Forgot to post the sunset on my birthday. It was pretty spectacular.
If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. We made a big dinner that didn’t seem so big until we ate it and then we figured out we ate too much and were uncomfortable the rest of the evening. And I fell asleep in my chair, just like my dad and grandfather always did after a big meal. But it was delicious! And – always the best thing about a holiday meal – we have leftovers.
I finished the puzzle yesterday, having not had time to work on it the day before.
A true challenge. Let me tell you, the final pieces didn’t just fall into place, this sucker kept me on my toes until the very end.
I like it. And it sure put me in the Christmas spirit.
Shopping the other day was dreadful. It ended up being a very hard day for me emotionally. First of all the mall that I chose isn’t nearly what it used to be. (I suppose that’s happening everywhere.) Many of the stores were empty and the clothing stores that were there were geared toward young people. I’m not going to find something at Forever 21. I went into Macy’s first. I was simply looking for black pants that were dressier than my black jeans. And there were some on the racks but, again, they didn’t fit right or weren’t the right size. I would expect Macy’s to have a bigger selection of clothes, but not this one. I walked from one end of the mall to the other several times and remained frustrated. The only thing I purchased was Christmas tree lights at Target.
The hardest thing – and I’m going to be perfectly honest – was seeing myself in the mirrors. I have gained more weight than I thought. For most of my life, until my fifties, I was very thin. Now? I don’t recognize my body. I don’t recognize myself. I drove home. And then I cried and cried in my husband’s arms. We’re going to go to another mall on Sunday. It’s in Connecticut, and has more stores.
I know this is rather a universal thing – aging and coming to terms with body changes. Usually, I’m okay. But on Wednesday, I simply fell apart. Even though the premiere isn’t wildly dressy, it’s a premiere of a Hollywood movie and there will be lots of cameras and people with much more money than I there. I have to look relatively put together.
I know it will all work out. But the stress is there and it’s very real.
Today, I’m going to take it easy, but I’m realizing I need to walk/exercise more, so I’ll go outside and walk the property several times. Hopefully. It’s raining right now.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
i am sorry for the stress you have… clothes shopping and aging/body changes are hard! i hope you find something on sunday that you feel great in and can then relax and have fun at the premiere. i think you will.
for my back breaking in four places, i haven’t been able to run in two years and three weeks. i miss it very much and it shows. walking, tai chi and swimming are the only medically-safe exercises that have been approved for me. never tried tai chi. love swimming, but sharing a lane (swimming laps) with sometimes two or three other people in the same lane has always been stressful … either they are faster or slower than me … so i don’t enjoy that at all and don’t feel comfortable doing it with covid around (oh to win powerball and have my own indoor lap pool!). so … i walk, do some balance- and light-strength-building exercises (holding cans of beans) and am grateful to be able to do those things, especially with members of my family.
still, it is hard and i am commiserating with you and sending a hug.
glad you and don had a nice thanksgiving. same here except for missing loved ones elsewhere.
the puzzle looks great (good job, claudia). and that sunset was a beautiful present for your birthday!
happy friday to you, don and everyone else here.
stay safe.
Kathy I understand what you said about swimming.. Three back surgeries later I am still in a lot of pain. Before Covid I was using the pool at the Y but no longer.
I do what I can and that is it. Thankful I can still move.
We recently bought Nordic poles so we will see if that helps.
oh, i am so sorry that you had to go through three back surgeries and still have pain!!! i will be praying for you to have complete recovery and pain relief.
nordic poles sound fun. i hope they are fun … and helpful to you, too. having someone to do that with sounds like the best part. :)
and your attitude is great, to do what you can and that’s good enough.
i’ve had a y membership for decades, but it’s on hold because of covid and my back. i’d like to go back, at least during winter months (no room for a treadmill or walking outside on snowy, icy sidewalks here), but not yet. sigh.
hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving and enjoy an easy weekend ahead.
hugs and prayers,
We so used to being far away from our family members that it’s no big deal for us anymore.
