This is how all of us coped with the winds the other day. Sometimes you just need to burrow down under the covers.
Now, we have rain. And more rain for several days next week. Pardon me while I groan.
I ended up running a few errands yesterday. I don’t know exactly when it happened, but I absolutely abhor shopping in stores these days, the only exceptions being bookstores and antique stores. I needed to buy a few things, so I had to drive south to a town that has a Home Goods and a Michaels. Trying to find my way to this particular shopping center via a strip of nothing but shopping centers drove me nuts. I finally figured it out with the help of GPS. Then, into the stores where I didn’t find what I really wanted, but did find two inexpensive bath towels, which we definitely needed. Then I visited Michaels, where I again didn’t find what I wanted, but did find a bathroom, which I desperately needed. Had to use GPS again to find my way out of the warren of shops and roads and drove to a grocery store to pick up a few things that we needed. Then home. This took about 3 hours. I was a bit dehydrated as well, but was able to grab a bottle of water at the grocery store to drink on the way home.
Honestly, I detest shopping. Years ago, I loved it; I spent hours in the mall, and thought nothing of driving a long distance to ‘go shopping.’ Those days are over. Fortunately, Don likes grocery shopping so he takes care of it most of the time, but I wanted to give him a break yesterday as he had to perform last night and tonight.
And, in each and every store I entered, I was the only one with a mask on. And yet, I keep reading of people who are vaccinated getting Covid for the first time. Sigh. I guess they have decided that it’s no big deal now, but facts tell me otherwise.
I’m becoming a reclusive senior citizen. I’m actually okay with that.
What are your plans for the weekend?
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
Rain here. And looks like rain off and on for the week. I am becoming more of a homebody too. My plans for today is reading and get some sewing in. I hope you have a beautiful day.
I hope you do, too, Trina!
Stay safe.
too bad you didn’t find exactly what you’re looking for, but good for you for persevering and glad you made it through.
i have always enjoyed book-shopping and going through antique shops, too, especially since those things were started and was done often with my sweet mother. :) i’ve never enjoyed clothes-shopping because after junior high ended, i’ve not been one to wear trendy clothes, just what is comfortable and that i like. i continue to get groceries for a couple family members and i will gladly do that to keep them out of the stores … very few masks worn around here (i wear a mask … other family members recently got covid … thankfully they are fine now). covid has made my general dislike of shopping worse for me … worries about bringing covid to my family, having to miss more time with them if i’d get sick, also still not finding much of some basics in stores (bleach wipes, for one) so try to limit it to once every week (or ten days if i’m lucky) for groceries and one trip per month to the big-box store to get other supplies. i get some looks (and the occasional rude comment or question) about wearing a mask, but i ignore them and carry on. hope you do the same.
been a windy week here with two more days of it to go (if the forecast is right) … gets on my nerves, too. the only time i like wind is if i’m on a sailboat and that is very rare. would be glad to get your rain. we need it, plus i just love it (and weather in general). great excuse if you need one to stay indoors, read, watch a favorite movie, take a nap … :)
did you make the quilt that the girls are snuggled under? whether by you or someone else, i say good job with such happy colors and what must be very small pieces of fabric joined together.
best wishes to don on his gigs.
need to get going on stuff, then time with family. :)
hope you all have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.
oh, yeah … homebody here, too. definitely also an introvert so years of having to be up and out there (social worker, doing those cruise talks many times over seven-plus years, etc.) were hard on me, but for a good cause so i did it and i made it. :) and now i don’t really have to go out except for groceries and unless i want to. and beyond walks, time with my family, etc., i don’t really want to. :)
Yes. Many years teaching, being surrounded by students – the same with working in the theater. I’ve spent my entire working life surrounded by lots and lots of people!
i understand … with the exception of detassling corn as a kid, all my jobs put me constantly around lots and lots of people. glad that’s done for me.
Yes, I made the quilt. It was one of the first quilts that I made.
Stay safe, Kathy!
good job, claudia … it’s beautiful! very spring-y and Easter-y.
how big is it?
happy, safe (and singing, for don) saturday to you both! sunday, too.
