It’s my day off. I woke up at 5 am. On the one hand, getting too little sleep on my day off isn’t so bad because I don’t have to sustain my energy for a full day of work. On the other hand, it’s my day off.
Here are some of my thoughts on this Monday morning.
On ‘Experts’: Heavens, in my trips through the blogisphere or on the web in general, I see a lot of people who have dubbed themselves ‘experts.’And no doubt some of them are, indeed, experts. But everyone? No and no and no. To me, being an expert implies that person has years of training and experience and a wealth of knowledge at his/her fingertips. Experts know a subject matter or have mastered a skill just about better than anyone else. Right? It shouldn’t be a title that is donned as easily as a pair of shoes.
I’ve worked in the theater for over 35 years – as an actress and as a professor and professional coach. I’ve worked with some of the most respected actors and directors in the world, including Oscar, Emmy and Tony Award winners. I’m very good at what I do. I know a lot about my field. But I don’t know everything. I would never use the words ‘field of expertise’ to describe my work because I would never dream of calling myself an expert. It feels more than a bit grandiose.
I realize that this stems from the everyone-for-himself, gotta-get-my-work-out-there, gotta-do-something-to-separate- myself-from-the-pack atmosphere on the internet, where there are simply too many people vying for recognition and employment. The sheer number of bloggers out there is staggering, as are the number of business websites. How do you separate yourself from the rest? Claim to be an expert.
If you truly are, more power to you. You’ve earned it through years of work and research and experience on the job and trial and error and positive feedback from your clientele or your students. But personally, I know very few people who, despite their years of work in a particular field, would ever dream of claiming the title of expert.
Humility is a good thing.
On intolerance: I have no patience for those who judge others and deem their religion or their lifestyle or their ethnicity or their skin color as something wrong or ‘less than.’ Look, there isn’t one of us who hasn’t judged another. We do it all the time, often unconsciously. It is something that I work on all the time. But all judgment comes from a place of fear; fear of the unknown, fear of those who look different than us, fear of a lifestyle we don’t understand. I find it interesting that a lot of condemnation comes from those who cloak their judgment in their religion. Goodness knows, anyone can cherry pick the Bible or the Koran or the Talmud to ‘substantiate’ their claims of superiority or of being on the absolute right side of an issue. I always find that sort of thing very telling, that selective choice of verses to quote. But I have to believe a loving Supreme Being or Divine Energy or God or Allah or Buddah or whatever name you give it loves all of us. Period.
Now I have to think about judging those who judge. And about being impatient. The struggle continues.
This is all I need to live my daily life in a way that I feel is right and good:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Oh goodness. I know I’m on my soapbox. “If I ruled the world” – remember that song? I’m sort of kidding but sort of not kidding. If I ruled the world, people would get awards for niceness and kindness, for honesty, for being inclusive rather than exclusive, for compassion, for modesty, even for being too modest, (which is far more attractive than grandiosity) for humility. There would be a healthy level of competition, but only healthy, nothing obsessive or cutthroat. There would be no cliques. And, of course, there would be no bullying, no fighting, no war, no rewarding of bad behavior, no animal abuse, every child would be loved and have a loving home, every animal that’s lost would find a loving home, we would live in peace with our animal friends, we would live in peace with our fellow man – no matter what religion, ethnicity, color, gender or sexuality. We would live by the Golden Rule and, really, if that was the code we truly lived by, these things would be an everyday reality for all of us.
This is what happens when I wake up too early. I think. I worry. I write.
Happy Monday.
AMEN Claudia! Well said. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day off.
Thank you, Vera!
Good Morning Claudia, I work at a elementary school and one of our teachers mentions the golden rule to students when ever there is a problem going on between them. Treat people the way you want to be treated. If only the whole world would listen to us it would be a nicer place! Enjoy your day, Doris
You too, Doris. Thank you.
Enjoy your day! There are many good people who make the world a better place. I hope you will encounter some of them today!
I do. Every day.
One of my husbands favorite sayings was “When I am king”….Tempting, but do you really want all that responsibility??
Only in my imagination, Missy. Only in my imagination!
Goodness this all sounds so familiar to me, except that right now I’m living in the land of the specialists, Oxfordshire, UK, where people really do have unusual skills at this or the other thing and really do practice their “thing” for years and years until they get so good at it that it feels like I’m talking to a real master in the thing. But almost everyone I know, from the most charming Egyptology professor, to a master wood carver to a facilitator who makes six figures/contract, are humble and gentle and although they have these amazing skills and this amazing brain full of information, they don’t classify themselves as experts. Maybe that’s the difference; that humble humility. It’s nice – almost reassuring – to talk to these people, have lovely gentle conversations, and not feel “put down” for being an ordinary pleb. lol.
You’re absolutely right Veronica – humble humility is the key.
Amen sister! You said it all.. an I agree with it all.. Humility is the way to live life.. I love how things would be if you ruled the world. Say, if you ever do can I come live there too ? :).. You’re a wonderful person Claudia.. We need more people like you in this world..
Since my world would be inclusive, of course you can come live there, Robyn!
I really like what you had to say about intolerance and judgment. I’d like to think that I’m not a judgmental person, but who am I kidding? We all are, to some extent. I like the saying by Wayne Dyer, “When you judge another, you do not define them – you define yourself.”
So true! I like to think I’m not judgmental, too, and I work hard at it, but we all are when it comes down to it.
