Oh, this bed. I love it. Although I have to say it’s strange having all that square footage to myself. Poor Don. The bed in his apartment sort of dips in the center. He finds the sofa more comfortable and he’s been sleeping there a lot.
And much to my surprise, I absolutely love this golden coverlet. I felt more than a little trepidation when I ordered it online. It was half off for one day (I think Garnet Hill was discontinuing this color) so I grabbed it. The whole time I was waiting for the bed – and we know that was a long time – I worried whether it would work in that room. I made back-up plans to order some other coverlet in aqua when I had some spare cash. But I love this color. I love the way it looks any time of day but especially when sunlight is pouring in the room. It just goes to show you that moving out of your usual color preference comfort zone is sometimes a very good thing.
In other news,
I’m training Scout to do the laundry.
She’s a Border Collie, after all. She’s very intelligent.
Actually, Scout has developed this habit in the last year. She has to go into the bathroom several times a day to check things out. I call it ‘going on her rounds.’ She checks out the bathtub. She checks out the trash. She checks out the toilet. And when there’s laundry? She must check that out.
She’s missing her dad. She’s right by my side most of the day and I know it’s because she can’t understand where he is. Poor girl.
I was standing at the sink the other day and saw about 10 birds flitting from branch to branch in this tree. There were two woodpeckers: one had black markings and the other was this one – a red bellied woodpecker. I ran for my camera but only managed to catch a glimpse of this guy. I wonder if it’s our friend Guthrie? I wrote a post about him that you can find here. Hello Guthrie, old pal.
I’ve been watching the Olympics like everyone else. I seem to be a bit more detached about them this time and I’m thinking it’s because I often see the results before I can watch the event. This time difference is tricky. Being on the internet is also tricky. It’s hard to avoid the results, as they seem to be everywhere.
I’m holding my breath about this approaching storm. As it moves up the East Coast, it could really wallop us. It all depends on the track. I’m praying it tracks further out to sea. I don’t have Don here to help me and I’m worried and already overwhelmed by all the snow and ice around here. I’m trying to stay in the moment and appreciate the beauty of this winter, and it is beautiful out there, but it seems to be harder to do when there’s already 15 inches of snow on the ground and there might be a lot more coming.
Winter, I love you for many reasons. But I am so looking forward to Spring.
I have two giveaways going on at the moment. Stop by my post about the Target Cartwheel app to be entered in a $1000 Target Gift Card Giveaway. And stop by my post about Suave Professionals® Moroccan Infusion Body Care to be entered in a $1000 Gift Card Giveaway.
Happy Tuesday.
Claudia, I am hoping that storm doesn’t get bad, as bad as some are saying. We feel we have had enough of winter. So cold here this morning .It will reach the 30’s by the end of the week…and that is a warm up. Honestly !… I can only imagine how lost your dog feels. They do have their routines don’t they?Take care of yourself. xoxo,Susie
Now they are saying a foot of snow – where are we going to put it?
I spent most of my life in NY state so I know how down one gets about all that snow! I have lived in east central IL for the past seven years and winters here have been mild, just enough snow and cold and then an early spring. Not this year! We’re having a typical NY winter along with some very cold temps. It was -11 this morning! On Sunday afternoon I took my dog out and thought it felt warmer, almost Spring-like and the temp. was only 19! I guess we must get used to it. I always remember my Dad saying that snow is poor man’s fertilizer and will make for wonderful gardening come Spring. Stay safe & snug during the storm!
It’s unbelievable here – we already have 15 inches and now 12 more? Oh my goodness, I’m depressed.
Glad you bed is all sorted as there is nothing to beat a good night’s sleep. Good luck too with the dog laundry training, if you get it cracked do let me know as I’ve been working on the cats with little success!
Hope the storm passes right on by.
It apparently isn’t going to pass right by. Of course, we will know more on Thursday but now they are saying a foot of snow.