Smallish, wall hanging size probably 4 feet by 3 feet. Perfect for the girls.
I too was an enthusiastic shopper most of my life until lately. I guess it took a pandemic for me to discover I could find what I wanted on-line in a shorter amount of time and lots of times, for a better price. Or perhaps it’s that I’m in my 70’s now and I hate wasting time.
I confess that I do make an exception for Home Goods. There’s one 15 minutes away that I visit occasionally just because they usually have lots of seasonal stuff to look at. I went last week just to look at the spring/Easter related things to help me cope with my spring fever. It was 72 degrees that day here in Wisconsin! Didn’t buy anything but it felt good to look at bunnies and pastel-colored things. I also shop there for dog toys for our son’s Charlie who chews his way through them in no time. I’ll be darned if I’ll pay more than $5 or $6 for the same dog toy pet stores sell for $20. Michaels, which i always loved, has been a major disappointment and I haven’t been since before Christmas.
Take care,
I do like Home Goods, but yesterday? Not so hot, only because I couldn’t find what I was looking for!
I only go into Michael’s for paint and artist supplies.
Stay safe, Kay.
Claudia, I echo your shopping pattern! I used to love shopping…clothes, decor, antiques. Since retirement, as well as Covid, I do very little shopping. I just don’t need the clothes, and there are very few antique stores around any more. As I’ve gotten older I just don’t want a bunch of stuff. I’m also in the minority wearing a mask at the grocery store.
It’s raining now and should continue the next couple days, though possibly getting a dusting of snow tomorrow on some of our higher hills. So more reading is on the agenda for this chilly day. If it’s not too wet out, I may venture out and try a pizza place I read about, take out, of course. Take care. Hope Don’s gig goes well.
Yes, one of my favorite antique stores closed permanently during lockdown.
Ah well.
Stay safe, Barrie.
dear Claudia/Don — hope Don is a success and appreciated by the listeners — Complete agreement w/shopping ordeal–altho have NEVER liked it — old age has made it MUCH worse, just can’t seem to tolerate all those little “kids” ha — we have a good Kro where I am known and often express displeasure to mgrs re employee problems, i.e. one worker in deli w/line 20 people waiting, during holiday time — have had mgrs turn away when they see me, haha — but they really can’t hide !! of course, when I see mgrs good behavior, i.e. sweeping floors, emptying trash, getting stuff off tall shelves for us old, shrinking people, etc, I always mention it in person and in email. also, have never stopped w/masks — probably never will BUT am never the only one–have a good day, stay safe/healthy
It’s only been in the last two months that we’ve been the only ones.
Stay safe, Linda.
The whole mask thing is interesting here. I always wear one in public interior spaces (I’m old and I don’t want any of the various things going around, and it’s not that uncomfortable). This week I was in a public library and all the staff were masked – it was pre-school story hour with probably 30 little kids running around. None of their attendants were masked. In 2 different grocery stores, most of the staff wore masks, as did most of my contemporaries. So I am not the only one masking, but it certainly is not the majority any more.
It’s only been in the past few weeks that we’ve been the only ones. Before that, there were several other people wearing masks.
Stay safe, Ceci.
I, too, used to enjoy browsing through shops, both home stores and for clothes. Not any more. Ever since the pandemic, I’ve been ordering more things online. It’s so convenient. And when it comes to clothes, I only purchase if I really need something. That I will also do online, but only if there’s a store nearby so returns are easy. Even grocery shopping has become tedious, and I don’t linger. I guess there are just other things I would rather do than shop. My husband loves to grocery shop, and really takes his time…so often I let him go alone…lol. I wouldn’t consider myself reclusive yet, but maybe I am? I know I just don’t enjoy going shopping in general anymore, thrift stores, antique stores and book stores are the exception
We are going out to lunch with my son and DIL today. And tomorrow plan on taking a drive since it’s going to be 70 and sunny. Hate to waste a perfectly good day.
Enjoy yours! ;)
I’m only a recluse because I’m such an introvert!
Have a fund lunch today! 70! Wow. We’ll only be in the fifties for the next week or so.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
I don’t mind shopping and would rather go in person than order online. But I don’t like spending lots of money so I often shop at resale shops.
