Sunday morning: waiting for the bus, my bag full of scripts and reference books, a Sunday New York Times (I treated myself) and some coffee. I read the Times online, but you know what? There’s nothing like holding the actual paper in your hands. I worked on the Sunday crossword puzzle, one of my favorite things to do, but I was a wee bit limited by the bus and its bounces and jiggles. My pen wanted to skitter right off the page.
We had a good day of text work, finishing the play. I was able to do some one-on-one work with some of the actors. What a great group of people! As always in this ‘small world’ of theater, I knew some of the actors and/or we knew someone in common and there were lots of interesting conversations. Since we finished the play, I am not going to have to drive up there on Tuesday. That’s good news. Instead, I’m going to try to combine watching a run-through with seeing Don’s play. The theaters are about a half hour from each other. All in all, a very good experience.
Now it’s on to the next two plays I begin coaching in two weeks.
Writing a blog, as those of you who blog know, is hard work. Photos must be taken and edited. Words must be carefully chosen. If you post daily, as I do, you have to think of something new to write about every day. Then there’s the actual writing of a post, which is never done casually and is always edited and re-edited. Perhaps you’ve designed your blog, as I have. That takes time and, often, money.
In the case of this blog, which is a self-hosted blog, I pay a yearly fee to my host. I paid for the theme which was the foundation of my blog design. I pay a bit extra for additional security. Two years ago, I started to include advertising on my blog to help defray my expenses and, frankly, to compensate myself for the enormous amount of time I put into this blog. Hey, it’s a labor of love but it takes time.
With all the blogs that are out there in blogland, we should have no trouble finding several that are a good fit, that give us what we as readers want. And sometimes what we want changes, just as our tastes change. That makes sense to me.
Here is the curious phenomenon that I’m pondering. Why do readers leave comments or write emails that essentially castigate the blog author for having ads? Or for the design and look of their blog? Or, more ominously, for writing something from the heart? It’s as if they feel the blog author has betrayed them in some way.
I don’t get it.
This hasn’t happened to me specifically, although I did have a comment that criticized me for a very personal decision that, quite frankly, was my business only. But I’ve seen this happen to my fellow bloggers and it makes me mad. These comments are made under the guise of being ‘helpful’ – a passive/aggressive thing. It’s as if writing and reading in the online world gives the commenter permission to say things that they would never say face-to-face. Or, perhaps they would say it face-to-face. In that case, my response would be ‘It’s my blog.’
Some bloggers are sincerely trying to earn a living from their blog. They work very hard at it. You’re not going to be able to earn any income from a blog without ads. Just as shows on television have ads, magazines have ads, billboards have ads, heck, even public television has a sort-of-ad at the top of some programming, so must blogs that supply needed income. If a reader doesn’t like that, why not simply move on?
You can’t please everyone all of the time, we all know that. If a blog I’m a regular reader of changes in a way that I no longer like, I simply move on. The author doesn’t owe me anything. It’s his/her blog. She can do whatever she wants to with it; she can have lots of ads, she can change the focus of the blog, she can post only photos, she can speak about political issues I don’t agree with – she can do whatever she friggin’ wants. I may be disappointed. I may disagree. That’s fair. But I simply move on.
The only time I’ve ever commented on something I fundamentally disagreed with was in the case of a blogger who was repeatedly engaging in a form of bullying. I felt it was a moral issue. Would I speak out again if faced with the same sort of thing? I’m not sure. But surely, ads and blog design and posts written from the heart or any one of a slew of other things are part of that blogger’s own particular way of blogging. It’s what makes each blog individual and puts a personal stamp on things.
I have strong feelings and opinions as those of you who are regular readers of this blog know. I welcome discussion in the comments. Not everyone is going to agree with me and that’s okay. Not everyone is going to find my blog a good fit, either. That’s okay. What I don’t welcome, and never will allow, is sniping. And that’s what I saw in some of those comments on other blogs. Sniping, plain and simple.
It’s not polite. It’s not good behavior. It’s not right. If it came from my child, she would be put in a time out.
That’s what I say to all those who leave that kind of comment or send that kind of email. Put yourself in a time out by simply moving on.
Those are my thoughts on this Monday morning.
Happy Monday.
I totally agree with you on the ‘blog author’s right to blog’ without being bullied or attacked about the extras. I think most bloggers are blogging and making a little bit with ads. I don’t know why some bloggers are singled-out or more vulnerable to these attack than others.
