A little trip to Target yesterday morning and there were no lights in stock. None. They go so quickly! But we did get a few other things because when you’re at Target, that’s what you do. Then we drove down the street to Michael’s. I needed to buy a couple of picks. I remove the sparkly little balls and glue them to my mini Christmas trees. Lo and behold, Michael’s had plenty of lights.
Then, of course, it was on to Five Guys where we ate fries while sitting in the car people watching. I couldn’t finish them, of course, there are always too many. And the server was over generous with the salt. But they are the BEST fries in the world and the indulgence is worth it, as long as it only happens every few months.
Back home, strands of lights already on the tree were adjusted a bit and a new strand was added:
Much better.
This year’s tree skirt is a vintage barkcloth curtain panel. I love barkcloth and I like using something that isn’t the standard Christmas skirt.
Today we’re finally getting our flu shots – this morning, in fact – and then we’ll come home and decorate the tree.
I cannot tell you how much I love seeing the lights on the tree. Especially this year.
I’ve already decorated two of the dollhouses, though I want to add some ‘bulbs’ to the tree in Dove Cottage – which is why I needed to stop at Michael’s. I ran out of them last year when I was making the tree, so I never fully finished it.
I’m also thinking that the vintage dollhouse on top of the cabinet in the den needs a tree. Even though it isn’t the best match for the dark wood and lake cottage kind of decor, I do have a fully decorated modern tree that I used to use in the modern dollhouse. I think I’ll put it in there.
Lots of life-sized and mini decorating to do and, eventually, I’ll share it with you.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
too bad about too-salty french fries, but glad you could find more lights for the tree. it’s beautiful as is, but ornaments often hold many memories so i understand and would want them on my tree (if i could have one) as well. happy decorating of the big tree and little houses!
glad you’re getting flu shots. we have ours here. next up are the third covid boosters. be well, everyone!
yesterday on a ride and from a bit of distance, members of my family and i saw lots of geese settle down on a pond so we made our way there and saw probably two hundred+ geese. wonderful on their own, but then we saw five swans on the water, too! i am not good around bugs, etc. so am not one for camping, but i love nature and being outside. :)
this afternoon i have an appointment with an eye doctor … routine check on vision and eye health. will be glad to get an updated prescription so i can get new frames. i found a nice selection of frames at a big-box store, in their “readers” display by the pharmacy. spending $20.00 max on frames is much better (obviously) than a couple hundred at optical shops so am pleased about that. will happily, gratefully spend time with members of my family and also get some groceries and Christmas shopping done. :)
hope you, don and everyone else here have a wonderful day and stay safe.
I saw some Canada geese in a little park in Manhattan, of all places! I was surprised to see them there.
Stay safe, Kathy.
Glad you found more lights at Michael’s…and that it was still close to Five Guys! Those fries are really good! I haven’t been there in years, but just may have to go soon! Enjoy the decorating!
They are the best!
Stay safe.
lt’s good you’re getting the flu shots. Hope you sail thru without too many sniffles or momentary aches (in terms of vaccine reaction, if any [the only thing I remember as an after-effect was some sneezing!]).
How clever of you to remove the little ‘balls’ from decorative picks for mini trees (I assume bottle brush/sisal?). Just like using the Target sweater ornaments for ‘real’ sweaters for the Blythes. You really got the repurpose/recycle ‘gene’, Claudia!
I got my flu shot in late October and am hoping the vaccine lasts the season. Of course my best friend had all of her shots done in September (5th Covid shot, flu shot, shingles shot) and although I’m sure it’s all done her some amount of good (she hasn’t wound up in the hospital, which is a key point), she still got Covid anyway and has been sick with it now for going-on six weeks although she tries to de-emphasize it despite STILL taking OTC nose drops for a nonstop runny nose, as well as OTC cough syrup (both ‘meds’ every day since being stricken; refuses to go to the doctor [why, I don’t know] and had waited too late for advice or testing for Covid such that she couldn’t benefit from that prescription anti-viral you’re supposed to take in the first days of Covid; but the cough is bad, especially at night which affects sleep [coughing is SO exhausting and disruptive]; her voice is thin and raspy [worries me!] and she does admit to the extra fatigue [over such a while now in her Covid ‘journey’] as really getting to her [she’s pretty fed up with Covid although, as I said, tries to minimize what’s going on with her, and she gets out, shops, walks the little dog; trudges on, does her errands in spite of getting quite tired with lack of energy; still planning on family-gathering for Christmas {antibodies!} despite her brother’s concurrent and VERY slow Covid recovery]).