Our cats do the patrol of the house when one of us leave the country, just like Scout, and it takes them an awful long time to settle. Poor little guys. Wish it wasn’t that way. And we also have what Robert calls “the cloud bed” here in Vancouver, and I get it to myself half the time…lol. Love the yellow coverlet and it looks perfect; especially with your lovely quilt and the pillows. My mother gave me a French quilt which is green with pink roses, (completely not my usual neutral colours) but I love it on the cloud bed too. Hope you and Scout adjust soon and Don’s away time goes by quickly. Sending warm wished so the storm blows by and the snow melts. :)
I just rented a Roof Rake to get some of the snow off the edges of the roof. I’m tired.
Oh, Claudia, I’ve got my fingers crossed for you and Scout! If you can teach her to do laundry, can you teach her to help you shovel? ;-) I love your new coverlet! So glad you are enjoying your new bed. Take care, my friend! xxoo, Martha
Oh, if only she could shovel!
I’ve enjoyed catching up with your lovely posts, Claudia. Your new bed looks inviting and I’m glad the beautiful coverlet has worked out so well! I enjoyed seeing your finds and reading all about your connection with Edgar Guest…and I loved your post on marriage.
Scout looks so intelligent and good-looking…I need to put some lazy pugs to work…
Since she was awarded the title of Dame, Scout refuses to shovel snow. A fat help she’ll be with this next storm!
The gold coverlet looks lovely Claudia. Hope the weather calms before it reaches your area. We’ve had lots of sunshine the past two days. You should see the 18 month old I babysit trying to catch the shadows of the oak leaves that shine through the window and on to the carpet. The look on that little face is priceless! Stay warm and take care when you go out to shovel.
I don’t think it’s going to calm down, Janie. Never say never, but all indications are that it will be a doozy.
Good Morning Claudia, well its actually almost noon. I just love the new bedding. Good choice. It’s is so cheerful and with all this cold yucky weather its like a breath of spring. We are gearing up here at work for the snow. I work at a landscape company and snow means big money but I have had enough. Ready for some sunny warm days! Wish we were closer I would have one of the guys stop by and plow your drive for you! Hugs to you and Scout, stay warm!
Send that guy with the plow my way, Nancy!
That color of that spread is so warm! I imagine, like most of us when we find something we love so, that you walk past that room during the course of the day and just smile. (I also smile like that when I clean out the refrigerator and open the door). It is the little things. I imagine Scout misses her Dad a lot. Will Don be able to get home for a weekend or 2 during his schedule, or will you be able to travel to see him at all? Being on your own in the winter is so much more confining than when it is summer and one can putter in the garden or just sit on the porch and read. And that horrible “4 letter ‘S’ word” on the horizon,,, and threatening a foot more! The redeeming factor, as someone else mentioned, is that it is said that the value of the snow is measured when we plant our gardens in the spring and harvest the rewards in the summer and fall. And, if that IS the case, it would seem that we will all have a plethora of flowers and veggies to enjoy this year for sure!!
I don’t think he’ll be able to get home. And the theater doesn’t allow pets in the actor housing, so I doubt if I can go there. I can’t leave Scout in a kennel. It would be too hard on her.
I’m here in in Georgia watching the snowfall. I missed the last one being in Texas at my Mom’s. Enjoying the snow but praying the ice does not take out my power. Charlie is a curious cat and must check out his home each and everyday! Scout missing her Dad is so sad, but I know you give her extra love! Take care and praying you don’t get lots of snow to deal with on your own!
hugs, Linda
Sending positive thoughts your way, Linda – hope your power stays on, my friend.
I really hope that storm goes out to sea…we’ve all had enough of winter! It can be a problem to throw another 12 inches high enough to get over all that you’ve gotten already….maybe your neighbor with the snowblower will help you out! I am glad you are enjoying all that room in your bed…I trust you are sleeping better? Your coverlet looks quite gorgeous with your quilt on top….you planned that out well! ;)
If we get that much snow, I’m going to have to ask him for help. There’s no way I can shovel all that heavy, wet snow on top of everything that’s already on the ground.
Hi Claudia
I already mentioned how I love your choice of spread on the new bed.
I also like Reading about all the miscellany around your place. I know Scout is not the only one to miss her dad- I bet you miss him too. I can’t imagine having to shovel snow… It got me wondering why shovel it?
