Day 4 of rain and fog. I think we’re heading out of this weather pattern later today. Fingers crossed.
The *%*#show continues in Washington, DC, where we are being held hostage by the same people who incited and supported the insurrection, which took place two years ago today. I was sort of half watching yesterday – as was Don – and I finally had to say ‘No More.’ It was ludicrous and disgusting at the same time and I felt it taking its toll on my state of mind.
I finished reading the newest by Michael Connelly and returned it to the library. I started another book but I’m not sure I’m the mood for it. I’ll give it another chance later today. I also have to keep in mind that I’ll be commuting to NYC next week so I want whatever I’m reading to be light and portable.
A bit of a sigh here; I think I’m in the holiday letdown part of the month, where all the lights and magic are gone (save for our outdoor lights, they’re still up) and I’ve returned to daily worries about all sorts of things, including money and work and the future and friends who are ill. I’m sure I’m no different than anyone else – we’re so grateful when there’s something that takes us away from all of that – like Christmas. Or the movie premiere, in my case.
Speaking of that, I want to thank everyone who has watched Spoiler Alert. Some of you wrote to me, either on this blog or via an email, and your praise for my work means the world to me. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a lot of opening nights in my career, including two on Broadway – four, if you count Don’s – but coaching the movie and getting the chance to appear in it? The biggest deal of my career. So, thank you. I hope more of you get the chance to see it in the future. It’s such a wonderful movie. Don is crazy about it and he’s pretty picky. Yes, some of that is about me, but more than that, he thinks it’s wonderfully acted and directed and loves the story.
Okay. Time to do some laundry and chores.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.