Sophie used to look like this. Her head tilted downward, as all Blythes do. That meant I had to take pictures from below – or just let it be, like this one.
Same with Maeve:
See how her head tilts down? I’m on my knees here, trying to shoot upwards so I can see her face.
Yesterday, I decided to go for it. I gathered all my tools (some of which I’ve had to purchase especially for Blythe work) went up to the office, put a towel on the hard surface of the desk, and started the process of adding a neck joint. First I had to take the head apart and pull out the body. Then I cut off a portion of the neck, sanded it, and made a hole in the center of the neck with an awl. I dry fitted the neck joint, made sure it fit correctly, and then screwed it to the neck. Then I inserted the neck joint, closed up the doll, screwed the head back together and:
Maeve, finally able to raise her chin and tilt her head to the side. Whoo hoo! I worked on Maeve first, thinking I should experiment on her before I worked on Sophie. I had to unscrew her head and take it apart twice, to make some adjustments, but I did it! Doesn’t she look lovely?
Claudia Hill, neck surgeon.
I had to come downstairs to show Don, I was so proud of myself.
On to Sophie. I learned from working on Maeve that the hair can get in the way of things, so this time, I put Sophie’s hair in a pony tail.
Much smoother the second time.
And here they are.
Look at Sophie raising her chin proudly.
They were complaining that the least I could do after putting them under the knife would be to change their clothes.
Thank goodness for You Tube. I ordered the neck joints from Palma Dolls in Spain because the customizer of my three VegaDolls, Natalia, recommended her. The parts are made with a 3d printer. Palma Dolls filmed a video just for this kind of body and neck joint and I’m sure I watched it 20 times.
I’ve been wanting to do this for almost a year but I was worried I’d screw up when I had to cut off part of the neck or make the hole for the screw. Every time I looked over at the dolls, both Sophie and Maeve would be looking down. All the other girls have some form of a neck joint. Anyway, it’s done. The girls made it through surgery just fine.
Sophie and Maeve were my first two Blythe dolls.
Okay. Just wanted to show off a bit!
I’m coaching this afternoon and fixing Sophie’s eyelashes. Long story.
And eating a piece of sugar-free apple pie.
And maybe crocheting another hat.
But first, I have to add all the changes that have been made to the script to my copy of the script so I’m all set for this afternoon.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
maeve and sophie look so much more comfortable and you are rightfully proud … great work, claudia!
hope sophie’s eyelash repair also goes well (though from the photos, i can’t see what needs fixing). same with the zoom coaching.
it reached 95 degrees here yesterday and the high temperature on friday is to be 57 … like the song says, what a difference a day (or three) makes!
the other big-ish news around here is that a bobcat has been seen on the walking/biking trail behind my parents’ home and a nest with two baby bobcats is in the tunnel that runs parallel to that trail (which allows people to cross under a busy four-lane street). that tunnel is about 100 steps from my parents’ home and we’ve used it before … but certainly will not do so now. hope and praying the bobcats can be safely caught and re-homed.
happy, safe wednesday to everyone!
update … just came back from a walk and counted the steps to the tunnel with the nest of bobcat babies and presumably the adult bobcat … closer to 220 (just how big did i think my steps are?!?). also, been told by the department of natural resources that bobcats are found throughout iowa (and all other states in the lower 48) and are not typically aggressive towards people. still (especially because there are babies there), we’ll not be using that tunnel for the foreseeable future!
Moms and babies must be avoided and protected. We have the same thing happen with foxes around here. A few years back, a mom and her babies were living in my neighbor’s culvert.
It happened after I took that photo.
New eyelashes as of this morning
Very interesting about the bobcat. Yes, best not to go through there right now.
Stay safe, Kathy.
Good job with the neck reconstruction! So much more natural looking! I know what you mean about holding off on a task until you’re perfectly confident…it paid off!
I had to be ready, I guess!
Stay safe, Barrie.
I love the “heads up”! Good job, Mom.
Thanks, Judy!
They look quite happy.
Stay safe.
Brave girl, Claudia. One more thing to add to your list of many talents. The girls can now look the future right in the eye, so to speak. Enjoy your sugarless apple 🍎 pie. I’ve made a note of Don’s recipe but must get more apples. It’s going to be cooler towards the end of the week so might make it on the weekend. Take gentle care. Hugs, Elaine
That’s what I just heard. In the 60s on Friday. I guess it is indeed about to be Fall.
Stay safe, Elaine.
Well done Mom!
The girls look so much better.
Enjoy the apple pie.
Take care
Thanks so much, Marilyn.
The apple pie will be my treat when I’m finished zoom coaching – hopefully for a long while!
Stay safe.
Tomorrow, September 22, is the autumnal equinox— happy Fall!
Loving the cool, crisp mornings and the beautiful Fall light.
Per chairman Rep Bennie Thompson, the January 6 Committee will hold a hearing September 28, 1:00pm ET.
Already put it in my planner a few days ago. Can’t wait!
Stay safe, Amy.
You are a Blythe rock star! Well done, Claudia!
And let’s give a big cheer to Letitia James and her crew! Let the name calling begin. (Oh, wait. It already has!)
Love our AG! Now, waiting for Georgia and the DOJ.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
dear Claudia/Don — enjoy your pie — the girls look so much better,glad for them & you. You are certainly a very multi talented lady!! it is 93 degrees at this moment, very dry–really worried about fires — will be so glad for fall temps, but will it be temporary?? time will tell, I guess. stay safe/healthy
I hope you and the area surrounding you stays safe. Any rain due on the horizon?
Stay safe, Linda.
The girls look amazing after neck surgery. Love being able to see their faces better. Well done Claudia. Hope you coaching goes well today. hugs!
Me too. They have such lovely faces and they’ve always been a bit hidden.
Stay safe, Linda.
Quite a day – your achievement! Wow!
AG James – double Wow!
Just received word a few hours ago of Joan Didion’s Memorial service being held today (available 2 hrs on YouTube) Sorry not to give you an early ‘heads-up.’
In case you would like to see it –
The announcement on the church calendar and a link to the program:
The direct link to the service (2hrs18min.)
Oh, darn it! I didn’t see this until this morning. Thank you, Martha.
Stay safe.
Thank heavens for video how-to’s! They are such confidence builders. The girls look more at ease in their “after” photos. Well done!
Last week, tank tops, shorts, salad for dinner and smoky air. This week, long sleeves, Levis, stir fry and rain showers. Too early to turn on the furnace, so we are all holding out since next week will bring warmer temps. The change of weather has spurred me into getting garden projects finished before winter hits, at least.
I’m glad the January 6 committee is resuming. I see things are not going 45’s way in court. Or Putin’s way in Ukraine. The midterm elections will be a nail biter, but I have some hope that democracy will triumph. Not a lot, but some.
Meanwhile, I can enjoy September roses (always the prettiest), the end of summer veggie harvest and the challenges of being a teenage-puppy mom. Plus looking forward to the Fall apple season!
Yesterday was NOT a good day for you-know-who. And I couldn’t be more pleased. I’m looking forward to next week’s Jan. 6th committee hearing.
Thanks so much, Roxie.
Stay safe.