Well, it’s raining. Heavily. Again. And it will rain tomorrow, too,
As I said in the comments the other day: Cue Claudia’s scream.
I managed to grab some time to mow the lilac side of the lawn yesterday afternoon, right after we spent 3 hours dealing with a refrigerator problem. Water has been leaking inside the fridge and we did some research that showed it was a blocked drain line, which seems to be very common. After watching several YouTube videos, we tackled the problem but it involved unscrewing panels and taking things apart and we’re not sure, in the end, whether we fixed it. Fingers crossed. This is an old GE refrigerator that was made in 2000, but it’s been working just fine until recently and we certainly don’t want to have to buy a new one.
It was a crazy sort of day,
But I did get in some reading to help balance the stress and it sure helps. I’m loving Mick Herron’s newest book, The Secret Hours. He is such an excellent writer and I’m riveted to the story. Two more books that I had on hold came in at my local library, so I’m feeling a bit of pressure as, since they’re new, I have them for a limited amount of time. As pressure goes, that’s the best kind to have!
I hear my little Carolina wren chirping away. I’m not sure where he is, but he’s somewhere in the vicinity of the porch.
Comfort doll. There’s something about that face and the sweetness of her expression.
Rest in peace to Michael Gambon, who has was one of my favorite actors. I was able to see him onstage 20 years ago. I was in London and he was in a production of The Caretaker by Harold Pinter. His performance was extraordinary and it’s seared in my memory. He was blessed with an incredible voice and I could have happily spent several hours listening to him read the phone book. He will be deeply missed.
Yesterday was my dad’s birthday. He would have been 100 years old, had he stayed with us a bit longer.
Happy Birthday, Dad.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
Sad news Diane Feinstein died 😔
Very, very sad.
Stay safe, Linda.
I just heard about Diane Feinstein. I still remember her coming on tv in a live special report telling of the shooting deaths of George Moscone and Harvey Milk. That was such a shock. She was a strong woman.
Claudia, hope your rain lets up a bit…also, that your refrigerator stops leaking!
Happy Friday!
I remember that vividly. She was such a pillar of strength.
Stay safe, Barrie.
though you and don are capable, talented people, i will pray the refrigerator keeps going for you. and good for you both being willing to have a go at it … love that attitude. :)
happy belated birthday to your father.
good luck with the rain and reading … you’re getting a lot of both!
was hoping to pick up something today that a friend framed for me, but that has to wait … he has covid. mild-ish symptoms, but enough that he knew he had to get tested. and he was to go on vacation next week … bummer. stupid covid.
right now i’m waiting on an oil change (where i am the only person wearing a mask), then will make a couple stops, go home and shower, do a couple other things there, then visit members of my family.
happy, safe friday to you, don and everyone else!
Thanks, Kathy. Have a good day.
Stay safe.
3.65″ of rain here so far. Roads, fields are flooded AGAIN! Went for my flu shot and was shocked at how many people were in CVS considering the flooding. More rain tomorrow. Whoopee! I can’t take much more of this dreariness. The only good thing is that if this rain was snow it would be twice as many inches according to the news weather person.
Next week, we have our Covid vaccines scheduled. After that I have to schedule RSV. I like to spread it out so our immune systems have a chance to recover.
In brighter news, I finished a quilt for my sister last night and have started a baby quilt for my nephew’s son. My dog is very frustrated and confused. He hates the rain but wants to take a walk. It’s a conundrum! Try to stay dry and finger’s crossed for your fridge.
Good for you on the quilts.
Yes, NYC, especially is a nightmare. The film I’ve been seeing is terrible.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — so sorry re frig — sure hate when appliances don’t work right — hope your repairs will keep it humming. I am ‘pea green’ w/envy re your rain — we got 2 tenths after all the hoopla warning us rain was coming — some places did get more just not us — guess we’re not living right, as Myma used to say. hope y’all stay safe/healthy
It seems to be doing well. No water at all.
NYC is a nightmare right now, with dangerous flooding, some of it in the area of Brooklyn I stayed in when I was working on the film.
Stay safe.
It will be over 7000 dollars for the furnace. It is pouring rain….flooding everywhere. We do not have a basement but our back porch roof is leaking so I moved all the furniture and covered with a tarp. I have been heating water on the stove and doing a pretty good job of maintaining a semblance of cleanliness. Doing zoom classes that I love….Alice Munro….short stories. Started drawing again. Somehow between the early darkness and the pounding rain…..I feel like jumping into bed and pulling the covers over my head. Too much news….negative impact on me. I am already tired of making chicken soup….and overindulging on “comfort” food. Winter hasn’t started. I miss the sun. Looking forward to next week when we can dry things out. Getting my shot ….going to the library and cleaning out some cabinets are on my to do list. Stay well….wear your mask and send in for your free Covid tests.
Yep. It was over $7000 for ours. We had to borrow the money from my dad. Flooding here as well, though I think you have it worse than we do.
Already sent in for our tests and we’re wearing masks.
Hang in there, Maria.
Stay safe.
Hope your fridge is fixed, Claudia. Always something! Sounds like you need some nice crisp, fall weather. I agree, “playing” with our Blythe dolls is very comforting. Olivia is adorable in her cute dress and striped stockings. Hope you get better weather for the weekend. Hugs, Elaine
It looks like it’s doing well. So far, so good.
Thanks, Elaine.
Stay safe.
I remember those murders, horrible and shocking. I also remember the “Twinkie Defense” the murderer used at his trial.
I am glad the Senator’s accomplishments are being covered extensively in the press.
Take Care,
When I was teaching at Boston University, they performed Execution of Justice, which is a play based on that trial. (I played the Judge.)
So I learned a lot about the trial and the “twinkie defense.”
Stay safe, Kaye.
Beautiful dolly. I shouldn’t have told Dad what I’ve paid for my blythe dolls! I will receive no inheritance. Dad and I took a little bus out to the country to a village where it’s just an acting and art college. There’s an old theatre and we saw a W.O. Mitchell play. You get a warm meal also. Was wonderful, so funny! I love my Dad and it was special to share a day like that together. I don’t think Mom would have faired as well as Dad if Dad had died first. Last week my brother, Dad and I chose a headstone for Mom. There will be the names of all 7 of us children on the back. It’s really nice. I hope Dad lives to be 100!!
Oh, Claudia – Dear old Dad turned 86 last week!