I’d like to wish my sister a very Happy Birthday! Her birthday is actually Saturday and she is in Amsterdam until Monday. Love you, Meredith! Your little sheep are in the mail – finally.
I will be leaving Sunday around 1:00 in the afternoon. Sunday is the 4th, as you know, and that means it is the 16th anniversary of the day Don and I met. We met at the beach. Our friend, Kathy, had a 4th of July party every year – she lived in a charming cottage in Ocean Beach. Yes, Don and I literally saw fireworks the day we met! And four years later, on the same date, he asked me to marry him. My long flights, coupled with the time difference, mean I won’t land until close to midnight. I may just make it home on our anniversary.
I drove out to Vignettes one more time this week. Lori happened to be there for a short time (she is recovering from back surgery) and I was happy I had a chance to say goodbye. Here are some photos:
The bird cage and the fabulous zinc table in the next photo were found at an estate sale. Whoever owned these loved this shade of blue. So do I. Sigh.
Do you remember the photo of a wedding dress that was in my last post about Vignettes? Lori told me someone saw it on my blog and fell in love it. I’m not sure who it was, but she purchased it. That makes me happy.
Given my strong feelings about not being away from my home for another spring and my increasing distaste for the direction in which this theater is headed, I have a feeling I won’t be back to San Diego for a while. I’ll miss all of my friends. I’m so glad I was fortunate enough to spend time with you. I wish you only the best!
I’ll probably lay low for a few days when I first get home. After some cleaning and weeding and cuddles with my husband and dogs, I’ll be back.
I just realized that this is my 500th post!
That triple mirror is divine. Love the bird cage. Home for you my dear! Awesomeness. Rest up says nurse Olive.
Happy Anniversary! I hope you do make it home, if only for a few moments on your anniversary.
Your photos are fab, I love that shade of blue as well. The zinc table is totally amazing.
Happy 4th, and happy traveling!
Hi Claudia! Hooray you’ll be home again shortly and I am so happy for you!! Air travel is really light on the 4th. David and I flew home from Phoenix a couple of years ago on the 4th and both the airport and flight were nearly empty. I hope that you don’t have to wait in any long lines and have room to stretch out on the plane. Hopefully you will make it back home for such a special anniversary!! Safe trip … until next time I will spend more time admiring all of the lovely vintage items in that charming shop!!
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
Have a great, safe, trip home, and don’t worry about blogging……we’ll all be here waiting for you. You’ll need to rest up from all the activity (wink, wink) ;o)
Happy 4th, and Anniversary!
Happy 4th, happy anniversary and welcome back to your little bit of home, sweetpea! I’m sure you’ll be ecstatic to BE home.
Have a safe trip home. Happy Anniversary to you and Don! Rest and relax. You deserve it!
Well Happy Anniversary to you both! I thought of you this morning when I was driving by someone’s trash and spied something light aqua blue. It was a pressed back chair in your shade of aqua. I can’t believe that I did this, but I backed the car up and loaded it into my car. The kicker is that there were people outside. This is the first time I’ve done something like this and in front of people makes it even funnier!
Safe travels my friend.
Hearting that bird cage and the color is just perfect!
Happy Anniversary my dear!
Thanks for the one last look around. I love the striped wing back chair. I’m happy for you that you’ll be back home with your loved ones. Safe travels.
Happy anniversary for Sunday! But I have to ask: who is going to post Vignettes images for me now? Am I going to have to go myself? (Your posts encouraged me to go once, which I did as a birthday treat.) (And if I do, do I need to ask the gal behind the counter for permission to take pics?)
I love that birdcage. Loveses it. But where would I put it?
Claudia, I know you’ll be so glad to get home. It would be hard to be away that long. Have a great celebration when you return. Happy first date anniversary!!
Dear Claudia, hope you can make it home ont time to celebrate with your loved one!!!!
Your friend has such a great place, I would take everything with me!!
many hugs,
maria cecilia
Have a safe and good flight home and hope you make it in time for a few minutes to celebrate your anniversary. Congratulations. Happy 4th!
A very safe trip home to you, Claudia – and happy Anniversary to you and Don! … Donna
Dear Claudia, First of all, congratulations on 500 posts! My goodness!! Secondly, Happy, happy Anniversary! Thirdly, safe travels!! You’re almost home! xo – g
Ah, Claudia, I feel like you are leaving me, even though we’ve not seen each other for a YEAR! Please, when you get settled, call me.
Safe journeys.
Love and xoxo
What a wonderful love story!! Happy Anniversary!! I do hope you make it home on your anniversary – how special that would be. Congrats on your 500th! How sweet that the wedding dress sold, all because of your blog.
have a safe trip home Claudia…i hope you get in in time to have a kiss from your sweetie on your anniversary:)
Wow, congratulations on your 500th post!
Take is easy when you get home (and even if it’s not still the 4th in local time it must be somewhere in the world so Happy Anniversary!) and we’ll see you when you are rested and reconnected :)
The pictures of the “stuff” are wonderful. I am so glad it is time for you to come home. Have a wonderful reunion with hubby and pups.
Happy anniversaries!
Safe travels home.
Wonderful post and I am so happy you are returning home! My mother and father in law celebrate 58 years of marriage on the 4th! They wanted their wedding day to be one that was celebrated by all every year! Those photos are just gorgeous and I also love, love, love, that shade of blue. It pulls me right in. Love the photo with all the old mirrors. Wow! Someone purchased something from that shop after seeing it on your blog? Boy…do you have influence!! Ha ha…Did you get any commission for that? Ha! Have a safe trip home and enjoy your family. Happy anniversary to your blog and to you and hubby! That’s so romantic…meeting on the 4th and him popping the question then too! He must be a real special guy.
