As the torrential rains left us, high winds moved in. They went on all night long and they’ll last through the day. You know how much I hate them. They make me edgy and they mess with my sinuses. I’ve kept the blinds closed in the den because the cold wind cuts right through this room.
Don received an email purporting to be from me. It wasn’t, it came from some email address in another state. The usual spammy content saying I forgot to send him some pictures and then a very suspicious looking link. I’ve been getting this same sort of thing from a former high school classmate, but they don’t come from his address. I block them, as did Don. ANYWAY, if you get something from me with a link, block it, delete it, don’t open it. I haven’t been hacked. I suspect it has to do with my friend’s messages. Nevertheless, I changed my passwords.
It’s always something, isn’t it?
Hello, little egg cups!
On the left, the one that started the collection. It was an Easter present from my godparents. Made for Fanny Farmer, it likely came filled with chocolate eggs or jelly beans. Somehow, this one escaped my mom’s tendency to get rid of things, I saw it when I was back home during grad school and took it back to Philadelphia with me. Whew! Years later, I saw an article in Martha Stewart Living about egg cups – this exact cup was on the cover of the magazine.
“You can collect egg cups?” And so I went down the rabbit hole into the world of figural egg cups.
Next, another bunny holding up a cup. This one, however, immediately reminded me of Scoutie – the pink ears, the devilish look in the eyes, always ready for an adventure. Oh, how I miss her. Anyway, this is the Scoutie cup.
After that, a bunny with an egg cup cottage. He’s obviously in a playful mood, as he’s peeking out from his hiding place. Love this one.
And on the right, a cute little pig holding up a cup. You can’t quite see it in this shot, but he has a curly tail.
On the left, another Fanny Farmer egg cup. You can see “Fanny Farmer USA” at the base of the cup. This was one of the first cups I bought and it’s in incredible shape. When I see them for sale online, the paint is often chipped. None of that on this cup. It’s very heavy. At one point I read that McCoy Pottery made this particular cup for Fanny Farmer.
Next, two dogs holding up a cup. They’re adorable. And I love the design along the top of the cup – reminiscent of many Art Deco designs.
Then, a chick or a duck (never quite sure) with a baby. The cup itself has a soft luster finish. It is beautifully and subtly painted and it’s one of my favorites.
And, on the right, one of Carlton’s (in England) line of ‘Walking Ware’ egg cups. I have a couple of them. Talk about whimsy! The idea of adding feet to the cup is inspired. They come in various colors and sock patterns.
All vintage.
Okay! We have to drop Don’s car off for an oil change and go grocery shopping, all of which I wish wasn’t happening on this windy day.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
Sorry about the crappy wind! But really happy that you’ve given us a tour of egg cups today; they’re all so whimsical and Easter-cheery (joyful little things!).
They are the gift that keeps on giving!
Stay safe, Vicki.
I’m sorry to learn you’ve had an email issue. So frustrating and violating. My work email was hacked a few months ago and thankfully we caught it within about 30 minutes but it took some work to get it back to secure. To bad hackers can’t use their unlimited energy to do some good in the World instead of creating havoc in innocent people’s lives ….
The tour has been fun. My favorite so far is the little bunny peeking around his cottage. My gramma had a small collection of egg cups but not sure where they went after she died. I got all her china and silver but no egg cups in the mix.
Best wishes today as you battle the wind on your shopping trip.
X Chy
Thank you, Chy.
A pox on hackers!
Stay safe.
The egg cups are all so cute! I find myself thinking that one is the cutest, then I see something about another that maybe makes it the cutest…all are so whimsical and Springy! In the past I collected post cards…it can be a lot of fun…and, as with your egg cups, the more vintage post cards ( I’ve collected mostly holiday cards) have such incredible details.
I love vintage post cards, Barrie. In fact, I have a vintage Easter postcard that was given to me by a long-ago boyfriend. What fun it must be to collect them!
Stay safe.
Sorry to hear about the high winds…they are nerve wracking to say the least.
I’m enjoying the egg cup tour as well. It’s fun to hear their individual history again. Love that first sweet cup that was given to you. It evidently sparked that certain something in you, that made you keep collecting. That…and the Martha Stewart article.
Hope the winds settle down. Enjoy your day! ;)
It did. I am forever grateful for that first cup.
