I got so busy this morning, I forgot to hit Publish! Better late than never!
I know you’ve seen a lot of these tulips, but they’re on their last legs and they’re still beautiful! The texture, the sculptural quality of the blooms, the morning sunlight illuminating them – all so lovely.
I ended up cleaning out my email inboxes yesterday. Like a woman who was on a mission, I couldn’t stop deleting correspondence I no longer needed to save. I had to take periodic breaks because my right index finger was getting tired. Then Don came home and we headed for a walk on the rail trail, which felt great. We were having such an animated conversation that it went by very quickly. Then I came home and deleted some more.
We watched A Walk in the Woods with Robert Redford, Nick Nolte, and Emma Thompson last night. I read Bill Bryson’s book when it first came out and Don has read it, as well. Loved the movie.
Okay. Here’s how crazy our weather is. Today, it’s going to go up to 62 degrees, with the humidity dropping and high winds in the afternoon, resulting in a brush fire warning and wind advisories. Tomorrow: High of 53, low 29 (below freezing again.) Friday: High of 39 degrees, low of 37, with rain and snow.
What the heck?
I told you April was crazy.
Don may be able to get out and take some pictures this weekend. I know he’ll be very happy if that happens, as he’s really missed it.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments yesterday. It’s clear that we’re all trying to practice self-care, to draw a line of protection, while staying aware. It ain’t easy! I appreciate all that you shared. I think we can help each other as we try to find a new normal that works. Great discussion.
Happy Wednesday.
Hi Claudia,
Escape to Margaritaville is coming to my city next year. Any chance Don will be touring? I know that would be difficult for you– being apart so much_ but I was just wondering.
Hang in there with your crazy weather!
No one has asked him to join the tour. Since it starts in September and would start rehearsing in August, it seems like they might be going with a totally new cast. If he is asked, which seems doubtful, we’d have to think long and hard about it.
But I’m glad it’s coming to your city, Cara!
Oh, I don’t think I’d want to see it without Don, though!
We’ll keep you posted, Cara!
We have the same sort of spring weather as you: cold, warm, rain, snow, lots of cloud, sun – all within one week. Every April I always think that spring is behind and then I check my blog from previous years and it’s always the same. I think we tend to forget. I guess because the winters where we both live are sooo long, that it doesn’t seem like we get enough warm weather and we try and hurry it up in our minds. Today is is 52 and partly sunny here, but tomorrow will only be high of 43 and rain. But then up to 65 by Sunday! So, go figure.
From your last post…Brian and I have watched Our Souls at Night. Very sweet movie. I have the book here, too (by Kent Haruf) but I haven’t read it yet.
I echo your feelings about leading a more peaceful life, letting go of annoyances and interactions, but with coming from a place of love. Not anger. As for as the “outside world”, I do not watch the news on TV. It is way too stressful for me, with it being full of anger, violence, and tragedies. In my own personal life, I know I need to step away from Facebook. I’m not ready to delete my account, but I’m working on disciplining myself from checking it too many times a day. I find myself getting peeved over certain posts or at certain people and that’s ALL on me. It only adds to my anxiety.
Like you, I don’t do organized religion either (and this has only been a change in the last 5-6 years…I was “in” an organized religion from the time I was a baby!), but am very spiritual. In fact, I can honestly say I’m more spiritual now than I was when immersed in organized religion. God encompasses so much more to me now and I can see the beauty in other beliefs.
Well, that’s my spiel for the day. xoxo
I checked Instagram from a year ago and we had a major snowfall on April 2nd!
I had not been on my computer for several hours and just sat down to read your blog, and it wasn’t in my email feed. But, I googled and found it!! I get the forgetting to hit publish type of thing. The days can be crazy!!
We had snow yesterday for about an hour. Nothing stuck, but just the sight of it made my stomach lurch. ugh.
I haven’t watched the movie, but I read the book Our Souls at Night and loved it. Hope the rest of your day goes well. Glad you published!!!!
I’m very forgetful lately. So is Don. I put it down to ongoing stress, yet another reason to close the door on all this crap coming from the Oval Office.
Thanks, Chris!
Yes….this weather is crazy. I’m just looking forward to the trees budding out…aren’t you? Really getting anxious!
I loved yesterday’s post and the comments….as a matter of fact I went back earlier to read them again. All great ideas. The organized religion comments also struck me, too…seems like we are mostly kindred spirits. No wonderful I a,ways feel so comfortable here.
Enjoy your day! ;)
Yes. Although from my vantage point today, it seems like it will be forever until that happens.
I do think we’re kindred spirits!
The wind here is horrendous today! I’m going a little out of my mind!
Best Bun here.
I read your blog post yesterday and found myself nodding my head. (Luckily nobody was around!) DH and I are in a similar space as you and Don. How do we want to go forward with this union that has gone on 44 years? I listened to Frank Sinatra’s rendition of ” What are you doing with the rest of your life?” and started nodding again. Whatever path unfolds I want to take it with DH. May you and Don continue to be with each other for many years to come whatever road you follow.
Best wishes from Best Bun.
I can’t imagine taking any path without my husband! Thanks so much, my friend
I was just reading about the eastern “April bomb cyclone” a few minutes ago. Sometimes this can be the cruelest month of all. Here in SE WI I’m just enjoying finally being able to look out the windows and NOT see snowbanks. At last. It’s still just in the thirties and sometimes the low forties so, for now, that will have to do.
Yes, tomorrow we get snow and rain and the temps never leave the thirties. Then over 60 degrees on Saturday!
I’m late reading your post but I’m also happy to tell you that I got to have dinner with the family tonight. Seeing the Grands was great. Today is Blake’s birthday and Sunday is Tiger’s so there were cupcakes to end the meal! So much fun.
So glad you got to spend time with your loved ones!
Dear Claudia and Friends, Spring, and knowing that it will arrive, is a beautiful and timely metaphor for faith and spirituality. The gloom of winter weather plays the part of the endless contortions of scandal and threats to our dreams of a more perfect union in the USA. On the positive side of all this, I have become more aware of more individual members of Congress, and their efforts to preserve and protect the rule of law. I am so grateful for them and their smarts, and for the voters who chose wisely.
There will always be negatives as well as positives. Don’t give up! Winter will pass and Spring will come again. Keep the faith!
You are so right, Leslie! Taking a break has helped me to remain positive. There are heroes out there doing everything they can to maintain the rule of law. Thank you!
Crazy April weather…what can we do but it’s certainly better than the Winter we just went through!
Yes, indeed, and we know that Spring is just around the corner!