We had an out-of-the-blue snow shower this morning, the kind where big, fat snow flakes are swirling around in the air, settling on the ground and on surfaces, only to disappear a short time later. Rather magical.
So I pulled on my coat and boots and took a picture or two.
Now the sun is trying to make an appearance. We’re not quite there yet. Update: It just emerged!
Warmer temperatures are on the docket for the week ahead. Not unseasonably warm, just what they should be at this time of year. Now we enter that in-between time here in the Northeast. It’s no longer winter, but it’s not warm enough to do anything in the garden. I do have some cleanup to do from the fallen tree limb, but I want to be completely done with this cold before I attempt that. I’m looking forward to it, though! Just getting out there and doing something (other than shoveling snow) will be lovely.
I promised you a picture of the bunny pillow and promptly forgot about it until this morning. Here it is. I love this design, which looks like it’s been carved out of a wood block and stamped on the fabric. I haven’t seen any of my bunnies yet, but when they appear, I’ll be a happy camper.
As long as they stay out of my garden.
Happy Sunday.
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