Sweet story of how you & Don met – I’m so happy you’ll be home soon!
Smiles & hugs,
aaahhhh my fav store!! I would visit every week if I lived closer!!!
Have a safe trip home sorry our paths didn’t cross while you were here..
I am sure your family is soooo exicted to see you!!
Have a Happy fourth filled with Joy:))
Kay Ellen
Five hundred posts! Congrats!!!! I am so impressed you made a sale through your blog!
That bird cage is simply amazing.
Hope you make it home in time and happy anniversary!!!!
Bella Rosa Antiques
Claudia! I’m so happy that you are getting to go home tomorrow on your “anniversary”! What a great way to celebrate the Fourth!!!
Thinking of you in your travels. Be safe and take good care.
Happy Fourth to you and Don and Happy Birthday to Meredith!
Sheila :-)
Have a safe trip home! Happy Anniversary to you & your hubby!
500 posts? Wow girl! Congratulations!
But real Congratulations are in order for you and Don…that was such a sweet story!!! I hope you make it back on time. If you see you are running late, stop your watch and enjoy the moment :)
Have a safe trip back HOME…I know you are so excited.
Take all the time you need to catch up on your lovin’. We can’t be greedy as we’ve had all of you while you were in Cali :)
Happy 4th! Be safe! & Congrats!
Oh Claudia,
It’s so hard to say good-bye to our most loyal & devoted friend of the shop & yet your love awaits you! How can we compete with that?!
This post truly had it all, your love story, your San Diego goodbye,
& your 500th post! Wow!
I’m going to be keeping in great touch with you because there’s still so much to share!
Can’t wait for Romantic Homes’ September issue – wink, wink, nod, nod & I’ll be sending you an invite to Vignettes’ 15th year anniversary soiree in October – who knows??????
Love You Gal!
Lori @ Vignettes
Dear Claudia:
I’m so happy that you’re finally heading back home to Don and the doglets! I’ve missed them right along with you. ;-) I love the photos you shared from vignettes! That zinc table and benches would match my handcrafted kitchen light fixture perfectly! A friend made the light for me after I found a beautiful blue zinc pot rack with seashells as decoration. I’ll have to show you some time. Enjoy your homecoming, and Happy Anniversary to you and Don.
Hello Claudia, Just letting you know that I sent you an email that you were the winner of my necklace giveaway! I wanted to leave a comment as well just incase the email didn’t go through… thanks so much for entering! Please email me your address whenever you get a second and I will get it in the mail to you early next week..
xo Heather
Happy Birthday Sissy.
Great pictures of the fun shop.
Have a safe trip home.
Happiness to you my dear blog friend. Cory~Dogwood
You always have the most beautiful photos! You’re one of my go-to gals for inspiration.
Wow, Happy 500th!!! :-)
Looks like a great shop to visit on your last few days in San Diego-I’m sure you’ll be just tickled to get home.
You may already be home by the time I’m typing this. Welcome back to your home!
Congrats on the 500th post, your anniversary, and your trip home! You didn’t tell me all that! Holding out on me, are you? Well, I’ll give you a few days to lie low and then turn on your computer, call me up, and we’ll do what we always do. By the way, love that triple mirror they’ve got there. (I found something perfect for my garden room today! Now I’ve got to figure out how to get pics on P’s computer to show you.) I’ll be getting something in the mail to you whenever I get out next. On my time, you’ll be leaving in about 30 minutes. Be safe!!!
Stopped by again to wish you a Happy 4th of July and a Very Happy Anniversary too!! All of the best to you and Don!
Susan and Bentley
happy anniversary…..
welcome home!!!
congrats on 500 and good luck
with all the work those first few days!! hope you get some rest too.
be safe….happy 4th
I know you are home by now!!!!
hi claudia,
you will be reading this comment FROM HOME! hooray!
beautiful pics.
enjoy your homecoming, sweetie!
Many special congrats on your anniversary (loved the history of your meeting) and your 500th post!
Happy 5th of July, Claudia!
Wow, 500 posts, that is so wonderful. Have a safe trip home. I enjoyed looking at the pictures and wish I could pop in and buy that little chair/love seat (not sure what it’s called for my studio.
Wow, 500 posts, that is so wonderful. Have a safe trip home. I enjoyed looking at the pictures and wish I could pop in and buy that little chair/love seat (not sure what it’s called for my studio.
It’s been so fun to see these pictures from San Diego while you were there!
I am sure you are so very happy to be home finally! Enjoy your time with your Husband and your pups and Happy Anniversary!
Oh Claudia, I do hope you had a wonderful anniversary! The trip to Vignettes was a treat! I saw a mirror that I would adore to have in my house. I loved the little settee too.
Claudia-I’m late- You should be home by now and enjoying kisses and hugs from your hubby and your sweet puppies!! I am so happy you are home ♥
Hello Sweet Claudia,
I will always cherish our special day we spent together in Old Town Temecula! I felt as tho I have known you all my life. You are a darling woman, inside and out and it was an honor to met you. I know you are enjoying your time at home with hubby and the dogs. I am so happy for you.
Hi Claudia,
I have been catching up with you today and I love the vignettes! I really love the cream loveseat.
I bet you will be so happy to get home to you husband and to share your anniversary. There is no place like home!
Take care and Happy Anniversary to you….
Hugs, Elizabeth