The milkweed pods are opening. I grabbed a quick picture as I was just about to get in the car to go to Rochester.
The trip? Let’s just say ‘tedious.’ The drive was long; starting off by going west through the Catskills for a few hours, then north, then west again. It was pretty and for several miles I was driving alongside the Delaware River. Shockingly low. Drought. Drove through the Finger Lakes area, past Ithaca, through Syracuse and Skaneateles Lake – lots of mountains and farms and beautiful scenery. Crossed the Erie Canal. I made it to Rochester and went directly to the theater with a half hour to spare before rehearsal was to start.
It was great seeing Elizabeth, formerly Associate Artistic Director at Hartford Stage, and the adapter of the script, as well as the director of Jane Eyre. And Fiona, who was an intern at Hartford and is now a dramaturg for Geva Theater. We spent 20 minutes or so catching up with each other while I took my covid test and sent a picture of the results to company management. Negative. Good friends and colleagues that I’m always happy to see.
The run through went quite well. I took notes and could only quickly pass them out to the actors at the end of the day because we were out of time.
And then I left and checked into the hotel, which was nice – room decorated in a symphony of browns. But it was a suite with a separate bedroom, a nice kitchenette – quite spacious!
The recurring problem with the whole trip was finding food. I was always hungry. Don made a sandwich for me before I left and I ate that in the car as I was driving. I had a box of wheat thins. And water. By the time I checked in at the hotel and looked at a list of local restaurants, I was so tired that I opted for a frozen Stouffer’s fettucine alfredo that was in the freezer in what was called The Pantry at the hotel.
It was awful. I couldn’t even finish it! Same thing the next day. I had a sort of breakfast – the kind that you often find in motels – in the morning. Grabbed a banana for the road. And then I just snacked on wheat thins on the way home. By the time I pulled in the driveway, I was starving, so I had some soup.
The rest stops had, typically, a McDonalds or something of that sort. Other than fries – there was nothing I could or would eat.
After taking a bath, I went to bed and conked out for the night. I slept well.
I should have known, knowing me, that I would have no desire to go see Lake Ontario on Sunday. I just wanted to get back home and I knew I had another long journey ahead.
It’s a lot of driving for a three hour rehearsal! I’ll have to do the same thing next Sunday/Monday. Yes, I drive home on Labor Day, a bit of information I didn’t grasp until after I committed to that date. Ah, well.
Positive things: beautiful scenery, summer (not winter!) – a nice little tour of New York state. It was much greener in Rochester and one of the actors told me it had been quite rainy there recently.
I have to figure out something better in terms of trip food before Sunday.
Don, as you know, has the farmers market on Sunday, so he couldn’t go along. But he was really helpful with trip prep, bless his heart.
It was great to see old friends, meet the cast in person, see a bit of the theater. It’s right downtown, housed in a converted arsenal. I didn’t get a photo of the exterior, but I’ll try to do that next weekend.
I have to coach Jim today, another actress in the musical tomorrow (and maybe Jim, as well.) And so it will go this week. Jim’s show starts rehearsals the day after Labor Day, so we have a lot to do before then.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
Provisioning is always a problem for me with trips – I some how continue to believe there will be attractive options along the way or at my destination, despite repeatedly experiencing the opposite. I have many unpleasant memories of being cross and hungry when I should be having fun because I really don’t do well with fast food and have finally learned that lesson. Interestingly when our kids or my husband are setting off without me I am great at putting together a cooler of trip food, but when its me all that fails to happen.
Better luck next weekend!
I will pack an insulated bag with some food, Ceci.
Stay safe.
May I suggest just bringing all your own food for the two days? It might seem like lot to pack/carry, but with an ice pack and an insulated bag, you can bring sandwiches for both days, some yogurt, maybe some energy bars. Nothing worse than unappetizing fast food when you’re tired and on your own. Also, a thermos with coffee or tea that can be refilled at the hotel.
