This sunset occurred about a week ago. If you look just above the sunset near the trees on the left, you’ll see the crescent moon.
Monday again. We had rain and thunderstorms yesterday and it looks like we’ll get more later this afternoon. There was terrible flooding in Connecticut. I hope the readers of this blog that live there are okay.
I thought I might mow but it looks like Mother Nature has other plans. I’ve been cleaning bathrooms (my least favorite job,) reading a lot, and hanging out with my husband. We finished watching season 4 of Babylon Berlin and now we’re going to watch it again from the very beginning. The same with Northern Exposure, which we also finished. The last season of that show was not as good as the others. Rob Morrow, who played Dr. Joel Fleischman, wanted to leave the series to work in film and the producers talked him into staying for a portion of the final season. After his departure, they brought in another doctor and his wife and the writing and storytelling declined. We have lots of thoughts on what went wrong. Morrow was the heart of the series and his departure left a huge hole. They shouldn’t have brought in two new characters. The rest of the cast was excellent and wonderfully quirky and their storylines would have been just fine. The writing was uneven. Watching the latter half of that season found me sighing. A lot. We want to watch it again, but this time it will only be seasons 1 – 5.
This week, however, will be primarily reserved for the Convention. Conventions often bore me, but this time? I think it will be exciting and hopeful and just what the doctor ordered.
This morning Don has to go to the eye doctor and I am going to attempt – again – to return a book to Amazon, which means I have to drive to a Staples south of us. If you remember, the last time I tried to return the book, I got all the way to Staples and a woman coming back to her car told me that their online connection to Amazon wasn’t working so they couldn’t process returns. I’m girding my loins and giving it another try.
Little birds, probably Carolina wrens, are sleeping in the hanging plants overnight and I can hear them waking up in the morning. It is the sweetest thing. I heard them on Saturday morning and then three of them appeared on the porch railing. This morning, I heard them again. It was still dark out but light was beginning to appear in the sky. Last year, we had a Carolina wren sleeping on top of the porch light. I’m glad they feel safe here.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
hope don’s eye appointment went well and you were able to get the return accomplished. hope everyone is safe from flooding and other weather extremes.
may the wrens, more books, orange-sherbet-sunsets and being in your sweet home with your don tip the scales against the hard things of life.
going to get a few groceries (mostly stuff for earl and the birds), do a couple things at my apartment and then get back to members of my family. they definitely help tip the scales against my likely-expensive car appointment wednesday and the scary liver appointment on friday. oh, life!
happy, safe monday to everyone.
Prayers for you Kathy and your appointment Friday. I just got home after a week in the hospital with pancreatitis.
Hope you are having a good day.
oh, my, denise! i hope and pray that you are feeling 100% better and stay that way … no pancreatitis, no pain. am sure being home is a help and comfort to you. if we lived closer, i’d bring over your favorite casserole and cake … which, with my cooking, may not be a huge comfort to you. :)
thanks for your prayers, very much. i am not excited about this appointment, but do want answers and, if need be, a solution. i haven’t heard much, just mixed responses from my doctor’s staff, so don’t know exactly why the referral was made (something i will talk about in person with my doctor). will be good to talk to a specialist and will keep you all posted. thanks again.
hope you are having a wonderful day. stay safe in every way.
I am not a cook. So your cooking skills have to be much better than mine.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I wish you well and hope you get the answers you are seeking.
You’re right, that is an orange sherbet sunset!
Thanks, Kathy.
Stay safe.
What a lovely sky! I think I heard that we are supposed to have some kind of super moon tonight so I will have to remember to watch for that.
The convention is near me as I live in a suburb of Chicago and my good friend’s son will be volunteering at it. So exciting!
Very, very exciting!
Stay safe, Ellen.
Mighty pretty sunset. We’ve been blessed the last couple of days with high 70’s to 80. And no rain. So lots of small outdoor projects were started or completed. More to come this week…as it looks to be dry all week. Sure hope the flooding waters recede quickly for everyone, everywhere.
We are planning to watch the convention as well….really looking forward to it.
Hope Don’s eye appointment goes well…and your errand can be completed. Enjoy your day! ;)
Errand was completed and Don’s eye appointment went well.
Thanks so much, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
The closest place for me to make Amazon returns is Kohl’s, thankfully less than 5 minutes from here. Kohl’s had the return area set up in the middle back area of the store for a very long time. Then along came Sephora right in the middle of the store, and they had to change the set up of almost every department in the store. The last time I had to make an Amazon return I couldn’t find the return area. I finally found it in the far right back corner of the store. What’s next, the stockroom?
The weather here has been similar to yours. However, yesterday we had severe storm watches. The forecast said there could be pop up storms with straight line winds and a low, but possible risk of tornadoes. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. There is a chance of storms later today. Hope not, fingers crossed. The next three or four days are supposed to be cool and beautiful. Autumn is very slowly approaching, but not next week. Temps in the high 80s. (sigh)
there are a couple of kohl’s stores in town here and, the few times i’ve been there, have found them super-crowded. with people, yes, a bit, but mostly all the clothing racks being so close together. must be due to the sephora shops wedged in there? didn’t know about the option to make amazon returns there … good to know.
hope the tough storms passed you by and the weather gets more to your liking. same here … we’re having a few days in the 80s, but soon get a stretch into the mid-90s and i don’t like that at all. a long rainy fall, snowy-but-not-icy winter of three months that ensures a white Christmas, a longer and rainier spring than we usually get here, then maybe a month of summer … that’s what i’d like (not too picky, huh? haha).
hope you are having a good day. stay safe.
I wish our Kohl’s did that because it’s closer to me, but it doesn’t.
Your weather forecast sounds very much like ours, Denise!
Stay safe.
I love the photo….fun looking for the little crescent moon!
Thank you so much, Barrie!
Stay safe.
Good wishes on Don’t appointment and your sojourn to Staples. I just finished Geraldine Brooks’ “The Year of Wonders,” reading over half of it today in the ER and the doc’s office. It’s a beautiful and compelling book. Brooks is a wonderful writer.
Trying to stay up to watch Joe at the convention but I’m afraid I’ll zonk before they start. Hope not….
That book has been on my list for a while. I need to get on that!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Doing my prep for a colonoscopy/endoscopy tomorrow. Ugh!! You would think with modern medicine there would be a better way to do this. My red blood cell count is dropping so they are trying to find out why. Possible bleeding somewhere? This is not fun. The last one I had they woke me up and told me I was not all clear so I had to go home and do some more prep and come back the next day…..WHAT!! Loved watching the convention last night. Really moving to watch Joe speak. Shed a few tears for him. Must be hard for him to give up his life’s work. Love that Kamala will be taking his place. I am being optimistic that she will win. Our first woman President. How exciting.
Just praying for our country and some peace in this crazy world. Enjoy the rain. We need some here!
I know. It must be heartbreaking for him, but he’s such a good man that he’s sacrificing for the good of the country.
Stay safe, Deb! Hope the colonoscopy goes well, my friend.
Claudia, I have to agree with you on Northern Exposures’ last season. We just finished re-watching the series again, but when Rob Morrow and the Doctor Joel character left (sort of)
it just wasn’t very entertaining. I love the show, the characters, the stories but to introduce the new doctor and his wife, the storyline just went downhill. Too bad but most good shows do end at some point. Your photos are lovely.
Yes, you’re absolutely right. They should have ended it with Joel’s departure. Ah, well.
Stay safe, Pamela.