You know that story I told you about the other day? About my wallet being stolen the same night Don kissed me for the first time? After Don left, I canceled my credit cards and had the locks changed. About a week later, I got a call from a telephone repair man. He was repairing a phone in a phone booth in a not-very-nice area of San Diego. He found my wallet there. The cash was gone, but everything else was still there. He took the time to drive all the way to my apartment and push it through the mail slot, along with his card. He was nice and kind and helpful. He made my day.
nice – pleasant in manner; good natured; kind.
I’ve been thinking about ‘nice’ lately. Some may think it rather a bland adjective to describe a person. “He or she is nice.” “She’s a nice person.”
I think ‘nice’ is powerful. Nice can change someone’s day. Nice can bring a smile to someone’s face. Nice can remind you that most people are not petty or mean or cruel. And when an unexpected niceness occurs, it becomes a blessing.
The other day I was driving – on my hurried way to a store. It was frigidly cold outside. Up ahead, work was being done. Trees were being trimmed. There was a man ahead of me holding a ‘Stop’ sign. I was the first car in a long line of cars that had to stop. I waited. I thought about how cold that man must be – standing there for hours at a time. Then, before my eyes, he did a little dance. As he changed the sign from ‘Stop’ to ‘Slow,’ he bent over at the waist, sketched a little bow and gallantly waved me on. I laughed out loud and a huge smile spread across my face. He was good natured. He was nice. He made my day.
And sometimes it’s something as simple as a smile, a door being held open, a kind word, a hug. Nice. I think nice sometimes gets a bad rap. But I’d rather be called nice than almost anything. I’d like to be thought of as kind, as caring, as nice.
So I’ve started this new freestyle embroidery piece called Nice. Because I feel the need, in these contentious times, to celebrate ‘nice’ and all it represents.
Has something nice happened to you lately?
Sometimes when I drive into the city, I come up over the hill and there off in the distance is the city…..with the sun shining on it, it takes my breath away, and I feel happy because it is such a nice view…and even though I am driving to work…it just feels nice.
Love the embroidery, it’s very pretty and delicate looking……;)
Margaret B
I’m glad to hear you say something “nice” about the word “nice”. I like the word too. Years ago someone left me feeling inferior and self conscious about using that word in my vocabulary. (That person was NOT nice.) Thanks so much for the validation.
Something nice happened to me today at work. One of my elderly patients looked at me today and just randomly said, “You’re cute!” in her adorable little voice. I looked at her, smiled, and said, “You’re cute too!”. Her sweetness made my day.
I,too, love nice and strive to make everyone’s day a little easier. My husband said when we worked together, but had not yet started dating, that I was gentle on the world. I’ve always loved that. I work in the office at a middle school. I let one of the students sit at my chair for awhile when there was no other chair available. Later, I heard her whisper to another student,”see I told you she was nice.” Little things mean a lot. Thanks for a thoughtful and nice post. Mona
A sweet, and pretty embroidery, Claudia-and a beautifull explanation of “nice” –I love nice,too-
all the little things, out there in real life, that we luckily ,experience , maybe not every day, but very often–
Have a nice, and great week-end, dear.
Sweet post Claudia, perfect ‘be nice’ reminder:) It’s amazing how contagious ‘nice’ is! Love your little embroidery:)
Good Morning Lovely Lady,
I’m here to say that YOU ARE A NICE YOUNG LADY, and I consider myself an especially lucky lady to have you as a friend. Happy anniversary of a friendship (almost). Have a lovely weekend.
Love ya’
Truly lovely freehand, you are gifted with the needle, each stitch is perfect. I have to use a machine, my fingers are not so talented.
Love this post and to know your wallet was returned.
The tile guy repairing our shower stall floor. I not able to drive yet from leg surgery and honeyman was not able to take time off to go look at tile. I showed the tile guy via computer what I wanted and he went to several tile places to find it. When it came time to pay him for the job I asked him how much extra for all the shopping for the tile. NO extra he said, it was no problem. I know it was and gave him extra anyway. Nice!
Great post!
That was a very sweet and inspiring message! We should all remember that being “nice” is such a virtue we should all strive to be in all situations…The world would be a much “nicer” place! Congrats on being a winner of the pink baby shoe! So pretty and delicate!~Hugs, Patti
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
O many gods, so many creeds,
So many paths that wind and wind,
While just the art of being kind
Is all the sad world needs.
Isn’t there a slogan that says something like “because nice matters”.
About 25 years ago, I was scared to death to go to the dentist. It seems ridiculous now, but I so dreaded it that my appointments were few and far between. I had terrible pain in my tooth and knew I had to see a dentist. I picked one at random from the phone book. I had to have a crown, but was lucky enough to have an understanding sympathetic hygenist who held my hand, patted me on the shoulder and kept checking with me during the procedure. It made me realize that you didn’t have to be famous or the president or Mother Teresa to be important- just one person be nice to someone needing a little support was a big deal to me.
(And I’m not afraid of the dentist anymore)
What a joy filled up lifting post! I hope you think it is nice that you are one of my give away winners, do drop by and claim your gift. Have a very nice weekend!
