This may look like a cloud at sunset, but it’s actually our mountain range at sunrise. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the sun hit it that way. I didn’t do any editing or enhance the colors. This is exactly how it looked. In fact, Don saw it and said “Go take a picture!!”
So I ran out on the porch in my pajamas and socks and took several pictures. I like this one best.
We also watched about 30 crows flying around our yard, calling out to each other, landing on our trees. Crows fascinate me. They are such intelligent beings. Nevertheless, I told Don it looked like a scene from The Birds out there.
It’s been an eventful morning.
I didn’t get around to doing the porch lights, simply because it was so windy and cold yesterday. The wind was relentless – all day long and into the night. Today is much calmer, so – once I figure out where I put them – I’ll loop them from porch post to porch post, connect them to the extension cord and they’ll be good to go. It doesn’t take long. But boy, it looks pretty!
Nothing much new around here. We watched Victor, Victoria last night. Neither of us had seen it in many years and it didn’t disappoint. It’s as good as ever. Gosh, I love Robert Preston. I love the entire cast, but I have a soft spot for Preston because I love The Music Man so much.
I’m really loving Amazon Prime, which, to me, has more variety than Netflix. But Netflix has things that Prime doesn’t, so they balance each other rather nicely. One thing Prime does that I love: when you pause the film for some reason, they identify the names of the actors in the current scene. For people like us, who constantly try to identify certain actors or pause to Google a name, it’s really handy. And more importantly, it shows respect for the actors. Unlike Netflix, which shoves the credits up into the upper left hand corner of the screen, requiring the viewer to grab the remote and click on that tiny box to get it back on the full screen, Prime shows who the actors are – even those in minor roles. One of my pet peeves, both online, on television, and in the movie theater is this ‘racing’ through the credits. Excuse me? Actors and designers and camera operators and prop people and a whole host of creatives worked on this piece and they deserve to have their names clearly stated without the viewer trying to friggin’ speed read or having to constantly pause the screen to read the names. It’s so disrespectful. The powers-that-be keep pandering to the short attention spans of some viewers. We don’t all have short attention spans. Stop. Please.
My only Christmas decoration so far. And that’s only because he’s on display on the den bookshelves year round. You know the drill. I always wait until the end of the first week in December. I must admit I’m a bit more eager to decorate this year than usual – I suspect it’s due to the state of the world and my need to have something positive and sparkly and beautiful in my home. But I’ll wait. Besides, Don would not be happy if I decorated too early. He feels the same way I do.
I may drive over to an antique shop I haven’t been to for a while. I’m feeling the need to browse.
Happy Thursday.
What a beautiful sunrise Claudia! It made me remember our little grandsons. We watched them when they were little before they went to school with their Mom. They used to love to stand in the foyer early in the morning and chase the “rainbows” coming through our beveled glass windows. Simple sunlight can produce some beautiful things. Enjoy your browsing , it’s one of my favorite things to do.
And the magic of it is that the light doesn’t last long, so you have to grab it while you can!
What a gorgeous sunrise! Glad you shared it!
I am one of ‘those people’ that stay through the credits of movies. It drives my family nuts! I just feel as though I need to be respectful to EVERYONE involved with the making of the film.
Have fun browsing, if you go out.
You are right. So glad you do that, Debbie!
Claudia, I watch a lot of PBS, so a lot of British and international productions. I’m constantly googling as I watch. “That actor looks familiar. I think he was on that Inspector Lewis episode when…”. Or I fall into the rabbit hole, Sophie Thompson!..Phyllida Law!..Emma Thompson!.. I try not to jump feet first into that rabbit hold, or I’d miss the entire show!
Have a fun browse. I’m glad I went out yesterday to get something I needed for a holiday project, armed with a 50% off coupon. I resisted buying anything else. I am hunkering down today as a heavy rainstorm is passing through, complete with windy conditions. I made a stop at the library and checked out two more books. So, after a session in my sewing room, I’m spending some hours reading and looking forward to that. Where would I be if there were no books? I love my local library.