I know when I’ve put my opinion about MICE, of all things, up in a post…I drew some very snarky comments from what appeared to be someone looking for a fight. It made me slightly uncomfortable…but more than anything it made me mad and it made me irritated for my readers sake. They don’t come to my blog to ready snarky comments from snarky people.
As to the ADs… I don’t like them.
I’ve said this recently. But… I HAVE THEM ON MY BLOG. It is –guess what? to earn a little bit for what time I spend there. Have I ever been compensated? No. I’ll receive my first check at the end of this month. So I’m not making a lot, that is my point. Why don’t I like them.? I feel like it is pandering. But I don’t have strong enough convictions NOT to have ads.
Also… I’ve WON A Whole Month of free advertising for my Etsy store!! That is another thing. I advertise my OWN store,too! (as do lots of blogger/crafters)
There are so many aspects of advertising when it comes to blogs. The INs and OUTs can make you crazy if you let it.
Bottom line…if ONE Doesn’t like ads on blogs and they are THAT MUCH OF A BOTHER TO ONES reading…then ONE should probably not be on the internet, read magazines, or watch TV!!
You have to decide for yourself what you are willing to let effect you.
And for crying out loud… People stop complaining about to the blog authors. Move on.
My Momma used to say, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” …again, maybe some of these readers didn’t have Momma’s that taught them that.
It makes me want to tell readers …
You be tolerant of my blog– and I’ll be tolerant of your visits. (but then, I’m not a very tolerant person on certain issues…) Does it show? :)
Love your blog, Claudia— thanks for pointing out this growing problem. I’m sorry to see this happening to nice people.
Me too, Pat.
I wasn’t crazy about ads when they first started appearing on blogs, but I quickly realized WHY they were appearing and, surprise, surprise, I started using them. I think that most bloggers try to handle them as tastefully as possible. It’s a balancing act, for sure. xoxo
Hi Claudia, I’m a reader of your blog and don’t mind the ads one bit. I appreciate you blogging everyday and agree with you about speaking out about bullying. I’ve seen ugly, terrible comments on blogs and other forums and wonder if people would actually say those comments to someone in person. I hope not but it seems civility in the comment sections, especially regarding politics, is sorely lacking. Have a good day!! Jen
Somewhere on one of my profiles, maybe for the blog’s Facebook page, I list all the things I blog about and end with “the occasional plea for civility.” I agree with you, Jen.
Claudia, as an artist (and an advocate for artists in a past job) I have long been a proponent of a “tip jar” for artists (visual, performing, literary.) I have seen a place for a donation on Funky Junk, and made a contribution because I appreciate the work Donna puts in. I appreciate the work everyone puts into their blog, and I would tip my favourite blogs if I could. Wouldn’t other readers do this, too? Should we start a movement? An “app” for micro-payments?
I think that would be a great idea, Gail! Our artists are most definitely in need of a ‘tip jar.’
So far I haven’t encountered very many nasty comments…but I do know that they are out there. And I totally agree with what Pat says, if you don’t like it, move on. Obviously some people are small minded, and have nothing better to do then complain…life is full of those kind. But life is also full of generous, kind hearted people who will say wonderful things.
Good for you for bringing it up.
Absolutely. Thank goodness for the vast majority of blog readers and commenters who are lovely, warm and gracious people.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I’ve been very lucky with my readers and never had a bad comment. I do go out on a limb, from time to time, and draw attention to issues I feel strongly about, so it’s bound to happen eventually. We see ads all over the internet and I can’t understand why anyone would object to them on a blog.
I agree, Maureen.
Well said Claudia! You are so thoughtful to express this growing concern, it seems to me our nation has become so rude & ill mannered. Blogs can be and are such a joy in my life. I appreciate your viewpoint wholeheartedly.
Is there a way these people can be blocked from blogs that don’t care for their rudeness?
I’m not sure if there is a way on Blogger, but there are ways to block IP addresses if you have a self-hosted blog.
About 2 years ago I “discovered” blogs. I guess I was a lot more busy up to that point. :-) Once I found them, I began to subscribe to several of them because of their content. Blogs I personally enjoy talk about real life, are written by bloggers closer to my own age, and mix wonderful photography with interesting content. That is what I look for in a blog.
When I go to the library, I look for books that tap into my interests, also. The same when I am thinking of subscribing to a magazine, and when I watch a TV show. When they no longer interest me, I move on. Why in the world some people feel their opinions about everything are necessary, I don’t understand. I still believe it is a form of bullying. Usually I find people who bully to be those w/ low self esteem and little else in their life in which they are involved.
