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Life in our little cottage in the country
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With you on this!
It is a total disgrace.
With you, my friend.
Also, I meant to share this with you before–I love her style, and it made me think of you prepping for your trip!
Take good care. We all need to.
agree. take good care of yourselves, everyone!
kathy in iowa
Beyond my comprehension.
There is nothing to say that hasn’t been said.
But I spent the last 15 years in the UK working in the field of child sex abuse and haven’t worked since moving the the US partly because the paper work needed to make this happen is over whelming and I have been dragging my feet with completing it. This has given the push to complete the next set of paperwork needed, I am going back to work, there is work to be done.
I want hope. Thanks for your support, always.
How did this country come to this?
Tina, How did we come to This?
Judy A-
We are truly living a nightmare! Protest!! Call!! Vote in November!!! ;)
I am so angry. What a nightmare this is.
With you all from across the pond. Take care of yourselves and each other x.
I have the same sick feeling that I did November 8, 2016.
Love & hugs!
I knew. I knew when I saw your post that you’re crying like I am.
I’m with ya.
glued to it.
if that is supreme court material I give up my last vestige of hope.
and what pray tell is a “limited” FBI investigation??? AAAGGGH.
Senator Amy Klobuchar is fantastic!
Sending hugs! You’re not alone.