Tonight I get to go out to dinner as it is my sister’s birthday and her husband is treating!
Enjoy your evening with your sister and her husband, Ellen!
Stay safe.
Is that Madeleine and Maeve looking oh so cozy? Did you make the sweet little quilt? You had a very busy day yesterday. When I was young and had my first full-time job earning $65 a week, my girlfriend and I would go shopping every single Saturday, lol. Those were the glory days, still living at home, few responsibilities and your own money. I enjoy grocery shopping but not putting the food away. Other shopping is on an as needed basis. Enjoy the rest of your rainy weekend with Don and your girls. Hugs, Elaine
Madeleine and Katy, Elaine.
I did make the quilt, many years ago when I first learned to quilt.
My oldest friend, Jackie, and I used to do the same thing. Both of us moved back home for a year or so after college and we would go shopping every weekend.
Stay safe.
Another introvert here. I worked for many years as a registered nurse. I’m not sure why I chose that career as it means dealing with ‘people’ all day!
I need lots of alone time, even more now. I used to love shopping. Now crowded stores/malls get on my nerves. I try to shop at less crowded times and never go on weekends. I do shop occasionally at Home Goods, and I do weekly groceries because I love to pick out my own fruit/veg etc. I have a closet full of clothes, most of which I hardly ever wear. I live in jeans and yoga pants, so I don’t have much need for clothes shopping.
I think the pandemic changed me. I liked having nowhere to go and no obligations. I started ordering online and that saves so much time and so convenient to be dropped right on my doorstep.
As far as covid…I had covid last year and didn’t get very sick. The last covid vaccine I had made me very ill…fever and shaking chills. I felt horrible, much worse than when I actually had covid.
I am more concerned about getting influenza which has been going around here and is pretty rough. I have been masking when I grocery shop more because of that. I always see a few older people masking.
I am on my way to Saturday afternoon knitting group at a local book store/music venue.
Its sunny and almost 60° today.
Take care
I had a flu shot, so hopefully, that will keep me flu-free.
I have friends who got Covid for the first time recently and were very, very sick.
Have fun with your knitting group, Marilyn! Sounds like a lot of fun!
Stay safe.
I am always astonished by how similar the people in the community you built with this wonderful blog… Sewers, knitters, book readers, haha non-shoppers!
I’m hunkered down today to sew the dress I plan to wear at my niece’s wedding. True to form, I selected a pattern and managed to change 70% of it. I may possibly knit too, a shawl I have on my needles using a “Barbie” colorway.
I also detest shopping. I don’t mind grocery shopping since my local family-owned store provides friendly service and very fresh produce. I’m on a “make do with what I have” kick. I’m not so self-serving as to think I’ll totally avoid buying new things, but I am trying to be more cognizant of what I already have and how any new purchase may contribute to environmental detriment. Hand-in-hand with my goal of less consumerism is decluttering and using the three R’s…reuse, recycle, repurpose. However, a huge reason I am trying to avoid buying more is that I already have so much, and now in the last decades of my life, I don’t want to burden my children with cleaning out my stuff.
I envy your ability to sew and to change a pattern. My grandmother had that ability. So did my mom. I do not.
I’m getting rid of things for the same reason – but it will my husband and/or sister that have to deal with it!
Thanks, Wendy.
Stay safe.
I could have written your post today. You are me. To a ‘t’. On the shopping, on wearing a mask; the husband glad to bring in the groceries. Hating the wind.
It is raining also here. Too much rain now in Southern Calif; enough! Oh, the years where we never could have thought to say it, amid so much drought. I am tired of getting wet and cold because there ARE times when being out in the rain, appointments and errands, can’t be avoided. The wind is bad today, battling north-south-west-east, can’t make up its mind, shaking the trees like a cheerleader’s pompom; and there’s such a strong draft on the floor in this old wheezy house of mine; my dog only wants to be up on the bed or in a chair; he can’t take it either! It’s hard to warm up. I wear layers but I’m cold a lot.
