Greetings from Wisconsin. Yikes, am I tired. Yesterday was a long day full of meetings and new people and chat and smiles and laughter. All good, but when I got home last night, I was on sensory overload so I couldn’t get to sleep for a long time. A lot gets packed into a short amount of time. I’m trying to be charming, funny, intelligent and wise. All the time.
My dear friend, who was the head of the training program at Boston University and was my boss, is here. He recommended me for the job. Yesterday, on my way to the table that continually had a spread of food and munchies for all of us, I saw him. Big hugs, much laughter and stories were exchanged. Last night at dinner, we continued our conversation and when he dropped me off at my motel, we were still talking. I love this guy. He’s worked with my husband many times and knew Don before I did. He is generous beyond measure, a loyal friend and colleague. He will be working here this summer, but alas, not until the latter half of the season and I will be gone by then. What a joy it has been to spend time with him.
I’ve met some wonderful people and I look forward to getting to know them better. Even though we are in the midst of gray March days here, I can see how lovely it will be in May. The outdoor theater is built into a hill, surrounded by trees. The surrounding countryside is beautiful. Today I have free time, so I plan to walk around this charming small town.
I didn’t bring my camera. You’ll have to wait until I return in May. I will be heading home early tomorrow. One night at MHC and then I’m off to Boston for 5 days. The camera will be going along on that trip.
Missing Mockingbird Hill Cottage. Missing husband. Missing these little scamps:
Need sleep.
Don’t you hate it when your body needs sleep, and you cannot find the off switch for your mind?
Hope you finally had some sweet dreams!
Sounds like you need a vacation already and you have yet to start. You are one busy person, no wonder you cant shut your mind off. I love how you take the time to share your walks with us, looking forward to the tour.
God keep you safe on in your travels.
Miss you!
I’m so glad this first trip went well Claudia! Travel safely ♥
Have a safe trip home!
oh you do sound so happy and excited.
and, i am so happy for you.
you are so very talented and they are lucky to have you working for them.
i enjoyed your sweet pictures of home.
Enjoy and have fun.
Dear Claudia,-
Oh friend, yopu trawels a lot- this dayes,- have to deal with new situations, and people- how relaxing to meet an old friend,-and have a wonderfull chat and evening with him.
It is so hard traweling to and from-all the time, I know,- and you even have to do a qualified job.
I hope you can relax when home for a while, again.
Claudia, it’s always interesting to read what you are up to. Stay warm and dry! I can relate to missing home, husband and the doggers. As Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home”, but we usually have to go away to feel that way. Best wishes for the upcoming month! Ann
Wishing you a good night’s rest and happy travels!
Hi Claudia,
I love following along on your travels with you…and all the theaters…love it. Hope you’ll take some time for yourself on the road…we like you well rested so you can share more of your adventures with us!
Cheryl at My Sister’s Cottage
Have a safe trip home, thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures and thanks for when you stopped by my place a few weeks ago and your comforting comment!
Enjoy your short, short stay at home before heading out again. We’ll be heading up your way in a few days. I’ll wave toward your house when we pass the exit, even though, I know you won’t be there.
Sweet dreams dear Claudia…your home awaits.
So many exciting things going on in your life. Keep smiling and take your vitamins!
Love ad a hug,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
(think of sitting on your porch!)
Claudia, that first photo is so pretty. I love the green painted film cannister with the decal.
I think the summer will be full of fun things to enjoy there in Wisconsin. Outdoor theater sounds wonderful. I’ve never been to anything like that outdoors before. Concerts, but not theater.
Safe journey home.
It sounds like you are having a good time. How great to catch up with an old friend who is so dear to you.
I wish you some wonderful restorative sleep.
Enjoy your time there, and I pray you can get some sleep, my friend.
Sheila :-)
I really dislike insomnia and I am the same when my head is filled to overflowing with too much infor, I do not sleep…Hope you can get rested soon.♥
Sorry, I’m a bit late in reading this. So glad things went well and that you met an old friend and were not with complete strangers during that time.