On my mind this morning: I had to write this. It’s from my heart.
If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know I am a vegetarian and strong advocate for animal rights. This time of year makes me cringe, as it is hunting season. Every day I hear rifle shots in the distance. It makes me sick to my stomach. I hate it. Every time I see some local guy wearing camouflage clothing, I want to grab him and give him a piece of my mind, beg him to think of the animals who have a right to live along with us, and frankly, tell him there must be another way to prove his masculinity other than shooting an innocent creature. No one is this area has to hunt. Those days are long gone.
And do not tell me that hunters are doing the noble thing and saving deer from the agony of starvation, that they are helping to thin out the herds. Bull. No one who hunts does it for that reason.
I live my life from a simple premise. We are all equal. I’m not just talking about humans. I am not superior to any other animal. We are all creatures sharing this planet. What gives anyone the right to hunt another – whether human or animal?
And it’s not a fair fight. A rifle or a bow and arrow used to stalk and hunt a creature who has no defense, no equivalent weapon, does not a fair fight make. What’s noble about that? If you need to shoot a gun that much, go to a target range and fire away. Stay away from innocent animals.
Don doesn’t hunt. I wouldn’t be with him if he did.
If you ever want to hear me lose it – mention hunting, or bullying, or hurting children in any way, or harming any defenseless creature.
I could say so much more. My heart is heavy as I hear those rifle shots. I am haunted by the thought of those innocent creatures being killed for sport.
This may not be a popular post, but it is the way I feel. And you know that I write from my heart.
How I wish we were more evolved; that we lived with love and compassion for all living things. That we treated every living creature the way we want to be treated.
Although I’m not vegetarian, I do strongly agree with you on the hunting of animals. It makes me very sad to think about how these poor things are just viewed as sport for people. And it’s sickening that they will even take their children out for sheer pleasure of killing an animal. It bothers me to see a parent post a picture of their child beaming from killing an animal..praising them….
And yes, gone are the days where humans must “hunt” for food. These people should be spending their time reading or exercising.
I think deer are so beautiful to watch as they run with their white tails in the air. They can be quite defensive of their territory though. Just get between an doe and buck in rut. Yikes!
However, I do have friends who hunt for the food. If they didn’t hunt, they would not have meat.
I understand that you are a vegetarian, but not everyone is. I respect your view as a vegetarian, but I respect hunters who are going to use the meat for nourishment.
What makes me ill are the ones who just hunt for sport and take the antlers, leaving the rest to decay.
Oh, Claudia, me too. Will that day ever come?
I feel the same way. One of my daughters married a hunter, now she hunts as does my grandson and soon my granddaughter. At least they eat their kill, but it still hurts my heart.
It is a popular post with me because you know I feel the same way. I love all the deer in my neighbor hood, they aren’t hunted right here but they are close by. Killing an animal for play or fun is horrible and anyone who disguises it as sport is just plain stupid, or lots of other words I should not write on you comments.
Claudia, I couldn’t agree more with you! I doubt “we” will ever evolve to the point of realizing how very selfish this sport is. I despise it. Despise the hunters who do it. It’s blood lust.
From a family of hunters, I do not approve of this action, even tho they eat what they kill. I am the one who cries as I pass by the ones who died.
Merry Christmas
I am right there with ya!
This post is popular with me, Claudia! :-) I’m in total agreement with everything you wrote. Thank God I’m in the city where I don’t know when it is hunting season. I would probably lose my mind if I did know and had to hear the rifle shots. My husband is a gentle soul, like yours–I’m very blessed to have him in my life! Thanks for speaking your mind! :-)
Our hunting season has just finished. Our town of 10,000 people celebrate this event and there was a neon sign above the police station in town that read ‘ENJOY THE HUNT AND BE SAFE’ Makes me sick. There are many reasons to like and respect people and most people are kind to others, good providers, give to the community and so on. I know many that do this and hell..they can become Citizen of the Year in these parts for doing those things. Most of the men in this area also love to boast about their hunting abilities and will even take time off work and pull their boys out of school for a week to join their buddies and head to the lodge. I have no respect for any of them. I judge a person mostly by how they treat animals. You don’t get a pat on the back or your picture with the Mayor because you are an advocate for wild-life and help homeless animals, but I will certainly respect you and I know I will be happy to know you. Deb=^..^=x4
Claudia, referring to your last paragraph, that sounds like heaven, not of this world. We live in a fallen world, an imperfect world. Everyday, we suffer the consequences of this in one way or another. Yes, I agree that it must be difficult to hear those rifle shots. Difficult and heartbreaking! Perhaps you could do this. Each time you hear a shot, tell yourself that it’s a miss and visualize the beautiful animal running gracefully away into the bush. After all, hunters do miss sometime. Perhaps this would help you, Claudia. I hope so! As to why people hunt helpless animals, the only answer I have for this is that this is how they are wired and that they lack empathy. The only thing that can bring about change in their hearts is the power of prayer! But is there anyone praying for them?
Claudia dear, ‘m definitely sharing your views on hunting. Have been a non-meat eater for 36 years and would never revert…………..especially after what I’ve just seen in the markets of Thailand and Vietnam!. I almost had to be picked up off the floor! I don’t live close enough to hear hunters’ gunshots but would have to wear earplugs if I did.
Sorry I’ve been out of the loop for so long – hope to keep up now I’m home again. Hope all is well with you and your family dear. Blessings to you all for a beautiful and peaceful Christmas.
In friendship – Mary X
I was raised a city girl so it was a very rude awakening moving to a county with one of the highest deer populations and alot of hunters! Our local neighborhood herds are protected because they live in the township. They are so gentle and beautiful..I don’t stay mad at them long after they eat everything in my yard. I don’t know how anyone hurts a defenseless animal or a child!
Claudia, I only saw this entry this morning, or my response would have been at the top of the list. I even hate to see the hawk in my yard eating a dove! Not a nice site. Another thing to add, what is the matter with game designers that make electronic hunting games? That just influences the younger generation to join in the real hunt and think that it is just for fun. NO HUNTING ALLOWED!!!
It makes me sick too!! How can people feed animals that deer corn, get them used to coming close to those deer blinds. Then sit in one and shoot at them. Some sport. I don’t understand how unfeeling these people can be. Makes me sick!!!
I SO agree with you. I, too, feel equal to all the animals. I will never understand the dominance some people feel over other living creatures. I have been a veggie since I was 23 years old (I am now 54). A life is a life; no way to get around that fact. There are plenty of other things to eat besides meat. You mustn’t apologize for having a kind heart.