The one thing we do all have in common is a need to make a living so we can pay our bills. I guess the next time I am driving along the highway I will make note of which farm field is “hosting” a billboard and call that family to complain. How DARE they rent out that space to take money and force me to look at that ad!! Or, perhaps I will just turn my eyes away and mind my own business.
I sincerely hope that bloggers such as yourself and Brenda don’t listen to the few and continue to blog for the many of us who enjoy your daily posts and would miss them terribly if they weren’t in our email or feeds every day.
Oh, not to worry. I won’t listen to them and I will continue to do my thing, the way my heart tells me to do it!
I don’t understand snarky comments either…guess some people just need to feel superior. Occasionally I read comments…and some of the people, mostly anonymous, just astound me. They are basically criticizing blog authors for having an opinion on something…in my mind, how do you even begin to criticize someone’s opinion. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to write a blog…all the time, work, photography, editing, and re-editing. Then to be criticized for what you have put out there, or the fact that you might want to have ads…the gall of some people. They should be ashamed of themselves!
And you are right, if you object to someone’s blog, all or parts, just move on. Please move on!
Yes, indeed!
All very well said, Claudia. Of all the blogs I read, there aren’t any that don’t have ads. It’s good to remind readers once in a while, how much goes in to writing just one post. It’s NOT a five minute process that we readers get the pleasure of reading daily for free. I think ANY and ALL money a blogger can get is just great for all the time and dedication put into their blog. I don’t understand either why people feel the need to write the negatives. Just move
on if it’s not longer their cup of tea.
You’re right, Gina. They are reading my blog and any other blog for free. No one is a paid subscriber.
Well said, Claudia! It is a mystery to me why some feel the need to comment negatively. When done anonymously it proves that the author is in need of a personal esteem “boost” no matter the cost and underlines the fact they can’t share their opinions and initiate a proper discussion. Thank you for your honesty and those not appreciating it should just “move on”!
In one case, the emails that were sent were from bogus email addresses – untraceable. So not only is the comment mean-spirited and passive/aggressive, but it’s from someone who is too chicken to use their real email address. Sounds like bullying to me.
I appreciate your blog so much, not just because you have the best garden pictures but because you are so open about your life with Don and Scout, your work, your home. I feel like it’s a “coffee date” with a friend each morning. I have no issue with your ads and agree that for all the work you do, receiving some compensation is your right. As for nasty comments, I haven’t received any myself but have been on a few blogs where that has happened. Never pleasant. I’m sure if it happened on yours, we’d all jump on the poster!! Have no fear, we’ve got your back!
Bless you, Chy. My readers are the best in the world!
When I first started to read today’s post I thought, “oh no, not you too!”. I thought you had decided to quit because someone has
crossed the line and complained about something. But really, do people really complain about the ads? How silly! They are unobtrusive and if they help to generate a little income then what right thinking person could have a problem with that.
What I find especially troubling is when a blogger will suddenly take a blog down because of the nastiness. There is one from the uk that I really enjoy(ed) reading because of her sense of humor and unique take on things but as of last week there has been a notice that her blog has been removed. Well, I want to know what happened and I want to let the blogger know that there are
people in this world that appreciate her for who she is.
And just so you know, Claudia, I am one reader who really, truly appreciates the hard work you put into your blog!
I’ve also run into those blogs that suddenly disappear. I totally understand that impulse because I have experienced it in the past. But I never act on it. I give it some time and I see the light!
Thank you for your kind comments, Rebecca.
I don’t even notice ads on blogs – I just tune them out, so they don’t bother me at all. Every once in a while I will notice an ad and click on it. I think bloggers should be able to do what they want on their own blogs – that is what the First Amendment is all about! And if I don’t like it, I don’t read that blog!
That being said, if I disagree with what a blogger says, I will sometimes comment about it, but never to say that they shouldn’t say it, just to express MY opinion.
I had a follower drop me because of something I posted. I was sorry to lose her, but you can’t please everyone!
Nothing wrong with expressing an opinion, Paula. It’s the way some people express it that it the problem. Civility is my watchword!
I was sad to read Brenda’s post the other day about the snarky comments she received. I’ve only ever had a couple, and they do shake you. I just assume they go around leaving those kinds of nastiness for everyone, and try not to take it personally. The only time ads bother me is when a page takes too long to load due to the blinkies. Yours has never given me issues, but there are a few I switched to reading via email feeds to avoid the overload of ads. And some gals just have a pretty blog with lots of ads and ZERO content. As in, putting up photo tutorials on how to sweep a floor. *rolling eyes* Ah well, as you say, it’s their blog :)
You bring up a good point – and one I’ve mentioned before – if you subscribe via email you don’t have to see the ads!