I truly don’t know- not trying to be cheeky but we just don’t get enough to shovel or it doesn’t stick and melts pretty quickly.Maybe you could tell me why you must shovel it?
Someone living in the city told me they have to shovel so that the snow trucks will push it away otherwise they will push the excess Into your pathways along with what has fallen there already.
Snow is something of a novelty here as you can guess — this year it has missed us so many times and has mostly been ice anyway. Sorry , I am just ignorant on the subject of so much snow and the chores it makes!
You have to shovel snow to get in and out of your driveway, Pat. You also have to shovel sidewalks, if you have them, to allow those who walk on them to walk safely. We have a very long, uphill driveway that has to be shoveled and we have no garage, so the area up top where the car is parked also has to be shoveled. You also have to shovel at the bottom of your driveway where the snowplow build up is – that’s the worst because it’s very heavy and wet.
I just love your gold coverlet. I was never into yellows and golds before either and now that I have a pale yellow office with the yellow-gold chevron rug, I absolutely love it. When the sun pours into this room (which it’s doing right now), it is so cheery and delightful. I’m just wondering – what will you hang on the wall over your bed? I don’t know if you’ve thought about that yet, but I can’t wait to see what you come up with. I love your sense of style. Scout cracks me up – she is so cute. I think animals sometimes have a touch of OCD (her checking out the bathroom), especially as they get older. The expression on her face is priceless. It looks like she’s saying, “Oh, crap – mom caught me!”
Can’t hang anything above the bed, Melanie – that wall is slanted – which is why the bed is positioned out from the wall a bit.
always love the posts with Dame Scout!
Fingers (and my border collie’s paws) crossed that the snow stays away this time….enough already for this winter.
Keep those fingers crossed, Tracy.
Your new coverlet looks gorgeous, Claudia, and your quilt looks even more beautiful (if that’s possible!) on that gold background. It’s funny how color change comes into our lives accidentally… that’s happened to me before and it really pulled me up short and made me rethink things. I love that Scout “checks” on things. The little calico cat across the road routinely comes to my door and when I let her in she makes the rounds of the entire cottage to “check” things. It makes me wonder if they’ve got a little list in their heads and are saying, ‘Okay… the bed’s made…. okay… she picked up that tissue that was on the floor behind the bin….” Hahaha!
Scout must check everything out – and she has her paths that she takes around the house. She’s endlessly amusing!
I think the gold fits perfectly with the aqua Claudia..The only interest my cats have in the laundry is jumping into the baskets for a nap..Poor Don..just getting used to a comfy bed and now has to sleep on the couch..It is supposed to be another record breaker tonight here of -2 degrees..you and Scout stay warm and safe in the storm that is coming..I will be thinking of you..
Supposed to go to 10 below here, Nancy. I am over winter. Big time.
Me too dear..but I don’t think Winter is over us yet..lol
Here’s hoping the storm misses you too! We had snow last night, but the sun is shining bright today and most of it is already gone! We are suppose to be in the 60s by Saturday. Can’t wait!
Wish I was closer to help you shovel that snow!
Stay warm.
It isn’t going to miss us, Judy. It’s just a question of how much snow we’re going to get. Most forecasts say at least a foot. I am so sick of winter. And it’s supposed to go down to 10 below tonight.
If any dog could do the laundry, it would be Scout. Or any of her Border Collie buddies, I’m sure. Have you been watching the Westminster Show? One of the best things there is about usually-dull February. PS – I join you in hoping the latest Potentially-Hideous Snowstorm heads out to sea. No one – I mean NO ONE – is going to be happier than yours truly to see that first brave little crocus poking up out of the snow that will surely still be around… LOL.
Maybe you and Scout can take your minds off missing Don by watching the Dog Show tonite!
It always makes me feel so good and happy…….happy that I have two of my own to keep me happy!!!!!
I think the yellow tone is perfect in the space and it give the brighter colors a neutral background. I love it :) Sure hope the storm misses you it sounds like a bad one.
Your new quilt and your handmade quilt could not be more perfect for one another. What a cheerful cozy room! Stay warm and take care.
It’s amazing how much I see from my kitchen window..lot’s of pictures are taken through it..Good luck with this new storm..