Libraries are national treasures, Wendy!
Oh…what a beautiful sunrise! I’m wondering if that’s one of those things that only happens a couple times of year, due to the angle of the earth and time of year. You were fortunate to capture it.
For some reason, I’m slow decorating this year for Christmas. And, I kind of like it. A couple things every other day or so….nice gradual process, so I’ll know when to stop, and won’t become overwhelmed.
Have fun at the antique store…hope you find just the right ‘I can’t live without it’ item! ;)
It may well be. I’m not sure, but I can say for sure that I’ve never seen anything like it before!
I think slow decorating is a great way to do things. Enjoy the process.
glad you could see that gorgeous sunrise and the mountains. and a buck in your backyard!
we live in such a beautiful world … thanks for the photos/reminders!
agree about movie credits and people getting recognized for their hard work.
on your next cross-country road trip, consider stopping in mason city (two hours north of des moines). there’s a tribute to meredith willson … you can tour his childhood home, go through an indoor recreation of main street from “the music man”, get ice cream …. also, there’s the macnider art museum with ceramics and bill baird puppets, a frank lloyd wright-designed hotel to stay in and one of his (flw’s) homes. get a deli sandwich and sit on the shore of nearby clear lake and drive less than two hours north to minneapolis (i used to live in both places so can offer lots of suggestions on things to do).
have fun browsing. hope you find whatever you may be looking for!
i am home today, knitting a sock. :)
kathy in iowa
I will – if we ever take another cross-country trip. We’ll have to see if that happens.
I totally agree about those tiny, fast moving credits! So annoying. (I also resort to googling to find out who was playing whom.) That feature on Amazon Prime sounds like a step in the right direction.
Your sunrise was spectacular! Good catch! Have fun browsing today.
Thanks, Shanna. I’m lucky I happened to look outside at the right moment!
what a wonderful post! the sun on the mountain range is a glorious catch!
thank you for the get well wishes! this is the first day in a month that I feel almost human!
look at that. 4 exclamation points already. I must be feeling better. LOL.
remember last year when Don wanted the little exquisite Christmas tree left up for so long?
I knew exactly how he felt. how you both felt. we need that kind of beauty in our lives now.
and I agree about the credits. it’s totally irritating on so many levels. I’m tired of the pandering to the youngsters who have to have everything in nano seconds or they lose interest!
ok will close here before a full fledged rant comes on! LOL. hugs to you both. xo
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better, Tammy!
I second your rant, Tammy. I feel the same way!
Thanks for telling me about clicking on the netflix box with the credits in the corner. It always makes me frustrated when they go to the shrink before they get to the cast! How long have I been on netflix and not known that?
Do you know anyone who doesn’t love Robert Preston?!
jeanie, or doesn’t Love the Music Man!
Sorry for horning in. Judy-A
You’re not horning in! I love the discussions on this blog!
I don’t. But if they did, I would have to reassess things!
I’m a “credits reader” from WAY back. I LOVE being able to find out who was who in a movie. Or who wrote the music or made the costumes etc, and I agree with you. I hate it that these days, most of the time the credits either race past at atomic speed or are shrunk to an entirely-unreadable corner. But I don’t think it’s done because of the attention span. I think they do it because they know in general, the vast majority of people simply don’t care. I’m the only one in my family who sits in the theater til the credits have rolled past – everyone else waits for me out in the lobby. Ticks my family off a bit I think, but I really enjoy finding out who did something I really liked in a production. Oh well, I’m definitely odd man out in my family – in that regard. Hope you get your lights up – they’re sure to lift you spirits and everyone who passes your house too. Twill look so festive! Peace.
Maybe a bit of both. But I know for sure that they don’t want you to go away, so they shrink the credits and start winding up to show you the next installment. That’s because of short attention spans.
Thanks, Janet!