A friend and I are headed back to Rhinebeck in October, we’ll pack our lunches for both days, as we did back in June. Your room should have mini fridge to store your cold items.
Good Luck next week. Hopefully, no one will be on the road when you’re returning.
Yes that’s what I’m going to do. I was talking to Don about it this morning. My room has a full-sized fridge.
Thanks so much, Barbara
Stay safe.
My daughter is gluten-free, dairy-free so she always travels with energy bars and other snacks/food that she is able to eat. You will have to pack a food bag for your next trip. You might have a busy couple of weeks but it sounds like you are happy to see friends and earn some money doing what you are so good at.
Safe travels!
Yes. It’s a bit too busy – feast or famine, always – but I appreciate the work.
Stay safe, Ellen.
The scenery sounds wonderful but being hungry is not. I am sure you will figure it out for your next trip. Well, I got the date for my surgery. It will be this coming Thursday, Sept. 1st. Yes, I am nervous about anything having to do with my heart! I know this procedure is done all the time, but when it is me it is a different story. The nurse who called me to schedule it had to laugh at me. I told her I had to be up and moving around by Sept. 8th because I had 2nd row tickets to see Keith Urban in concert! Yes he is my crush and I have seen him many times, including meeting him twice backstage. Such a sweet guy! I have had these tickets for almost a year! She assured me I should be up and around by then. I am a huge music lover and have seen many people in concert. The one thing we splurge on. Get some rest now that you are home.
Take care!
Deb, praying for you and your surgeon. Sure don’t blame you for your appreciation though.
And it’s great to have something to look forward to!
Thank you Deanna!
We will be praying for you on Thursday, Deb! You’ve got a lot of friends here and we are with you.
Stay safe, my friend.
Thank you Claudia! It is because of your blog that I feel like I have met some wonderful people. Know how much you are appreciated! I will hold on to those prayers!
Deb, best of luck with your upcoming surgery! Keep us posted.
Thank you Vicki! Welcome all the prayers!
hej, deb.
glad the procedure has been scheduled and is soon.
i will keep praying for you and the medical staff helping you, for your easy procedure and full and quick recuperation.
keith urban?!? he has some great songs (somebody like you, the fighter, God whispered your name …). and you have awesome seats! :) i am happy for you … and an image just now popped into my mind of keith seeing you in the second row, holding a sign telling him that you made it through heart surgery only a week before and he’s reaching out to you. :)
take it easy and know lots of people are cheering you on, praying for you and that God holds us all.
Thank you Kathy! You will have to think of a sign for me! I will just be happy to go to the concert and be done with this surgery.
haha … no ideas for a sign (yet?), but will let you know if i get one. i’m sure you can come up with great one, if you like!
that image just quickly showed up in my head. i think it’s a wish i have for you as a reward for going through this other stuff.
i love music, too, especially hearing it live. several years ago, during a hard time, i made lists of all the shows i’ve been to (and all the states and countries i’ve been to, unusual things i’ve done like skydiving, my job skills …) and the music list is very long. blessed! for some reason, i kept those lists and they became good reminders when covid arrived and things shut down. anyway, have fun at the show!
Best of luck to you with your surgery. Keith Urban will be a great reward for you! ;)
Thank you and YES he will!
If Don would make you an apple pie and a quiche, and you’d pack water and a thermos of tea or coffee, you’d be all set! Happy Trails!
Thanks so much, Janet!
Stay safe.
Food suggestions: Take a plate, bowl and utensils. A potato and soup in the microwave is easy.
Larabars are no added sugar so I always take those. Some trail mix or nuts, peanut butter and crackers for snacks along with some fresh fruit.
It sounds like a good trip for the most part…just alot of driving.
Maybe you will make it to Lake Ontario another time.
