From our late afternoon walk on the trail, the walk that has to be moved up an hour now that it gets dark so early.
I cannot wait to vote tomorrow. We’re going early.
At the same time, I fear for this country. So much hatred, bigotry, racism, misogyny, sexism, and xenophobia has erupted during the course of this election, fueled by a candidate who is supremely unqualified for the Presidency and who will do and say anything to win.
Once Pandora’s box is opened, you can’t go back. What we’ve seen and heard has rocked the foundations upon which this democracy was built. There was an article in yesterday’s New York Times that addressed the way in which we are now viewed out there in the rest of our world.
It isn’t good.
From yesterday’s Washington Post (in an article written by Greg Jaffe):
“After his speech, Obama spent a moment with J. J. Holmes, a 12-year-old boy with a severe case of cerebral palsy who had been pushed out of a Trump rally Saturday in Tampa…J.J. said that he had gone to the Saturday rally to protest Trump’s mocking of people who have disabilities. His mother, Alison Holmes, brought her son, who speaks only through a computer vocalization device. “The crowd started chanting U-S-A and pushing his wheel chair,” Holmes said…”We were put out by security, Mr. Trump kept saying ‘Get them out.'”
I wonder what Little Z would think of that?
Ever more sickening, ever more unbelievable.
Ever more despicable.
In my time on Twitter, I have caught more than a glimpse of those who live in the land of conspiracy theories. Any one of these theories – in fact, all of them – are easily disproven with a simple Google search. Yet, these ‘believers’ choose to stay there and wallow in the muck of falsehoods and alt-right generated scenarios that fuel their anger and paranoia.
It boggles the mind – at least, my mind.
Facts are a good thing. And there are any number of non-partisan fact-checking sites out there that can and do debunk this sort of thing. But the need for some to cling onto falsehoods in order to maintain their rage has been very much in evidence this year.
It’s impossible to reason with someone like that. I’ve tried. It doesn’t work. They’re living in an alternate universe.
I could write about what I’ve seen and felt during this election for a month of Sundays. It’s left me disillusioned and sickened and profoundly sad.
However, I can’t vote based on fear, though much of what I’ve seen leaves me fearful for the future of our country. I vote with love and hope. Not from a negative, but a positive.
We are battle scarred, all of us. It’s been long and exhausting and depressing. People aren’t sleeping. Stress is endemic. We are more divided than ever.
We need a break, but I fear we might not get one, as the animosity and resentment, calls of a ‘rigged’ election, and threats of an uprising are ever-present.
Do what you can in these last 24 hours. Then take a walk, hug a family member, remember the basic decency of most people, send out love, and, if you’re so inclined, pray.
Happy Monday.
Claudia, even when you speak about serious issues (and I’m so glad you do) this blog is my happy place.
Just sayin.
Thank you, Karen! Couldn’t help but write about it today – it’s on everyone’s mind. xo
While my feelings about Trump are on par with yours ~ I have to say, I did read that article in the Washington Post and there was a part you missed while quoting the part in the article about the disabled boy:
THIS is why they were put out by security.
Yikes, sorry! Washington Post isn’t letting me cut and paste. I will type it in myself:
‘ As Holmes spoke, J.J. said through his vocalization device: “I hate Donald Trump. I hate Donald Trump.” ‘
I saw that. He said it in the interview after his mother told the writer what happened at the rally. He didn’t, at least in what we’ve read in this article, say it at the rally. Read it again, Melanie.
Holmes is his mother. She was speaking to the interviewer, not at the rally. What was said at the rally is unclear. Read it again. Or read my earlier response with the whole thing in context.
Respectfully, I don’t think it is – at least, as written in this article.
I’m going to quote it in context, Melanie: (Cut and pasted directly from the article).
J.J. said that he had gone to the Saturday rally to protest Trump’s mocking of people who have disabilities. His mother, Alison Holmes, brought her son, who speaks only through a computer vocalization device. “The crowd started chanting ‘U-S-A’ and pushing his wheelchair,” Holmes said.
