I have to say that this has been a bleak winter so far. Not just because of the very frigid temps we’ve had. Winter is always hard for me, and, it turns out, for Don. Add to that the dire and illegal goings-on in DC, and it’s very hard to stay positive. Balance of any kind seems elusive and nearly impossible to obtain. We’re trying. We check in with each other throughout the day, and when one of us has lost it, the other steps in. I am deliberately not writing about that mess, but believe me, I’m pissed off.
We’re headed for a snow and ice event tomorrow. Yippee. Don has to go out and buy some more salt today.
I have to return some books to the library. Exciting, right? I did read a big chunk of my book yesterday and after I publish this post, I’ll be able to finish it fairly quickly. Excellent, by the way. The next book in this trilogy is waiting for me at the library.
I did a lot of work on the puzzle yesterday. It really does help me detach from all of this and reach some sort of zen state. But I don’t want to get through it too quickly! I’m on a budget and can’t keep buying puzzles. (Though I do have another one in the wings.)
I also haven’t been in the mood for the girls. So I made myself pull one off the shelf the other day. I took her picture and posted it on the Blythe feed. She really is beautiful. I’m speaking about Nina.
She has the same outfit on that she’s been wearing for months, but it’s so perfect for her that I can’t bring myself to change it out.
I wish Dragonfly Blythe was still customizing. Her creations are so beautiful. The faceups are exquisite. You can see her gorgeous eyebrows and the faint veins on her forehead. I really have no desire to get another Blythe as I’m happy with my collection, but one of Dragonfly Blythe’s red haired girls? That I would do. But they’re finite and their owners are hanging on to them.
Bracing for tomorrow’s storm!
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
I agree, it’s hard when the weather gets so bleak. We’ve had several days of much needed rain. Yesterday, especially, was a wet day. Today we should get some sun. I do take advantage of the gray days, cover up with a warm blanket, and read all day… though I should do more cleaning and organizing…oh, well, another day. Take care.
Thanks so much, Barrie. Enjoy your reading.
Stay safe.
Nina is one of my favorites so thank you for the little visit. I wish she had a cardigan, however, her arms look chilly. Or maybe I am chilly sitting as I am next to a window. Can’t do anything about her cardigan but I am now going to put one on myself!
Agree totally about the difficulty of the winter and all it contains. Best wishes to all of us for a turn toward the better.
She doesn’t feel the cold, fortunately! But that’s one of the wonderful things about dolls – they seem very real to us.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe, Ceci.
Need to have a cup of coffee with some like minded people but am stuck in the house with this miserable head cold. Turned off the tv…..cannot find anything to take my mind off the insanity we are once again having to deal with. So, maybe if I bundle up, put on some sunglasses…..and go for a walk….. nope….its frigid out there.
Love your dolls, puzzles…..I have too many unfinished projects and very little motivation. This crisis has zapped the energy from me. Looking for any and all suggestions on how to snap out of this.
what work?s for you?
I have no suggestions, Maria, as I’m suffering from the same thing. Hope you find something to distract you!
Stay safe.
It has been a bleak winter…with no immediate change in sight. Even though Jimmy our groundhog says we are to get an early spring, I don’t have much faith this year. We are to get ice this afternoon and evening…ugh. Just hope the power stays on. And it doesn’t help my mood either, with all the utter chaos happening around us. It’s difficult to explain my mood, other than depressed. So, I have to focus on other things that will make me smile.
Nina really has pretty eyes. And that outfit does suit her….especially with all that hair. Enjoy your day! ;)
If only I had that kind of hair!
Thanks, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
Winter can be a depressing time for a lot of people. You can’t get out and do yard work, so people find they have a lot of time on their hands. I don’t think we as humans are built to be idle for such a long period of time. Would you consider getting a day a week job? Grocery store, Library, etc.
I’d love to buy you a couple of puzzles if you can pick out a couple for me. Can you email the links to me and an address?
Thank you for your kind offer, Darlene, but I can’t accept. That’s very sweet of you, however.
Take care, and stay safe.
This too shall pass – the winter and the Trump chaos. He lies like other people breath. Enough said. I bake something nice when the grey days get too much for me. Nothing like a hot cup of tea and a freshly baked muffin. Stay warm. Hugs, Elaine
Thank you, Elaine.
