Another, even better, photo of the burning bush. No enhancement whatsoever.
We will have frost on Wednesday so we’ll be seeing the last of the zinnias and, most likely, the leaves on this bush. I’ll be saying goodbye to my gardens, which is always bittersweet.
We had constant rain yesterday and today will be the same.
I finished The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman. This was his best yet. In addition to a complicated plot, his writing about Alzheimers disease, both from the viewpoint of the afflicted and from the observer is heartrendingly brilliant. I won’t give anything away, I promise. But there were so many times that tears came to my eyes as I read Osman’s words. Love and the family you choose: I’m still thinking about that two days after finishing the book.
An extraordinary read.
I’ve just started John Banville’s The Lock-Up. I read Banville’s Snow a couple of years ago and discovered his lyrical prose. He is a poet who happens to write police procedurals, among other things. I’m a big fan.
I’m also fiddling around with The World of Frankenstein, my latest jigsaw puzzle. It’s much more difficult than the one I just finished, so I expect I will be working on it for a while.
What else? Laundry today. Exciting, right?
I’m starting to make a list of things I have to take care of before I head to Wonderland of Play on Sunday.
“The world is too much with us.” That quote is one I repeat on a daily basis. I’m grateful for the escapes that take me to another a place; a kinder, gentler place.
Rest in Peace, Matthew Perry, taken from us much too soon.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday,
My burning bush is just red at the top but it is still lovely to see.
I just read that book too! It was so terrific I read it in two days as I couldn’t put it down. I was chuckling and crying and wondering what would happen. Really well written. My Dad had Alzheimer’s before he died and the author reminded me of all we went through with that.
It’s such a heartbreaking disease. I’m sorry your dad suffered from it.
Thank you, Ellen.
Stay safe.
no enhancement needed … the ‘burning bush’ (always a favorite) and photo are beautiful as is!
glad you have so many things to enjoy every day and especially when the world feels too much and so very hard (like now) … books, puzzles, planning for the blythe convention, nature, your sweet don and sweet home … even laundry. :)
my list of good things includes God, my family and time with them, nature, reading a bit and knitting more (switched from dishcloths to hats and now a scarf, for a fundraiser in early december that helps support missions through my church), occasional writing/sketching/painting for my children’s books and fun, that the view is nicer and the draft is gone since my landlord removed the air conditioner from a living room window last week, that my closet reorganization project is done, seeing earl several times over the past few days, food and shelter, indoor/outdoor lighting, that halloween season is almost done, stopping by here and learning how you all are …
happy, safe monday to everyone.
Thanks for sharing your list with us, Kathy. Gratitude lists are the best.
Stay safe.
Indeed, the world is too much with us — especially now, it seems. Thank you for the last shot of your lovely burning bush. I did look it up, and its hardiness zone extends to 8; I’m not sure how it would fare in 9b-10, but I’m guessing it wouldn’t be particularly happy. It’s cooling down here a bit, and we’ve had some sprinkles. Those sprinkles are unusual but so very welcome. Hope you have a productive day.
It probably wouldn’t do too well in Southern California, Elizabeth.
Sprinkles are a good thing, especially in your neck of the woods.
Stay safe.
Your burning bush is gorgeous. I have two in my front yard. One is as beautiful as yours….the other is barely turning. I think it has to do with the amount of sunlight, or lack thereof, that makes the difference. You must have the perfect location for yours.
Thanks for the positive feedback on the newest Osman. I look forward to reading it, after I catch up with the series.
We are off today to visit a good friend. Long drive, good company, and good food…couldn’t ask for much more. Enjoy your day…even if it involves laundry! ;)
This one gets a lot os sun.
I hope you had a good time with your friend, Donnamae!
Stay safe.
Such a striking spot of color in your vicinity; that burning bush; wow.
High/rather-violent winds (what the meteorologists call The Santa Anas) where I live in Southern Calif; really dusty-dirty (poor air quality) and dry and unpleasant. But they’re expected at this time of year here, so at least there’s a return to a ‘normal’ weather pattern amid a lot of climate change. Really plays havoc with people’s yard decorations for Halloween (some [these days!] are quite elaborate); but, for those who still trick or treat in the neighborhood, the weather is less cold to be running around door to door (because the winds bring in heat; however, this autumn, bearably so). I’m hoping we greened-up enough with the year’s rain (as recent as August) to damp-down the threat of wildfire with wind in the hills and canyons. The drought was less severe in 2023. Fingers crossed.
I find I’m combatting ‘too much world’ by (selfishly?) thinking constantly of Christmas; what I want/need in terms of favorite holiday foods, how I can do it all up cheaply this year yet comfortingly; I need a little Christmas (‘right this very minute’) earlier than usual this year.