As Holmes spoke, J.J. said through his vocalization device: “I hate Donald Trump. I hate Donald Trump.”
Holmes looked down at her son with what seemed to be a mixture of pride and concern. “We were put out by security,” she said. “Mr. Trump kept saying, ‘Get them out.’ ”
I get the impression he said it to the interviewer. It’s not entirely clear, though, as written by the reporter. He says, “As Holmes spoke” and right before that statement, she had been speaking to the reporter.
Yes, I re-read the article. I’m still not clear on whether this boy said this at the rally or if it was during the interview.
Me either, though “As Holmes spoke” precedes it and Holmes was speaking to the reporter. But…it is unclear.
Have to say, though, that ejecting a child in a wheelchair is pretty low.
Thanks, Melanie! It’s thought-provoking, that’s for sure.
Just found this in another article: They were at the rally and were chanting Hillary’s name. That’s it.
Quote from Huffington Post:
As Alison described their experience at Saturday’s Trump rally to The Washington Post, J.J., speaking with the help of a computer vocalization device, interjected.
“I hate Donald Trump,” he said. “I hate Donald Trump.”
Claudia, I share your feelings about the upcoming election! One more day…. I can’t wait to be part of the history of electing our first woman president!! Thanks for putting into words what so many of us feel!!
You’re most welcome, Francine.
Thank you Claudia. As always you state the problem perfectly. Peace and love.
Same to you, Carolyn Marie.
For today and all of our tomorrows, I wish you all PEACE and LOVE!!! I am in total agreement, this blog is a happy place to visit.
Thank you, Jeannine.
The kind of people we live and work with matters to most of us. The mindsets and mentalities that have come out of the shadows during this election will permanently change our personal landscapes. The lies chosen and preferred by Trump supporters will not vanish. The Bard said it (and Bradbury used it): “Something wicked this way comes.” Desperately hoping good and decency will prevail and so very happy you are here voicing the thoughts of many of us…………..Dianne
From Macbeth (I coached it a couple of years ago.) Shakespeare was incredibly wise, wasn’t he?
Thanks, Dianne.
All true. All sad. Much healing to be done.
Yes. And how it will ever be done, I don’t know.
I’ve voted already. Just have to walk the ballot to the polling place. I hope you have pleasant distractions today, Claudia.
I hope so, too! Thanks, Wendy.
I will vote tomorrow and hope we elect the first woman president of the United States, but I am worried & fearful about the outcome & about what our nation has become with so many people supporting Donald Trump & what he stands for.
I am, too, Debbie.
Love and light. xo
I’ve been reading some of the reader comments here with tears springing to my eyes. This election is indeed divisive within families. I know of a couple of friendships which are compromised at the moment; I hope they’ll repair. My heart aches to see people hurting in their lives over this election. I have some cousins in Indiana who are voting for Trump…ages span from the 30s to the 60s…and they are very vocal about it, posting a lot of stuff on Facebook, etc. It’s making some of the other cousins in other parts of the country just sick. I don’t want to change my feelings about them but how can I not? If my husband was voting for Trump, my world would be upside down. Dear God, this has all been so damaging. I pray tomorrow (day after) is a better day.
I said that same thing to Don. “If you were voting for Trump, it would change everything I ever thought I knew about you. And that would not bode well for our marriage.” Thankfully, we are of the same mind about this election and we voted together this morning for love, not hate.
I too worry about Trump supporters, that being said we all know they were out there before They have only found a kindred spirt in him. I am hoping that the true spirit of America will prevail and vote for Hillary. I will be glad when it is over. To stop thinking about it I have been re-watching Doctor Who, with David Tennant all is well.
I pray we can all come together and find common ground once more.
Me, too! Great post, Claudia, and here’s hoping we all have reason to celebrate this evening. It’s getting dark way early here now, too….4:40 to be exact.
