Pottery Portraits #6 – Roseville Ixia.
Oil on Paper 6″ x 9″ Finished 7/4/21
I’m really pleased with this one. I can see improvement each time I tackle a new painting. Maybe it’s crazy, but, though I certainly don’t want to limit my painting to Roseville Pottery, I’m quite happy capturing the beauty of Roseville Pottery for the time being. I also think these pieces are a good teacher, if you will. The shapes and the variations in the glaze work together as a lesson in highlights and shadows. That realization struck me this morning.
Yes, I want to do more landscapes and buildings and maybe some animals, but right now, I feel these pieces are my instructors and I’m so grateful I had the idea to paint one of them.
I’ve titled the series: Pottery Portraits.
Thank you for all your lovely anniversary wishes yesterday. I took the day off from replying but I hope you know that I read each and every one of them. Bless you.
As Don said this morning: “We’re ridiculously happy.”
We are.
It was a quiet day. I weeded a bit outside, trying to corral wild vines and mint-run-amok. I hadn’t planned on finishing the painting yesterday – I was going to give it one more day to dry – but I came in from outside and looked at the easel and thought, “Why not?” So I corrected some areas that didn’t look right and picked the background color and it’s done. Now for the next subject. I have a couple in mind.
But first, some mowing is in order.
Everything is flowering here; coneflowers, chickory, phlox, day lilies, bee balm. Splashes of color are everywhere. I love this time of year.
More fireworks last night, this time from another direction. I suppose there will be more tonight. I’ve seen more than my share of fireworks in my lifetime and I’m over them. We don’t even get up and look outside to see if we can spot where they are in the sky. They upset animals and birds, they upset those with PTSD, they can be a danger to vegetation and wildlife, especially in dry areas. Why do we need them at this point?
We’re currently watching a Swedish version of Wallander. Excellent. And I’m reading the second Ruth Galloway mystery, The Janus Stone. I’m just about to finish it. And we watched the Mets/Yankees game yesterday afternoon.
Okay. Hope you’re all well. I’m going to make some oatmeal and get ready to mow.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
Fireworks last night were awful. Every year we think is worse than the former. Our poor dog. We were all exhausted by the time we felt we finally could go to bed, which was well after midnight.
I just watched the video of that takedown/demolition of what remained of the Surfside condo complex in Florida and felt like wretching over this terrible human tragedy of lost lives. Has been the saddest thing and I’ve shed tears over the TV coverage; heart goes out to the grieving people. I was glad to read that, for the survivors of the part of the building which hadn’t yet collapsed, although they couldn’t get back in to retrieve material goods like possessions-keepsakes-valuables, the Fire Rescue used thermal imaging to check for the people’s animals (possibly hiding in terror under beds, in closets, etc.) and made a statement that no animals were left inside before the demolition. My husband and I had wondered about people’s pets left behind in the dire emergency.
(This has happened too much where I live, when we’ve had wildfires, and people can’t get back into an area to retrieve their animals [like if they’d been away at work, at a job, when the fire broke out]. Our dog would be our main concern; she’s irreplaceable, a living being.)
Something softer: I like how you nailed the ‘relief’ of the floral branch on the vase. Fab color of course; lovely, Claudia. It’s now a wonderful collection of pottery paintings. Have a nice Monday; I guess it’s still a holiday today.
Thank you, Vicki, for letting us know there were no animals left. We were worried about that, and none of the news I have heard have mentioned anything about pets.
agree. thank you, vicki.
kathy in iowa
Yes, I just came across an update on this, with the mayor saying ‘that Miami-Dade Fire Rescue conducted three full sweeps of the building searching for pets before taking the building down … “we went truly to great lengths to take every step that we could, at great risk to our first responders, (to ensure no pets) were left in the building prior to demolition”.’