I am introverted, craving a certain brand of seclusion at times, often using your saying of being solitary yet chatty. Everybody in my life thinks I’m ‘way too reclusive as if it’s SUCH a bad thing when, frankly, it’s not. I could take ‘crowds’ when younger; but, even when I was a kid, shopping with Mom at the big department store would deplete me and I can hear myself even now, complaining to her and being fretful, “I just wanna go home!”
I go out (not much) but can’t wait to get home. Is it so bad to enjoy being home; to love one’s humble abode even if it’s not magazine-worthy or showroom-quality.
I’ve probably just gotten very used to a slowed/slower pace in the past years. I know it’s also probably a factor of age because I saw this in my parents.
There are some things I once did effortlessly whereas, now, others take too much effort than I am willing to expend. I’m mindful of time; I don’t want to waste it. I have strong opinions on where I want to put in effort and time, because time is shorter now; I might live til age 90 but, then again, I might not.
I think the pandemic had a lot to do with it getting ‘worse’ with me (on leaving my life at home to be in the world outside) because I began to look at anything away from my house as not safe, as in the harmful Covid virus; and I fight against feeling uneasy in public spaces due to active shooters which of course we hear of too much in headline news (a vulnerability I feel since the last time [right before the pandemic had set in] when I actually was enjoying shopping in a well-known box store at a mall, only to have another customer freak out and send us all scrambling, with the police being called; it unnerved me and zapped my feeling of relaxation in a nanosecond, turning out to be a bad experience which has stayed with me [whereas retail shopping had often been my ‘therapy’ {looking at nice stuff, pretty things and displays; thing is, today, I can’t come away with having bought a treat to take home, as these retirement years are when I don’t have the money to spend, which can obviously also make shopping less fun}]).
I’m not agoraphobic; there’s a difference; but I’ve always-always been a homebody. When I was a child growing up, being home was the oasis where everything was good; where I felt enriched by family (and Mom’s cooking!), had entertainment like music and TV and books; pets; personal space with my own bedroom. I’m happy with ‘home’ and am simply less drained these days when I can just BE home, where I find plenty of things to keep me refreshed and rejuvenated. It’s where I’m comfortable. It wouldn’t matter if I was in a studio apartment or renting a room in someone else’s home (both of which I’ve done in my younger past), home is definitely where I hang my hat although I actually DO love my little ‘unspecial’ house.
My husband’s higher manager questioned him last week about why he was wearing a mask on the job with my husband getting the distinct impression that the guy didn’t like it and wished he wouldn’t wear the mask. But my husband held his ground; because, on the other side of it, his employer supplies the masks!
I say again: My goodness, this world. How can we ever figure it all out?!!
I’m not agoraphobic, either. I guess that’s obvious because I often have to go out into the world and travel for my work. I’m just an introvert and homebody. When I was a kid, I hung out in my bedroom for hours. I loved to close the door on the world of 4 noisy kids and 2 adults in a very, very small house. And that has stuck.
Thanks, Vicki.
Stay safe.
Vicki, how is your dog doing? It sounds as if he has become more acclimated to his “new” home and family?
Chris, I never saw your comment! I don’t know if Claudia, this many days later, wants to bother with it; but thank you for asking about our big rescue dog (and I hope, by the way, that your health is good!).
My husband is gone from the house twelve hours per day now with a full-time job out of town, five days per week; but if this had occurred a couple of years ago when we were first rehabbing the dog, it wouldn’t have been possible for me to be at home alone with the dog without my husband as the animal was just too hard to manage with his panic issues (from what the shelter had felt was a long abandonment [causing the dog uncertainty] despite his young age).
Although as I’ve always said, “What’s predictable about him is his unpredictability!”, he has definitely matured now to the age of four and he has responded well to a consistent routine which included a real commitment on my husband’s part of STILL walking the dog for a couple of hours per day even though my husband now has so few hours at home indeed in his day.
The dog is no longer on any prescription drugs for anxiety. We have learned, unfortunately, that he has a kidney problem which may cause some trouble as he ages; but, we’ll just deal with it best we can. He’s already on a special diet for it.