Same here! This is the part of autumn and winter I don’t like!
Oh dear….I fear a good many of our citizens have lost their humanity through this election process. I don’t know if we can come together…but perhaps if we think of this election as a national disaster…perhaps we can. We have before…for earthquakes and hurricanes….maybe we can include elections? The rift may be too great. That is my hope!
I voted for Hilary…and quietly teared up as I did so. Hoping she would be our first woman President! Now, we sit and wait! ;)
I want to go early and simply concentrate on voting for the first woman President – something that is getting lost in the midst of this election. xo
I wish we could sit and talk over a cup of coffee. You are so mellow and right now I need that. My husband is voting for Trump and I am close to being physically ill. I am 64 and believe me when I say our relationship sadly is not very good to begin with but now he sickens me. I also have a daughter so it is a double punch in the face to me that he would vote for that horrible being. I apologize for venting here but I am ready to burst and I figured you might understand.
I’m so sorry that you have tension with your spouse over this election. I suspect you are far from the only one in this position. I wish I could give you a big hug – but know that I’m giving you a virtual one. Stay strong and stay true to what you believe is right. xoxoxo
If you want to email me privately, please do.
This is a comment I’ve thought about making before, but I always deleted it. But now I think it’s time. And if it sounds a little melodramatic, so be it. Sometimes that’s what’s needed to make a point. Tomorrow I’ll vote for Hillary Clinton, the only sane choice in this election. She’s not perfect. No Presidential candidate has ever been perfect. She will not fulfill every campaign pledge either. No President has ever done that, or ever will. But despite all that’s said about her, she is unbelievably hard-working and smart and reasonable and honorable and has thought of others all her life and most importantly of all, she believes in democracy and in the rule of law, and in the power of the People. Trump believes NONE of these things, is in all likelihood, certifiably mentally-ill and whether he realizes it or not [he probably doesn’t] is a puppet of Russia. God knows what will happen if he is elected. Seriously. If I sound like an alarmist, I am. It’s time for alarm. It’s been time for quite a while actually, ever since it was revealed that Russia hacked the DNC. Russia IS attempting to influence this election. All the experienced experts say so. And for people on both sides who’re thinking, “Oh, come now. Nothing like that could ever REALLY happen here. This is America, after all. The greatest country on earth…” they need to realize something. THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS HAPPENS. Honestly or not, the wrong person gets into office, assumes power and never gives it up. And life for the people? It does NOT get better. Not for any faction of the society, any race, any condition. It usually gets far worse. Promises made by the candidate to those who elected him disappear like dust in the wind. The only people life gets better for are those in power. History is riddled with examples of this. Nazi Germany and China in the last 100 years old alone. Even more recent examples in North Korea, in Cuba, in the Middle East, in the so-called banana republics. But all we can do right now is vote, and pray that Hillary wins. I’m never been much of a religious personl, but for several months now, I have actually been praying. To whatever may be out there. I call it the Force myself, but it may be God, or Nature, or the Universe. It may even be our own souls and spirits, and those of our lost loved ones. In the end it doesn’t matter what it is. But we need help. The help of any form of Goodness & Light. And we need it badly. May the Force be with us all. All of us with love and hope and freedom in our hearts.
PS – come Wednesday morning, I hope I feel very foolish for posting such this tub of goo. But I guess we sometimes need goo too. 🇺🇸❤️
Don’t feel foolish, Janet. And it’s cathartic for you to say it here. I agree with everything you’ve said. It’s time to get very alarmed. xo
Well said Claudia. But I wish people would realize there is an alternative to either Hillary or Trump. We can all vote the Green Party candidate Jill Stein. There is a fantastic interview with Susan Sarandon basically dismantling our political system. It’s worth a read.
Keep up the great work! And I agree with Karen!
I certainly support your right to vote Green Party, Chris. But, I truly believe voting third party in this election is a vote for Trump. And I haven’t been at all impressed with Jill Stein.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Chris and thanks for your support! It means a lot.