The sunrise is so pretty! Thanks for sharing it with us. I agree completely about the credits. I can’t stand that they are rushed. I’m glad in the actual theater though it goes by pretty slow. I knew the girl who designed the hats for “Tuck Everlasting” and my daughter and I sat there until I saw her name (Debbie Nash) and we clapped. I didn’t care if anyone thought we were nuts.
I’ve clapped out loud for friends who appear in credits. We should!
That’s really cool. It’s amazing how sunrises and sunsets frame a day and can almost predict how the morning will go. Do your mountains ever show up purple in a sunrise? Only once did my sister and I see that occur here, a very vibrant purple and we both wanted to stop the car and watch but, I was driving her to a medical appointment and didn’t want to chance being late. I am easily distracted and might have headed in the direction of the mountain range.
I’m not sure if they’ve ever showed up purple. But that must be a gorgeous sight!
For me Browsing in an Antique Store is synonymous with “hiding out”.
No one who knows me, or would be looking for me,would Dare break the Sanctity
of that “Hiding Place!
Dear Claudia,Your Blog is always the same as the first time I read it,(ha ha)
I didn’t mean it as “never changes or same story over and over, but as Grade A+ first quality writing, pertinent,completely up to date, interesting content. I know very little about writing But I know what I Like. and this is it!.You put into words so well what I am thinking or feeling.
Thank-You, Judy A
You are a dear, Judy! Thank you so much for your kind words. xoxo
Gorgeous sunrise! I also like to read the credits Claudia…I know from you and Don that it takes many more people than the actors to make a movie, tv show, play!
Good for you, Nancy! The credits are important!
That sunset is beautiful. Thank You for sharing.
You’re welcome, Marilyn!
Beautiful and the buck is ever so enchanting! Magical moments!!! Thank-you
They keep us going, Grace!
Love your sunrise picture – saw it on IG. Just catching up with your last few posts and really enjoyed your critique of English actors’ American accents and vice versa. And I want to mention I have officially jumped the gun on Christmas decorating. Usually the tree goes up the week of Christmas with other decorating happening a few days before. I’m probably early this year for 2 reasons – I’m home now full time so why not. And because what’s going on in the country is driving me nuts and making me need some sparkly lights too. Right now.
I totally understand! You’re home and you can enjoy the process rather than trying to do it quickly as you must have had to do when you were working. Enjoy the sparkly lights!
I’d put up the twinkle lights and leave them up until the first daffodil appears. We need the light through the winter.
Maybe sometime you could explain how it is that British actors (TV) are on so many shows I watch. Do they have a much smaller group to pull from? Do they have more requirements? Is the union there bossier? I watch lots of PBS and BBC and I see the same folks over and over. Maybe it is a marketing thing? Americans like certain Brits so they sell us show with those folks in it?
Also, I wouldn’t believe the guy who played Gregory House was British until I saw him on a couple talk shows! How was his accent for you?
I’m not sure what you mean in your question. Are you wondering why you see the same actors all the time? I’m not sure. I don’t work there. But British actors go back and forth between film, television and the theater much more than American actors do. It’s a smaller country. All of the venues for acting are much more accessible.
I love Hugh Laurie and dialect was pretty good. At first, it was way too flat, but I found he got better as the show went on – though I wasn’t a frequent viewer. It makes sense. The more he was around American actors and the more time he put into the show, the better he got. Still a bit flat though.
What a gorgeous sunrise. I saw a pretty one last Tue when I was up early to take Ashleigh to the airport shuttle. I’ve been so busy all week but hoping to take some time to rest this weekend. I should have know you and Don are like me and will stop to Google and actor or try to figure out who someone is. I too Love that Prime does that when I pause. Still I enjoy both Prime and Netflix. I’ve gotten where I can’t tolerate commercials especially while watching a movie! Enjoy your day.
I like the combination of Netflix and Amazon Prime. Don HATES commercials!