Another Mucha puzzle in progress. It’s rather difficult but I love the challenge.
Don got sunburned on his arms while playing at the Farmer’s Market yesterday. It’s rather painful and we’re using aloe and he has been ordered by yours truly to take it easy today. I am also taking it easy because I did a little too much mowing. But everything is mowed and it looks lovely out there. I need to weed whack but I’ll hold off on that for a couple of days.
We’ve been rewatching Northern Exposure which – after years of petitions, etc. – is finally available for streaming on Amazon Prime. Oh my goodness, what a deep and mystical series it was, as well as funny, quirky, and heartwarming. I’m enjoying it even more this time around. It’s special to us because it figures in our story. Almost 30 years ago, on our second date, we went out to dinner for Chinese food and came back to my apartment with plans to watch Northern Exposure. It was a Monday, the theater day off. We sat together on the loveseat and, well, we got a little affectionate and didn’t end up seeing the entire episode. So, whatever episode that was, we promise that we’ll see it this time around.
Yesterday, I had an intense desire to talk to my parents. I miss them so much. My mom always had the radio on and she tended to listen to what would be called Easy Listening music – that, and standards from the 40s and 50s. Because of that, I know a lot of those pieces very well. Some of the stuff was what we would call ‘elevator music’ but much of it was lush and beautiful and I have a special fondness for it to this day. In fact, even more so as I get older. I miss the days when an instrumental piece could get play on the top 40 pop radio stations, along with The Beatles and The Beach Boys. That just doesn’t happen anymore. Over the years, I have heard certain pieces that take me right back to my mom and her radio and I’ve added them to my play list. Often, when I take a brief nap in the afternoon, I put in my ear buds and play one favorite on repeat. Lately, it’s been Stranger on the Shore by Acker Bilk. He solos on the clarinet and is accompanied by an orchestra and it’s just beautiful. Oh, how I wished my parents were here, that we were playing a board game in the early evening (like we used to at their home in Northern Michigan) and the radio was on and I could ask my dad what the name of a certain piece was and he would answer Lisbon Antigua by Nelson Riddle and I would think “They know everything about that era.”
It’s never easy, is it?
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I loved ” Northern Exposure”. I had a crush on Chris who was played by John Corbett. Actually, every character was so unique and delightful. Good show.
I hope Don’s sunburn heals soon.
Take Care,
He’s still pretty cool, Kaye. John Corbett, I mean.
Don is, too, but he has a bad sunburn so he’s hot.
Stay safe.
There are lightweight shirts that have UV protection, maybe Don could get a couple of those for when he has shows in the sun. Hope he feels better soon.
Your puzzle is lovely.
I still talk to my parents often during the day even tho they have been gone for a while now. I have photos of them near.
He thought he would be sitting in a covered area. He doesn’t do these very often but normally, there is a tent kind of thing.
Stay safe.
I know what you mean about not being able to talk to your parents. I miss mom especially when I have questions about her family history. She loved to talk about growing up in a big family during the Depression. All mom’s 7 brothers and sisters who survived to adulthood are gone too so there is no one I can ask now.
I don’t remember watching “Northern Exposure” first time around so I’ll have to give it a look. So many times at night Dean asks if there’s something I want to watch and I say no. I need to keep things like this in mind. If I don’t make a choice he usually turns on some awful action movie I can’t stand. :-)
Gosh, I googled the music you mention and I know all those songs too. I tend to play quiet classical if I listen during the day but this makes me want to tweak my listening habits a bit.
Hope Don’s uncomfortable sunburn goes away soon.
Take care,
You should watch Northern Exposure, Kay!
Stay safe.
it’s hard to have to miss loved ones, isn’t it? glad you have the music (among other things) and happy memories to help.
for what it may be worth to you, i talk with my mother every day. and my grandparents, cats … xo. and i look forward to those very happy reunions.
hope don’s sunburn heals quickly. would love to hear him sing in person some time (because i got to before, in “escape to margaritaville”, and i love don’s own music too). glad you are both taking it easy today.
i loved “northern exposure”! when it was on, i was living in a small town, for all five-plus years of the show and the job i had. moved there after grad school because i needed a job. i did not move there with any happiness, cried all the way there. and it was hard to meet people, not be seen as an outsider or a temporary there because i hadn’t lived there all my life like everyone else i met (plus it was a job with long hours, often 70-plus hours a week for being on-call for mental health crises covering several counties. in six years’ time i never once saw a car with anything but iowa license plates and only once in that town did i see plates from outside that county … big adjustment for me.) … so i very much could relate to the main character, “joel”. and i loved seeing a woman on tv (“maggie”) with quite-short hair as i had then (and now) a similar pixie cut. and it really was a funny, charming, well-done show on its own merits. i will have to look into watching it again. thanks for mentioning it.
hope you, don and everyone else have a great day. stay safe!
I think of them, but it’s not the same as having them physically here on Earth. Sigh.
Stay safe, Kathy,
I miss my parents so much. It’s only been 3 years and they passed within 3 months of each other. I don’t think the grief ever goes away. I watch for signs from them. My dad loved the songs of wrens and this year I have 2 separate wren families this year singing to me. Last weekend, I was digging up some plants with my adult daughter for her garden and felt my mom’s presence so strongly I cried.