Trump followers are all about the 2nd amendment, but I fear for our 1st amendment rights if Trump is elected. Trump cannot handle any opposition not even from a child. BUT I am certain Hillary is our next president, I think a lot of supporters have just been quietly waiting for tomorrow. I am attending her rally tomorrow, sadly I can’t stay until the end but I am certain there will be fireworks over the Hudson and Trump will see them from his golden tower made of Chinese steel.
Hang in there the glass ceiling shatter tomorrow !
We were seriously considering going to the Philadelphia rally that takes place tonight but then thought the better of it. Have fun at her rally, Chris! Thank you!
I agree with you on so many points. Donald Trump has always been a terrible person, we just were not exposed to it as a nation before.
I saw a photo of someone at a Trump Rally wearing a t-shirt that said, “Rope. Tree. Journalist.” I find that chilling.
And I have to disagree about the third party candidates. Gary Johnson disqualified himself as soon as he didn’t know what/where /who Aleppo was. I’m sorry, but even if most people in the U.S. don’t know that, you should know it if you are running for President. And Jill Stein has really turned me off this election because of her policy ideas and her behavior. I feel strongly that a vote for either of them is a vote for Trump.
And as for Susan Sarandon, I am highly insulted that she indicated that she was “not voting with her vagina.” Implying of course, that other women were. How dare she insult our intelligence by claiming her own is so superior.
OK, I’ll shut up. I will say that I am anxious for tomorrow to be over … but only if it ends they way I want it to. I know that no matter what, we’ll all get up the next day and go on with our lives, but I do not want to think of a future what that man as President.
Take care.
I agree with you, Bridget. I won’t support a third party candidate. A vote for one is a vote for Trump. And both Gary Johnson and Jill Stein have proven themselves to be unqualified for the Presidency. I have listened to both Johnson and Jill Stein and haven’t been impressed. Jill Stein actually said that we’d be worse off with Hillary Clinton than Trump.
Yes on Susan Sarandon, as well. To imply that I’m voting with my vagina is a slap in the face. How dare she?
I saw that same photo, by the way. It was sickening. What has happened?
Wow. I knew Susan Sarandon was supporting Bernie, but I had no idea she had made this vagina comment. Changes my opinion of her somewhat, I gotta say.
Yes, it was insulting.
I agree with Mary’s statement above. The Trump supporters have been with us all along harboring their prejudices in relative silence until he gave them a feeling of validation. I hope and believe a huge Trump defeat will smash that false aura of acceptability and cause some of them to change. It has been ugly the past few months, but now we are all aware of how divided the citizens of our nation have become. Surely knowing the depth of the problem will make it easier to solve.
I hope so, Kaye. Truly. We need to address many issues in the years ahead. Let’s hope we can do it with grace and compassion.
I am listening to Christmas music to help me “mellow out.” The stress that Trump has caused, for all of us, is unbelievable. Thank goodness my husband and I agree on our vote for Hillary. Unfortunately, my 80-something parents have decided not to cast a vote for President, for the first time in their lives. They just don’t think either candidate will make a good President. I wonder how many others feel this way…..
I hope that others who feel that way re-think their position and cast a vote.
I wish my dad and mom were still alive. They would have voted for Hillary and against Trump. Dad was on to him long ago.
They never missed an election. My dad even took my mom’s ballot to her bedside in the nursing home during the previous election so that she could vote. I miss them.