I was speaking to ILLEGAL fireworks which are of course a huge threat to dry, parched Southern California and our wildfire risk; yes, the community-sponsored fireworks show, which I make a donation to each year, is over and done with in like an hour or less, and you expect it, you know what time it will start, it’s a happy thing, but it’s the days-upon-days of illegal fireworks that get to us these weeks of the year (and, of course, last night, we had the double whammy of illegal and legal going on simultaneously).
In fact, it was all over local TV this morning that, more so in L.A. county than my adjacent one, so many illegal fireworks over so many hours degraded the air quality to the point that the air is unhealthful today, no different than wildfire smoke in terms of the dangerous particulate matter that one breathes in. That was definitely something I noticed last night, just so much extra smoke in the air after the fireworks would do their thing. “LOS ANGELES (AP) — Air quality advisories were in effect Monday across a swath of Southern California due to hours of fireworks blasts and a wildfire north of Los Angeles. The South Coast Air Quality District said poor air quality was likely through the afternoon because fireworks emit high levels of particulate matter. The smell of smoke infused the overnight intrusion of damp marine air over the region. Breathing particulates can lead to a wide variety of cardiovascular and respiratory health effects.”
A friend and I were just speaking on the phone about it (she’s in a nearby town and experienced the same deluge of illegal activity/noise), how fireworks seem to have changed, in terms of being in the hands of the everyday folk. I can obviously remember over the years when I was younger, of fountains and firecrackers but really nothing like these explosion-style/big-boom fireworks that people are setting off illegally, which makes you wonder where they purchase them.
Oh well, after this week with straggler fireworks going off, it’ll eventually end so that I don’t jump out of my skin if I happen to be outside stargazing!
We have days upon days of legal fireworks. Every small town has them on a different night. So you see, it can be a real issue, even if legal, in some areas of the country.
i agree, vicki.
if it was just the one scheduled fireworks program, that would be better … but each suburb here and many neighborhoods have their own displays, there’s one every week for the local (farm team) baseball team all season long plus individuals shooting off fireworks for days before and after independence day. ugh … too much.
our governor made individual use of fireworks legal a few years ago (i’m not happy about that), but it’s a quick one-hour drive down to missouri where many more fireworks are for sale right across the border. including the big, booming kind (that i wish was thunder) and the staccato kind that sounds like gunfire. i am one block away from a very narrow, woody park and people set them off very late, sometimes for hours. wish the law required people to set any fireworks off in their own yards … let peer pressure limit this stuff.
and that our noise ordinance was enforced.
and that fireworks could be made to be silent.
yes, i have lots of thoughts about fireworks. :l
hope you are well, keeping cool and get some rain.
kathy in iowa
I can’t imagine not knowing whether a beloved pet as safe.
Many thanks, Vicki.
Stay safe.
Love, love, love the Swedish version of Wallendar. Krister Henrikkson is fabulous in the title role.
He is a wonderful actor.
Stay safe!
The shading on this one looks fabulous! Oils are so beautifully sensuous, aren’t they?
They are. I really love working with them!
Stay safe, Denise.
I think this vase is my favorite, and your work is improving with each one.
We live far enough from the city so the big fireworks don’t bother us although we can hear them. We do have some neighbors who do their own thing that can get annoying. Fortunately, our cat doesn’t seem at all bothered by them.
There is nothing new to report concerning my granddaughter. We are waiting for her appointment with an infectious disease specialist on Thursday.
Stay safe
We’re keeping her in our prayers, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
glad you and don had a nice day yesterday on that extra-special day. :) :)
agree about fireworks.
what a nice way of thinking about your roseville vases as teaching you about painting. love the colors you put together … more beautiful painting, claudia!
love the “wallender” books and what little i saw on public television with kenneth branagh. would like to see the swedish version.
fever finally gone, some other symptoms continue so will again take it easy here today. might do a couple of easy little things, like trimming an overgrown plant and finish knitting a hat (the one with all that ribbing is thankfully done).
it’s supposed to be 90-plus here today and tomorrow. not excited about that. my place has mostly west-facing (and a couple northern) windows so i am grateful for air conditioning.
hope you have a good day.
kathy in iowa
So glad your fever is gone, Kathy. Best to take it easy.
