Scout is driving me nuts.
She paces. She pants. She can’t relax. I had to wrestle her to the ground a couple of times to get her to go to sleep. She walks to the bathroom. She looks in the closet. She paces. She paces. And she paces some more.
She usually adjusts more easily and quickly than this. She’s clearly stressed and unsure about what is going on.
I’m trying to be patient.
She does love the park, however.
That part of the whole thing is cool. She sniffs. She explores. She loves it.
It’s just the hotel that she’s unsure of.
And to complicate things, and what about this isn’t complicated, I didn’t get the room I requested, but it will be available later today. So after rehearsal, we have to move again. Then, in two weeks, we have to move again – into the apartment.
I don’t remember her being this crazy when she stayed at an apartment here a year ago. Or when we stayed overnight at Don’s apartment in New Haven. She just can’t relax.
This is hard on her. Consequently, it’s hard on me.
I have to leave her to go to rehearsal today, so I hope she can finally relax. At the very least, all this anxiety should tire her out, don’t you think?
I’m more than a bit frazzled myself.
New post up on Just Let Me Finish This Page.
Happy Friday.
Perhaps another dog has left his/her “scent” in the apartment (bathroom & closet) which is disturbing Scout. Or maybe rodents have taken up residence in these areas ? ( just thinking out loud, not judging the room.) Dogs have such a keen sence of smell and are so very protective of their humans/ pack that the aggitation might not be from the traveling but from the apartment itself.
Hopefully the new apartment will calm Dame Scout and you can relax.
Very doubtful about any rodents, but there may have been another dog or cat here, that’s for sure. She’s finally sleeping a bit as I write this. But we’ll have to go through it again, later today. Sigh.
Poor sweet Scout. Claudia, She wants to settle in and maybe is a bit confused. The park probably is lots of fun for her. I wish you a great time there. xoxo,Susie
Thanks, Susie. Fingers crossed!
I’m not going to give any advice here, but to say it’s her age. Dogs get comfortable in their home environment and as they get old….it’s hard to change that.
Yes, I’m sure that it’s harder because she’s older. She likes the adventure, but the hotel is confusing to her.
A couple sprays of Rescue Remedy always helps my elderly dog settle down and feel calm. You can find it at a health food store. Works very well for their humans too. Hope she feels better soon.
I have some Rescue Remedy at home, unfortunately. Can’t get to a health food store until Monday.
Our dog always had a hard time in hotels too. Poor Scout. Being an elderly dog, she is probably disoriented. Not unlike an elderly person who is moved and has a hard time settling down in new environs.
I feel so sorry for her. She’s sleeping now. But there are more changes ahead, poor thing.
Hi Claudia, So sorry this is tough on both you and Scout. I would guess that that might be many, many more odors in a hotel than in an apartment and, possibly as others have said, another pet stayed in the same room. I hope the new room works out better for you and hopefully the 2 weeks until apartment time will go quickly. Good luck!
You’re probably right, Vera. There must be a lots of smells here that only Scoutie can detect. I worry about my girl.
I called the kennel that I’m leaving the dogs at and explained that this would be a new experience for them both and she said it usually takes two days for them to stop pacing (she actually said that ) and to settle down. The dogs are so like humans but that language barrier is a rough one. Don’t you just wish you could tell her that this just temporary and everything will be just fine soon…..
Love you,
Oh, that gives me hope, Eileen. She’s still nervous. Just took her for a walk in the park because I have to leave in a half hour for rehearsal. I do keep telling her this is temporary, but I don’t think she trusts me on that one! xo
Oh…say it isn’t so! Maybe she just needs a few days to get used to things. Hoping….fingers crossed things settle down for you! ;)
Thanks, Donnamae!
Poor Scoutie! I’m sure she’ll get adjusted soon. So many changes in a little time – no Don, lots of traveling, new environments, mama leaving the room, etc. She’ll feel at home soon. Good thoughts coming your way for Scoutie and you!
Yes, it has definitely been hectic for this stay-at-home girl. Too much in a short time!
Poor Scout baby! He probably smells 400 different things he wants to tell you about!
Probably…Hope she gets settled soon!