Stay safe.
It seems we are in the bleak mid-winter, both weather wise and the insanity in our country. I have stayed in, read and read and read, puzzles, baking to occupy the long hours. We can be hopeful that spring will come into our lives soon. You are lucky to be able to bolster each others moods and support one another. Hang in there and we will get through.
Thanks so much, Sherry.
Stay safe.
We’re in the middle of a fake spring. The temperatures near 80F and sunny skies. We may get a little spring rain tomorrow. All in all, my winter has been a cozy one. But we don’t have much winter, even though we had TWO snow events. That’s two more snow events than we’ve had in years and years. I wouldn’t mind having another one. But I think we’ll be staying above normal. Take care and keep warm.
Thanks so much, Leslie.
Stay safe.
Nina really is so lovely.
I know what you mean about DC. The feeling of helplessness regarding all going on there is overwhelming. I think you’re doing the right thing with puzzles and reading. Also, it’s great that you and Don step up and help each other.
Walking also helps me a lot, but I haven’t had much time to do that lately. My mom passed away last Saturday after her long battle with Alzheimers, so I’ve been just crazy busy all week planning her funeral. It seemed just unbearably hard to lose her, but I’m thankful she’s not suffering any longer.
Take care, Claudia.
Oh, Jenny. I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. Sending you love and prayers as you navigate this profound loss.
Stay safe.
Thank you so much, Claudia. It’s been hard.
dear Claudia/Don — good to hear from you all. We have been having a “harsh” winter this year –that is what our wxman called it back in Nov !! It has been cold/snowy/icy — Jan was awful — kind of like winters from 70s which I DO NOT recall fondly !! AWFUL stuff for us. No end in sight either — maybe a thaw in Mar (if we are lucky). hope that storm heading to you will be less than it looks on the weather map. Enjoy seeing your “girls” this one is very beautiful — are there any “boy” Blythes?? just curious! hope you all are careful when you go out — snow/ice create lots of accidents — human/vehicle kind. stay safe, healthy — have not mentioned the s#$% show–circus our govt has become b/c not really ever ending EVER !!! Sad to say
Some customizers make boy Blythes, yes.
We have a major snow coming on Saturday night. 5 – 10 inches.
Stay safe, Linda.
Nina is a very pretty doll. We had an ice storm overnight but it is already melting. You’re right, it IS hard to summon up any positive emotions trapped inside with cold bleakness outside the windows.
I had spectacular luck with my first time forcing an amaryllis bulb (8 blooms!). It fully opened January 27 and is just beginning to fade. I’m going to the nursery today to get some paperwhite bulbs and see how I do with them. I’d like to place them around the house. Also focusing on the new couch we bought early January and is being built for early March delivery. When you get a new one every quarter century or so, it’s quite exciting.
Take care,
I have forced paperwhites a few times. The scent is heavenly!
Stay safe, Kay.
It has been unusually warm here in Utah. Snow melting as if it is April and not Feb. Today, Feb. 6 it is colder. These are such strange days, in so many ways.
I avoid the news but it seeps in and I am so discouraged and angry. My heart aches.
As always I wish you and Don the best. I am so grateful for you and your words.
Take Care,
Thank you so much, Kaye. Hang in there.
Stay safe.
“Now is the winter of our discontent…” Truer words were never written. Same here — the hits just keep on coming. Hang in.
You too, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
Hi to all,
I’d sure watch Mr. Holland’s Opus again!
I just caught this whatever is going around today. Hope don gets better.
I just don’t like politics at all, nor history. I recently bought a few new poetry books.
Every day or week I have to remind myself not to look at blythes for sale. I’ll break down sometime, I’ll bet.
We hope Mike has his kidney surgery in the next couple months. I saw an internal medicine dr yesterday. I don’t have fibro, but they are still digging around for answers. I’ll have a CT scan. I’m losing weight. I only wanted to lose 5 lbs. I’m worried about both my husband and I.
Bye. Nina’s hair might be too much of a good thing!
I hope both you and your husband find relief and healing very soon, Irene.
Stay safe.