I am lucky enough to work part-time at a local home and antique shop. The owner is a friend of mine who is enormously talented. She can arrange and display merchandise in such a wonderful way that every customer who comes in raves about the shop. I see lots of neat treasures all the time and manage to resist temptation. However, when this table came in I wasted no time in letting my friend know that I wanted it. She had other plans for it, but my heart was set on it. I hung in there until she realized that I was like a dog with a bone and she gave in – very graciously, I might add. Today we brought it home. Its a round table like many others, but I fell in love with the legs. I don’t know how well you can see them, but I love their curvy lines. The table also has two leaves, so we can have a nice group over for dinner. Our previous table was a primitive green work table that we have moved up to our office. We are very happy with our new addition. (Please excuse the slightly crooked photo.)
We also go to a lot of auctions. This is my newest McCoy vase that I won at auction the other night. Isn’t it lovely? Its called the “Strap Vase.”
Have a happy Monday!