Dear friend,
I totally agree with you! Mother always said,”If you can’t say something nice about a person, keep your mouth shut.” I think of blogs like books or friends. Sometimes I stop reading a book. Also, I have lost friends. Do these complaining people know of the Golden Rule? Sending sunshine from middle TN …have marvelous Monday!
Thank you, my friend!
Claudia, it’s just how our world is now. Do you hear people talking to each other in a grocery store or in a McDonald’s? They are nasty to employees, discuss their sex lives on their cell phones and cuss at their children, all in public. If they would do that, why wouldn’t they get on the computer and say snarky nasty stuff? It is not right or civil or pleasant but it is what happens. As soon as we say they can’t do that we are trampling on their “rights”. They want to hate ads on blogs and want to tell EVERYONE. And they can. Personally, as a teacher, I had parents speak to me in snarky, condescending ways that appalled me. And I had to take it with a smile and a shrug. I chalk that up to bad parenting and our society’s emphasis on the individual as opposed to learning to live in a group. I hate that things are like this but don’t let the poor manners of others get you down. Trash is trash and I think bloggers should remove the content of the comments and put “Trash” in the box instead, or maybe “My mama didn’t teach me manners”.
I agree – it’s all about the individual, me, me, me. I haven’t really received any comments like that, but the one or two that were offensive were immediately removed from the blog. Maybe editing it instead with the word “TRASH” might be just the ticket!
I don’t visit daily, but I enjoy your blog and especially love it when you have photos of Scout. {smile}. You cannot make a snarky comment when those beautiful eyes are looking back at you. The written word is so different from the spoken word, as you are well aware. You can write the exact same sentence that you speak, to the same person, and get two totally different reactions. Some, unfortunately, do not have a skill at the written word and barely the speaking word. They write exactly as they speak and “it ain’t always purty”. (I know a couple of people who are straight shooters with their words. There is no concept of offensive and are not offended by that style of conversation.) When I read comments, I try to look at it firstly as though it were from a friend. Is it still offensive? What did I post, if anything, to cause that remark? Did I ask at some point for input or opinions? If someone uses curse words, is writing in all caps or repeatedly making the same comments, that’s a different story. I would deal directly and privately with that person. When you put it out there and “tattle” on someone for a snarky remark, it sometimes causes others to feel the necessity to defend. There are some “defense comments” that are actually worse than the snarky comment that started it all. I’ve been shocked at some comments I’ve read over the years from otherwise nice people in defense of another. Before I click “post comment” I read every word to try my best not offend anyone. I’ve never been criticized or called out for a comment and I sincerely hope I have never offended anyone. I have a blog that maybe a dozen people read. ha But I do realize the time and effort that goes into preparing a post. If someone wants ads on a blog, that’s great. The BlogHer ad that I have to click on the “X” for it to leave me alone is a nuisance but I do it if I enjoy reading a blog. And I sincerely hope I’ve offended no one with this comment.
Wishing you a great week …
Not at all! The ad with an X that floats up from the bottom of the blog? Bugs me, too.
Here’s the deal. If a blogger writes a post and asks the readers for input or opinions, then the blogger has made a specific choice to hear feedback. If that’s NOT the case, then the commenter should think long and hard about the words they choose. Heck, I edit my posts over and over because I am so careful about my word choices. I think commenters should do the same if there is any doubt at all about how a comment might be taken. And the vast majority of them do. Personally, I am so thankful that great people read this blog and their comments are lively, interesting and compassionate.
I whole-heartedly agree, Claudia! I also feel that way about television shows and movies….if you don’t like it, turn the darn channel….or don’t go see that movie. Its very simple, watch or read what interests you and quit trying to push your narrow view onto others….I suppose that old golden rule comes into play in several ways :-)
It sure does, Renee!
Well said my friend! I have never understood anyone criticizing someone else’s blog. If you don’t like it then move on. If you do well good! A blog is our expression in whatever form we choose to make it and I for one can’t stand bullies and snipers! Bravo for your words!
Thank you, my friend!
