We’re supposed to have high temperatures in the seventies today. Back down to the fifties tomorrow. Since I have to hang around because someone is coming to look at the sump pump, I’ll be working outside, I think.
Thought I didn’t sleep well last night, as all of the news coming out about Spanky (my nickname for you-know-who) is worrisome. Because we know he’ll try something stupid out of fear – and he’s really, really scared – which might include firing Rod Rosenstein or Mueller today. If that happens, get ready to march, my friends. We cannot allow that. He must be held to account for his crimes. If you saw Rachel’s show last night, you saw a Rachel I’ve never seen before. Very emotional, very upset.
Anyway, I’m more than a bit edgy and I’m drinking my second cup of coffee!
I’m going to make this short, my friends. Just heard the repair guys are headed my way.
Happy Friday.
Yep, Spanky (perfect nickname) is anxious, but have no fear, he is taking on Comey today. We are all going to have mini “breakdowns” before this is over! (And, I am ready to march! This mobster president makes Nixon look like a saint, scary!)
I feel like I’m in full-on breakdown mode lately, Tina-Marie! Nixon and Watergate were a walk in the park compared to this.
I know, Claudia! When I look out of my classroom, I keep thinking of the opening scene in Red Dawn, when the Russians land. Trump is an American mobster who owes Putin.
Exactly, Tina-Marie!
I will march! I’m so upset over all this. Deep Breath! OK, spending time outdoors is good for me in some ways but oh my poor allergies. Oh and I won my little Nutting print, can’t wait to get it and share. I’m already walking around thinking where I can put it! Wishing you a better day Claudia!!
So glad you won the Nutting! Can’t wait to see it, my friend.
Hope it’s okay to jump in here, but Claudia, are the Nuttings prints or are they the original hand tinted photos? Just wondering.
The prints are copies of his photographs, each one individually hand-tinted by one of his artists, which is why there is variation in each one. I can look at five different prints of the same photo and there will be differences in each print.
I need to learn more about them. Mine is signed but not sure what that might mean.
They were signed by the individual painters. Not by him.
I think that we are in a most dangerous time right now; no telling what this awful man will do or if any one will stand up and stop him.
70’s!!! We are expecting 8 to 12 inches of snow beginning tonight and all through Saturday. I can’t take it anymore.
It’s extremely dangerous. He’s cornered and he’s desperate.
I’m so sorry about the snow!!
I grew up watching WWII movies and studying the history leading to WWII and so with spanky in charge, I am petrified by the similarities. He will take years off our lives at minimum.
Yes, you’re right, Jan.
We did watch Rachel last night and I have to say that I shed a few tears. I am beyond scared. Is he really going to get away with all of this? I was always taught there are checks and balances in the system. But they are only there if they are USED. And the Repubs seem OK with letting our country blow up ~ for what exactly I still don’t understand. NO ONE in that party will stand up. They are all willing to quit ~ but no one will fight. How is that OK? I realize it might change in Nov., but very seriously I don’t know if we will make it that long ~ and more specifically, if I can physically and mentally do another 7 months of this.
Enjoy your 70’s!! We have a winter storm watch starting tomorrow morning thru midnight on Sunday. Absolutely matches the politics…….. totally absurd.
I feel that they’re either under his spell, or complicit in some way and are worried they’ll be found out. Russian money? Russian kompromat on the GOP? I’m not sure.
I am so tired of feeling stressed every day. I long for the days when we could trust President Obama and could go days without thinking of the government at all.
I’m so sorry about the storm. I would lose my mind at this late date. Hang in there, Chris.
Yard work will take the edge off your edginess! And I just read that the Midwest is getting slammed by storms, so I hope that’s not coming your way. I’m off to try to find a retirement gift for our long-time librarian who is retiring tomorrow after something like 40 years. She’s one of those most-special people you could ever hope to meet, who always greets you as if you’re the most important person in the world to her.
I don’t think any of that is coming our way. It’s concentrated in the Midwest.
We watched Rachel last night and thought the same thing you did. This is a very scary time indeed. It’s hard to get anything done because we feel we need to check on the news every little bit to see what “Spanky” (good nickname, by the way) has done now.
We are in the 70s here in Indiana to day too and we’re trying to make good use of the warm (but very windy) weather! We have cut back all the ornamental grasses, cleaned out some of the flower beds and are in the process of picking up the many, many limbs that are all over the yard. We also have some garden plants that we started indoors to re-pot. So…..it’s a busy day here but we do come in to take a break and check the news often. Take care and enjoy your warm weather!
Yes, we don’t dare go too long without checking the news, Lorinda!
Hope you get lots done, Claudia, and the outside chores distract you for a while.
I got a fair amount done. Now I’m inside, resting. With the windows open!
Yay! Good for you to get a lot done outside! Enjoy the breezes floating through your open windows. My cats are enjoying the smells wafting in through the patio screen door. We’re doing yard work this weekend. I’m hoping another day of resting will make the sciatica go away! Meanwhile, I’m staring at the backyard and making mental notes of what needs to get done. I don’t look forward to playing hide and seek with the weeds that have grown because of the rains….
Take care of yourself, Wendy.
Spanky seems a bit overwhelmed by the Comey book…let’s hope that his focus stays there. I’m definitely uneasy at all that has happened. But, worrying about things that we can’t control, has always been my downfall. I’m trying to change that behavior, but it isn’t easy. And our weather predictions certainly don’t help…doom and gloom…and snow! I really have had it. Enough of the winter, enough of Spanky. Hope you enjoy your 70’s! ;)
Oh, I am a major worrier, so I understand, Donna. All this crap in Washington and also snow on the way? It’s too much!
