It’s finished. Two guys worked tirelessly yesterday and the new leach field is in.
My yard is a mess. The grass is gone, replaced by mud. I can’t even look at it. Like Scarlett O’Hara, I say “Tomorrow is another day.”
I don’t do well with upheaval and the constant noise of machinery outside my window. So I closed the blinds, moved into the living room and played music all day. Thank you, Steve Jobs, for iTunes and good earbuds and my favorites list right here on my laptop. And for my laptop.
I am constantly playing “Running in the Deep” by Adele. That girl is seriously talented. I am always drawn to voices with a bit of huskiness to them. Her big, powerful voice and the lyrics she writes touch my heart.
Some snapshots (via the Hipstamatic App) of the day:
I’ve added the shawls to the shop. Today I’m adding a new Obsession Scarf and I’ll most likely add another one tomorrow. I find I have to remind myself to take a break or my hand and wrist start hurting. Occupational hazard.
Apropos of nothing, I just read a post by a blogger who had recently redecorated her kitchen. It’s gorgeous. But here’s the kicker: she linked the post to 46 linky parties. That might be the all-time record. I counted twice to make sure I was right.
What’s on the docket for your Saturday?
I cannot get Adele out of my head. I love her but her songs need to give my brain a rest. I sing them over and over in my mind. She is awesome.
I am so sorry, Claudia, about the Willow. We have to put “root kill” in our septics twice a year. We lost one septic tank about two years ago and were so fortunate we had put two tanks in originally (one for grey water, one for dirty water). Now, we just have the one working.
If you had gotten a cutting of the willow, maybe you could have grown a little bonsai from it.
My Saturday is getting a credit card from Lowes for 18 month no interest so we can get a Stove. Our 25 year old stove, with one last well working burner and inconsistent oven has become a electrical/fire danger at this point. I pushed it as far as possible….
I love your Etsy site, beautiful shawls. It hasn’t been cold here (Florida) at all; maybe make obsession bikinis!
Peace. Brianne
I know the joys and woes of home ownership and have had to have trees cut to save pipes, retainer walls built and the expense always comes at a time when money is short in supply. My prayers the rest of the coming year will be smooth, your shop will have a banner year and your fingers/hands hold out.
God bless and keep you all safe!
Glad your world is back to normal! The really good thing about the destruction of the lawn is that with spring just around the corner, things will green up and in a month or two the trenches won’t even be visible. Did you lose the tree that’s in the photo of your home (on the sidebar under “The Cottage”?)
Have a warm and cozy weekend.
Love all the different perpectives of your sweet cottage and the pictures of your fur babies too; they always say so much.
Stay fabulous!
my yard is a mess from the water main break!
your scarf is such a gorgeous color!
Just getting caught up here. What a week you have had. You are right, don’t look outside. And put on some Adele, she does cheer you up. On a positive note just think of all the spring options you might have a head soon. Finally, you know how I love your obsession scarves and just look at that box of yarn with more to come.
Try and have a relaxing weekend. Off to see what else I’ve missed.
Claudia, Is your crochet hook smoking??:):) You are very fast at making those cute scarves. I liked the technic you used on your photos. Thinking of you, Smiles, Susie(She Junks)
I know the Grammy’s were a week ago and Adele is still singing in my head! I knit a lot, and I noticed when I started crocheting and made some of your snowflakes it really caused my hands to hurt. I hadn’t crocheted in years and guess I was using different muscles! If they get to hurting lots, you can dampen a wet towel, heat it in the microwave a few minutes and wrap it around your hands. It feels so nice!
We have new sewers going in at the lakehouse and the front yard is a mess. I hope they repair some of the damage they’ve done…if not maybe spring will pretty it up a bit!
I love Adele, too. I have a lot of her music on my blog playlist. She has a beautiful voice and fun personality.
Love the pictures of your pup. I love seeing random pictures on blogs that tell a story without words.
46 party links? I thought the idea was to visit participants at the links. This would be impossible. Oh well.
Have a great day, Claudia!
Hi Claudia,
I feel your pain. We had to have a new leach field put in too, but the worse part is that they just put the sewer in and I HAVE to hook up to sewer so that expense…down the drain. Pun intented. Yes, we checked and the sewer was a couple of years out so we HAD to do it and I HAVE to hook up to the sewer (or be penalized).
Anyway, I LOVE your scarfs and I want to order one, but it looks like I’ll have to be way quicker than I usually am. lol They are beautiful and I am glad that you are selling them.
I love Adele too!
Redeemed Junk and Stuff
Dear Claudia! You look so sad. I wish I could take away your pain but I can’t. So, I’m sending you a virtual hug from the heart!
Hello my dear Claudia, what a mess- I hope your new week will be a more happy-and noiceless one– I hope you will smile, and see the spring soon to come, with green sprigs all over- and that your lawn can be beautifully soft and geen again.
No wonder your gorgeous scharfs are selling the minute you brings them on- they are so beautiful–I know I said that before, but good things can be tols over again :)
Hugs, Dorthe
Love the framing on your photos. The app (which I just googled to see what it was) is great. Right choice to not watch yesterday. Take care of you too.
Just returned from an overnight of babysitting to find a sweet package in the mailbox. Packaged so nicely… it,,,,,think I will wear it tomorrow as the Hubby is taking me on a date. Thanks.
My heart absolutely sank when you commented to me about the leach field. It is devastating. I would not have watched either. I could not and will not ever connect to forty six linky parties. Two or three if I am feeling well which is not often. How can you visit? You cannot. I felt bad when I linked with your last party and then did not have time to visit around.
I am so sorry about your willow and the expensive bill for the septic tank. That is just plain rough! Yes, I love my Itunes too! I so admire your crocheted scarves Claudia! So pretty!~Hugs, Patti
I’ve been sewing all day. I’m so sorry about the trees. I can see the sadness in your face. We need to sit in the same room and just hug.
Hi Claudia,
Glad to hear the work is done outside. Ugh, I hate spending money on repairs and having to clean up the mess! With Spring on the way, maybe your yard will grown in quickly.
Love the photos-the technique is great. And, your scarves are beautiful!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
I’m so sorry to hear about your beautiful willow tree. I love willows.
Wow! 46 linkys really? I would like to see that kitchen.
xo rachel
love your scarves
HI Claudia,
I don’t have a septic system but I think paying for that leaching field is like when I had to pay to have storm windows attached to our old house that only had single pane windows. UGH~lots of money for something you don’t even see!! Your scarves are lovely!
I would be walking around the house just cussing. It doesn’t solve anything but it does release some of that awful worry tension. I am hoping that you can think of something wonderful to plant that will be beautiful without awful roots.
The good news is, that dreadful noise is over. I am laughing about the 46 linkys. Good grief!!
I’m so sorry for your weeping willow. It’s my favourite tree too. Fortunatelly, as we don’t have septic tancs here, I don’t have to worry about the root problem. Couldn’t you plant a new weeping willow at a different place on your property?
Poor Willow, poor bank balance, poor you. Hope things can cheer up for you soon. There’s a touch of the glums here as well right now … but at least the sun is shining today … hope you get some blue skies too x
Darn it. I knew I should have bought an iPhone. Love the Hipstamatic photos.