When I arose this morning, I saw what looked like snow on the ground (gulp!) but was in reality an icy mix. It rained all night and will rain all day. The birds were out in full force searching for food, taking advantage of the rain-soaked ground.
But it’s gray out there. And sort of dismal.
Temperatures are lower than normal. This is the latest spring I can remember. Everyone is more than ready for warmer temperatures, and not just a day or two here and there, but consistent warmth. We’re getting very impatient, Mother Nature.
I managed to watch Masterpiece, which is airing a new mystery starring one of my favorite actresses, Nicola Walker, and the second half of the Comey interview. Why, tell me why, does ABC feel they have to add music and stock footage? It’s not reality television, it’s news. It took away from the seriousness of the interview. I have a feeling that Rachel’s interview with him on Thursday will be much more satisfying and will have the necessary gravitas.
That being said, there was nothing all that shocking and nothing I didn’t know already. That Spanky behaves like a mobster is crystal clear. And New Yorkers have known about his mob ties for years.
I’m trying to decide when I’m going to spend a day or two with Don this week. Maybe Thursday? I didn’t want to go in today and have to deal with an umbrella while schlepping my rolling suitcase and shoulder bag during the several block walk to the apartment.
Nothing exciting on the docket today – a trip to the grocery store, vacuuming, dusting, swiffering, that sort of thing.
Happy Monday.
Your Monday sounds like my Monday. Have a great day!
You too, Cathy!
I have the Masterpiece Theater lined up to watch as I also love Nicola Walker. I didn’t get home until almost 8:30 last night as I watched the Grands while Sara worked on her final presentation for tomorrow. She will do great I know. Today is Scout’s birthday so we are going to have dinner and gifts tonight. Blake started a new job today. So many exciting things happening for them right now. It’s cold and windy today. I too can’t wait for Spring, real Spring! Take Care!
Happy Birthday to Scout!
Love Nicola Walker too! Just watched her p. Netflix Series. Waiting for Spring too. Ordered Comey book.
She is so talented, Dottie!
Sounds like we have the same Monday! School was delayed 2 hours today due to THE SNOW, so I feel like I am behind since hubs was home those 2 extra hours. Full of excuses, so I need to get moving. Green Bay had 26 inches of snow. It is beyond crazy. And there is more forecast for Wed. Husband was supposed to announce a Track Meet at the HS this aft, but since there aren’t enough snowshoes for everyone, it was cancelled. I think spring sports will be going on through July to try and get games and matches in with so many cancelled already.
Blergh! I know, enough already, and I truly don’t want to whine about it. It is this feeling of despair which is compounded by the other crap going on and on and on. It seriously feels like the weather and the fake president will both never end. Despair.
I hope all of us can get our normal Monday chores done and feel good (and possibly “normal”) about something! Enjoy your day, Claudia!
I was saying to Don that we all need Spring. In the face of what is going on in Washington, we need to see new growth, tend to our gardens, all of that kind of thing. Hang in there!
Patiently waiting…waiting impatiently. I’m not doing either very well. My Monday appears similar to everyone else’s….light chores. I evidently missed Unforgotten…I think I can watch it online, and get caught up. We got off easier than others on the snow totals…but more is predicted for Wednesday…oh joy!
I am looking forward to Thursday….there’s a string of days in the 50’s with sun predicted. Hope it holds! Enjoy your day! ;)
Up here we have the exact same weather. Gloomy, gray, dismal, foggy-ish. Plus everything’s ice-encased [and although the smallest branches & twigs do look rather pretty that way – it’s way past time for this sort of thing] Makes me think we’re going to have a chilly short Spring & then head directly into a dry, droughty Summer. Brown lawns and heat. Yuck – and double yuck. Oh well. Hope you get your errands done quickly & can a chance to hunker down for some reading. This is the perfect weather for it. Peace. 🌧
I know. My friends Rick and Doug are so excited to see Spring and I feel badly for them as it’s SO late this year!
A visit with Don would do you a world of good as always; can you ever just leave a few changes of clothes/toiletries at the apartment so that you don’t have to carry a suitcase each trip?
Oh, I’ll send out best vibes for warmer weather for you soon. My sister-in-law was supposed to be on a overseas flight yesterday but they got diverted to Minneapolis before they barely got off the ground; in fact, grounded due to weather.
I do have some stuff there, but it’s winter clothing. I have toiletries there, but I have to take makeup and my computer and something to read, etc.