The dog has settled down, he loves to ride in the car; he is a great guard dog with strangers at the door; he gets along well with other dogs; we have to be somewhat cautious with him when around other humans, especially in a group when he gets a bit hyper-stimulated with too much going on; he doesn’t mind a few hours by himself out in the yard on nice days; at home with ‘his’ humans (I’m his favorite), he is cuddly and has many endearing qualities.
We have come to know what his triggers are for less-than-desirable behavior; we just understand him better now. We were strangers to one another; so, can’t expect the animal, especially a troubled one, to smoothly acclimate (although some miraculously do). He is well-behaved in many other important ways.
So, we’re a family now, and things are going along just fine.
(He’s still too large and strong for me as ‘Mom’; for instance, I cannot myself walk him on the leash. It is rare that we dare leave him alone; so, it’s very confining. And the vet still can’t do a thing with him unless the dog is under total anesthesia, which is expensive. [Imagine having to do this just for annual immunizations; so, when we do it, the dog gets the works, with an overall exam, teeth cleaning, nail clipping, of course the aforesaid ‘shots’; blood draw; urinalysis; fecal analysis; xrays; you name it {just one more reason why my husband had to go back to work }.])
It’s a case of a happier ending for a fractured dog who needed a lot of work and time (of course LOVE can’t be discounted!), and not everybody can do that when life is so busy with lots of other distractions and responsibilities; lucky for him and us, and the retirees we were back in 2022, we could devote/dedicate ourselves to seeing this dog through, to the dog he might have once been but, most of all, to the dog he was supposed to be, and is. He needed a quiet, calm environment to rest and rehab. We could give him that.
I think I just made myself cry a little (I haven’t allowed myself to think of any of this much in a while). There were so many incidences of almost taking him back to the shelter, although we fought not to be ‘those kinds’ of people (but we were told by the shelter that we were NOT bad people if we had to give up on him [and to not disparage those who do, because they’re not bad people either]; to not beat ourselves up over it because not every pairing of human-dog can be a match).
A large-breed dog who is not normal thru no fault of his own, in and out of fostering, back and forth to a shelter too many times over months (and who knows what his former life had been), can be intimidating to work with and, at times, despite our experience with other ‘rescues’, I didn’t feel my husband and I were equipped to handle this big, heavy guy (with a shark mouth [he bit both my husband and me several times in the early months]). I was so overwhelmed.
Thanks again, Chris. (And Claudia, thanks for letting me respond to your other reader, Chris K; I appreciate it!)
Vicki, so good to hear the dog is doing well and is likely in his Forever Home. We have homed several Greyhounds over the past 20 years or so. They are so wonderful. They sleep about 18-20 hours per day and one nice walk per day is perfect for them. They are quite calm. We also have a cat, and each one is cat-tested at the Rescue Sites due to their very normal prey instinct after being taught to chase little creatures (rabbits) around the track. (Not my favorite “sport” by the way!!) Each one we have brought home after being cat-tested has been a sweetheart with our cats over the years. We always are with them every minute for the first 3-6 weeks, but have never had an issue. They are afraid of stairs, ceiling fans, and things such as those which they never encountered at the Track. They are quick learners!! The one we have now, she is 9 years old, has been with us for 7, is extremely nervous, shy, and has a huge separation anxiety issue. We are retired. I am VERY happy to stay at home the majority of my days, and if we do go somewhere for a ride, etc she always comes with us. She does love us, and really loves our whole family, but the wee one (who will be FOUR!!!! on this Wed) just scares her with her running and yelling and jumping and just playing and wanting doggy kisses . So they both have learned if Izzy can go and lay on one of her doggy beds, she has several, she is fine with the little one giving a hug, some pets and some kisses. It all takes time and working on it. Can’t give up, as well you know. Thanks for the info,, Vicki, and have a great day!!!!
Rain, rain , rain!
I only like grocery shopping, fabric , plants or antiques! I do not need either of the last three items but they get into my car and I have to bring them home! :)
Today, I meet a dear friend and we painted pottery, laughed and talked. It was great fun. Next week we will pick them up from the kiln.
No one is wearing masks around here anymore. Not sure why. I’ve been the lone person for a couple months and decided recently that I have had every vaccine under the sun including all the covids. If we go on a plane or train , I will wear one. I’m tired of not being able to smile at people.
