Sometimes when I’m feeling a little blue, or am housebound on a gray day (like yesterday), I grab one of the girls and then I look through the Blythe clothes and dress her in something fresh. Then I take some pictures.
Every time I do this, my mood lifts. An added bonus; I get reacquainted with that particular girl.
Case in point: Maeve.
I had fun with the lack of light yesterday. She looks rather film noir-ish, doesn’t she?
Let’s go with that:
And my personal favorite:
I trimmed her eyelashes yesterday. They were too long. I also trimmed her bangs a bit. I have a bit of a struggle with her hair due to the fact that the customizer had placed a protective film over part of her head and face (many customizers do this.) Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem but she took forever to get here, over two months, so the hair near the top of her head is not quite fluffy enough and it has a slight crease. I’m not sure how to fix it – curlers?
I usually end up fluffing it out right before I take a picture.
She’s awfully pretty. Periodically, I consider selling one of the dolls. I’ve thought about that with Maeve. But when I pick that doll up and spend some time dressing and photographing her, I just can’t. For now, I can’t let any of the girls go.
It’s rainy again today, but tomorrow (someone’s birthday) should be much nicer. I have to run out this morning to buy a few birthday-related things and I must get a move on as I want to be back for the hearing at 1 pm. (Just read conflicting info – I think it is at 3 pm EST now.)
If you haven’t heard, the Committee is NOT going to hold hearings next week because they’ve received a deluge of tips and videos that they need to go through. So they’ll be back with more hearings in July.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
I love Maeve’s jacket!
Well, that’s good about the deluge of tips and videos…..the more evidence there is, the more promising the former president will go down!
That jacket was made by a talented designer who lives in China.
I love it too.
Thanks, Barrie.
Stay safe.
Maeve might be my favorite of your girls. She is very film noir and just has the best face. I can see how hard it would be to let go of her or any of them. I will be watching the hearings or catching up tonight depending on my grocery pickup schedule. I am so happy to hear they have had more tips and videos sent to them. Oh and Happy Birthday to Don tomorrow. Hugs!
Thank you, Linda!
Stay safe.
But she’s so cute!! And her outfit….
She is adorable!
Thanks Lynda!
Stay safe.
I am waiting for the hearing to start today. I am glad it was delayed as out was out for brunch with friends from my high school days. It is so nice to reconnect with women that are my age and we share aches and pains, and stories that are fun or sad. It really helps me when I can socialize like this.
I am so glad the panel is taking its time to give all of this great information carefully and thoroughly – recorded for the future.
Yesterday’s hearing was very powerful!
Stay safe, Ellen.
Oh, thanx for the tip on the hearings because I actually WAS preparing to record what I thought were hearings next week; makes sense with all the visibility and pleas to the public for any info that, if they did get more info, they’ve of course got to put a team of people on it to validate and analyze. Bravo for the Jan 6 hearings; it’s an amazing effort and an absolutely critical investigative committee which makes me feel proud, of the terrific job they’re doing. Rekindles the faith in our democratic processes.
I love that first photo of beautiful Maeve; girl’s got attitude in all the right ways!
I was in the Ojai Valley and city of Ojai, Calif today (Ventura County of Southern Calif; north of Los Angeles by about 85 miles, 90-minute drive because you wind through the mountains, rising in elevation [not a lot; it’s just 750 miles above sea level, although the valley’s mountains rise to over 6700 ft]) and, man, talk about a furnace and not even a hint of breeze as early as 10am; it was SO hot back in that valley, already 90 degrees, although it’s a beautiful place. And, again, HOW hot was it??!! There was crude oil ‘seep’ leaking out of the ground and running downhill; in FOUR places along the canyon highway; is a natural occurrence but I’ve never seen it so abundant and, wow, you could really smell that black oil. Between this and the dry brush/landscape of extreme drought, I fear for wildfires ahead if this heat continues, which the meteorologists have said will last another ten days, too-too early in the summer season for it (where is our gray-haze/fog/marine layer called June Gloom?). Will just have to hope and pray for more ‘monsoon’ rain like we got a touch of yesterday. Gosh did it make us all yearn for rain.
Amazing skyscape with patches of blue and sun just after our rain yesterday, early in the morning like after 8am, still scattering some light/momentary showers up and down the coastal route along the blue-green gorgeous sea; shorebirds sunning themselves on the sea boulders at high tide, balancing against the ocean breeze, feathers ruffled; rock squirrels running around everywhere, drinking fresh water in little pools which you knew wouldn’t be around for long as the rain was so brief.
I can’t take big vacations anywhere, at least for now, but my husband and I definitely enjoy our staycations closer to home (100-mile radius); the little drives as you, Claudia, and some of your readers have mentioned they do, too. Gets you out; not so hard on the gasoline consumption.