Never too early to be thinking of Christmas, Vicki. Your burning bush is besutiful, Claudia. Easy to see why it’s called that. Enjoy your new jigsaw puzzle. Hugs, Elaine
I just want a quiet, peaceful, small, simple Christmas, Elaine; gotta plan it just as much as if I was having a party with a couple of dozen people!
Thanks so much, Elaine. We’re going to hit 27 tonight, so that might be it for the red leaves.
Stay safe.
hej, vicki …
first, good luck with and prayers said about those winds!
second, your thinking of Christmas is helpful, not selfish!
also, haha, i’m doing the same thing here … thinking now about Christmas. :) most presents already purchased, wrapping supplies ready. i put up zero decorations the past three years except for a new live-cut wreath (smelled wonderful) and an old wire tree full of angel ornaments that’s up all year. this year i need to put up them all … five tins (the kind that are sold at Christmastime and hold three flavors of pre-popped popcorn) of ornaments, a little tree, two other/non-live wreaths, wall art, a pillow and more … all from my family and friends. and paying evermore attention to the reason for the season. :)
keep taking good care of yourself.
hope you are well, having a nice start to your week.
stay safe.
…well, kathy, you’re very organized about the holiday (it’s half the fun, all in the planning) but I know you have to be, too, because you have a lot of family with the gift-giving and activities around church, etc.; won’t it be fun to decorate fully this year; just pull out the stops and enjoy your special Christmas decorations (and the memories which go with each) which you didn’t get to see last year … thanks as always for your kind wishes (back atcha!)…
thank you, vicki! i hope you do the same … have fun planning meals, putting up decorations, reminiscing and making more memories …!
i love traditions (especially for the holidays) so one might think the planning would then be easy. to a certain extent it is, but i struggle sometimes with depression and can almost guarantee my getting bronchitis and/or pneumonia each winter so i don’t take it for granted that i’ll feel like doing things when they need to be done. definitely need to plan ahead with my knitting … i enjoy it, but am slow at it. also, i was raised by organized parents who taught me to be organized and to not procrastinate! plus, i love buying and wrapping presents and giving them to people i care about (serious question … does anyone here want to provide me with your address?!?) :)
doesn’t seem possible that wednesday is the first day of november already … but it feels like it weather-wise. hope you stay cozy and safe with those winds blowing, covid around (my minister had it over the past two weeks and now my sister-in-law’s brother and other relatives have it … ugh) and everything else going on.
I never liked the Santa Anas, they played havoc with my allergies.
I think a little about Christmas but there’s Thanksgiving and my birthday to get through before I will do much about it. Though, I heard Michael Buble singing some Christmas song the other day, and it made me happy.
Stay safe, Vicki.
My garden isn’t quite at its hibernating state yet, as we are roller-coastering from cold mornings to warm days to cold nights. Soon, I’ll be removing the dead annuals to the compost and tidying the garden for winter.
I’ve just begun The Last Devil to Die. I immensely enjoyed the first three books, and look forward to the next one, which apparently will be a break from the Thursday Murder Club series. I recently read Twenty-One Truths About Love, by Matthew Dicks. Not a new book as it was published around 2019 or a little earlier. I borrowed it from the library because the premise seemed unusually interesting…just a series of lists that move the story along, so the reading was somewhat fast. But I was surprised at how satisfying the book and the ending were.
Yes, he’s writing about – if I remember correctly – a father/daughter detective team? He talks about it in the acknowledgements at the end of the book.
I’ll look forward to it. He’s a wonderful writer.
Stay safe, Wendy.
Burning Bush looks spectacular! We’re back on Greenwich Mean Time after this weekend but I can’t alter my bedroom clock as it’s too fiddly so my bedroom is staying on Summertime😀
It’s already dark now.
Richard Osman is such a nice guy. He hosts a daily teatime quiz show Richard Osman’s House of Games in which I enjoy playing along.
Very sad about Matthew Perry, I read his autobiography earlier this year and hadn’t realised the struggles he had gone through.
Happy Monday
I think that autobiography had a huge impact on readers, especially those battling addiction. There’s been much written about that during the past few days.
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
I’m so glad to hear the newest Osmun is wonderful — though I expected it. He hasn’t disappointed yet! That burning bush is lovely!
I just finished another Martin Walker “Bruno” book and now into a book of lovely essays by Ann Patchett. Reading time is cut back a bit getting ready for the annual art sale and much to do!
I’m the waiting list for Patchett’s newest, but it’s a popular book in our library system! It will be a while until I get it.
Stay safe, Jeanie.