Taken from inside. EVERYTHING is coated in ice. Everything. It’s dangerous out there and, though we still have power, the lights have flickered and there are widespread power outages in the Hudson Valley. Branches falling, trees downed, power lines down. Since it isn’t going to go above freezing for the next three days, this doesn’t bode well.
I just heard a siren.
Anyway, I’m going to make this brief because I don’t know how long we’ll have power and I should take a shower.
Say a prayer for everyone in the path of this storm.
Happy Friday.
My daughter hopes to get home tomorrow night to Indiana…
Hope your power stays on! Stay warm and cozy as best you can!! ;)
Ice storms are the worst. Prayers for all affected.
Take care
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Hope the power stays on.
Sending all good wishes. So frustrating that something so beautiful as a landscape with ice encrusted trees are so very dangerous in just about every way to people. Stay safe and I hope your power stays put!
Good luck! I don’t mind being stuck at home but I hate losing power especially when you have no idea when it is coming back on. I hope the power doesn’t go off so you can stay warm and cozy.
Prayers said that everyone is safe from the storm.
You and Don are in my prayers for keeping your power. Also I am praying for everyone who is in the path of this dangerous storm. May you all be safe and warm.
Brutal. Prayers for your safety and for everyone caught in its path.
Stay warm and safe! hugs!
Glad you can stay home & stay safe. Not good news if the temps are staying low. Ice is so much worse than snow. Good to have some distractions you can turn to while it lasts. Ugh. Take care.
Same weather here in Central Massachusetts. We had a blizzard last Friday/Saturday & now this….
Definitely sending you and Don all my prayers for safety through this rough few days. The ice seems so intimidating to me (who has never been around such a weather event as snow, ice, etc.). Here in SoCalif, all we have, again today, is violent Santa Ana wind, trying to take down my trees and everything else in the yard. It’s 70 degrees outside but I always feel cold lately, which is a joke, compared to what you guys are enduring. Try to stay warm; cozy up!
I’ll just mention this once, to finish my story, but our adored shep-retriever has recently gone to Heaven. I’m so grateful for compassionate veterinary care which gave her a quiet, less-stressful passing, with my husband and I both there to her last breath, which was important, because we were everything to her as she was to us.
Frankly, I don’t think my husband and I can get through our grief anytime soon. Maybe never. But people are so caring. He posted something brief on Facebook and he had 150 messages of sympathy from friends, family, former co-workers, neighbors and old classmates within a couple of hours; and, for him, this was very healing, so I love them all for their gentle and kind responses; he just needed to get it out there, his own little tribute to our cherished dog, which he ended, next to her photograph when she was already an old girl with a snow-white muzzle, “Rest in peace, my love.” Every time I think of this, I cry; the dog and he were inseparable. And of course she was my baby because I’d raised her from the time she was abandoned on our street at just nine weeks old.
My husband is away at work right now, and this is the first time in 33 years that I have not had a dog in the house to keep me company. I feel like I’m in a tomb; it’s too quiet. I hate these days; I hope I can adjust soon. I used to live alone, for years and years, and I’ve craved in my married ‘era’ for just a little bit of uninterrupted alone time here and there, but this is the pits. (Be careful what you wish for.) Being here in the silent house without my husband OR my doggie girl who I miss beyond words is BAD; I’m all out of sorts.
I know we’ll be okay, but this is really, really hard.
Was it this way with our other nine dogs; have I forgotten so quickly? Thing is, before, I always had a back-up dog because we were a multiple-pet family. I had a safety net; another lovey to cuddle when I needed to be soothed from grieving the other. This time is different because our beloved is the last, due to our age and state of health.
Thanks for listening and allowing me to share. Again, I know we’ll be okay. We got out in the car yesterday afternoon in the warm sunshine; nothing we planned, it just happened, I think we felt drawn to the bright light of day; did something spontaneously (entirely crazy) to distract: We chased a passenger train for 25 miles along the curving coastal route. Enjoyed waving to everybody; I think they were watching us, too, because we kept popping up wherever they popped up. The Pacific Ocean couldn’t have been more beautiful; a light aqua-teal blue. We all have to keep trying to find the good, the fun and the beauty; it’s everywhere around us.
Aw, Vicki. I’m so sorry for the loss of your good girl. So painful. Sending virtual hugs.
Thank you, Shanna.
I’m so very sorry, Vicki. My heart breaks for you and your husband. I know that feeling of a very quiet, empty house. We had no other dogs when Scoutie passed away. The silence was deafening. (It still is – six years later.) You are in my thoughts as you navigate this world without your girl. It’s a profound loss.
There are no words.
Much love,
Thank you for your sympathy/empathy, Claudia. It means a lot to me.
I’m having trouble being in the house without her. I told my husband again today, “I need to get out of here for awhile.” Even then, while coming back home in the car after a different ‘drive’, this time a circuitous route up the canyon and back down to the sea, I started to say aloud (then stopped myself), “We’ve got to get home now for the dog.” (We used to never leave her alone for very long; didn’t want to stress her out with old-dog bladder issues.) She is still very much in my subconscious I guess you’d say. It’s the routine now that has to be/will be altered; it just doesn’t happen overnight. Thanks again for your kind thoughts. I appreciate it.
In two days, Scout will have been gone 6 years. I remember that I had to go back to Hartford and Don, left here alone, just had to get in the car and drive around, crying the whole time.
Sending you a big hug, Vicki.
May you stay warm and safe! All the best to all of you♡♡♡♡♡
Hoping you are both doing ok. Ice is beautiful but awful.
Truly awful. It will be better when Monday comes and it has a chance to melt.
Thanks, Naomi.
Stay safe.