Thanks, Donname.
Stay safe.
Goodness, hopefully all that rain makes for a very pretty flowering spring for you in a few weeks. We had a raw windy weekend – low thirties – but Dean insisted on sawing down the rest of the Arborvitae that came down on our patio back in the end of January.
Just as well it’s at the curb now. I was getting worried some of the robins rooting around our back garden for nesting material might think the inner part of that big tree would make a great place to live. Couldn’t help him much since I’ve had bad sciatica the past few weeks.
Gosh many years ago I had that same baby chicks egg cup when mom gave me stuff from my babyhood. I have no idea what happened to it. I was so young and dumb when she gave it to me I didn’t even know what it was used for.
Hope the sun comes out for you soon. Take care,
Our robins just appeared for the first time yesterday.
I hope your sciatica goes away soon, Kay.
Stay safe!
Hi Claudia, It is very windy here today too. And it makes me jumpy too! That “chick or duck” cup is probably a duck…. the webbed looking feet give it away to me. Also the bare head and greenish bits… more duck-like than chick-like. Just my view though! I have a few egg cups… but studiously avoid collecting… I have enough other stuff! Lol! I hope things settle down soon weather-wise. :)
Yes, of course! I forgot to look at the feet. Thanks, Betsy!
Stay safe.
Stay safe out in the wind when you and Don run your errands. I received an email from a friend asking me to purchase an Amazon gift card for her nieces’s birthday. I knew she had a niece and I knew she wasn’t very “techie” so I wanted to help her out. Fortunately, Amazon was on the ball and blocked my account and the transaction ($250). I called them and got through very quickly to someone in the fraud department who “sanitized” (her word) my account and I was back in business. I found out later my friend’s account had been hacked and the email I received was sent to every one of her contacts. Fortunately, no one else took the bait. Lesson learned to be more discerning. I also get emails from a friend who has passed away. There doesn’t seem to be any content but I don’t open them, just delete them. I think they call it a brave new world because you have to be very brave indeed to participate. Hugs, Elaine
Oh, no! Why do people do that? Are their lives so boring that they have to resort to that kind of thing?
Unfortunately, we can never trust those messages again.
Stay safe, Elaine.
hope by now that you are feeling better in every way … sinuses, wind-edginess, e-mail junk …
thanks for the warning about possible scammers (ugh) using your e-mail.
the egg cups are darling. thanks for sharing them.
windy here again, but the temperature is going up , it’s sunny and the october maple out front is full of little red buds so spring is definitely on the way. and it’s very pretty.
crossing a couple things off my “to do” list today and that helps. i don’t seem to have much patience right now for having any kind of “to do” list.
happy, safe monday to everyone.
It will be in the sixties today, but we do have a very cold day coming up next week. Typical spring uncertainty!
Stay safe, Kathy.
I think every year I pick out a different “favorite” when you share them. Today it is the adorable bright yellow Fanny Farmer chick with the bright red comb. I just can’t stop looking at it So pretty with those bright colors!!
Hope the winds have calmed. We are to reach 70* again tomorrow. So much is budded out now, and it does give me some worry since it is so early. I know the cherry and apple growers along with the wine makers here are all quite concerned about their crops and how they will do in case we get some bad freezes or some heavy snow yet. Hope you had fun grocery shopping (Ha!!) and take care.
I love that egg cup.
I haven’t checked out buds yet, though I saw some on the climbing hydrangea a month or so ago. Way too early!
Stay safe, Chris.
What a fun grouping! I’m wild about your two Fanny Farmers! Lucky you, salvaging that first one from your home!
Don’t you hate hacking? Ugh!
I think I decided to take it with me because it was a favorite and very portable. I was flying back home.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Hi Claudia! We’ve had wind too. Unfortunately our neighbors tree blew over. Fortunately (kind of) our fence stopped it from landing on our shed. You know trees and wind don’t mix. Thank goodness their tree was much smaller than the ones on your property.
That little pig is just the cutest!!! It’s a very fun collection of small objects. I like that you have cups from all time periods, some elegant, some whimsical. I always enjoy the parade of egg cups!
I worry about our trees, many of which are very old, during these wind events. Thank goodness your shed was spared, Verna!
Thank you!
Stay safe.