That was a knockout punch! Several of them, in fact. A masterclass on how to bring down a liar and a bully.
We briefly considered not watching last night, but in the end, we did, and I’m so glad.
And thanks, Taylor, for the perfect timing of your endorsement.
We got our shots on Monday and both of us have had a reaction to them. I’m not sure to which one, but we felt achey and slightly fluey (I know that’s not a word.) My arm is still sore and today is the first day that I feel somewhat normal again. I don’t usually get reactions, so I was surprised.
Luckily, we didn’t have to be anywhere, so we simply hung out and took it easy.
My husband is currently outside because I saw the body of an animal in the street in front of our house (either a groundhog or a raccoon) and he doesn’t want to see it get hit repeatedly by cars. He’s going to bury it on our property. He said ‘it deserves a proper burial.” In the years that I’ve known him, he has evolved into a lover of all animals and birds and bees and spiders and bugs. His heart is a mile wide.
I bought an Amazon Firestick because it’s obvious that Sony isn’t going to do anything about their not-so-smart TVs. The Firestick was on sale, so I got a good deal. I’ve already installed it and we’re back up and running.
And…most of the ink came out of the chair!
I might mow a bit today. We’ll see how my arm feels.
And last but certainly not least, we remember 9/11. We had moved east only a few months earlier and we lived very close to the Hudson River, the path the hijackers followed as they flew south to the World Trade Center. Later that morning, when all flights had been halted, I was outside with the dogs and heard fighter jets high overhead, headed to Manhattan. I will never forget that day.
We watched a segment on 60 Minutes this past Sunday about the firefighters who were on duty that day. It was heartbreaking.
We must and will never forget.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
dear Claudia/Don — I, too, can conjure up pixs from that terrible Sept day–remember the quiet, watching non stop TV — feeling numb, not quite grasping the awfulness. Never, never can we ever forget — pretty sure this was the feeling back after the attack on Pearl. But a new day has dawned — dare we hope??? did not watch debate b/c did not think it could possibly change my way of thinking — from I’ve read this a.m., mythoughts just got reinforced — what a loser, idiot man — how do supporters not see this??? how did US survive those first 4 years of tRump in office?? all i know is we were lucky — Myma used to say “Fool me once, shame on me” “Not likely to give you a second chance”. glad you got shots — on our To Do list-hope recovery is not too bad for you all. stay safe/healthy PS Yeah, Taylor — election is OVER
Thanks so much, Linda.
Stay safe.
glad you are both feeling better about/because of several things.
i am sitting here with tears in my eyes after reading what don did for the animal on the road. mile-wide heart indeed. thank you, don.
stay safe and well and happy, everyone.
Thank you, Kathy.
Stay safe.
We also watched the debate and agree, she did well. As soon as she walked up to shake his hand I knew he wouldn’t intimidate her.
I remember 9/11 well. I was at work at a medical clinic. It was just a surreal day…we got a tv at the nurses station and in between seeing patients we would stop to watch. The waiting room was subdued, the tv was on there too. We all went to the waiting room at noon and our medical director led staff and patients in prayer. I will never forget that day.
I’m glad you’re feeling better after your shots. I had a terrible reaction to the last covid vaccine so I’m apprehensive about getting it again. I will have to plan it so I have nothing to do for a couple days after.
Take care
Thanks so much, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
So happy I decided to watch the debate also. Confirmed what I already knew. I need to schedule my covid and flu shots for next week I think. I always have a reaction so I have to schedule it when I don’t have other obligations. Hoping you and Don are feeling better. Hugs!
Thanks so much, Linda!
Stay safe.
Go Kamala! She was as brilliant as we knew she would be. He was as horrible as we knew he would be! When he came out with the line that Biden didn’t even like Kamala……what was he thinking!! The look on her face when he came out with these lies and zingers was priceless. I don’t understand either how people can vote for him. He just came off like a grumpy old man.
