The limelight hydrangeas are starting to turn pink, a sure sign of impending autumn.
I was outside on Sunday with my telephoto lens, trying to capture a photo of the goldfinch who was munching on coneflower seeds. This little one was tenacious! He/She would perch on the top of a stem, or on top of the flower itself, and yank those seeds out. But only on the older coneflowers that were fading, not on the others. I’m going to keep an eye out today to see if the goldfinch returns. He was here both Saturday and Sunday.
I was up early today because Don had to get on the road early, so I heard the Carolina wrens peeping as they woke up. It’s fairly quiet on our busy road when it’s just turning light, so there’s an intimacy to that sound, as if the bird and I are the only ones aware of it. And I think we were.
Another foggy morning today, foggier than yesterday morning.
As the election heats up, I may be encountering more negative comments, like the 3 I had over the weekend. If I feel they are inappropriate, I will delete them and block the commenter. Not because that person is disagreeing with me, but because the comment is ill intentioned, and in one case this weekend, full of falsehoods about what I said in Saturday’s post. There’s no reasoning with that.
Anyway, not to belabor this sort of thing – because we’ve seen it before – but I’m going to turn on comment moderation. That means that you won’t see your comment right away. It will come to me for moderation. Since I usually monitor the blog during the day, your comments should be approved quickly. I just wanted to give you a heads up so you won’t think there’s something wrong with the blog and/or your comment. Okay?
I’m close to the end of my first John Sandford book and I’ve really enjoyed it. Suddenly, I have seven books from the library here at the house; two of them Don is reading, and the other five are in a pile next to my chair. I love a good thriller/mystery/spy novel.
I hope you had a good weekend!
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.