Claudia estoy totalmente de acuerdo con usted ! simplemente hay que ser respetuoso con los demás y dejar que cada uno decida lo que mejor crea para su blog , actuando en completa libertad ! A mí me gusta mucho visitar el suyo y disfruto con sus fotos y textos . Es usted adorable ! Siga así sin dejar que nadie la coarte .
Saludos y feliz verano .
Gracias, Adelina.
One of the hardest things is for me to come up with something to blog about. I actually have a list of subjects 2 pages long but I keep adding to them when a memory comes to mind or when I see something online that triggers an interest for me.
And, yes, they do take time, especially posting every day. That’s why I went to just a few times a week. I do have a life to live even as boring as it is. Haha.
I truly do understand trying to make money on your blog. For the most part the ones I see are absolutely covered with ads. I find that distracting as I’m OC/DC about that kind of thing. Yours in no way are obnoxious at all. Plus I use AdBlocker so I don’t see many at all on any sites. There is a blog I see from time to time who is here in the U.S. and all her ads are for the UK. Stymies me and I’m betting she doesn’t get much money from it. But, who knows?
Having said that, don’t let them bother you. It’s your blog and you can do as you want. Plus your blog is lovely and I mean that. As a rule, I subscribe to “gentle” blogs. I don’t like controversy in any form. I tend to stay away from any because of a completely innocent post and the vile I received from the blogger. Not my intent at all. Never, ever was!
I am, however, a very opinionated person but that’s rarely on my blog. As I said, I’ll usually stay away from hot issue topics as that can be frustrating and leave sour thoughts in my head. I have enough of those, sweetpea, and don’t want to spread it around. We are taught to be loving and kind and, while it’s sometimes hard, I try my best. But I’m also human and passionate. :-)
We need more civility in the world, Connie. We truly do!
As a reader I do realize how hard you Bloggers work..I believe that it is a good thing if you can make a bit of money on the side by having ads and I wish you the best with that..I agree with you that if you do not like what a blogger is posting then move on..why would you stay when there are so many blogs out there..It makes me sad when I think about how rude and nasty some people are these days..It seems much easier to me to be nice to one another….I love reading your blog as I think you and Don are such good, decent people and it is so refreshing these days to know a married couple who are still so much in love and have such a deep respect for each..And then there is little Scout who always brings a smile to my face..she is such a little sweetie..You and I also seem to enjoy many of the same things such as gardens, flowers, wildlife, nature, and love of our pets..We both love decorating with vintage items, I enjoy your beautiful pottery, egg cups and Don’s jumping jacks collection..There are so many things alike that you feel like the sister that I should have had..To me this is what reading blogs is be lucky enough to find someone with common likes and interests..You need never change a thing for me my dear Claudia..Hugs
Dear Nancy, I’m reading this with tears in my eyes.
Thank you. And bless you. xo
Good thoughts, Claudia. And as always, well written and expressed. I admire that you blog daily. Just think of the record you will have of your life during your blogging days.
I don’t understand the negative comments either. Disagreeing is one thing, but criticism on one’s style or blog choices is not appropriate. Blogs are personal. Move on and say nothing unless it is positive, I say.
Newspapers, must read it first thing every morning, or I’m not off to the right start. Can’t adjust to the online versions. I can read my books via Kindle, but not the newspapers.
Have a great week! Ann
I’d love to hold the NY Times in my hand each morning, Ann, but a subscription is just too expensive, especially if one lives about 75 miles from Manhattan!
So far I’ve not gotten any snarky comments about my subject matter and I don’t have ads (no reason except maybe too lazy to investigate it) – and other people’s ads don’t bother me, for sad to say – I rarely even glance at the sidebars on any blog. I just read the middle – the post part and generally ignore whatever else is on the sidebars. Though when I do discover someone has ads I try to go to at least one per visit – knowing it helps them out. But I don’t spend a lot of time considering what they have in the way of ads – so it doesn’t bother me if they want to put up ads.
I agree with all – it is no one’s part to say mean things about a blog – if you don’t like it – don’t read it – but I guess bullies are just looking for a way to bully, no matter the form it takes. I sometimes get a comment that is thinly disguised as a comment and really is a link to an ad for some product – I simply go in and delete that comment permanently and that usually stops them.
Yes, I think you’re right. Bullies will find a way to bully. Sad, Very sad.
I know that this started with whomever ( or several ) that were being insensitive over at Brenda’s the other day. As to ads it has been informative ( I THINK ) ….. for the most part I saw ( at Brenda’s ) most comments saying that they just ignored ads or tuned them out so it did not bother them.