Sweet girl. She is a bit bewildered. Your walks to the park will be delightful for her, and once a routine of sorts is established she will find her place. We older girls just need to take a bit of time to get situated. :-)
Well, I sure do!
Dogs are so intuitive, and get so excited and nervous with change…hope she settles for you soon!
She’s a tiny bit better today. But we moved rooms and that’s confusing to her.
I’m so very sorry to hear your poor girl is having some anxiety issues. I am in total agreement with others and would bet she is detecting some odor that is irritating her…or perhaps she can hear high pitched noise you can’t. If only our fur babies could talk and tell us what is troubling them!!! Our little senior citizen doggie had a horrible anxiety problem a few weeks ago and I could not pin point the trigger, but the pacing, panting and lack of sleep was beginning to wear on my nerves. Our vet is very compassionate toward aging dogs and listened patiently and suggested “zylkene”. After two doses, our old boy was back to his old self. I purchased the pills from the vets office and won’t lie–they were a bit pricey, but I wanted to help my faithful old friend relax. I wish there was a way I could share some capsules with you for your sweet girl! I know we all send positive vibes your way in helping restore her sweet calm spirit.
Hoping she settles down a bit tomorrow.
Poor Scout and Poor Claudia! When our furry one’s are stressed so are we. I hope the change in rooms doesn’t drive her crazy again. Hopefully she will relax a bit more and get some rest. YOU TOO Claudia!! Hugs and more hugs!
Thank you, Linda!
Poor Scoutie. I know as I get older it’s harder to adjust to change. Deep down it’s better that she’s with you though. Catching up on your old post, we need rain badly it’s been weeks since we have had a puddle around here…not good to go into winter dry. I hope things settle down for you soon. Have a good weekend.
Thanks, Missy. Much better that she’s with me than in a kennel or even with a good friend. At this point in her life, she needs her mom and dad.
We will never really know for sure, but maybe she is looking for Don. At least she has the park. Once she gets acclimated to her surroundings I’m sure she will settle down. Even people children get anxious in new places, Scout is no different.
She does love the park, that’s for sure.
I am thinking..maybe if it is a certain smell in that room when you move to the other room it might be’s a hopeful thought anyway..Glad she is doing well going to the park..I also think it is harder because she is older and she will eventually adjust..Good luck with her dear Claudia..
Bless her heart, she’s 15 1/2! It’s hard for her now. She doesn’t understand. Thank you, Nancy.
I’m reaching the age of change myself and it makes me pace, experience anxiety that I never had before, I don’t adjust well to change -never have really; irritability is high and I’m probably not very easy to live with.
Tell Scoutie it will be okay. Give he a hug for me. :)
Hey! Maybe one of those thunder jackets or whatever they’re called would be soothing for her.
Just a thought. Did you bring her own bedding?
{hugs} Pat
I don’t do nearly as well now with change as I did when I was younger. You’re right, Pat. I brought her quilts, and that helps. She needs to get used to the routine and there really hasn’t been a routine yet.
Aww, poor Momma. You don’t need this now. While it’s hard not to project our own interpretations, it’s also hard to know exactly what a dog is experiencing sometimes. I tell myself all the time my sister’s goofy & so-lovable Golden is just breathing and not actually grinning at me from ear-to-ear. Maybe Scout looks anxious, but is really just checking things out? Lots of unfamiliar [and exciting] sights and scents for her to investigate. And of course she’s missing Don too. I bet if she was really upset, she’d whimper or whine a bit and stick really close to you. The fact that she’s interested in looking around is a good thing. Like little kids on vacation or have moved to a new house, she’s busy exploring everything in her “new place.” If she was younger, she’d probably be zooming all over the place.
No, she was definitely anxious. I can tell by her eyes. And her pacing. That is Scout when she is anxious. Poor girl.
Poor Scout! We’ve never traveled overnight with Bella because I think that is exactly what she would do – pace! Hopefully, she’ll settle down.
I’d much rather not travel with her, Judy. But I have no choice! Daddy is away, so Mom has to bring her to Hartford!
Poor Scout! I hope she’s able to settle down more quickly with the next moves. Take care, Tammy