I’m missing my parents terribly, too. I have to watch myself at this time of year because I can get too melancholy. In previous years, I’ve vowed that ‘next year’ I’ll disappear to some exotic tropical island from November 1 to January 1 where possibly less emphasis is placed on these upcoming key holidays. I’m getting better about that now but November is still rough on me. It settles over me like a dark, looming cloud. It’s when I lost my only sibling…my rock; my safety net…while we were both too darn young, and it’s when my dad started getting really sick (which led to his passing a short time thereafter) several years ago, so I know that’s part of it, but I was thinking that it’s also because I’m feeling so uneasy and fearful about this election/outcome…how can we all not be shaken to our core over what has transpired over these past few months and of course much longer with the process…and I’m probably needing a hug from my father; a reassuring hug that everything will be all right. (I’ve missed those hugs.) Sounds weird for ‘an old lady’ to say such a thing…but I’m needing comfort right now when really nobody around me can seem to give it because they’re not feeling very much at ease either. I’m invited to an elections return party tonight but I’m fighting a cold, so I’ve decided to rest on the sofa in the comfort of home, box of kleenex on the table…and, right about now, that cup of hot chocolate is sounding mighty good. This time (it’s like 1:00am here PST; yep, I’m up) tomorrow, part of this whole election mess will be over but, like so many of your readers, Claudia, echoing what you’ve said as well, just HOW much will be over remains to be seen, i.e. concession et al.
My stuffy head isn’t helping me think/write right…I meant to say election returns, not elections return.
I really miss talking politics with my dad – in his last years, we had some really interesting conversations about the world and politics.
We voted early this morning and now we wait.
Je pense très fort à vous, Claudia, je suis de tout coeur avec vous.
Merci beaucoup, Claude! xoxoxo
I would like to say that this “Nasty Woman” cast her ballot early last weekend. The turnout was higher than I have ever seen. There were in my opinion more women and minorities voting than I have seen in the last 35+ years that I have been eligible to vote. I hope that this was a good sign. I too vote in every election state, county and city as well. It is our duty as American citizens to vote and make our opinions heard. I too can’t wait until this circus is over.
The weather is changing so treat yourself to a wonderful cup of hot cocoa.
That sort of turnout sounds positive, Deanna. Good to know!
Yes! Hot cocoa this afternoon – thank you!
We vote by mail in Oregon so our ballots went out last Friday. May good people prevail and this country make history tomorrow with our first female President!
Amen, Sue! What a day that will be!
Over 800,000 voted early in Wisconsin. I hope that is a good indicator. I am so confused by all of the talk, I don’t even know what to think any longer. Each person wants to spin it, and I find I have been really dizzy over all of it the past several months. I thought it was interesting to hear that upon the “change of heart of the FBI regarding the e-mails”, that the stock market has surged this morning. I pray for the safety of everyone who votes tomorrow. I can’t believe we even have to worry about such a thing in 2016 in the United States of America.
I can’t either. Sigh.
Vote, indeed, Chris. Thanks. xo
I’m afraid that I have nothing new and refreshing to add, but you know how I feel about this election. Your readers seem to be thoughtful and caring people. I’m glad that I read all of the responses, here. A morning without internet gave me a chance to get some painting done and a break in all of the madness out there. When I voted last week, I noticed a lot more women and minorities in line, too. Hope it’s a good omen.
I hope so, too, Shanna!
I’ve been feeling completely exhausted. When words, unusually, fail me. You just wrote with great eloquence of what ails too many of us. I’m voting early tomorrow.
We are too, Vicki. Hang in there!
I will proudly vote tomorrow for our first woman President Of The United States Of America! I get a lump in my throat just thinking about it and I pray that she wins!
I hope that our country will recover from this, but if Trump happens to win I know that we will NEVER recover. That thought is absolutely both terrifying and horrific to me!
Thank you for your wonderful blog, Claudia. It’s been a happy place for me these last few months. I know of so many Trump supporters that it sickens me, including members of my own family….
Such a beautiful photo today! So peaceful, and such lovely light and color.
Thank you for your kind words, Lily! Let’s all be ‘stronger together’!
Thank you for the hug, I sure needed it , However, I want to apologize to you all for airing my dirty laundry on your comment section. From here on out I take your example and move ahead thinking positively and looking forward to our new president Hillary Clinton! I have to realize everyone has the right to their vote (even if they are wrong : ) hee hee)
Hugs to you and Don
Hugs right back at ya, Sue. Don’t worry about writing from your heart. This is a safe place.
