The winter that wasn’t. We’ll reach the 50s today. No snow in sight.
Really happy we paid to have our snow blower repaired.
It’s somewhat sunny today, though, so I’m happy about that.
I finished the latest Louise Penny yesterday. I started reading intensely in the afternoon, and when Don mentioned playing his guitar, I asked him if he would refrain because I was close to finishing a book. When I added that it was a Louise Penny, he immediately responded, “Of course!”
Today, I’m starting Underland by Robert Macfarlane. Nonfiction.
War and Peace is ongoing.
Pretty little Maeve.
Holly taking a stroll on the porch.
And so goes the routine of our days. Don is composing music and practicing the guitar, I read, clean, and play with the dolls.
But frankly, we both need to work and not just for financial reasons. We LIKE to work. We need that very specific kind of stimulation in our lives.
I should be gearing up to work on a Broadway show at the beginning of March. But, that isn’t going to happen.
Okay. Don is excited because it’s going to be relatively warm today and he can wash his shirts and hang them out on the line. I’m excited because I can have another piece of apple pie this afternoon.
It’s the little things.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I love your cabinet and all the pottery and china….the plants blend right in! Enjoy the sunny day!
Thank you, Barrie!
Stay safe.
Have a wonderful day, Claudia!
Thank you, Cathy!
Stay safe.
Louise penny…because of Claudia: Brenda reads…her friend in Iowa reads her…that friend’s sister…that sister’s sis in law…Brenda’s professor friend…etc etc…you know the story as to why I was not familiar with Penny…we all love her books because of you. Reviews can be bad… but oh my they can also open doors…there was a part of the book…a theme. That bothered me…my prof friend guessed it. I can’t share online…we all thank you…sweet Claudia.
Thank you for your kind words, Brenda.
Stay safe.
Is that an Emma Bridgewater mug in the cabinet?
My husband bought me two at Christmas.
I love her work.
Yes, I have several of them. I purchased that particular mug (it has a rabbit on it) when I was in London a few years back.
Enjoy your mugs, Linda.
Stay safe.
today’s photos brought a “wow” to my mind with the colors … especially the first two with all the green pottery and plants, then the contrast of maeve’s hair and dress. holly’s red sweater, too. wows for my eyes! thank you.
glad you have some books, apple pie and music to enjoy. and how sweet you and don are together … glad you have each other, too. hope job opportunities come to both of you soon.
will be getting groceries and taking care of other errands later today (grateful for milder weather making that easier … but we need snow, too), after a slow start here. need to finish laundry, etc., then enjoy fun time with members of my family.
hope everyone has a nice, easy day. stay safe!
Have a lovely day, Kathy!
Stay safe.
Yeah, for as much as I feel our days (husband and me) are often busy and they seem to fly in these retirement years, I think we two are often suffering from boredom. In the busyness of days is a lot of sameness. I catch my husband sighing (I find I try to interpret it!). I kinda wish I was one of those people who sell the house, buy a motorhome, travel around the country, meeting new people, seeing new things, doing interesting things; learning as you go in this vast country called America; lots of miles to roam. We run into these folks at the beaches a lot here in SoCalif. Stopping over for awhile. Some are actually younger and it’s not because they’re homeless or in a desperate sort of situation; it’s a choice they’ve made. Surprising actually, though, how many people in my age group are nomads, if even for a limited while. It spells freedom, but even they have to, at some point, find a place to permanently land. I’m making generalities, but these travelers all seem to be quite relaxed and happy; I don’t sense anxiousness about a destination. They must have a plan the rest of us just don’t know about.
It sounds lovely, but it must be extraordinarily expensive! Just the gasoline alone. I wouldn’t mind doing it for 6 weeks or so, but eventually, I’d want to be in my home. Can’t help it. I’m a homebody.
Stay safe, Vicki.
It is definitely the little things and you have two of the cutest little things, Maeve and Holly. I love their boots. I find that is the hardest thing for me, putting on their shoes. I’ll have to practice. I’v just made brownies for Valentine’s Day. Your plan to eat apple pie 🍎is a good one. Hugs, Elaine
I love the variety of shoes/boots out there for Blythes!
Stay safe, Elaine.
Hi fifties tomorrow, or so they threaten. Unbelievable.
Can’t wait for the Penny but my friend Suzanne gave me five books for belated Christmas and one pass-along (about Consuelo Vanderbilt, Duchess of Marlborough) so I’m set for awhile — and still have to finish my Bruno book. Just wrapped up a bio of the Queen. I’ve read better but it would be a decent gateway book for someone who didn’t know much about her.
After five days of company and a Cork Poppers gathering, plus finishing Rick’s valentine gift, a poetry book (bad poetry, Walt Whitman or Mary Oliver I’m not) with photos. If anything could go wrong in making this it did, but I think I wrapped it up!
Now, off to read.
Enjoy your reading, Jeanie.
Stay safe.