(We’re just taking the other car since our sort-of ‘road-rage’ incident last weekend [our camouflage!], in case that whacko-woman driver might emerge. I know this sounds like paranoia, but the insane/rage-filled person really shook us up, to think such violent people are among us in broad daylight when we’re just doing everyday errands/excursions/appointments, which speaks to a lot of the reader comments here on MHC blog lately. It’s incredible how in a wider County area of some 850,000 people, my husband and I curiously run into people we know, even 40 miles away … yes, it happens! … when I don’t think we even really know THAT many local folks in the first place; to me, it’s a sort of phenomenon, or serendipity, coincidence [pre-destined?] or not random, sometimes [rarely] just unfortunate ‘luck’, other times the best of luck, but clearly a thing of mystery!)
Okay, time to shut up now, but …
An aside and unrelated: You know what’s blooming here like crazy besides the beauty of the jacarandas which we’ve seen since end of April this year, all busting out in purple at various times? The equally-pretty, very common, purple/blue agapanthus; they’re just everywhere, in people’s front yards, highway medians, shopping-center areas! Easy-growing plants of course; don’t take a lot of water! When planted beneath a jacaranda tree, it’s a double-purple treat!
We were at a botanical garden early-early this morning (free things we sometimes do; doesn’t cost a penny) and it was fun too, to see so many native species in flower; lots of different shapes and types/genus, from dark reds to orange and pink, bright yellows, indeed those blue-purples (I guess I’m a ‘purple’ nut; I love the purple sage!); I can’t imagine the work it takes for the gardeners in these places to get the plants and trees in place, then nurture/coax and maintain them, at least in the beginning. Yes, so many are deliberately drought-tolerant plantings here, but even the most low-water of plants still like a little bit of moisture now and then, especially when they’re starter plants. (Some of the gardens in this area of Southern Calif have had to be rebuilt/re-established, start from scratch, due to wildfire obliteration of the past four or five years. Water restriction off and on over the past eight years is also tough on both public and private gardens.)
I’ve been feeling so grateful for community spaces like parks and gardens and hiking trails which are set apart for citizens and visitors; that people with forethought in a city knew/know that we need our public ‘green’ areas (even if it’s valuable land for buildings or parking lots), as these lovely ‘rest’ spots (sports courts, too, with ball fields; horse trails; bike paths) renew us, calm us and educate us. (My mother was born and raised within a street or two of downtown Los Angeles, early in the 20th century, and she spent quality time or rest and recreation in the city’s Griffith Park, particularly on horseback in a gladed part of the park called Ferndell; a sort of sycamore tree ‘glen’ where flows a spring/stream; it’s a really old area now; well, old at least for youngish L.A., but like over a hundred years old.)
This is what I’ve come to learn what it is for, say, New Yorkers/Manhattanites, to have the gift of Central Park and others parks/gardens little and big in the dense/urban city (like Riverside Park of which I’ve read [was featured at the end of the movie, You’ve Got Mail]); apparently a ton of parks I’d love to visit if I ever, ever get to the Northeast! (Historic Savannah in Georgia looks like it’s got elegant streets and squares, statuary, fountains and parks; I’m drooling with the thought of ever seeing such tranquil sites! I’d probably need an entire month there for sure. Same as New York City and too many other places on my bucket list! [Don’t we all still have those lists/dreams? The U.S. alone is a big country with much to see!])
We filmed in Riverside Park and it’s gorgeous, for sure. As are Central Park and Prospect Park in Brooklyn, plus a host of other smaller parks sprinkled throughout the city. New Yorkers flock to all of them!
I feel like the hearings are the only thing keeping me going right now. The Supreme Court’s corruption is sickening.
Stay safe, Vicki.
Your photos of Maeve are stunning! They captured her mysterious quality perfectly.
I enjoy my American Girl dolls and their wardrobe, but more so when I get together with the grands and we play together, which happens way too infrequently. I was tempted by Blaire to add to our collection. I still might, someday. For now, all my extra pennies are going into puppy toys, puppy classes and puppy training!
I do like creating a story for each girl as I gift them to their young owner. Your dolls are definitely more artistic and I enjoy seeing them so much. I’m happy they are bringing joy to you!
They are. They lighten my mood if I’m down.
Thanks so much, Roxie.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — bfore I forget “Very Happy Birthday Wishes” to Don — sure hope he enjoys his day/year !!!! we watched hearings — have not changed my mind in the slightest — tRump is a crook/liar/grifter/disgrace to the human race — we are lucky to have survived 4 years of his “reign”. I have not seen/heard/remember Anything good about him and hearings are far from over. again, best wishes to Don. stay safe/healthy
He is perhaps the most disgusting excuse for a human being I’ve ever seen.
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Linda.
Stay safe.
She’s such a sweetie, love her new outfit too 💜
Thank you, Deborah. The outfit is pieced together from items in my clothes stash. I think it suits her!
Stay safe.
I’m all for a deluge of tips! I suspect they won’t start back till the 11th or after since so many tack on holidays to the fourth to take less vacation time. Give them time, too.
Maeve is a dear. I love her red hair. Rolling on a thicker paint brush handle, perhaps?