The dolls and their quilt look very comfy.
I smile with my eyes! It works. I will keep wearing a mask. My health and Don’s health are too important to risk.
Stay safe, Betsy.
Thank you for wearing a mask, Claudia. It’s an easy thing to protect yourself (if only we all would do it and protect each other!). From ALL viruses around this time of year, like who wants cold and flu at our old(er) ages if they both can be avoided?!!
I’m back here on March 18 after getting interrupted too many times to make sure I haven’t missed any of your egg-cup posts in the past two weeks. Am loving them and hoping it’s an annual fun-fest for you, too, even though you’re going to a lot of work to take photos and do the posts for the readers; thanks for going to all the effort, truly.
You’re most welcome, Vicki – on both counts.
Honestly, Claudia, when I read your post, I thought I had written it (well, except the part about Don performing!) I am 100% in simpatico with you. Stay warm, stay well.
Thank you, Gail!
Stay safe.
I read the headline and though, “yep, so do I!” My husband will wander around looking at stuff, I do more smash and grab. The first thing that looks vaguely like what I want: that will do me.
I think it’s because I struggle with the people, the glarey lighting, the stupid music…
Oh the lighting and the music! I’m completely with you on that one.
Stay safe, Denise.
I used to be a good shopper. Loved spending a day browsing! Now I just can’t do it. All of the noise and people hurrying….I remember when I was a “hurrier” too, but it unsettles me now. I find on-line shopping to be just fine. And getting packages to open is always fun!!
You know that I, too, am an introvert. I was a Trainer for a health insurance company for years and when I would tell people I was an introvert, they would laugh. But it is completely true. I love coming home and closing the door. I was the same way with my bedroom door when I was a kid. It was like magic when I shut that door and could read or write or just dream without interruption!
Even when the family is here for the day I get completely worn out. Just going into the bathroom to catch my breath and clear my head helps. It is just so noisy and crazy with that little one running all over and everyone talking louder and louder. But, then, of course I miss them (and esp her) when they leave. Need to find that balance.
We had 72* today. But it was soooo windy! Tomorrow they said rain. They say that a lot and it seldom happens. We do need it. Hope your winds calm and the rain is soft and just some mist this week. Take care.
It is exhausting, isn’t it?
Stay safe, Chris.
Oh Claudia, I am glad I am not alone! I too use to love clothes shopping but not at all now. I do like shopping for treasures in antique stores. I hate grocery shopping so I am thankful Bill loves to do that. If I need something I do it online. The Amazon man stops here often. I don’t like when people make you feel like you are weird because you are a homebody. I love cocooning in my home! We have plans to go back to Chicago for Bill’s 50th high school reunion and I am dreading it. First I will miss my Golden Gracie. I have never left her for more than a couple nights. My daughter stays with her when we are gone. She is so attached to us though I know I will be anxious to get home to her. Being in a room with all the people I barely know is not my idea of fun. Can’t complain about the weather though. It has been beautiful, in the 70’s so I spent a good part of the day planting a few things in the yard.
I’ll try to send some of our nice weather your way. Take care!
I have always been a homebody. It’s my safe place!
Stay safe, Deb.
I hate mindless shopping — like shopping for holiday gifts when there are crowds, or even worse when you aren’t sure what you are looking for. I do like Home Goods but there is one by my house and easy to get to (you could walk if you dared tackle the two major intersections!) and if you go early no crowd. Michaels is in that plaza too, but I don’t go there much anymore now that I’m just painting — I hit the local small art store instead; I want to keep them in business! Clothes shopping is just the worst!
I usually use our local art store, as well. Only Michael’s if I happen to be near a store.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Girl, I still wear my mask in stores / crowds too. Norovirus rampant done here, very high risk and my boss and his entire family were very ill last week – they had big party on and over 20 of them very sick all last week. I don’t want it, I don’t want regular flu, I don’t want Covid, or even a bad cold!! So, yes, I am one of those still wearing masks in public and sanitizing my hands!
Exactly. I have enough problems with allergies and sinus. I don’t need to add to that with covid or flu or norovirus!
Stay safe, Dawn.