My brother-in-law and his wife got very sick with flu over the Thanksgiving Day weekend (assumed it was Covid; tested/wasn’t; he picked it up at a football game [booster goings-on, same day; lots of activity; my guess is he wasn’t masking, although I could be wrong]; but he consequently then infected his leukemia-ridden wife [who has a poor immune system]; scary stuff). Their adult daughter, who couldn’t be with them for the holiday as she lives in another part of the country with a husband who just had a stroke, was so concerned about her parents that she had a complete Thanksgiving Day meal/feast delivered to their home (such that at least once they felt like it, they had something to eat which was ready and easy; and they’re in cold-snowy weather where getting out wouldn’t have been wise).
All of these folks (my friend; her bro; my brother-in-law and his wife) are in their 70s. We don’t sometimes bounce back from illness the way we did when younger. As you always say to your readers, Claudia … we all need to Stay Safe!
My husband and I realized this week that all of our home-testing kits for Covid have expired. Apparently it’s said they (one type we had) can still be good to January (despite expiring last summer [I just wasn’t ‘up’ on this; clueless; two of another type of kit we had on hand were completely worthless]) but January isn’t far away now, so we were able to order the new test kits free from CVS a couple of days ago; allowed eight test kits per month on Medicare, I think, but my CVS is only giving out four at one request, so we have to just remember to call it in again. Although my husband’s employer is requiring him to take a test before starting each workday (it’s just a couple of times per week for him; he’s permanent part-time as a retiree), they’re not providing the tests now at the workplace (which we don’t think is right!); so, we need to take advantage of the free tests thru CVS, for which we’re grateful, and it was easy to do.
Big uptick in Covid cases here (Southern Calif counties), so we’re back to early-morning grocery shopping and the rest of the sorry mitigations. My husband decided to maybe be prepared with disposable gloves again, as we ran out months ago, so he picked up a box of those, too, this past weekend. He has to have some serious surgery next month and he doubts I’ll be able to be with him in the hospital, which is an overnight (or two) stay for him. I guess that story is still to be told, if my presence would be allowed by the hospital. As you would say, Claudia: “A pox on Covid!”
Yeah, that happened to us a while back. Don went to the drug store and got 4 test kits.
We’ll get more as we need them.
Sty safe, Vicki.
Medicare pays for the tests
I got mine this summer and just went again
No charge with my Medicare and insurance
Yes, we know that.
Thanks, Brenda.
Stay safe.
I usually don’t get a reaction, though each successive flu vaccine is different, so we’ll see.
Thanks so much, Vicki.
Stay safe.
Love the shape of your tree, looks perfect. I use my great grandmother quilt as my tree skirt.
I have tons of quilts around here, but I like using bark cloth. I bet yours is lovely, Sally.
Stay safe.
The lights looks lovely and I’m so glad you got your fries. I haven’t been to Five Guys in a very long time. Enjoy all the mini decorating. Mom and I got flu shots in Oct and got our Covid booster last week. So we are ready for the winter and the holidays. Hugs!
We’re all set now, Linda.
Boosted and flu shots.
Stay safe.
Your tree warms my heart May it bring you joy and peace as you gaze upon it, I hope this season is a time of healing and hope. May God comfort those in need of healing whether physical or mental. May kindness prevail. May evil be overcome by good. May we seek to understand more and fear less . May the hearts of those needing to exploit others see the damage they do . We need a little Christmas right this very minute.
Beautifully said, Patricia.
Thank you.
Stay safe.
Glad you got your booster shots with hopefully no serious side effects. Your tree looks lovely with the addition of more lights. Now the decorating begins. We have a Five Guys near us. We must try their fries. You make them sound so delicious. Take gentle care. Hugs, Elaine
We already have our booster shots. Today was the flu shot.
Thanks, Elaine.
Stay safe!
Because of you , I started reading Louise Penny’s books. I love them. Reading them in order and am starting book nine. Was wondering if you have watched any of The Three Pines show on Amazon Prime?
So far there are two episodes. I’ve enjoyed them, but not sure I’ll watch any more. I enjoy the books so much ; the actors don’t match the characters too well to me.
Was wondering if you are watching and your impressions ?
Always read your blog….thanks for sharing so much of yourself with the blog world.
Sherry, I have already made the decision not to watch it. I did the same thing with the Bosch series based on Michael Connelly’s books. The characters are too fully realized in my imagination and I don’t want the faces of actors to intrude.
Enjoy Louise Penny! Do you have the newest book yet?
Stay safe.
Claudia , I haven’t gotten new book yet. It will be a bit. I’m trying to read them in order. I am so in love with Three Pines… it has been my escape place this last year. I much prefer how it looks in my imagination than in the series. I do like the actor portraying Gamache a lot. Not so with the rest.
I did watch Still Life on Acorn several months back. It was much better. Just my random thoughts.