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
I can totally relate to what you are saying about a “changing body.” I don’t recognize myself..and it is depressing . Clothes do not fit like they use too thus making clothes shopping very stressful.
The other day I realized I look my Great Annie who was from Sweden…There you go..
Take Care,
I look like my mom aka the older version!
Thanks, Kaye.
Stay safe.
I skipped right over my Mom and Aunts..and went right for old Great Aunt Annie…
Take Care,
Ha ha! xoxo
Leftovers are always a bonus when cooking a special meal.
I’m right there with you on the weight gain. I didn’t put on weight til my late 50’s. I think being thin and never worrying about my weight makes losing now more difficult. I could always eat as much and whatever I wanted. I don’t seem to know how to eat healthy now. I’m working on it though. I do walk when weather is good but winter is coming and there is no safe place I can walk outside. I have a treadmill but it seems monotonous even if I listen to music or a podcast. Walking outside is more interesting.
One thing that seems to work for me is intermittent fasting. I eat between the hours of 11am to 7pm. I was never a breakfast person so I don’t miss it. I sleep better if I eat less in the evening…I used to snack alot. It is a struggle.
I hope you find the perfect pants on your next shopping trip.
Take care
It is indeed a struggle, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
I have a lot of despair over lost youth and vigor; smooth, supple, yet-undamaged (from sun) skin; no wrinkles; a narrow waist; uplifted boobies with no hint of sag; no gray hair; thick not thin head of hair; better eyesight; to be lithe, flexible with the body; STRONG, with no fatigue; not all the aches and pains of physical aging; what used-to-be my cast-iron gut which could eat most anything-anywhere and not flare up in protest (yes, the Thanksgiving dinner did me NO favors and I still feel sick-ish this morning). I laugh ruefully at the whole concept of ‘aging gracefully’ because, to me, there is nothing graceful about it! I don’t find ‘deterioration’ appealing; so, I’m unaccepting, which only makes me feel worse.
And I still live with regrets and unattained dreams. So there; a bucket of human flaws!
I understand about you feeling some loss when on the shopping trip, Claudia. But, you know, you’ll probably find something appropriate to wear in Connecticut; and then you’ll have a nice time at the movie gathering, bad feelings replaced with good ones. Wear some sparkly earrings! They’ll make you feel ‘dressy’.
(By the way, the beloved little Reader’s Digest paper magazine had a one-page about Spoiler Alert, coming in theaters soon. I think it’s the Dec-Jan issue.)
We have one of those ‘free’ weekends on the satellite dish so I was watching channels/things on TV I don’t generally get to view, such as HBO and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame awards (induction ceremony). While I was glad to see the honored (but aging) performers singing/playing largely well, it was a bit of a grimace from me to see the ‘icons’ of my musical youth NOT of course as I’ve remembered them, with another reminder that I’m old(er) now too, just like them (although I’d rather not HAVE the reminder!). It becomes that oft-repeated lament of, “Where did the time go?” Too many years, gone too fast.
Hence the need to indeed just turn all that off, get outside, feel alert and alive in nature’s world; walk as you say, BREATHE while we’ve still got breath, hopefully get some rays of light; dispel the negatives with some positives of all we’ve still got rather than what’s not … and there’s always wisdom which comes with age; I wouldn’t trade it; I’m glad I’m wiser now about a lot of things because, at times, I really was a clueless, younger adult! (Even though I looked damn good in a bikini when I was age 24 and 34 [we won’t talk about 44].)
Yes, I’m wiser – though sometimes I think I’m not wise at all – and normally, it doesn’t bother me, but there’s nothing like dressing for a special occasion to make me see reality.
Stay safe, Vicki.
How long ago was the picture taken on the side of the blog? You look great.