Take care
Well, I’ve been there before, but yes, hopefully, I’ll get there again.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
dear Claudia/Don — what a trip !!!! Mr/Me are flexible re food on trips — when our girls were small — they were picky re WHICH fast food place to stop and neither of them liked the same one LOL!! they really wanted everything the same as it was AT home !! including some food, snacks, etc sounds like a very good idea for the next trip. hope your work goes well — you are so talented — keeping all of it straight would be an enormous task for me HaHa !! stay safe/healthy
As I get older, everything is a bit more difficult than it used to be.
Stay safe, Linda
Love the Catskills…been a vegetarian 30 years, so often that problem…can usually find places with some options…but I always travel with a cooler and food…I remember one trip to Hilton Head for school…just a few hours from home in SouthCarolina…never dreamed that hotel would not have vegetarian options…when I spent the month at Shakespeare and company, the cooks made sure there were options…so many places think vegetarians can do with zucchini casseroles…I detest the stuff…a week on Cape Cod…Hyannis Port…school things…was one of the best cooks for people like us…I totally understand…one of my options…haven’t had this in over a year…Wendy’s fries…and a cheeseburger with no meat…that means a little bun, cheese, tomato lettuce pickles…lol. Glad you are back…wish Don could go…
Thanks so much, Brenda.
Stay safe.
Oh, brendab, this made me laugh. I do the same thing! I love the taste of that ketchup with the pickle on the bun, but I pull out the meat and give it to the big carnivorous rescue dog! And I can only eat them like once a year on my birthday, but it’s a real toss-up of who has the better fries out where I live in SoCalif, Burger King (me!) or Wendy’s (husband!), although In-N-Out Burger’s fries are a bronze-medal winner.
(Claudia, I know you and Don like the fries from, was it, Four Guys? But I don’t know what that is!)
I love Burger Kings too but they have to be real hot! Wendy’s is a close second with In and Out.
I’ve had fries from Burger King, McDonalds, and In-and Out. Five Guys french fries are the best by far.
Four guys fries yummy.
I don’t let them out meat on my bun
Loved your comment Vicki
Before I moved to Florida, I had Wendy more
I know you’ll turn me down, but again I offer for you to stay at my house Monday night. PS I am close to Lake Ontario, a few minute drive.
Thank you but I have get back home on Monday as I’m working on the new show on Tuesday.
Stay safe Laura.
Well, you ARE one busy working girl these days, Claudia. Although the trip felt long and tedious, I loved hearing your description of what you saw along the way; are all places I’d love to see. My cousin has her undergrad degree from Cornell, so I’d known a little-something of the Ithaca area from her descriptions back in the day (it all whets my appetite for my own journey!); but, gosh, it overall sounds quite beautiful when you could have otherwise been driving in some urban jungle of concrete and ugliness. (This alternatively sounded rather pastoral!) Three hours or more alone in the car does sound, however, like a long time.
Sorry you got hungry; a dry run, and now you know to consult with Don and put together a cooler of goodies to eat on the road and once in your hotel room; just pack the cooler with some of those ‘ice’-style blocks or pouches that you freeze up ahead of time (keeps your items in the cooler quite chilled; we have small lunchbox-size coolers but also larger ones you probably wouldn’t need or want to use, but I find a sort of oilcloth-covered, tote-style ‘bag’ that’s a cooler-type carrier to be really handy).
I always say when my husband and I go out for our ‘drives’ that I’m gonna pack a picnic and then I never/rarely do because I also don’t know exactly WHEN, since lots of times our ‘venturing out’ is spontaneous. But yes, then, what happens is that you’re stuck, not really in going-inside-the-grocery store mode (for example, something pre-prepared in the deli), and what/where to get something to eat that’s portable, most fast-food places being convenient for that but only offering unhealthy fare.
My husband doesn’t mind dipping into a Subway restaurant if they’re not too crowded with a long line, and you can get them to make up a all-veggie sandwich for you, like on flatbread (you choose which veggies); actually, I think they do have a menu item called a Veggie Delite sandwich (low in calories and fat; frankly, I just looked it up out of curiosity, and it’s ‘9-grain wheat bread and contains cucumbers, green peppers, lettuce, red onions, spinach, tomatoes, and optional cheese’). Pre-pandemic when I-myself would stop in to Subway on my own, I’d get the kid’s meal which is like a quarter-size of the larger subs; make it veggie, and then it came with juice and sliced apples; don’t know if that’s still offered today.