93 here tomorrow.
Stay safe.
…kathy, great to hear that at least the fever is gone; many best wishes to get well soonest!
thank you!
hope you are well and safe.
kathy in iowa
Oh dear Kathy, I am also grateful to read of your steady progress back to good health. Sorry to post this so many days later. Just catching up.
Love the latest painting, Claudia. Agree with Terri that the Swedish version of Wallendar with Krister Henriksson is by far the best. There’s an earlier version with another Swedish actor who’s name escapes me. He only played the role for a few episodes.
Speaking of TV series, you might be glad to know that there’s definitely going to be a second series of All Creatures Great and Small. I’ve read that they’ve been filming the Christmas episode in a mini heatwave, having started filming in April.
Happy Monday
Yes, I had heard that – I think it was in an interview with one of the actors. Can’t wait!
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
Whose name not Who’s!!! This tablet drives me crazy😬
This is my favorite of all
It is gorgeous
As to fireworks, I have seen them in so many cities, and my favorite is DC.
Our pets never minded, and since it is once a year, I just don’t mind. A time of celebration …after last year of Pandemic, this nation needs to celebrate. I do maintain they should be regulated and not done at homes. Most people know this is happening and can prepare. Most cities do 9 or 10 p l for one hour. Just my thoughts. The look on a CHild’s face is unbelievable.
Many pets DO mind. Many of them run away.
And it isn’t only once a year. I hear them on Memorial Day. On Veteran’s Day. On New Year’s Eve. Disney World and Disneyland have them every night. When we lived in San Diego, the Padres had them after every home game.
I’ve seen them over the Atlantic and the Pacific, over the Charles River in Boston with the Boston Pops playing, in Philadelphia over Independence Hall. Doesn’t matter.
Stay safe, Brenda.
Best painting yet! Love the colors.
It’s too light here for much in the way of fireworks—we pull out the stops for New Year’s Eve.
Many thanks, Becky.
I really like this one.
Stay safe.
Fireworks. They’re getting redundant. I told Rick that this year’s fireworks at the lake reminded me of “The Goldfinch” — they could use about 300 pages of editing. I’m at the point now where rather than drag out a 45 minute show, I’d rather have them blow them all off like the finale — short but impressive! Lizzie, as one might expect, spent the evening in the linen closet.
I can see why you find these pieces good teachers. I can see the progress in your work on this one in particular. I feel there are always pieces either worth doing over or doing in a series to help build strength, confidence and skill in the work and I can see that happening here.
Have a lovely day — we had a spot of rain and it has cooled off but it’s looking rather nice now. I hope it stays!
Oh, my gosh. Jeanie, your Goldfinch remark has me still laughing. I have tried 4 times now to read that book…
Many thanks for your kind words, Jeanie!
Love the reference to Goldfinch!
Stay safe!
I don’t know what you guys are talking about…Goldfinch…so I need to go fact-find.
But can I tell you about a baby dove and not a goldfinch? My husband saw him/her on the ground; a fledgling? Then he looked up and saw a nest ‘way high in the gold medallion tree. He took some stray branches and tried to make a camouflage for him at the base of the tree (too many cats in our neighborhood). Last time he saw the little thing, it was hiding in those branches. Today, Mom and Dad are hovering and clucking, so we figure he’s still in there? Are they trying to teach him how to fly? My husband says we shouldn’t intervene. Gosh I hope it survives. At least he won’t get RAINED on, not in SoCalif where ‘it never rains’. Of course we’re hot here, but the baby does have shade under this tree. My husband went out early this morning to tell the mow & blow guy to leave that section of the yard alone. He’s also put a small, shallow bowl of water near. I’m glad my husband is sensitive to these things. I don’t know the right thing to do, so I guess I’ll google that, too! When I was growing up in this house, we had tall cypress trees, so dense that I don’t know how a bird even got in there to make a nest, but they would and, all too often, you’d see the babies on the ground, dead from falling from the nest; would make my dad really sad; do they just get crowded out of the nest and fall? It’s all a mystery to me. This baby dove isn’t all that small. I hope he’ll take flight soon!