At some point Brenda told someone that they did not need to click on ads or buy for her to make money.
This sort of settles the ad-mystery and may for others. It would seem to me that most bloggers assume that any one running ads make money from them. Not so…I get the idea that BLOG HER pays for visits to the websites and not click through or sales. ? If so, then great. Any other ads ( not sponsored by BLOG HER ) do not…they are only by sales.
And if that is the case, if I am correct, then if you are not with BLOG HER, for the most part…the chance of making anything from your ads is minimal since we all ignore the ads.
?? Make sense ?
Well, actually, I do make money on my Google Adsense ads – not a great deal – but I do. Many, many blogger have those ads on their blogs and you earn money from them by a combination of visits to the blog and clicks on the ads. You don’t have to buy anything – you just have to click. And there are also ads (not on this blog) that are purchased by other bloggers/web sites/etsy shops. That gives an immediate income to the blogger.
So clicking on my adsense ads does help me. And every other blogger out there who runs them.
I’ll have to try that ( Google Adsense ) …I had one ( Adsense ad ) through Social Spark but it was the wrong size. So it drove me nuts every day seeing it look stupid there, half of it showing….I meant to go back and see if they had other sizes and forgot about it until now…
Those ads are eerie, though. You order something or do a search for something and then everywhere you go….there is the ad for what you just did or purchased. : )
I know! I’m looking at one right now on my blog that shows a book I searched for on Amazon yesterday. A bit Big Brother-ish!
I read your friends blog too and agree 100%
Thank you, Barbara!
Enjoyed this post, Claudia. In fact enjoy all your posts!
I considered ads and decided against having them on my blog. I don’t mind ads on blogs and completely understand the necessity for ads. I just figured I would probably be forever trying to figure out how to do ads and keep up with it.
Fortunately, due to J having two jobs at the same time, throughout his life, as in 60 years of hard work on the farm and nearly 40 years climbing poles for a rural electric cooperative, we are pretty well okay in the financial department, but that can change in an instant. We are very well aware of “starting over”, which I did when I was about 40 years old and it was pretty hard scrabble there for awhile, so I have complete empathy for folks who need the extra income ads bring.
I have found, a time or two, that blogs who don’t earn money or choose not to earn money, are not considered to be “serious” blogs. In other words…we sometimes don’t get respect. Many times we work as hard with our blogs, as in research, photography, writing, staging etc etc etc. But somehow, we aren’t taken seriously. It can be disheartening, but I have not let that stop me from enjoying what I do. I’ve scaled back to posting about three times a week. Sometimes one or two more, if the mood strikes me right. I am a fly by the seat of my pants blogger.
My taste in blogs has changed a bit over the years and I have moved on from some while discovering others.
Of course blogs that don’t run ads should be taken seriously! I put just as much work into my blog before I ran ads as I do now. Anyone who blogs regularly puts a great deal of work and effort into their posts.
Even though I post every day, I am a fly by the seat of my pants blogger, too. I generally don’t think about my topic for that day until I wake up that morning! xo
I completely agree with you, Claudia. Why would someone leave a snippy comment when they can move on. I have moved on from blogs that I completely disagreed with. No explanation necessary. xo Laura
I am just now catching up on the three blogs I read (yours is one).
I completely agree with you. If you do not like what you are reading or seeing…don’t read it…don’t look at it!
Admittedly, there have been a couple of other blogs I used to read…but the ‘tone’ of their blog changed…and it is their blog, so they can do what they please. I just quit reading them.
I was raised with ‘if you cannot say anything nice – then don’t say anything at all’. I hope I have instilled this into my own children and now with my grandchildren.
We all bring something unique and wonderful to life – we just have to remember to be kind with our words, actions and deeds. Always.
It made me smile to see you in your ‘jammies’ (as my girls called their pajamas). Aren’t pajama days wonderful?! We all need days like that once in a while.
I hope you are re-energized and geared up now for your work days!
Have a wonderful day!
I agree with you! There will never be a time where all people will like something: blog, book, movie, etc. If someone does not like the movie, book, blog, there is a simple thing to do: turn it off, shut it or don’t read it! I realize that we all have our opinions and want to voice them at times, but please think before saying them out loud! There is also a difference between helpful and destructive criticism.
Claudia, you are one of a handful of blogs that I read daily and I will say now that I have always loved your blog! Your book reviews are something I look forward to and both of Don’s and your theatre work, well, sort of gives me tingles! Love the theatre! I think it is magic and hope it never dies out!
Have a smashing good day!