I do like the little sliced-apple snacks which you can buy separately at McD’s; they usually come as part of the kid’s meal but you can buy them as a stand-alone item for under a dollar, so they make a good-quick snack of just good, plain, apple slices. And of course most places you can pick up a small side salad to go, of all greens and no meat or egg, but they’re hard to eat in the car (I’ll reserve this for when we find ourselves at a Jack In The Box; believe me, I definitely AM prepared on what my ‘diet’ allows in which of these drive-thru restaurants!).
(It’s pretty sweet, but in a pinch, the oatmeal with fruit isn’t a bad option at McD’s.)
You can also get a baked potato at Wendy’s. The one with sour cream and chives isn’t bad (sour cream on the side, and I don’t use it all). Or a fruit cup at Chick-Fil-A although, at least here out West, we always find their drive-thru lines to be ‘way too long; but, if you’re not in a big hurry, what the heck.
Those are my go-to’s depending upon where we find ourselves and which places are near when we’re ‘on the road’. Of course I don’t even know what kinds of drive-thru places exist in the Northeast. But bringing something from home is the better choice because eating out anywhere these days is just too darned expensive since the price of food in general is so sky-high.
Thanks so much, Vicki!
Stay safe.
glad you had a pretty (if long) drive to do some work you enjoy/are great at and then that same pretty (if long) drive back to your sweet husband and home.
and that you tested negative and masks were required.
sorry your food situation (save don’s sandwich and other things you brought) was not good. i am not great with eating in restaurants (even moreso because of covid) and being vegetarian usually limits options so i bring fruit, a power bar and water for shorter trips and, for longer trips, also bring crackers and pre-cooked veggie burgers. my stops then are limited to the obvious needs and to see something new.
maybe you’ll feel like visiting the lake next time … or not. either way, glad you have the work and home, too.
makes me think of a swedish expression (sorry, my swedish isn’t very good so i might be misspelling it) …”borta bra, men hemma bast” (away is good but home is best) … very true!
we’ve enjoyed some measurable rain lately, including this morning. :) wish it would stick around. when it leaves, i hope it heads your way and that everyone else who needs it gets rain, too.
hope you have a good, easy day today.
I’ve never been a fan of power bars, unfortunately. But I’ll definitely shop for some things to take along with me.
Stay safe, Kathy.
Your room sounds great, and yes, if you pack your own food for the next visit you should be good to go. It sounds like it is well enough equipped for you. I’m glad the production went well and the drive, too. It makes a difference, driving through a beautiful area versus one that isn’t. And now you know, so you can prepare for the next time.
Everyone has weighed in with good food suggestions so I won’t add any more to that. I just wish Don could go with you, as it’s always more fun with someone else but the market is a “job” and that makes sense! I hope the rest of the week goes well for you.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
The scenery on the way to Rochester sounds simply lovely. It is hard to find food when you have dietary concerns/restrictions. Great idea to pack a cooler! Hope this weeks sessions go well for you! ;)
Thanks so much, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
I’m thinking hard boiled eggs, cheese, tuna fish (if you eat that) apples, and you already have the crackers. String cheese is good and is easy to eat and you don’t have to cut it. My grandkids like it. The drive does sound long, but I think you can do it with water, crackers and singing! Have a good week and good Labor Day weekend.
Vegetarian – no fish! Thanks for all the suggestions, Tana.
Stay safe.
Always be prepared. Bring a cooler and food you eat. Queen Elizabeth II always carries a marmalade sandwich in her purse.
Bless her!
Thanks so much, Barbara.
Stay safe.
Barbara, this made me smile this morning! And I think I will be smiling all day because of your comment. Thank you!