outdoor projects. I’m enjoying every minute…and the house has been airing out continuously. It’s going to warm up this weekend. Oh well…I do know fall is coming, and I can’t wait.
Enjoy your day! ;)
Michelle Obama, especially – for me. No question that Barack is an extraordinary speaker, but something about Michelle’s speecb. Both Don and I were shouting, “YES!!”
Stay safe, Donnamae.
I read the texts of the Obama’s speeches and have watched some of the clips. They are so terrific! I will look for video of the Second Gentleman’s speech. It’s just too late for me to stay up but I’m glad I can see them all on my computer afterwards.
I’m enjoying the hope and joy!
I hope you’ve had a chance to actually see those two speeches. Text is great, but it’s the delivery that is extraordinary!
Stay safe, Ellen.
I’m hopeful again. So inspiring. The Obama’s are the best. Emhoff certainly doesn’t have the stereotypical personality of a money-grabbing LA entertainment lawyer.
Thanks, Wendy.
Stay safe.
Claudia, you might find this book interesting. Plant research is finding all sorts of interesting things. The Light Eaters : : how the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a new Understanding of Life on Earth by Schlanger, Zoë.
There is a wonderful interview of this scientist on Alan Alda’s Clear and Vivid podcast – so fascinating! Highly recommend.
Thanks so much, Leora!
Stay safe.
The DNC is making me hope again and feel joy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts also. We must work hard until the election to save our country.
Absolutely. We can’t be complacent!
Stay safe, Linda.
What a FABULOUS DNC! They are knocking it out of the park. Roll call was such fun – I have watched it for a third time. One speech/speaker is better than the next, Doug was so sweet and endearing, Michelle was fierce, Hillary was, too, (she would have been a fantastic president), Tim Walz was amazing! So nice to feel hopeful, energized, and positive again!
I need to go back and watch Biden’s speech – fell asleep before he came on. I feel incredibly grateful for his service and love of our country.
Same, Tisha!
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
I love watching this convention! Loved how they played music for all the states. Being a huge music lover myself, I loved Tim Walz choice of songs.
And the tribute to Prince was phenomenal. The speeches were so good and inspiring. Made us feel so hopeful for our country. We all have to get out and VOTE!! Can’t wait to see what tonight brings.
What an amazing convention!
Stay safe, Deb!