I finished this beauty yesterday.
The World of Oscar Wilde.
I really love puzzles with lots of buildings and people because they’re more detailed and complicated. And the more complicated, the better. These puzzles come with a key to all the figures, sites, and references. I’ll read that later this morning.
So I ordered another one – The World of Miss Marple – by the same manufacturer. It should arrive sometime today. My sanity? Worth the expense.
Oh, February. You’ve never been my favorite month, but I’m sure happy we’re done with January. That brings us that much closer to spring. I suspect we’ll be due for more chaotic weather.
I had a nice conversation with Jan yesterday. Her voice sounds much stronger now that she’s in a more hospitable environment. The hospice staff is encouraging her sit in a chair all day as well as gently prodding her to leave the room to take meals with other residents. She can’t do that on her own, she needs assistance, but she’s definitely sounding stronger. Joe was there for part of the call, so the three of us were chatting and sharing stories from our past. There was a great deal of laughter.
Kudos to dear Joe: he furnished and decorated that studio apartment, hung her favorite paintings, did everything he could to make it feel like home. He is a treasure.
That’s all I can say for now. It leaves me feeling very sad, and very aware of the fact that Don and I are in our 70s.
And that life is precious.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
Could you please tell me where I can purchase the Oscar Wilde puzzle and the ones that you have with the covers of magazines? ( I can’t remember the name of the magazine. My sisters are also puzzles enthusiasts and I’d like to gift them with some.) Thank you.
I get them all on Amazon, Christine. They have lots of 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles.
Thanks so much,
Stay safe.
Congrats on completing that puzzle! What a busy, lovely picture it is!
I’m glad your friend, Jan, is in a good place for her now. I’m turning 75 this year and it really makes me think about my future and what it will bring. A bit scary.
Stay safe, Claudia.
Me, too, Ellen.
Thanks so much,
Stay safe.
I’m so sorry about your friends suffering. Mentally and physically! My daughter works in a surgery center and the number of people coming in for biopsies is alarming. Is it our food? Environment? I pray they figure it out!
Thanks so much, Darlene.
Stay safe.
I’m glad to hear you had a fun conversation with Jan. She is fortunate to have faithful friends.
I would love to work on a Miss Marple puzzle, but in the midst of bathroom renovation everything is not where they should be. I can’t start a puzzle because every flat surface is completely covered with packed boxes. I’ll look for it when everything is done, cartons are unpacked and things are returned to their places. My bedroom is completely emptied because I decided to change out the carpet for hardwood. (Easier to clean when my kitties barf.)
Well, look on the bright side, you can afford a renovation and you’ll be so happy when it’s done.
Then, you can get going on the puzzle.
Thanks, Wendy.
Stay safe.
Listening to the velvet voiced Nina Simone…..trying to make sense out of this crazy world and feeling anxious. I am glad that I read your blog today. It does put things in perspective .. I t is hard to watch someone you love slip away. They seem like a wonderful couple. You gave them comfort today Claudia. Sending you hugs.
They’re not a couple Maria. They’re just longtime friends and each other’s family. Joe is gay.
Thanks so much, Maria.
Whatever the relationship…..they are there for each other. A rare thing today.
Yes, indeed.
As my husband and I get older (we’re in our 70s) we have a much better appreciation of what our parents experienced as they aged. Jan must feel comforted by her friends. Joe is a good, good man. Lovely you were able to speak with her. Your puzzle is beautiful . I bet the Miss Marple one will be fun, too. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks so much, Elaine.
Stay safe.
At least February is short. MSU canceled their Chinese New Year celebration event — apparently related to DEI. Everyone should have a Joe. I’m glad they are friends. And that puzzle — amazed you did it so quickly. I’ve seen the Marple you ordered. It will be a fun one!
I’m so glad you could have a better conversation with Jan. I know that meant a lot.
It did.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
Just sending lots of love and good thoughts your way today!
Oh, thank you, Cathy.
Stay safe!
That Oscar Wilde puzzle is beautiful, and very intense looking. I don’t think I could do one that big with so many little pieces. Kudos to you! I”m sure Jan feels special with a friend like you. Take care.
Thank you so much, Leslie.
Stay safe.
I am so glad you were able to talk with your friend Jan. These moments are precious. I am still having breathing issues and have several tests scheduled for February. Hoping we can find the cause and maybe make it better. I feel completely disabled right now and I don’t like it! I know you find peace in your puzzles and I have found the same focus on coloring. Helping me calm my mind. Some beautiful books and I have quite the collection of colored pencils to use. During these times we must do all we can to stay sane. Hugs!
Oh, Linda. I’m so sorry you are having breathing issues. Praying that the solution is found and that you feel much better very, very soon. My thoughts are with you. Keep coloring and know that relief is in sight, my friend.
Stay safe.