Oh, I see. Just a computer bag and shoulder bag would be a lot with much walking (especially if juggling an umbrella, too). And I understand that winter clothing can be very bulky to pack. You’re probably going to feel so liberated once you don’t have to wear a lot of layers.
I will. So will Don. We can’t wait!
Sounds like Mondays are get it done days for lots of your commenters! During all your chores, you can muse over when to make the trip to NYC, also consulting the week’s weather.
My neighbor gave me three perfectly good plants he was going to toss (gasp!) but I told him I’ll take them. He wanted something new in his front yard. Two are kangaroo paws, which should do well in my front yard, which gets afternoon sun, since they are Australian natives. The third one is a salvia and I can plant it in my salvia bed in the backyard to replace all the mallows that died. My hummingbirds love the salvias, and this one has bright red flowers so a very good attractant. So, if the rain holds out (there was a torrential downpour early is morning), I’ll be digging holes and replanting. Then a trip to Costco, which sells huge bags of organic soil. We bought five bags of organic amendment from the nursery yesterday, and salivated over all the plants. We ended up with a few runner beans in various colors and a Yukon gold potato to try raising. We’ve never grown potatoes before and thought it would be fun!
You’re making up for time lost last week. Enjoy!
Got the three plants in, which I really wanted to do so the root balls wouldnt dry out. Hope you got a lot accomplished too!
Nope! It rained all day long!
I understand your impatience, Claudia. I truly do.
I would love to see some green or buds on something. I want to put my hands in the dirt. I’d like to sit out in the sun.
Unfortunately, we got about 10 inches of snow over the weekend.
I hope you have a wonderful time in NY.
I’m so sorry about all that snow, Trudy. It’s so frustrating, I know!
So sorry that the weather isn’t cooperating in your area. We have already reached 90 here and I’m dreading the summer for the next 5-6 months. We won’t have nice weather -or at least weather that you can enjoy again until around Halloween. The weather is so drastic here it’s just insane to me. I hope you get your Spring soon.
Love Nicola! Last Tango in Halifax is one of my favs. Looking forward to Unforgotten.
I hope you and Don have a lovely visit together! Happy Monday Claudia.
Thanks, Belinda! Hope you’re feeling well!
This sounds like me in SoCalif, weather-wise!
Belinda’s comment.
I will watch Comey with Rachel – You know, in the first interview, I’ve been a little taken back by what appears to be (in my opinion) his sinking down to the level of The Orange Scream with some of his descriptions – kinda like juvenile banter that I think he should be above. I agree with him on most things, but there’s that element… and I don’t think his handling of the Clinton e-mails was in the best interest of anyone, certainly not the way it went down.
Miserable here today, too…. I think you’re wise to not travel on this particular day.
Well, I took it as a pointed reference, yes, but FBI agents are trained to observe every little detail, so I was okay with it. I don’t think he handled the emails well, either, but I do believe he felt caught between a rock and a hard place.
Our weather is about the same as yours Claudia rain, wind and colder temps…it stinks..lol…I enjoyed those two days in the 80s so much…I want to go back to the greenhouses but I want to do it on a nicer day!!…Little Spanky was on Twitter complaining about the interview before it even started…I get so frustrated hearing him whine and call everyone lairs when he constantly lies to everyone himself….Every time I hear him say “Crooked Hillary” I would like to put my hands around his throat and strangle those words right out of his mouth…now listen to me…and I have always been a non-violent person…We should not have to deal with crap to the point where we have thoughts that are so out of character with who we are!…OK…I better stop before the FBI comes knocking on my door…lol….
I can’t stand to hear him speak. I immediately mute the television!
We had torrential rain last night and this morning. The sun came out this afternoon and dried everything up quickly. It is now a pretty day,but windy.
No sun here, and it started raining again this evening.
how is Don able to take a day off since he’s a main character and not just one of the dancers?
do they do a night show + the matinee only on weekends? so he has daytimes off during the week and just has to work nights?
it just dawns on me i can look it up! sorry!
i’m glad you have the little apartment. that way if you don’t want to go out you don’t have to!
it’s more like your own little place. and spring will make it all better! xo
He doesn’t take a day off. He just has some days free until he has to be at the theater that night. As it is, he works 6 days a week, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays he has two shows – bringing the total to 8 shows a week. It’s just easier for us to spend time together when he doesn’t have a matinee.
Overcast and yucky. It is just exhausting. So ready for spring to actually arrive.
Me too. I am more than ready!
I love that periwinkle plate under your plant. That splash of color.
Thanks, Donna!