Don’t beat yourself up, you will find something. Try to get out at least a few times a week and walk. I know it is not easy believe me I struggle. I would rather sit in my chair and read.
About 5 or 6 years ago, when we were driving from California to New York. That’s a lot of time at this age.
Thanks, Linda.
Stay safe.
I definitely know what you are saying. I can’t believe my body did this to me!!! It does not work like it should anymore. And the day I realized I had my mother’s arms was traumatic. (a little no a lot saggy)
You will find something, I am sure.
I see my mother in me all of the time now. Sigh.
Thanks, Marion.
Stay safe.
Happy to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Shopping for clothes is not my thing anymore. Why does it look to me like I am the only person that has gained weight? My husband has too though so we commiserate together.
We have beautiful weather this time of year so I have no excuse not to walk. Bill will start putting up decorations outside and he always does a beautiful job. Then I have to start on the inside. Not feeling it yet. I am reading a book! I love reading biographies so I am reading Matthew Perry’s Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing. Man what he has been through with his addiction is incredible. He always made me laugh on Friends and still does in the book. It is amazing he is still alive though. Happy he is doing better. I also wanted something to watch so I put on Live Adele One Night Only. I could watch that over and over. What a voice! Should start doing chores. Take care!
Don has gained weight as well, so at least we’re in the same boat!
Thanks, Deb.
Stay safe.
That was a beautiful sunset. Belated Happy Birthday! I happened to notice a gorgeous sunset here last night. I share your love of leftovers, happy to eat them all weekend. I also share your shopping frustrations, as well as not finding any good quality basics anymore. I couldn’t even find a decent wool coat here in New England. Everything is throwaway, yet as of Nov 1 Massachusetts has banned the disposal of textiles (including shoes). Love the puzzle.
What are you supposed to do with the textiles? I’m curious.
Thanks, Lynda.
Stay safe.
“Donate them to an organization that will find new owners or uses for these items.”
It’s on the consumer to find a textile donation or recycling center. A good thing, I guess, because there is a tremendous amount of waste.
Claudia, happy birthday slightly late! Going to a big shindig where people might be “higher scale”, as I call it, is daunting. And yep, stores and shopping have gone belly up. Do you have a Kohl’s? However, there will be people you know at this event and your friend invited you to come experience this opening because he adores you and wants you to have a fun night. He’s only going to notice that giant smile he helped put on your beautiful face. What you wear, what your weight is, what your age is…..not one person will remember. What they WILL remember is that they got to see that lovely fun Claudia one more time!! My friend who gets invited to openings has said everyone dresses differently….some glittery….some in jeans with smart white shirts, she never much remembers that part. You are there to see a movie, introduce your precious hubby, say hi to all your newly made friends and have fun!!! Deep breaths. It will be fine. (Have you noticed people show up at award shows in jog pants and tennis shoes? Just don’t do that. Heehee)
We do have a Kohl’s and I just might have to go there.
Thanks so much, Verna.
Stay safe.
Shopping is painful for many of us. The realignment we must make with our changing bodies, circumstances and dreams as we age is every bit as painful a process as the one when our bodies changed at puberty and we could feel our adult years rushing toward us. We think we should rise above such concerns with our greater perspective, but why? We’re as new at this as we were with dealing with budding breasts and widening hips. It’s expensive and a bit cliched, but I go straight to Chicos. I’m worried that their clothing might not be ethically sourced, of course, but the company says its expanding it sustainability initiatives. The clothing flows and their “unique” sizing is balm to the soul, even if one knows that in the real world, one doesn’t wear a size .5 or 1.
That should read “it’s expanding,” not “its expanding,” of course.
I think it’s more painful than puberty. Puberty is strange but exciting, paving the path to adulthood and more freedom and the future. Aging is ultimately about decline and the reality that we’re not immortal.
Thanks so much, Linda. I forgot about Chicos.
Stay safe.
