I’m home. I’m tired. I really liked that hotel bed – ours, as you know, needs to be replaced. It took me way too long to get to sleep last night and I have a lot to do today. One word: mowing. By the way, my husband changed the spark plug on the mower and, ta da, it works! I ran out of gas late yesterday afternoon and Don was at work. So this morning, I will be off to our local gas station. Since it is supposed to rain for most of the week ahead, I have to get all the mowing done today.
Don did mow, I don’t want you to think he didn’t. But he didn’t mow the back forty. That’s what I have to tackle today. I have all sorts of garden photos for you, but for today I thought I would concentrate on an unexpected benefit from the loss of the willow.
The clematis that is planted in front of the house has started blooming profusely. It’s been in this plot, between the boxwoods, for at least 6 years. Last year, I got one bloom. This year? Well, the evidence is right before your eyes. Clearly, it wasn’t getting enough sun. The willow was blocking the light.
Though I still miss my weeping willow terribly – I can’t even look at photos of the house where I can see it – this little miracle is of the ‘if you get lemons, make lemonade’ variety.
I have to prune the boxwoods a bit. I already started that yesterday. But this splash of, what would you call it? – magenta? – is a delightful surprise.
Have a lovely Sunday.
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