Just BECAUSE of the fact I’m a major worrier, I find I click open the headlines already squinting and holding a hand up as if to deflect the pain that’s coming my way. It sounds like if I’d have watched Rachel last night, I’d be under the table today. I watched her a couple of nights ago and I felt her frustration was bubbling over; fed up; and of course I get it; we’re all in this together. I think it’s harder than usual for me to deal with the stress because I’m having such a hard time getting physically well over the past 4-plus months of being pretty ill; I can’t take much or I just fold; all my defenses seem to need to go to propping up my body and there’s nothing left to help me cope mentally. But all these many months now, with more to go, with such chaos and crime in the upper levels of our government, it’s akin to/is daily horror. I think I’ve developed a neckache from constantly shaking my head in disbelief. I watched that show a few days ago (I’d recorded it) which had a segment on Joe Kennedy III – – I can’t remember now; was it the Sunday Morning show on CBS? – – and I felt myself clinging (to him, if not the idea of him), not wanting it to end, I wanted to hear more of and from him, like could there be hope again – – for the leaders in the past who inspired us, with the young ones coming up who carry forward the best of what those leaders did and stood for, but then I looked at him, this fresh-faced and idealistic, committed young Joe, still in his 30s, with two little babies and a lovely wife, both him and her so bright, so intelligent, well-educated, and I couldn’t help but think, if he was to run for President down the road, some lunatic will just want to assassinate him like his grandfather and his great-uncle, so best stay in Massachusetts, serving but staying safer in this messed-up world we find ourselves living in.
But OMG, do we NEED to get somebody in The White House we can hold with respect and admiration. We knew this was gonna happen but not to this degree. So it’s like 18 months of hell already, feeling insecure about the welfare and safety of our country and worrying about what’s happening at the top; no wonder we’re all edgy and not sleeping. It’s a long way to go yet, too. If we survive, we’ll look back on this time and wonder how our country survived; how we got thru such a terrible time. Trump likes attention and fame; I hope he likes how he’s gonna be written up in the annals of history, ’cause it ain’t gonna be pretty. He shoulda just stayed on TV with his silly ‘you’re fired’ show.
I knew it would be bad, but not this bad. It’s a nightmare every day, with more and more horrors. And now, as I write this, we’re bombing Syria. He will do anything to try to change the subject. And he cares not one bit about innocent lives.
I found your photo of your couch/bookshelve/ egg cups peaceful. (and we all need peaceful pictures, spots and thoughts now a days!) The photos you show of yours and Don’s life are nice and one of the reasons your blog is my favorite. I either read it first or save it for last, but always enjoy it. I sometimes think, am I the only one who thinks there is something terribly wrong with our current president ( and I mean terribly wrong). It is scary the things he says, the way he acts. Wish I could tell you, don’t loose sleep over him and these bad situations he has gotten us in as a country but if we didn’t t care we wouldn’t be worrying, right?
You aren’t the only one. Millions of Americans feel the same way you do, Linda. Hang in there. We’re all fighting this battle together.
I cannot believe he has gotten away with what he has already gotten away with. Unbelievable. I think many many many are losing sleep over it. :-(
I cannot believe it either. I told Don this morning that it’s as if we’re living in an alternate universe.
Senator McCain seems to be at odds with President Trump. He is a true patriot and does not care if his fellow contemporaries do not approve. Sorry about the storm that is headed to the upper Midwest. Stay safe every one.
Thank you, Marilyn!
HI Claudia,
I think many of us are on edge right now. I can’t seem to shut off the TV and wait for Rachel every night. I been knitting pink “pussy hats” all winter and am fully ready to march. How can so few hold our country hostage like this? I continually pray for Robert Mueller – it seems he may be our only hope since Congress is not doing its job. Many of us are right there with you!
And now we’re bombing Syria. Bolton has been in the WH for five days and we’re at war.
No surprise there. Fox News Cabinet:-(
Yes, indeed.
I worry for all you decent Americans and pray that justice will be done before too
long. A lot of Canadians are with you and share your distress. I am absolutely disgusted with his Adminstration, Sarah Huckalie, GOP, Ronna Romney and RNC.
They are an evil cult. I watch Rachel and Lawrence nightly for their honest and
intelligent opinions and news.
Thank you, Lea. These are very scary times here.
Our local group has contingent plans in place: If the president were to fire Rosenstein and/or Mueller before 2:00 pm, we meet at 5:00 pm at the regular protest spot in our small, very red town. If he should do it after 2:00 pm, we meet there at 5:00 pm the next day. I haven’t been participating lately other than making small campaign contributions as my brother was in his final illness and I just couldn’t take on any more sadness. I needed to temporarily separate. Now that he has died, I want to dig in again, as he would love to be doing.
to linda p …
i am sorry for the loss of your brother. i will say prayers and hope you are surrounded by friends with hugs and casseroles and have peace in God’s promises.
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy in Iowa, and Claudia, too.
Same with most of the groups, I think. Same time frame in NYC.
I am so very sorry to hear of your brother’s passing, Linda. Please accept my sympathy. I lost my brother many years ago and I’m still mourning him. Much love.
i need to watch the news, but i don’t want to watch the news because things are very, very scary now. :( how did we get to this point?!?
i am glad that you saw henry and hope your sump pump’s alright and that you have a nice weekend.
blizzard warning out for a couple hours north of here while we will probably get a day of rain tomorrow.
stay safe, everyone, and have a nice weekend!
kathy in iowa
Well, we’re not in the middle of bombing Syria. He’ll do anything to try to deflect from the Trump/Russia investigation. In the meantime, he was not authorized by Congress to do this.
dear Lord, please protect us all!
kathy in iowa
It got to 89 degrees here today Claudia!…I could hardly believe it!…More of the same thing tomorrow!
Wow! It’s only getting to the mid-fifties today. High seventies yesterday.