I can relate to body changes and trying to find the right clothes…but I think the manufacturers have something to do with it… seems like so many shirts I try on are 10 inches wide! And quality isn’t what it used to be…sadly.
What a beautiful puzzle….I can see it would have been a challenge!
I love leftovers…enjoy yours!
Oh, you’re so right. The quality has definitely declined.
Stay safe, Barrie.
Claudia…..happy birthday…..late. I totally sympathize with you. Not only have I gained weight in all the wrong places……my recent eye surgery has been an eye opener (pun intended). When did I get such blotchy skin and wrinkles…….and unruly brows. I see that my once silver hair has yellow tinged ends and I look haggard. So…..while waiting for the other eye to be done I am wearing sweats and no makeup and hair in a messy bun. The harsh reality is that I have to step up and do something. I will never be young again but I can still look pulled together ….. I gravitate towards muted colors thinking that I can blend in but as I once stated…..tend to dress like a Maryknoll nun. Oh well, just slap on some blush, pretty earrings and smile. You have Don on your arm and many friends. The rest… just gravy. Hugs.
Unruly eyebrows here, as well! Oh my.
Thanks so much, Maria.
Stay safe.
I feel your pain. I weigh more than I ever have (I’m 54). Are we supposed to have some “meat on our bones” in our later years? I don’t get it! I guess I could eat nothing but I don’t really want too.
Home with Covid since Wednesday. Sigh…. Missed thanksgiving with my kids.
Can’t wait to see what you get for your event. I’m sure it will be great.
Oh no! I’m so sorry you have Covid, Darlene. Feel better soon!
Stay safe.
Looking at all the posts, it seems most of us have gained over the years. Sometimes, letting everything out and having a good old cry is the best thing for you.
Now, I’m not a ‘ personal shopper’😀 but could I suggest if you can’t find the trousers you’re looking for, maybe try a non patterned past calf length pleated skirt that echoes one of the colours in your top. If your top is plain, then a bright, jewel coloured skirt and bright lipstick to match!
Hope you find what you’re looking for.
Oh, believe me, I’ve also looked for skirts. Nothing!
Dee Dee, I got your package. Thank you so much! I love the bee coaster and I’m already using it.
Stay safe.
You certainly have a lot of great readers. I think you’re not alone. The thin me no longer exists but somehow I forget this until it’s time for new clothes or time to get out a different season’s clothes. Then I have to look in the mirror. I have the feeling I am having a final that I didn’t study for or even attend class. I love to be out in nature and walk the dog but it seems like I get caught up in something that I somehow feel is so important.
You are beautiful. We can’t be thirty and wouldn’t want to. Love the idea of great earrings. My mom always said people are always more concerned about what they are wearing then what you wear. Good luck shopping. Remember when we used to love it??
Exactly! I forget it until I have to buy clothes. Thanks for the advice from my favorite aunt. I will take that to heart.
Oh my, I used to love shopping. Those days are gone.
Thanks, Eileen.
Stay safe.
Claudia, people won’t know or probably care how much money you have. I say be comfortabke, wear your jeans with your top, smile and enjoy yourself. People who love you won’t care what you’re wearing. And people who don’t care about you, well, they don’t really matter. Go and have fun, enjoy a great date night with Dan. Hugs, Elaine
Oh, I don’t worry about people caring how much money I have at all. I was addressing the fact that their clothes budget is much bigger than mine.
I won’t wear jeans, however. Not appropriate. I’ll find something!
Stay safe, Elaine.
Here I am at 64 and I “sometimes” wish I had one of those earlier versions of myself, but most times the realization is this is good, I am still me, I have more kindness and wisdom now, acceptance and not beating myself up because I do not fit “societies” version of what is supposedly attractive. Being happy in this version of myself is the best blessing for myself and all others that come in contact with me because they might feel they are O>K> too .
I think most of us think that when it comes down to it. Even though aging can be stressful and difficult emotionally.
Thanks, Melody.
Stay safe.