We loved Northern Exposure! This will be a great show for us to watch as my husband recovers from hip replacement ! Thank you.
Enjoy the beautiful day!
I have felt my mom’s presence, but not my dad’s.
Enjoy Northern Exposure, Betsy. Hope your husband is doing well.
Stay safe.
My kids and their spouses threw us a small party for our 50th anniversary on Saturday. My close cousins were there, and several questions came up regarding all of our parents past. We sure would’ve loved to ask them a question or two. Guess we all miss our parents…and their music. While I love the oldies from the 60’s and 70’s, I do miss listening to the music from the 40’s, on their kitchen radio Saturday mornings.
Thanks for telling us about Northern Exposure. We would love to rewatch that show ….it was one of our favorites at the time. We’ll have to rewatch it.
Hope Don’s sunburn heals quickly…aloe should help a lot. Tomorrow we take our son and wife back down to O’Hare to fly back to Edinburgh. I’ve so enjoyed their visit…I hate airport days.
You and Don rest up! ;)
Happy 50th Anniversary, Donnamae! That is truly something special!
Sorry you have to say goodbye to your son and daughter-in-law.
Stay safe.
Northern Exposure was a fun show…I always watched it. I wish there were shows like that today on regular programming. Hope the aloe works well for Don’s sunburn… that’s always so uncomfortable. Every once in a while I have a question I wish I could go back and ask my dad…
Me too. Dad knew the answer to just about anything.
Stay safe, Barrie.
That puzzle looks very challenging. Too much for me.
I loved Northern Exposure. That was a good show, very quirky characters. I think I would have to pay to watch…we don’t have Amazon Prime.
Enjoy your rest day.
Maybe someday it will be available for free, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
I loved Northern Exposure! Marilyn was one of my favorite characters.
The actress who played Marilyn wasn’t even an actress when they cast her. She accompanied a friend or family member to the audition and they asked her to read for it. I love her, too.
Stay safe, Lynda.
dear Claudia/Don — am sorry re Don’s sunburn, being a red head w/freckled skin farm girl, I had many burns some really bad — MyMa thought baking soda w/water paste was the best cure but actually did not seem to help much — but I survived altho I am sure she got very tired of my whining — I totally understand the pain, tho. I know aloe does help alot so keep applying.
I understand how hearing a song can stir up memories — always happens to me — I went thru the 50s, 60s, 70s with mostly a radio to listen to the music. now, I have CD player for the music — guess what I listen to??? 50s, 60s, 70s — none of these “new” artists — one day I told my youngest ggirl I had never heard TaylorSwift so she got on her phone so I could listen. I thought she sounded a little “folksy” and said so but had to explain what I meant LOL!! it is a different world these days, haha!! stay safe/healthy p.s. a day off for rest once in a while is a really good idea !!
I always listen to what we would call “oldies” on the radio in the car. That, or classical.
Stay safe, Linda.
What lovely memories you have of radio days with your Mom. Our radio was always on to CFRB, a no-nonsense news station. We kids would change the station every chance we got to CHUM to hear all the popular hits of the day. Now, I like a mix of songs. Simon and Garfunkel’s concert in Central Park in 1981 was on PBS Saturday night. It was great. Have a great week. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks so much, Elaine. My musical tastes are very electic!
Stay safe.
Hope Don heals quickly from his sunburn. Like yourself I grew up with a lot of easy listening and it was good to be reminded of Acker Bilk.
One of my favourite instrumentals from the late sixties is Girl with the Sun in her Hair by the John Barry Orchestra. It was used in a British shampoo advert. Absolutely beautiful piece.
Happy Monday
I’ll have to look for that instrumental. I love John Barry.
Thanks so much, Dee Dee.
Stay safe.
Beautiful post about your parents. It brought tears to my eyes. I miss my dad, who also knew so many songs.
Thank you, Jenny.
Stay safe.
I know what you mean. What I wouldn’t give to have more conversations with my parents, especially my mom who died when I was quite young, but Dad, too. And it’s something you can’t explain to people who are too young (meaning young/middle adults) who think they will be there forever. It’s the little stuff — like, as you said, “What’s that song?” and then all the comes from the asking.
I hope Don’t sunburn is short lived and you are both back to normal soon. Meanwhile, that puzzle is a stunning diversion!
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
I know how you feel. I was just thinking a day or so ago -wish my Mom was here so I could tell her. And my Dad. I think I miss them more now then I did when I was younger. I have always said you adapt to the loss but never get ‘over’ it.
Thanks, Marion.
Stay safe.
This post has me smiling all the while. xo
I’m glad!
Stay safe, Annette.
Oh, I loved Northern Exposure, too! I remember that my Dad also enjoyed it. There were quite a few phone calls where that’s what we talked and laughed about. Miss him, too. Thanks for the memory. Maybe I’ll have to look it up.
You should. There is so much more to it than I saw the first time around.
Stay safe, Shanna.
I certainly wish I could talk to my parents again. I didn’t know that yours knew so much about music.
Your gardens are beautiful. I hope the wild things won’t go too crazy.
Sorry about Don. It seems like we have to be reminded the hard way about some things. I still occasionally get too much sun. At least he didn’t get heat exhaustion too. That really creeps up on you and it is worse as I get older.
Enjoy your beautiful weather.
There was always a lot of music in our house which I’m very grateful for.
Stay safe, Kay.