i am happy for you, vicki, to have a sweet-hearted husband who told the mower to stay away from the baby bird. :)
if he knows you shared this story, please tell him that a bird- and other-nature-lover says “thank you”. :)
praying for the baby bird, you all and rain.
kathy in iowa
…thanks, kathy; this evening, no baby, no parents, so we’re thinking/hoping they got him to fly and they’ve all gone somewhere less ‘busy’ than the tree right at the city sidewalk (saying a little prayer for them for sure)…
Made me feel pretty sheepish/embarrassed that I didn’t know about this work of fiction (The Goldfinch) and that it had won the Pulitzer (I shouldn’t admit this kind of ignorance!).
Good for your sweet husband. Doves, as you know, are my favorite bird. Glad he is protecting them!
Very thoughtful to have tried to camouflage the young one, Vicki.
We have a tree in our backyard that morning doves built nests in every year. It isn’t a very tall tree, thankfully, because quite often we would find a baby on the ground – not quite ready to fly. I always took them to the humane society. Finally I asked them why this is happening & they told me that doves are notorious for bad nest building. I haven’t looked up the Cornel Ornithology Lab to find out if that’s true or not.
Doves built a nest near the shed many years ago and it was like a bunch of twigs were thrown together!
Just had to say I love this new painting! And I hate fireworks. One of my two old cats gets very frightened and hides under the couch. I know they are very scary for dogs too.
Honestly, our dog Scout was uncontrollable and panicked whenever there were fireworks. It broke my heart to see such fear in her eyes. Fireworks are not worth it.
Many thanks, Judy.
Stay safe.
I love the newest painting and the name for the series. So perfect.
Happy Belated Anniversary!
Many thanks, Mindy.
Stay safe.
I’m amazed that you have never painted before; you are indeed talented!
Oh, thank you, Jen!
Stay safe.
I love your latest edition of Pottery Portraits…I think it’s my favorite. It shows such depth…course the real life vase has always been a favorite of mine.
There were booms going off late into the early morning that kept me awake. Not really fireworks, more like mini bombs. Grrrr. How rude!
Today, I’m relaxing. It’s so hot and humid here…I only stepped out for some watering. Enjoy your day! ;)
Incredibly rude. I suppose we’ll hear some tonight. Sigh.
Stay safe, Donna.
Terribly hot & humid here again today. Ugh.
I LOVE this painting, Claudia! It looks so real to me. Fantastic job!! I’m sure the subject matter has helped you to enhance your skills. Great choice!!
Many thanks, Chris! I’m really enjoying painting.
Stay safe.
Your progress with painting is getting better with each portrait. Love that you have found a new hobby. We had fireworks last night but far enough away that Annie wasn’t bothered. I don’t care about them any longer at all. Easy day working in my craft room. I got some new shelves to organize which means making a huge mess first as I move things around. Still not done but close enough to call it a day. Hugs!
But fun to have more storage!
Where we live in the country, there are a lot of small towns and each one has them on a different night. It’s endless and way too stressful for animals (and some humans.)
Stay safe, Linda.
You nailed that one! It truely is a talent to see the details and create them in oils, might be time to update the resume!
Thank you so much, Kelly! You’re very kind.
Stay safe!
Dear Claudia, I also find this one (#6) to be outstandingly well done. Also, thought #5 was excellent. I love your courage to get in there and pursue this. Looking forward to seeing what’s next.
Thanks so much, Martha!
Stay safe.