It’s sunny and it’s 28 degrees, but it will get into the 50s today. Even warmer in the coming days.
Happy first day of Spring!
More and more birds are singing every morning. I am going to keep my eyes open for the appearance of a robin. I suspect they’re already around. I just haven’t seen them.
The wind was relentless yesterday – a full 24 hours plus nonstop. Thankfully, today is much quieter.
I have a lot of dialect research to do today as I ended up just resting yesterday. But I’m feeling energetic today and ready to tackle pre-rehearsal prep.
Let’s see, who do we have here?
1. A happy, smiley running bunny. That’s a pale blue color on the cup, it’s just hard to see in the morning light. Made in Japan.
2. I love this one. The egg has a pearlescent luster glaze. That’s a mama duck and her baby. It’s beautifully done. Not sure, but I’m betting it’s made in Japan.
3. Another ‘house’ egg cup with two little chicks playing on a teeter-totter (that’s what we called them in my neighborhood.) Charming little cup.
4. A petite egg cup with a rabbit holding up the cup. It’s quite old and very heavy.
I haven’t really done a little egg cup tour in a couple of years and I’m enjoying the process of getting them out of the cubby and rediscovering how lovely they are. I took a quick gander at eBay yesterday. There are some figural egg cups there, but the pickings are slim. I don’t like new figural egg cups as a rule because they are clumsily made and don’t have the detail found on the vintage cups. There are some exceptions, but not many. True of a lot of things, right?
Time for another cup of coffee, a little work on the puzzle, and then – down to business.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.