9/11…..we will never forget. Not only did we lose people that day, but we lost
search and rescue dogs. What a job they do. Oh, and don’t forget to not leave your cats out tonight or they will be eaten! Beyond weird!
I know. What a petty little thing to say, but a definite sign of his increasing desperation. He looked like the fool he is and has always been.
Stay safe, Deb!
My friend’s father needed to be put in hospice, the week before 9/11. We flew from Detroit to the Bradenton airport because the flight was cheap and close to her father’s home. Sadly, he passed away. On 9/11 we went to the Bradenton airport super early at 6am. We were the only two people there and they told us to be quiet and patient. We felt on edge and extremely uncomfortable. Suddenly, a huge official jet appeared on the runway. That was not our little plane. No one told us anything. Just be still and do not move from the small waiting room. Hours later, our small plane arrived. We were the only ones on board. We both were tired and a bit frightened. They had us board another plane at some small airport . We didn’t even know where. We flew toward Detroit after several hours of wait time. But, we flew OVER Detroit and they took us to Toronto. We circled that airport for three hours. Finally, we flew back to Detroit. We had absolutely no idea what was going on. No cell phones back then or cell service on planes. That was the President’s plane at Bradenton. Since we got there so early, no one knew what to do with us. We learned that Metro Airport in Detroit was on high alert so that’s why they took us to Toronto. Detroit to Florida takes about an hour. We were on route for eighteen hours. Fear of the unknown and my friend’s grief made this a heartbreaking and very difficult experience.
I think all airports were on high alert that day, and of course, eventually all flights were grounded. That must have been a difficult day for you. Too much to worry about and deal with.
Stay safe, Nancy.
Last night was wonderful. I admittedly had butterflies in my stomach at first…but as soon as I saw MVP walk over and shake his hand, I knew she was in command…and she was!
I will never forget 9/11 either. I watched in horror for hours, and cried for all the people trapped in the towers…til I was able to fiercely hug my boys as they returned home from school, and my husband returned from work. So many loved ones did not return that evening. It was a life changing day for so many, in so many different ways.
Don is the best! ;)
I cried for days. Couldn’t stop watching the television. Had to go into the city and all I saw was signs saying missing and pictures of loved ones.
Stay safe.
Yes, I was at work in a school library and had gone to the breakroom where a TV was on. They “interrupted this program” and I saw the horrible disaster unfolding in NYC. I ran to tell the others and we all watched in horror.
I watched part of the debate but had to turn it off at 9:00 as I couldn’t stand listening to the former president and his ranting. Kamala was great and I would not have had her patience.
Go Kamala!
You should watch highlights. She really cleaned his clock!
Stay safe, Ellen.
We must always remember 9/11 or we are doomed to have it repeated. Kamala was ahead from the moment she shook Trump’s hand. Trump is so illusional that he believes he won. And wasn’t it great to hear that Taylor Swift is endorsing Kamala? Hopefully she can persuade her voting-age fans to vote for Kamala. Don has a good heart. Hugs, Elaine
Taylor had impeccable timing!
Stay safe, Elaine.
It sounds like a good day all around. That Don. Wonderous. And that debate. Equally wonderous. Now, it will only translate to votes! 9/11 — we must not ever forget.
And now, predictably, Trump has declined to have another debate…
Stay safe, Jeanie.
It was a thing of beauty to see Kamala take down the buffoon. It was weird he never looked at her…he was afraid.
I am happy your TV is up and running again and I am happy the ink “mostly” came out.
Don what a treasure he is. Giving a sweet animal a peaceful resting place.
9/11 a shocking and a sad day.
He was very afraid!
Thanks, Kaye.
Stay safe.
Glad you’re feeling better and it wasn’t a harsh reaction. Dean was out of town so I had to watch the debate alone and was dreading it. I needn’t have because it was pure joy to watch Kamala push his buttons and kick his patootie!
Take care.
She was perfect!
Stay safe, Kay.