Our area of the Hudson Valley is known for apples. Every autumn, masses of people drive here on the weekend to pick apples, drink cider, and buy apple pies. The lure of the apple, along with the spectacular fall colors, equals a tourist bonanza.
Today, while we were driving to take the dogs to the Vet’s, we saw that one of our local orchards is already setting out their boxes for apple picking. I drove back later to get some photos for you.
it is really beautiful!
our town is big for apple picking, too. a section of the town is even called “apple valley.”
hooray for fall!
You are so right it is truly beautiful where you are! Enjoy!
Hugs, Lisa
Don’t you just love when you see the signs of the season changing? We have an touristy “Apple Hill” up near Placerville. They have Christmas Tree farms there too.
Apples mean fall and back to school to me.
I always had an Apple Theme for the month of September when I was teaching third grade.
Cooking them, tasting them, writing about them, drawing them, dipping them, and so on.
Beautiful photos, we have a lot of apple farms near here and it is so nice to be able to get fresh picked apples from the farms.
What a VIEW!!!! xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings…
it is beautiful! We have a lot of apple picking in our area too in the fall. The problem is it is usually so hot you can’t stand to go there. Not to say that there aren’t cooler days but we usually go from hot to cold. Are you going apple picking?
Beautiful view Claudia.
We also have some great apple spots around here.
Came home thru the Adirondacks last week with my friend Julie. We were in Manhattan. Loved every minute of the ride, there and back.
Just wanted to come over and say hi to my friend.
Love Claudie
Oh yeah! It is really beautiful!!!
Love apple pickin’!
I know that drive well! My car automatically goes in that direction because it gets me to the Library ;-) It is a beautiful drive.
Oh, that brings back memories of apple picking time. Most of my college money was earned by picking apples and working in the warehouses.
Although I didn’t pick my own, I do have a basket of honey crisps on the dining room table. Sauce, pie, munching???
Lovely photos of the boxes and full apple trees. Our apple tree is almost ready to be harvested. Ummm good-fresh apples, apple pie, apple sauce, etc. A great time of year.
Have a happy day.
Thanks for sharing such lovely photos, Claudia! I really must get out and take some of my own this fall. We have an orchard not too far from us where we can pick our own apples and drink cider too! Last year we went to a wonderful farm where we could pick apples and pumpkins . . . what fun that was . . . is there such a thing as a perfect pumpkin? LOL!! It took me forever to find just the ‘right’ one!
Claudia, it is GORGEOUS out where you live!!! We have a lot of apple orchards in our area, too. Thanks for the comment you left on Amanda’s room. I meant to leave a comment when you posted about your friend’s daughter’s dorm room, but I think I read that post late, late at night and then forgot to go back to it the next day to leave a comment, but her dorm room was just beautiful! And if I remember right, that was the trip where you got backed up in a major traffic jam. I had the same experience the week before while heading to Connecticut to pick up Courtney. Traffic suddenly came to a halt and for TWO hours we just sat… It turns out a huge tractor trailer had overturned while hauling sewer sludge .. yuck (nobody was hurt, thank goodness, but what a mess!). They finally got everyone off the highway, but the accident was still backing up traffic when Court & I were on our way home hours later… Donna