Lovely post Claudia. Nice feels so good to experience. Your embroidery looks very pretty. What a positive way to celebrate kindness.
I firmly believe in nice because I firmly believe in acting and treating others in the way you would want them to treat you. I had to quit a job once because I could not bear the backstabbing and gossip that happened before I had even taken my coat off in the morning-ick!! This didn’t happen this week-but I have a wonderful friend. When my Mom had a heart attack and she was out of work for awhile this friend sent my Mom a gift card for groceries without me even knowing she was doing it. She had never even met my Mom- my Mom called me asking who she was. That was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me and my family and to this day it makes me tear up when I think of it- it really helped my Mom a lot at a hard time in her life. Wonderful post Claudia- I am sure there are people out there that can tell stories of you brightening their day with “niceness ” too ♥
Such sweet embroidery and post! In the end, kindness is what matters most and it usually doesn’t cost a single cent!
So glad you had a nice day in the city!
Love it, Adore it, Admire it… you do have such a sweet eye.
Off to look around, I’m in need of a good new book. Nothing on Amazon is looking any good. I did just finish Unbroken, which had me up to the wee hours reading in the dark with a flashlight.
Not to sound repetitive, but stay warm this weekend,
I have belonged to an online group of 9 miniaturist friends for a lot of years. Three days ago one of them wrote and wanted us all to list three nice things that happen to us each day. Nice must be the in thing right now. We are all enjoying small niceties that we wouldn’t normally talk about…It’s really IS nice!
Nice is a nice word.
I so agree with you.
Love you nice needlework.
Hugs and smiles…Cory/Dogwood
I love your sweet little embroidery! You’re absolutely right that we need more nice in the world. You inspire me to be nicer.
Quite the opposite – someone has been really nasty to me. But, I’m trying to get over it – this helped me to put things in perspective. I was sent here for a reason.
LOVE your stitch work!
you most certainly are very nice!
i always think it’s so nice when someone holds the door for you…especially when it is a man. I kind feel like it is their duty and get a little annoyed when they don’t ;)
even just holding it open for you as they pass through in front is fine by me(if they are a stranger ahead of you). there is nothing worse than a door about to slam you in the face, LOL!
Well, I’m glad when I said in my comment on your last post that people who have pictures of their dogs are usually nice that it wasn’t taken as the wrong way. I like nice. Nice people, nice days, nice dogs…all good.
Nice should not be underrated. Often times it is the small niceties that make your day.
I think your embroidery is a sweet tribute to NICE.
Hi Claudia, my children think that ‘nice’ is my theme word. I think I used that word often to describe all that I wish for and expect of them! Very ‘nice’ post. Linda
it is way past my bedtime claudia, but your post has made me smile and helped me relax for the night. thank you.
i love this post!! it is very nice.
you too.
take care
We live in the capital city of Missouri.
Nice is a word that describes most encounters with folks around here.
I’ve seen two gals hug each other after they had a fender bender – each inquiring about the welfare of each other – relieved when neither were hurt.
And your story of the flagman is a wonderful example just how nice people can be.
I find bloggers are NICE
You made me look at being called “nice” and also “sweet” in a different way.It used to bug me a little, especially “sweet” which is what I get the most. I think the world could use some more nice,sweet, and kind people. This does not mean “boring”.It’s a wonderful thing to try to live up to. Thank you, claudia
Oh Claudia, I love your post. I like to meet “nice” people because you can tell by their words and actions that this is they way they really are at home. It most definitely made me think about being a nice person myself. I want to be called a nice person!
Deanna :D
P.S. Thank you for your prayers Claudia, it means the world to me.
I like the word, both its meaning, its sound, the easy way it just rolls off the tongue without hesitation. I love how you are embroidering it freehand – it seems just right.
I believe I’m a nice person – I’ve had a lot of years to practice! Only one person I’ve ever met seems to not classify me as such and this breaks my heart – because of her I’ve lost one of the most precious people in my life. But, I’ll continue to be nice, friendly, loving, caring, all the things she isn’t………….because I can’t be any other way!
Yesterday, the nicest thing that happened was spending a couple of hours thrifting with a dear friend, and finding a beautiful vintage covered veg. bowl for $6, then enjoying a steaming cup of delicious Florentine white bean soup at Sarah Foster’s great little restaurant…..on a warm, sunny day at long last!
There is good in this world we just have to be open to see it. Blessings, Joanne
Hi Claudia,
I love your free form embroidery. I think it’s so liberating to just let it flow at the risk of throwing the rules out the window. I can see it’s going to be a beauty…and yes, NICE…it makes all the difference in a day, doesn’t it?…the flagman had a choice and he responded with humor and a good nice is that!? I know it really set the tone for your day.
I wanted to drop by and wish you and your hubby a wonderful Valentine’s Day…have fun and do something special.
Stephanie ♥
Claudia, I love this post. And, you are nice. We all love you.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Don.♥
We have a sign in our kitchen that says “because Nice matters”. After a few lectures, I only have to point to the sign when the grand girls are getting contentious!! Works every time.
Thanks for backing me up! :^)