Oh, I’m so with you in wanting this to be over. It seems like things have been so divisive for so long, particularly here in Wisconsin with all the controversies with Walker and how destructive his policies have been. Then we get to listen to a blowhard “billionaire,” who has done nothing for anyone but himself, spout hatred, misogyny, and sexism for a year and a half. My husband has been traveling for weeks, first in Asia, now Israel and Europe, and being asked what is wrong with Americans to even for one moment consider this guy.
Then you’ve got the whole cottage industry (established in 1992) which is devoted to smearing Hillary Clinton because she didn’t fit everybody’s cookie cutter definition of a suitable First Lady. Pardon her, but she has a law degree and wants to use it. I ventured into heavily Republican Waukesha County on Saturday to shop, hoping I’d escape unscathed. It wasn’t to be. Behind me in line at one store were 3 women lamenting how awful Trump is but that Hillary is “evil,” so what to do. “You know she’s killed a bunch of people,” one woman said to the other 2. “You look it up. There are many people associated with the Clintons who have wound up missing or dead.” I bit my lip and stared straight ahead the entire time (for which I nominated myself for some kind of award). How indeed will we “come together” when there are boatloads of people ready to believe unbelievable stuff without hesitation?
While I’m a bit anxious and more than a little sad I’ll be alone tomorrow night to watch the election returns, my husband has promised he’ll stay up in Paris and text me. Can’t wait for this to end and, somehow I’m going to revel in the fact that we elected the first female president. My 91 yr old mother reminded me the other day that’s something to be very proud of.
That people believe this sort of nonsense never ceases to amaze me! They obviously want to believe it and lap it up without doing a modicum of research. Such willful ignorance!
Hugs to your mother, Kay!
I’ve already voted, too! Now I’m listening to the speeches in Philadelphia. President Obama’s speech in Michigan today was amazing….I love our president. I think this is why your blog is our happy place because we can speak up without worrying about someone attacking us. I, too, am disappointed in Susan Sarandon. She doesn’t know us very well!
For my children’s sake and all the other children in this country , I hope and pray for the right outcome tomorrow. Peace!
Those speeches by Obama were amazing and the event in Philadelphia was glorious! Peace to you, Jan!
I am in tears just from reading the comments here Claudia…You do have the most amazing readers…I feel like my stomach has been in knots all day today…I have thought to myself…no one should have to feel this way about voting for their president…but there it is like a sore in the pit of my soul…I also wonder what effect this is having on my son….he has severe agoraphobia and a fear of people and violence…he has not even left our home for the equivalent of a month of days this year…When he sees people at these rallies acting so nasty and violent toward others…well that just fortifies what his illness is telling him…that he should fear people…that no one can be trusted…sadly, I’m beginning to wonder myself at times…then I read comments from your readers here and it gives me a bit of hope again…that there are so many good people out there…That together we will fight against the wrong, the injustice, the evil in this world…even in our own country, we will speak up and raise our voices just as we have all done here today…We thank you, Claudia, for allowing us to do so…Do I think it will all be over tomorrow…no…I think it will take a long time to recover from this…The way we look at our friends, neighbors and politicians and many others has changed so drastically that we may never be the same…No matter what your beliefs may be my friends…this would be a good time to pray….Nancy
My readers are the most wonderful, intelligent, and compassionate people! Including you, Nancy.
I’m so sorry about the effect of all this on your son. It must be so unsettling and frightening for him. Please give him a hug from all of us. xo
Great post! Reading it on Tue morning as I was gone all day with my friend Carter. He found a house, put in an offer and it was accepted. Now to do all the inspections and hopefully close on it before the end of Dec. I avoided all the election stuff as much as possible yesterday. Now just waiting for the results! Long day and night I think. Hugs!
Glad Carter found a house! That must be exciting! Hugs to you, my friend.