And we love it…I was raised by that simple Golden Rule and it has served me well…I do need reminders as I am only human…and not judging is hard…I try to catch myself daily especially driving my long commute of an hour each way.
It is VERY hard, Donna!
Excellent post! Thank you
You are very welcome, Teresa.
Wonderful post! Now, go back to bed!! LOL
Too much coffee, Judy! I’ll have to go take a walk or something.
Wonderful post! Happy day from middle TN!
Happy Day to you too, Carol!
At least when you think, worry and write you share it with us. Lots of food for thought! I agree with you on humility and a BIG agree on the not judging others. Thanks for having a day off and sharing your thoughts.
You are very welcome, Linda.
Amen, and it starts one brick at a time. Thank you for reminding us that we may still be clutching that brink rather than contributing to the foundation.
You’re welcome, Sonja.
LOL! I had to smile while reading your “expert” thoughts. I recently saw post pinned with a title like “The secret of how to have a successful garden” or something like that, so I click on it only to find out this was her first garden! I’ve been gardening for almost all of my life and I still don’t know how to guarantee a “successful” garden. I see more and more of these types of pins every day. But that’s because all the blog tip mavens say you have to be an “expert” to set yourself apart. It’s been driving me little crazy and definitely tempers my enjoyment of pinterest.
Like what you have to say about intolerance. I’ve stopped reading blogs that were very…intolerant.. during the election and some have been long time readers of my blog. Then I feel bad for judging them, but on the other hand I can’t pretend it doesn’t matter to me. They have a right to say what they want and I’m free not to read it!
It drives me crazy, too, Manuela. All of that advice that one must be an ‘expert’ is ridiculous and only serves to make people look foolish, I fear. And many of the so called experts are far too young to have acquired that status!
I have also stopped reading blogs that espouse intolerance. I think you put it very well!
Good point! Truth be told, I’ll bet MOST of those hailing themselves “experts” are 35 or younger. Only the young don’t know what they don’t know. :>)
When I first started reading your post I was reminded of the saying. “I am a jack of all trades, but a master of none”. I think the expertise mentality has sprung from our society. When I talk about my counseling days I always say :my field of interest was women’s issues” . I would never classify myself as an expert, as I am far from it and I am learning about so many things on so many levels every day. However, I do know many people who classify themselves as experts and they are far from it.
Now, about the other issue you talked about. Cloaking intolerance and hatred under the guise of one’s religion is in my mind despicable. I believe that God or whatever one chooses to call the higher power is a loving being, who loves everyone equally. Do I ever pass judgement. Of course. I am human, but I try very hard to change my thoughts when I do. I have definitely stopped reading blogs that I have found to be intolerant. Intolerance is not something I want or choose to read.
Amen, Laura!
God bless you Claudia. Due to your last paragraph, I wish you did “rule the world”. There is so much “trouble in River City” and someone needs to straighten things out.
xxoo Charlotte in Virginia
Bless you, Charlotte!
And AMEN to that!! Couldn’t agree with you more! You think extremely well so early in the morning! ;)
Only after a couple of cups of coffee!
I think you were inspired to get up early and share these words. Amen and Amen! Hope you sleep well tonight.
I did sleep well last night, Beth. I feel much better today.
Here, here, Claudia! Best individual blog I’ve ever read! No kidding. Maybe the ad world will be inspired to do a pro bono PSA for Humility – like the ones they did a few years encouraging families TO EAT DINNER TOGETHER!! I’m getting too old, I guess…. But I couldn’t agree with you more. Bless your [worried] heart… :>)
a PSA for ‘Humility” – love that idea, Janet!
Thank you for saying these things much better than I could Claudia..How I wish that “you ruled the world”..
Might be a tough job, though, Nancy!
Totally agree with you – especially the judgement part. Live and let live, I say. Nobody knows what comes after this life, we do not have the answers, even though some folk think they do. I think we all know deep in our hearts that love and kindness are the roads to follow, and one day we will all find out what it is all about.
Agreed, Lana.
Everyone just wants to be treated with respect…the golden rule is all about that. And being an expert would be way too much work for me lol…
Too much pressure, Linda!
You are definitely an early morning person. I could never be that eloquent that early in the morning. I agree with what you said about tolerance and not judging others. If there were a Supreme Being then why would they want people to be intolerant and unkind to others. A true Supreme being would want us to love and support one another, otherwise what is the point. I consider myself to be more of a spiritual person, than a religious one so I am fairly open minded and that’s how I view the world. Thanks for your insightful post today Claudia.
I too am spiritual, Diane. Organized religion is not where I find my solace, though I understand that it provides that very thing for many.
I love your “soap box.” Step on it any time you would like!
I try to limit how often I stand on my soap box, Cindy!
You are a good writer, Claudia and express yourself very well. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day!
Thank you, Patty.
There’s a whole website out there … Expert enough … the idea being that if you know more about something than another then you are expert enough to teach them what you know, regardless of how little that might be, or seemingly how disconnected from the rest of that ‘field of expertise’.
I have to say though we use that last phrase in the UK to mean an area in which a person has knowledge, we don’t equate expertise, the ability to do do something well, with being an expert at doing it.
‘Expert Enough’ I could go with because that implies some knowledge that might be helpful to others but doesn’t claim the title ‘expert.’ That sounds like a good idea, Annie.