Hi everyone. I’m really under the weather and just can’t concentrate enough to write a post. Also, tomorrow we’re going to be hit by our 4th nor’easter in three weeks. I am so over all of this and I sure as heck can’t shovel.
Think of any cuss word and I can guarantee you I’ve said it in the last 24 hours.
Anyway, I have to force myself to go out and run some errands because I don’t know when I’ll be able to get out again. The predictions about this storm are all over the place so I have no idea how much heavy, wet snow will fall.
I’m over it.
If you don’t see a post tomorrow or the next day, it will simply be because I want to rest.
Happy Tuesday.
Debbie Price says
Pack a bag, grab a box of tissues, catch the bus, hide out at Don’s apartment!
Linda @ A La Carte says
I hope you rest up and get to feeling better soon. My Mom is under the weather also, so I’ve been making sure she gets her meds and rests. Ugh to all this weather, hey someone needs to tell snow that it’s now SPRING!! Hugs to you my friend.
Mamey says
Hope you feel better! Just chill out at home and rest.
Vicki says
oh, gosh, it’s so hard to do ANYthing when you feel unwell – I hope you can just fall onto the bed or sofa as soon as you get done with your supplies-run and just wrap yourself in a blankie and sleep – will be thinking best/healing thoughts for you; stay in (once in) and stay safe…
Chris K in Wisconsin says
Happy First Day of Spring ~ yeah, right. Hope you are finished w/ your errands and you can fall onto the couch or into bed and sleep. And sleep. I hope you will be feeling better soon, Claudia!
Robin says
Please take care of yourself Claudia! Fingers crossed this Nor’easter doesn’t hit you as hard as the others.
Fiona says
Take care, I hope you feel better soon.
shanna says
So this is Spring!? @(*&$-##)! Enjoy your nor’easter—we’ve got storms and tornado warnings today. Blankie time sounds like a good idea. Ugh.
Wendy T says
Hope you can stock up on your provisions and then hunker down for the duration. Unless you’re able to do what Debbie suggested…go hang out at Don’s apartment… feel much much better, Claudia. I know you’re over the weather, and the not feeling well.
Siobhan says
Sending well wishes for a swift recovery . I find chocolate always helps!
Janet in Rochester says
Smart. Very smart, Claudia. Get your supplies & then hunker down & rest up. Rest is probably the best thing you can do [well, rest & plenty of liquids]. And if you find you can’t sleep, don’t force yourself. Find something interesting to listen to [music, TV – whatever], get comfy, close your eyes & enjoy. Keep those eyes closed – it’s amazing how much more you actually here [plus I think it’s more restful]. Here’s hoping the storm peters out or blows over [it could happen]. Peace – and Happy First Day of Spring! 🌷
Carol says
Take care of yourself and get well soon. It’s snowing and freezing rain here in Baltimore. I’m ready for 75 degrees and sunny.
Carolyn Marie says
Take care Claudia. All the viral stuff going around is nasty. After 3 weeks of flu, bronchitis, and asthma, I just finished my course of prednisone. Still not 100%. My doc said that many people are getting pneumonia from this bug.
KarenL says
Claudia I hop you feel better soon. I’m so over the snow too – they just keep coming! Don’t shovel – it will melt quick enough. Happy first day of Spring.
Joanne says
I am SOOOOOO over this weather! It seems that every year it bothers me more and more. I think I am ready to move to somewhere where it’s warm all year round. I get tired waiting for spring :0(
Feel better Claudia!
Blessings, Joanne
tammy j says
no words.
try to just rest. this blog is the last thing you should worry about.
can’t you tell you’re loved? we’d come around if you only posted once in a blue moon!
get well dearest bean.
Karen Milano says
Feel better, Claudia – indeed… here we go again. This particular winter does not want to let go.
Suzan Stoddard says
Please be careful with your health- look at the mess I got into because I thought it was just a bad cough and cold. 4 months later I’m still not back to snuff.
Donnamae says
I hope you are back home…resting after your errands. I’ve been keeping myself busy with projects…waiting until spring really, truly arrives. Perhaps a long nap is in order…then when you awake…it will really be springtime. And being all congested certainly doesn’t help. Take care…and sleep! ;)
Nancy Blue Moon says
Fear Claudia…please rest and take care of you…don’t worry about shoveling it will melt soon enough and might make you feel worse if you do it!…We are expecting the snow too…I hate it…it is now Spring!…let us alone…we have gardens to tend to!
Nancy Blue Moon says
Dear Claudia…
Cheryl Lawson says
Hi Claudia,
You are not suffering alone. Everyone I know has had it with the snow. This year, DH and I escaped in our little camper just in time to miss all of the March Northeasters…so glad we did. Writing this from the mountains of North Carolina, which actually might get a few flurries tomorrow but at least not a Northeaster. Hang in there! ~Cheryl
Marilyn says
Hope you feel better soon. I am dreading this latest storm. They are predicting 6 to 10 inches for my area. Get some rest .
grace says
Dear Claudia, you’ve been dealing with continuous events all the way from the exhausting to the exhilarating which has likely taken it’s toll. May you take it as easy as you can while being under the weather (in and outside) and find your way back to your center and well being. I well know this is easier said than done and as i’ve also woken to a cold will try to do the same.All the best!
kathy in iowa says
hope you have all the supplies you need – as well as some treats. that you can rest and sleep and will soon feel better. that the storm passes you by and any snow you get melts without need of shoveling. that you don’t think about your blog, just rest.
see you when you get back.
kathy in iowa
Dottie says
Take care in this heavy, wet snow! Rest, read and play Angel Biscuits on Stella.
Heather says
I hope you feel better soon, Claudia!!! Hang in there. :)
Kay says
Sending “get well” wishes. What an awful way to start spring.
Susie Stevens says
Claudia, I just saw Don on the Evening News , Lester Holt. I pointed him out to my husband. What a thrill . I hope you saw it too. I just had to let you know. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
Claudia says
So glad you saw it. I watched it later last night. Thanks, Susie!